947 resultados para Pulpal wound


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S'estudia la histologia normal de la paret corporal d'Hirudo medicinalis i els canvis morfogenètics que es donen durant el procés de cicatrització de ferides per incisió, cauterització i nitrat de plata. El procés de curació de ferides a Hirudo medicinalis consta d'una fase de formació d'un tap cel·lular, el pseudoblastema, d'un procés de reepitelització i de la formació d'un teixit cicatricial, com en els altres hirudinis estudiats (Myers, 1935; LeGore i Sparks, 1971; Cornec, 1984). Hem observat també el fenomen de la contracció de la ferida que permet l'acostament dels marges de la ferida. Formació i evolució del pseudoblastema El pseudoblastema, a diferència d'altres espècies estudiades, està format per un sol tipus cel·lular: les cèl·lules vasocentrals, provinents del teixit vasofibrós, una especialització del teixit connectiu. Aquestes cèl·lules estan capacitades per realitzar les diferents funcions que en espècies rincobdèl·lides realitzen diferents tipus cel·lulars. En concret: taponament de la ferida a través de la formació del pseudoblastema, fagocitosi dels teixits necrosats i regeneració, almenys d'una part, de la matriu connectiva cicatricial. També són responsables de la contracció de la ferida. Les cèl·lules vasocentrals en el seu estadi de repòs es troben en el teixit vasofibrós formant agrupacions coherents, però sense mostrar unions intercel·lulars especialitzades visibles en ME. La coherència del grup queda assegurada per les interdigitacions entre les cèl·lules vasocentrals i probablement per unions tipus adherens o especialitzades. Les unions amb la matriu són de tipus adherens. Aquestes cèl·lules vasocentrals presenten feixos de filaments d'actina força conspicus. En produir-se una ferida les cèl·lules vasocentrals s'activen, desconnecten les unions intercel·lulars i amb la matriu i migren cap a la zona afectada, on s'acumulen. El pseudoblastema actua com un tap cel·lular que funciona de forma eficient per tancar la ferida en un plaç de temps relativament curt. El pseudoblastema forma un teixit coherent amb unions intercel·lulars tipus adherens, caracteritzades per material electrodens en la cara intracitoplasmàtica, feixos de filaments d'actina que hi convergeixen i espais intercel·lulars petits, de 17-20 mm, atravessats per petites fibril·les. Un cop finalitzat el procés de reepitelització, es produeix una contracció de la ferida. Es produeix per la retracció del pseudoblastema cap a l'interior de l'animal. El pseudoblastema disminueix la seva amplària i arrossega els teixits contigus provocant un tancament. La força motriu que provoca la retracció i l'arrossegament dels teixits vindria donada per la presència dels filaments d'actina a les cèl·lules del pseudoblastema, els quals durant aquesta fase es tornen mes conspicus. La presència d'unions intercel·lulars especialitzades característiques de la fase de contracció, està relacionada amb la transmissió de la força de tensió. Aquestes unions connecten els feixos de filaments d'actina de les cèl·lules amb la matriu o d'una cèl·lula a altre a través d'espais intercel·lulars força amples en els que s'observa material electrodens. Reepitelització L'epitelització s'inicia quan el pseudoblastema està consolidat i segueix el mateix patró que la reepitelització de ferides en epitelis monoestratificats de vertebrats (Stem i DePalma, 1983, és a dir, per migració de tota la capa per sobre del substrat, segons l'anomenat model de lliscament. Les glàndules unicel·lulars mucoses del tegument degeneren abans de produir-se la migració epitelial i posteriorment, un cop consolidat l'epiteli a sobre de la ferida, es diferencien a partir de les cèl·lules epitelials. Durant l'epitelització es produeixen canvis importants en el citosquelet i les unions basals de les cèl·lules epitelials. En canvi, el complex d'unió lateral es manté durant tot el procés. En iniciar-se la migració els tonofilaments es desconnecten dels hemidesmosomes cuticulars i dèrmics i es reagrupen al voltant del nucli, a la vegada que els hemidesmosomes dèrmics es desconnecten de la làmina basal. Un cop acabada la migració, les cèl·lules epitelials estableixen unions basals amb les cèl·lules del pseudoblastema. Aquestes unions no són hemidesmosomes sinó que presenten el mateix aspecte que les unions intercel·lulars del pseudoblastema. Els hemidesmosomes no es tornen a formar fins que les cèl·lules epitelials han restablert la membrana basal. La regeneració de la membrana basal no s'inicia fins que no s'ha començat a regenerar matriu connectiva a la zona cicatricial. Regeneració de la cicatriu Al mateix temps que es dona el fenomen de contracció, s'observa regeneració de la matriu connectiva entre les cèl·lules del pseudoblastema. Aquestes cèl·lules són responsables almenys del recobriment fibrós que presenten en aquest estadi, durant el qual mostren sàculs del reticle endoplasmàtic rugós molt dilatats, característics de cèl·lules que secreten constituents de la matriu. A més, s'observa infiltració de matriu connectiva i processos citoplasmàtics dels fibròcits en els marges del pseudoblastema. En la matriu del teixit connectiu normal s'observen fibres que estan constituïdes per un còrtex de fibril·les col·làgenes organitzades al voltant dels processos citoplasmàtics dels fibròcits. Les fibres del teixit connectiu peridigestiu, d'uns 1,2-1,9 mm de diàmetre, presenten el còrtex prim, amb les fibril·les organitzades paral·lelament a l'eix de la fibra. En canvi, les fibres de la dermis i teixit connectiu intramuscular, d'uns 2,5-7,1 mm de diàmetre, tenen el còrtex gruixut, amb fibril·les que s'organitzen paral·lelament en la zona proximal a la medul·la i de forma desorganitzada en la part més distal. Als 8 mesos la cicatriu encara és detectable. La matriu cicatricial presenta fibres connectives del tipus prim i força material fibril·lar desorganitzat disposat laxament. S'observa colonització per part de fibròcits, cromatòfors, petites fibres musculars i nervis.


