983 resultados para Prostitution kön makt sexualitet


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Der Artikel fragt nach sozialpolitischen Aspekten der internationalen Bekämpfung von Frauen- und Kinderhandel in der Zwischenkriegszeit und deren Ausstrahlung in die Schweiz. Zunächst sind die Diskussionen auf internationaler Ebene Thema, wobei auf die Arbeit der Völkerbundkommission zur Bekämpfung von Frauen- und Kinderhandel und spezifischer auf eine Völkerbund-Enquête zur sozialen Reintegration von Prostituierten eingegangen wird. In dieser Enquête schlug die Völkerbundkommission Massnahmen zur Verbesserung der sozialen Lage von Frauen der Unterschicht, zur medizinisch-fürsorgerischen Behandlung der Prostituierten und zur strafrechtlichen Verfolgung von organisierter Prostitution vor. Das Beispiel der Schweiz zeigt, inwiefern ein Land die sozialpolitischen Vorschläge aus den Völkerbunddiskussionen bezüglich Frauen- und Kinderhandel rezipierte. Der vom Völkerbund verfolgte Ansatz war in der Schweiz kaum anschlussfähig, weil einerseits die schweizerischen sozialpolitischen Diskussionen Familien priorisierten, so dass Frauen nicht unabhängig von ihrer Rolle in der Familie als unterstützungswürdig betrachtet wurden. Andererseits führten private Organisationen bereits einige der fürsorgerischen Tätigkeiten aus und wehrten sich gegen eine Verstaatlichung ihrer Aufgaben, die eine Säkularisierung und eine Beschneidung ihres Einflusses bedeutet hätte.


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This paper addresses the microscale heat transfer problem from heated lattice to the gas. A micro-device for enhanced heat transfer is presented and numerically investigated. Thermal creep induces 3-D vortex structures in the vicinity of the lattice. The gas flow is in the slip flow regime (Knudsen number Kn⩽0.1Kn⩽0.1). The simulations are performed using slip flow Navier–Stokes equations with boundary condition formulations proposed by Maxwell and Smoluchowski. In this study the wire thicknesses and distances of the heated lattice are varied. The surface geometrical properties alter significantly heat flux through the surface.


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BACKGROUND: Demineralized bone matrix (DBM) is used for the treatment of osseous defects. Conditioned medium from native bone chips can activate transforming growth factor (TGF)-β signaling in mesenchymal cells. The aim of the study was to determine whether processing of native bone into DBM affects the activity of the conditioned medium. METHODS: Porcine cortical bone blocks were subjected to defatting, different concentrations of hydrochloric acid and various temperatures. DBM was lyophilized, ground, and placed into culture medium. Human gingiva and periodontal fibroblasts were exposed to the respective conditioned medium (DBCM). Changes in the expression of TGF-β target genes were determined. RESULTS: DBCM altered the expression of TGF-β target genes, e.g., adrenomedullin, pentraxin 3, KN Motif And Ankyrin Repeat Domains 4, interleukin 11, NADPH oxidase 4, and BTB (POZ) Domain Containing 11, by at least five-fold. The response was observed in fibroblasts from both sources. Defatting lowered the activity of DBCM. The TGF-β receptor type I kinase inhibitor SB431542, but not the inhibitor of bone morphogenetic protein receptor dorsomorphin, blocked the effects of DBCM on gene expression. Moreover, conditioned medium obtained from commercial human DBM modulated the expression of TGF-β target genes. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that the conditioned medium from demineralized bone matrix can activate TGF-β signaling in oral fibroblasts. KEYWORDS: TGF-beta superfamily proteins; bone; bone substitutes; bone transplantation; conditioned media; freeze drying


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Vertebral compression fracture is a common medical problem in osteoporotic individuals. The quantitative computed tomography (QCT)-based finite element (FE) method may be used to predict vertebral strength in vivo, but needs to be validated with experimental tests. The aim of this study was to validate a nonlinear anatomy specific QCT-based FE model by using a novel testing setup. Thirty-seven human thoracolumbar vertebral bone slices were prepared by removing cortical endplates and posterior elements. The slices were scanned with QCT and the volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) was computed with the standard clinical approach. A novel experimental setup was designed to induce a realistic failure in the vertebral slices in vitro. Rotation of the loading plate was allowed by means of a ball joint. To minimize device compliance, the specimen deformation was measured directly on the loading plate with three sensors. A nonlinear FE model was generated from the calibrated QCT images and computed vertebral stiffness and strength were compared to those measured during the experiments. In agreement with clinical observations, most of the vertebrae underwent an anterior wedge-shape fracture. As expected, the FE method predicted both stiffness and strength better than vBMD (R2 improved from 0.27 to 0.49 and from 0.34 to 0.79, respectively). Despite the lack of fitting parameters, the linear regression of the FE prediction for strength was close to the 1:1 relation (slope and intercept close to one (0.86 kN) and to zero (0.72 kN), respectively). In conclusion, a nonlinear FE model was successfully validated through a novel experimental technique for generating wedge-shape fractures in human thoracolumbar vertebrae.


