999 resultados para Programme de vélos en libre-service


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Desde el punto de vista de su contenido, el presente artículo es una continuación natural tanto del Boletín FAL No. 167 como del Boletín FAL No. 171. En efecto, dado que en el Boletín FAL No. 167 se avanzó conceptualmente en la definición del término facilitación del comercio y en explicar de manera general la forma en que este tema es abordado en algunos organismos internacionales, así como en el proceso para constituir el ALCA, en el presente artículo se amplía y profundiza la información referida a la facilitación del comercio en este último foro negociador, el cual agrupa al considerable número de 34 países del Hemisferio Occidental.Asimismo, teniendo en cuenta que en el Boletín FAL No. 171 se mostraron algunos avances normativos sobre la facilitación del comercio en el marco del Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur), en el presente artículo se aborda un punto de vista complementario en el sentido de que se observan los desarrollos verificados en materia de facilitación del comercio en otro acuerdo de integración económica, el cual se propone fundamentalmente la creación de un área de libre comercio.


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China se ha convertido en un actor fundamental del comercio mundial. Aunque no ha firmado acuerdos comerciales con los países signatarios del TLCAN, ha ganado terreno como proveedor de bienes logrando grandes avances en esa área. Una de las tendencias dominantes de la integración económica ha sido el desarrollo del comercio intraindustrial, que ha alcanzado altos niveles en los países signatarios del Tratado. En este artículo se analiza el comercio intraindustrial en esta zona de libre comercio, donde la estructura de producción de los países participantes ha cambiado significativamente desde la liberalización del comercio, revelando la internacionalización de las cadenas de producción. Finalmente, se presentan los cambios en la estructura comercial originados por la creciente presencia china en la región del TLCAN, cuyo comercio tiene un esquema similar al de una rueda: los Estados Unidos de América como eje central y el Canadá, China y México como radios.


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The focus of the activities of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean/Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (ECLAC/CDCC) secretariat during the 2006-2007 biennium continued to be on assistance to member governments of the subregion with policy-making and development strategies, especially on issues relevant to the promotion of the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of development in the Caribbean. The Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean worked closely with member countries of the CDCC in an effort to ensure the relevance of outputs which would inform policy options. This involved the strengthening of partnerships with both regional and subregional institutions and relevant agencies of the United Nations system working in the Caribbean. A major decision was taken to refocus the operational aspects of the secretariat to ensure that they were relevant to the development goals of its members. This involved the introduction of a thematic approach to the work of the office. One of the changes resulting from this was the restructuring and renaming of the Caribbean Documentation Centre. The Caribbean Knowledge Management Centre (CKMC), as it is now known, has changed its emphasis from organizing and disseminating documents, and is now a more proactive partner in the research undertaken by staff and other users of the service. The CKMC manages the ECLAC website, the public face of the organization. Newsletters and all other documents, including Information and Communications Technology (ICT) profiles of selected countries, prepared by the secretariat, are now available online at the ECLAC/CDCC website www.eclacpos.org . The Caribbean Knowledge Management Portal was launched at a meeting of information specialists in St. Vincent and the Grenadines in 2007. In addition to reaching a wider public, this measure was introduced as a means of reducing the cost of printing or disseminating publications. In spite of the unusually high vacancy rate, at both the international and local levels, during the biennium, the subregional headquarters accomplished 98 per cent of the 119 outputs earmarked for the period. Using vacant positions to carry out the assignments was not an easy task, given the complexity in recruiting qualified and experienced persons for short periods. Nevertheless, consultancy services and short-term replacement staff greatly aided the delivery of these outputs. All the same, 35 work months remained unused during the biennium, leaving 301 work months to complete the outputs. In addition to the unoccupied positions, the work of the subprogramme was severely affected by the rising cost of regional and subregional travel which limited the ability of staff to network and interact with colleagues of member countries. This also hampered the outreach programme carried out mainly through ad hoc expert group meetings. In spite of these shortcomings, the period proved to be successful for the subprogramme as it engaged the attention of member countries in its work either through direct or indirect participation. Staff members completed 36 technical papers plus the reports of the meetings and workshops. A total of 523 persons, representing member countries, participated in the 18 intergovernmental and expert meetings convened by the secretariat in the 24-month period. In its effort to build technical capacity, the subprogramme convened 15 workshops/seminars which offered training for 446 persons.


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The rehabilitation with mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures (DERPD) is complex and the use of implants has been improving the functioning of this approach. The insertion bony level around of the last support tooth is an aggravating factor, since it can harm the longevity of the treatment. Thus, the aim of this research was to evaluate the displacement tendency of a mandibular DERPD associated to an implant, with different insertion bony levels and different connections between the RPD and the support tooth, by finite element analysis. Eight models were made: MA - DERPD, incisal rest, no bony loss; MB - DERPD, distal plate, no bony loss; MC - DERPD, incisal rest, no bony loss, with implant and ERA system; MD - DERPD, distal plate, no bony loss, with implant and ERA system; ME - DERPD, incisal rest, bony loss; MF - DERPD, distal plate, bony loss; MG - DERPD, incisal rest, bony loss, with implant and ERA system; MH - DERPD, distal plate, bony loss, with implant and ERA system. Loads of 50 N in each peak were applied. Displacement maps were obtained and showed that implant favors this association and the bony loss harms the prognostic of the prosthesis. It is concluded that: the introduction of the implant with ERA system reduced the displacement tendency of the tooth and supporting structures; introduction of distal plate reduced the movement tendency of the support tooth; the decrease of the periodontal support didn't influence significantly the displacement tendency of the models with distal plate distal, but it influenced the models with distal incisal rest.


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[ES] El análisis sobre la figura del paternalismo legal, en contraposición al libre desarrollo de la personalidad, con especial incidencia en materia de extranjería, más concretamente, en la figura del inmigrante, nos lleva a orientar el estudio de esta figura sobre el fenómeno de la inmigración por razones de variada índole. A nadie le resulta extraño el revuelo social y político que está levantando este asunto .La inmigración, aparte de ser un tema que afecta a diversos aspectos, hay que analizarla en todas las facetas en las que repercute: la limitación que supone al libre desarrollo de la personalidad de un individuo que decide trasladarse a un lugar diferente al de su nacionalidad como vía para desarrollar en libertad su personalidad, también como hecho social, jurídico, económico y cultural, que suscita problemas poblacionales de discriminación, integración y xenofobia, y muchos otros aspectos.