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La tesi de Crous (2009) descriu les característiques de les estructures gramaticals del català i del mandinga que expressen malalties, signes i símptomes, trets físics i psíquics, etc. (com ser diabètic, estar refredat, tenir febre, tenir un bony (a la cama), tenir mal de panxa o tenir mal a la panxa, venir un atac de tos, agafar febre o fer mal el cap). La tesi demostra que la conceptualització i la categorització dels estats patològics, la manera com els parlants perceben alguns aspectes dels estats (com la temporalitat, l'abast corporal, la causalitat o el grau d'afectació) i les relacions entre aquests estats i els altres dos participants de la situació d'afectació (una persona i les seves parts del cos), no només es posa de manifest en els mots d'una llengua sinó que també intervé en la construcció i en la distribució dels diferents participants dins d'una oració.


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O estudo teve como objeto analisar algumas características da produção bibliográfica sobre a Qualidade de Vida (QV) de portadores de Feridas Crônicas (FC) no Brasil entre 2000 e 2009. Para tanto, realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura através da busca de estudos indexados nas bases de dados da BIREME. Os materiais encontrados e utilizados foram sete artigos, uma dissertação e uma tese. Destes, a maioria dos artigos se concentrou no ano de 2001 e 2006, correspondendo a 50% das publicações levantadas. Os resultados demonstraram que apenas uma publicação, ou seja, (16,6%) dos dados, foi encontrada na Revista Ciencia y Enfermería online, Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing e Revista de Enfermagem da UERJ. Duas publicações, correspondendo a 33,3%, encontraram-se no Jornal Vascular Brasileiro e outros dois (33,3%) na Revista de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular. Em relação às categorias profissionais dos veículos-fontes de publicação, 62,5% das pesquisas são de enfermagem e 37,5% de medicina. De todas as pesquisas levantadas, 100% delas concentraram-se na região Sudeste. Acredita-se que através do conhecimento das características que norteiam as pesquisas sobre QV de portadores de feridas crônicas, é possível a mudança de foco para se estabelecer uma atenção mais direcionada a esta situação que vem se constituindo um grande problema da saúde pública brasileira.