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Neben der Reaktion ist der größte Feind der Freiheit der Freiheitsmißbrauch. Aufruf zur Eindämmung der seit dem 13. März 1848 überhandnehmenden Prostitution


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The commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) has emerged as one of the world’s most heinous crimes. The problem affects millions of children worldwide and no country or community is fully immune from its effects. This paper reports first generation research of the relationship that exists between CSEC and the phenomenon of missing children living in and around the coastal regions of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, the country’s richest State. Data are reported from interviews and case records of 64 children and adolescents, who were receiving care through a major youth serving non-governmental organization (NGO) located in the coastal city of Sao Vicente. Also, data about missing children and adolescents were collected from Police Reports – a total of 858 Police Reports. In Brazil, prostitution is not a crime itself, however, the exploitation of prostitution is a crime. Therefore, the police have no information about children or adolescents in this situation, they only have information about the clients and exploiters. Thus, this investigation sought to accomplish two objectives: 1) to establish the relationship between missing and sexual exploited children; and 2) to sensitize police and child-serving authorities in both the governmental and nongovernmental sectors to the nature, extent, and seriousness of many unrecognized cases of CSEC and missing children that come to their attention. The observed results indicated that the missing children police report are significantly underestimated. They do not represent the number of children that run away and/or are involved in commercial sexual exploitation.


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The topic of occupational health and safety (OHS) has been investigated for many years and continues to be a concept often researched today. Generally speaking OHS research has been centered around food safety, construction safety, transportation safety, fire safety, drug and alcohol testing, health and medical management, and industrial hygiene to name a few. However, the concept of OHS concerning female commercial sex workers (FCSWs) has rarely been investigated, often neglected, seldom discussed and is lacking in sound research. Although regarded as the "oldest profession", commercial sex work (CSW) has consistently been ignored, disregarded and under-researched due to the illegality and stigmatization of prostitution. This paper reviews occupational safety and health issues faced by FCSWs in Tema and Accra, Ghana, through in-depth interviews, visits to women's homes, field work, informal conversations and participant observations with FCSWs over a period of two months. Facets of OHS that emerged among FCSWs included sexually transmissible infections, risks associated with harassment and violence from police and clients, alcohol and drug use, irregular hospital visits and/or lack of hospital visits, immigration issues, legal and policing risks. We argue that CSW be viewed as an occupation in great need of interventions to reduce workplace risks and improve the health and safety of FCSWs^


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Este artículo parte del análisis de los discursos sociales acerca del espacio prostibulario en tanto son espacios estratégicos de producción, circulación y reforzamiento de los imaginarios sociales sobre la prostitución. La articulación teórica de los llamados estudios de género y los estudios de las ciudades desde la comunicación será útil para repensar los usos del espacio público que se proponen desde las políticas públicas institucionales y los itinerarios territoriales que elabora la ciudadanía en torno a la sexualidad. Este proceso permitirá identificar la delimitación de los espacios de diversión, cómo el tiempo resignifica el espacio, las fronteras sexuales, la invisibilidad de la prostitución y las relaciones de poder que sostienen o cuestionan el mapa urbano de la sexualidad. El objetivo de este trabajo será reconstruir las disputas por el espacio y su articulación con la construcción hegemónica de la sexualidad femenina.


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Fil: Irrazábal, María Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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The hydraulic piston coring device (HPC-15) allows recovery of deep ocean sediments with minimal disturbance. The device was used during Leg 72 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) aboard the Glomar Challenger. Core samples were recovered from bore holes in the Rio Grande Rise in the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Relatively undisturbed sediment cores were obtained from Holes 515A, 516, 517, and 518. The results of shipboard physical property measurements and on-shore geotechnical laboratory tests on these cores are presented in this chapter. A limited number of 0.3 m cores were obtained and used in a series of geotechnical tests, including one-dimensional consolidation, direct shear, Atterburg limit, particle size analysis, and specific gravity tests. Throughout the testing program, attention was focused on assessment of sample disturbance associated with the HPC-15 coring device. The HPC-15 device limits sample disturbance reasonably well in terrigenous muds (clays). However, sample disturbance associated with coring calcareous sediments (nannofossil-foraminifer oozes) is severe. The noncohesive, granular behavior of the calcareous sediments is vulnerable to severe disturbance, because of the design of the sampling head on the device at the time of Leg 72. A number of modifications to the sampling head design are recommended and discussed in this chapter. The modifications will improve sample quality for testing purposes and provide longer unbroken core samples by reducing friction between the sediment column and the sampling tool.


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El trabajo indaga aspectos vinculados a la gestión pública de la prostitución, en cuánto estrategia biopolítica aplicada sobre el binomio sexualidad-reproducción, para concentrarse particularmente en Argentina y España durante las últimas décadas del siglo XIX y las primeras del XX. El interés comparativo del enfoque halla sustento en la existencia en esos países de ciudades afines en lo cultural, como Buenos Aires y Barcelona, con urbanización creciente y paralela inmigración masculina, por una parte; y, por otra, por la impronta eugénico-biotipológica compartida entre ambos y que resultara funcional a ciertas hipótesis construidas en torno a las enfermedades de transmisión sexual


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Fil: Irrazábal, María Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.