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A grande diversidade de apósitos disponível para a recuperação da integridade cutânea torna complexa e difícil a sua escolha. Torna-se pois fundamental, aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o impacto específico dos diferentes materiais de penso. O presente estudo pretende ilustrar o impacto da oclusão na recuperação da função de “barreira” da pele e envolveu 8 mulheres saudáveis ( = 22,6±1,1) em cujos antebraços foram marcados 3 sítios experimentais sujeitos a biopsia superficial cutânea (BSC) com cianoacrilato, mantendo integro um quarto local, assim utilizado como controlo negativo (CN). Dois dos locais experimentais sujeitos a BSC foram aleatoriamente ocludidos com o apósito de hidroxipoliuretano (PermaFoam®, Hartmann)(sitio A) ou com parafilm (sitio B) e o terceiro local (sitio C) deixado sem oclusão, funcionando como controlo positivo (CP). As variáveis em estudo foram a Perda Transepidérmica de água (PTEA, Tewameter TM300), o eritrema (Minolta CR3000) e a microcirculação local (LDF Periflux). Os resultados sugerem uma mais rápida recuperação da integridade cutânea nos sítios ocludidos, quando comparados com o respectivo controle, salientando-se nestes, o local tratado com o apósito de hidroxipoliuretano. Conclui-se que, nas presentes condições experimentais, a oclusão determina uma maior e mais rápida recuperação da integridade cutânea in vivo.


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Jupiter’s magnetosphere acts as a point source of near-relativistic electrons within the heliosphere. In this study, three solar cycles of Jovian electron data in near-Earth space are examined. Jovian electron intensity is found to peak for an ideal Parker spiral connection, but with considerable spread about this point. Assuming the peak in Jovian electron counts indicates the best magnetic connection to Jupiter, we find a clear trend for fast and slow solar wind to be over- and under-wound with respect to the ideal Parker spiral, respectively. This is shown to be well explained in terms of solar wind stream interactions. Thus, modulation of Jovian electrons by corotating interaction regions (CIRs) may primarily be the result of changing magnetic connection, rather than CIRs acting as barriers to cross-field diffusion. By using Jovian electrons to remote sensing magnetic connectivity with Jupiter’s magnetosphere, we suggest that they provide a means to validate solar wind models between 1 and 5 AU, even when suitable in situ solar wind observations are not available. Furthermore, using Jovian electron observations as probes of heliospheric magnetic topology could provide insight into heliospheric magnetic field braiding and turbulence, as well as any systematic under-winding of the heliospheric magnetic field relative to the Parker spiral from footpoint motion of the magnetic field.


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Platelets are small blood cells vital for hemostasis. Following vascular damage, platelets adhere to collagens and activate, forming a thrombus that plugs the wound and prevents blood loss. Stimulation of the platelet collagen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI) allows recruitment of proteins to receptor-proximal signaling complexes on the inner-leaflet of the plasma membrane. These proteins are often present at low concentrations; therefore, signaling-complex characterization using mass spectrometry is limited due to high sample complexity. We describe a method that facilitates detection of signaling proteins concentrated on membranes. Peripheral membrane proteins (reversibly associated with membranes) were eluted from human platelets with alkaline sodium carbonate. Liquid-phase isoelectric focusing and gel electrophoresis were used to identify proteins that changed in levels on membranes from GPVI-stimulated platelets. Immunoblot analysis verified protein recruitment to platelet membranes and subsequent protein phosphorylation was preserved. Hsp47, a collagen binding protein, was among the proteins identified and found to be exposed on the surface of GPVI-activated platelets. Inhibition of Hsp47 abolished platelet aggregation in response to collagen, while only partially reducing aggregation in response to other platelet agonists. We propose that Hsp47 may therefore play a role in hemostasis and thrombosis.


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PDGF is a potent chemotactic mitogen and a strong inductor of fibroblast motility. In Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts, exposure to PDGF but not EGF or IGF-1 causes a rapid loss of actin stress fibers (SFs) and focal adhesions (FAs), which is followed by the development of retractile dendritic protrusions and induction of motility. The PDGF-specific actin reorganization was blocked by inhibition of Src-kinase and the 26S proteasome. PDGF induced Src-dependent association between the multifunctional transcription/translation regulator hnRNP-K and the mRNA-encoding myosin regulatory light-chain (MRLC)-interacting protein (MIR), a E3-ubiquitin ligase that is MRLC specific. This in turn rapidly increased MIR expression, and led to ubiquitination and proteasome-mediated degradation of MRLC. Downregulation of MIR by RNA muting prevented the reorganization of actin structures and severely reduced the migratory and wound-healing potential of PDGF-treated cells. The results show that activation of MIR and the resulting removal of diphosphorylated MRLC are essential for PDGF to instigate and maintain control over the actin-myosin-based contractile system in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. The PDGF induced protein destabilization through the regulation of hnRNP-K controlled ubiquitin-ligase translation identifies a novel pathway by which external stimuli can regulate phenotypic development through rapid, organelle-specific changes in the activity and stability of cytoskeletal regulators.


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The immediate impetus for the colony at Lingfield in Surrey was the desire by the Women's Farm and Garden Association to enable women who had worked on the land during the First World War to be able to farm on their own account. However the motivation for the colony can also be traced back to late nineteenth-century ideals. The colony soon ran into problems which were exacerbated by the adverse agricultural conditions of the early 1920s. The association responded constructively but the colony was wound down from 1929. At one level the colony could be seen as a failure, yet this article argues that the 19 colony provided a rural community where single women lived in a mutually supportive environment.


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Objective Myocardial repair following injury in mammals is restricted such that damaged areas are replaced by scar tissue, impairing cardiac function. MRL mice exhibit exceptional regenerative healing in an ear punch wound model. Some myocardial repair with restoration of heart function has also been reported following cryoinjury. Increased cardiomyocyte proliferation and a foetal liver stem cell population were implicated. We investigated molecular mechanisms facilitating myocardial repair in MRL mice to identify potential therapeutic targets in non-regenerative species. Methods Expressions of specific cell-cycle regulators that might account for regeneration (CDKs 1, 2, 4 and 6; cyclins A, E, D1 and B1; p21, p27 and E2F5) were compared by immunoblotting in MRL and control C57BL/6 ventricles during development. Flow cytometry was used to investigate stem cell populations in livers from foetal mice, and infarct sizes were compared in coronary artery-ligated and sham-treated MRL and C57BL/6 adult mice. Key findings No differences in the expressions of cell cycle regulators were observed between the two strains. Expressions of CD34+Sca1+ckit-, CD34+Sca1+ckit+ and CD34+Sca1-ckit+ increased in livers from C57BL/6 vs MRL mice. No differences were observed in infarct sizes, levels of fibrosis, Ki67 staining or cardiac function between MRL and C57BL/6 mice. Conclusions No intrinsic differences were observed in cell cycle control molecules or stem cell populations between MRL and control C57BL mouse hearts. Pathophysiologically relevant ischaemic injury is not repaired more efficiently in MRL myocardium, questioning the use of the MRL mouse as a reliable model for cardiac regeneration in response to pathophysiologically relevant forms of injury.


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Satellite cells represent the stem cell population of adult skeletal muscle. The molecular mechanisms that control the proliferation of satellite cells are not well understood. In this study, we show that in response to injury, myofibres activate Wnt ligand transcription and activate a reporter cell line that is sensitive to the canonical Wnt-signalling pathway. Activated satellite cells on isolated cultured myofibres show robust expression of activated-β-catenin (Act-β-Cat), a key downstream transcriptional coactivator of canonical Wnt signalling. We provide evidence that the Wnt family of secreted glycoproteins act on satellite cells in a ligand-specific manner. Overexpression of Wnt1, Wnt3a or Wnt5a protein causes a dramatic increase in satellite-cell proliferation. By contrast, exposure of satellite cells to Wnt4 or Wnt6 diminishes this process. Moreover, we show that the prolonged satellite-cell quiescence induced by inhibitory Wnt is reversible and exposing inhibited satellite cells to stimulatory Wnt signalling restores their proliferation rate. Stimulatory Wnt proteins induce premature satellite cell BrdU incorporation as well as nuclear translocation of Act-β-Cat. Finally, we provide evidence that the Act-β-Cat translocation observed in single fibres during in vitro culture also occurs in cases of acute and chronic skeletal muscle regeneration in rodents and humans. We propose that Wnt proteins may be key factors that regulate the rate of satellite-cell proliferation on adult muscle fibres during the wound-healing response.


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The work of nouvelliste Annie Saumont constantly explores the phenomenon of memory, and of memories. This article identifies and nuances the various forms that this exploration takes. An introductory contextualization of author and theme is followed by the presentation of a short story, ‘Méandres’, which embodies the first quality of memory to be examined: its capacity not only to recall but also to re-evaluate a past which is thus shown to be as hypothetical as the future. Memory as guilt that moulds or puts its indelible stamp on lives is then evoked by means of examples from other stories, illustrating the gradations Saumont achieves in her investigation of the power of this complex faculty. The next section turns to her portrayal of involuntary memory. Unlike for Proust, the instances of spontaneous remembering that are experienced by her characters lunge at them down the years almost exclusively to wound or disorientate. Depictions of the memory which conserves, and is thus burdened by, secrets are then considered, and finally Saumont's evocation of characters who have different reasons to analyse the way their own and other people's memories work. The conclusion to be drawn is that for Saumont, we are our memories; the ability to master a ‘judicious interpretation’ of memory – or indeed, to forget – is, in her stories, overwhelmingly a quality to be envied.


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BACKGROUND: Connexins are a widespread family of membrane proteins that assemble into hexameric hemichannels, also known as connexons. Connexons regulate membrane permeability in individual cells or couple between adjacent cells to form gap junctions and thereby provide a pathway for regulated intercellular communication. We have now examined the role of connexins in platelets, blood cells that circulate in isolation, but upon tissue injury adhere to each other and the vessel wall to prevent blood loss and facilitate wound repair. METHODS AND RESULTS: We report the presence of connexins in platelets, notably connexin37, and that the formation of gap junctions within platelet thrombi is required for the control of clot retraction. Inhibition of connexin function modulated a range of platelet functional responses prior to platelet-platelet contact, and reduced laser induced thrombosis in vivo in mice. Deletion of the Cx37 gene (Gja4) in transgenic mice reduced platelet aggregation, fibrinogen binding, granule secretion and clot retraction indicating an important role for Cx37 hemichannels and gap junctions in platelet thrombus function. CONCLUSIONS: Together, these data demonstrate that platelet gap junctions and hemichannels underpin the control of haemostasis and thrombosis and represent potential therapeutic targets.


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Prostaglandins (PG) are bioactive lipids derived from the metabolism of membrane polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and play important roles in a number of biological processes including cell division, immune responses and wound healing. Cyclooxygenase (COX) is the key enzyme in PG synthesis from arachidonic acid. The hypothesis of the present study was that expression of COX-2 in porcine intestine was dependent on the microbial load and the age of piglets. Piglets were obtained from sows raised either on outdoor free-range farms or on indoor commercial farms, and littermates were divided into three treatments: One group of piglets suckled the sow, a second group was put into an isolator and fed a milk formula, and a third group was put into the isolator fed milk formula and injected with broad spectrum antibiotics. Samples were collected from the 75% level of the small intestine at day 5, 28 and 56 of age. Tissue section from four piglets from each of these six treatment groups was analysed by immunofluorescence for COX-2 and type-IV collagen (basement membrane, defining lamina propria (LP)). Image analysis was used to determine the number of positive pixels expressing LP and epithelial COX-2. COX-2 expressing cells were observed in LP and epithelium in all porcine intestinal samples. When analysing images obtained on day 28, injection of antibiotics seemed to reduce the COX-2 expression in intestinal samples of piglets when compared to other treatments (P=0.053). No significant effect of farm, treatments or age of piglets was observed on COX-2 expressing data when analysing all data of images obtained at day 28 and 56. By double-labelling experiments, COX-2 was found not to be expressed on cell co-expressing CD45, CD16, CD163 or CD2, thus indicating that mucosal leukocytes, including dendritic cells, macrophages and NK cells did not express COX-2. Future research should investigate the role of COX-2 expression in the digestive tract in relation to pig health.


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THE clinical skills of medical professionals rely strongly on the sense of touch, combined with anatomical and diagnostic knowledge. Haptic exploratory procedures allow the expert to detect anomalies via gross and fine palpation, squeezing, and contour following. Haptic feedback is also key to medical interventions, for example when an anaesthetist inserts an epidural needle, a surgeon makes an incision, a dental surgeon drills into a carious lesion, or a veterinarian sutures a wound. Yet, current trends in medical technology and training methods involve less haptic feedback to clinicians and trainees. For example, minimally invasive surgery removes the direct contact between the patient and clinician that gives rise to natural haptic feedback, and furthermore introduces scaling and rotational transforms that confuse the relationship between movements of the hand and the surgical site. Similarly, it is thought that computer-based medical simulation and training systems require high-resolution and realistic haptic feedback to the trainee for significant training transfer to occur. The science and technology of haptics thus has great potential to affect the performance of medical procedures and learning of clinical skills. This special section is about understanding


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Chemical and biochemical modification of hydrogels is one strategy to create physiological constructs that maintain cell function. The aim of this study was to apply oxidised alginate hydrogels as a basis for development of a biomimetic niche for limbal epithelial stem cells that may be applied to treating corneal dysfunction. The stem phenotype of bovine limbal epithelial cells (LEC) and the viability of corneal epithelial cells (CEC) were examined in oxidised alginate gels containing collagen IV over a 3-day culture period. Oxidation increased cell viability (P wound healing therapy.