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To explore the presence of depression, anxiety and cardiac events after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) prospectively and comparably. To analysis influential factors of depression and anxiety ( peri-operation and 1 year after operation ), and the effection on cardiac events in the year after operation. We followed the patients who underwent scheduled consecutive CABG. We interviewed patients to assess depression, anxiety symptoms using self-rating depression scale( SDS) and self-rating anxiety scale(SAS)before operation , before discharge and 1 year after operation. And cardiac events were also identified. All patients were divided into the group with depression and/or anxiety symptoms or the other group without depression and/or anxiety symptoms 3 times according to depression and anxiety symptoms before operation , before discharge and 1 year after operation. 69 patients completed the follow-up.24 patients (34.8%) had depression and/or anxiety symptoms before CABG, 31 patients (44.9%) had depression and/or anxiety symptoms before discharge, and 10 patients (14.5%) had depression and/or anxiety symptoms 1 year after operation. 6 patients(8.7%) had cardiac events, and 5 patients were re-admitted. Arhythmia before and after operation, the quantity of blood vessel grafted, length of stay , depression and anxiety symptoms before operation, cardiac events may lead to depression and anxiety symptoms 1 year after operation. The use of cardiopulmonary bypass grafting (CPB), Arhythmia after operation, the prolonged length of stay are influential factors of cardiac events. Though the incidence of depression and/or anxiety symptoms 1 year after operation is lower than before operation and before discharge, it is high still. Arhythmia before and after operation, the more blood vessels grafted, the prolonged length of stay , depression and anxiety symptoms before operation and cardiac events could be risk factors of depression and anxiety symptoms 1 year after operation. Much attention must be paid to this phenomenon. Heavy patient's condition, complicated surgery are risk factors of cardiac events, and bad emotion before operation and before discharge are independent to cardiac events. Key words: perspective research; depression;anxiety; coronary artery bypass grafting; follow up


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Objective: To study the episodic memory, semantic memory, cognitive planning ability and inhibition ability in MHD patients. Method: Neuropsychological research methods such as Action memory of verb-object phrase, Trail Making Test (A and B), Verbal Fluency Test, Go-No/Go test and Stroop Color Naming Task were used to investigate Episodic Memory 、Semantic Memory、Executive Function of 40 MHD and 40 NC. Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), Self-Rating Depression Scale(SDS), Social Support Scale, Life Satisfaction Scale, and biochemical examination were applied and their relationships with cognitive function were analized. The mean age and education level of MHD group and NC group have no significant difference. Result: 1.Action memory of verb-object phrase differed significantly between MHD group and NC group. 2.Two tests of Verbal Fluency differed significantly between MHD group and NC group. 3.Trail Making Test A, Trail Making Test B, the baseline condition of Go-No/Go Test and Stroop Color Naming Test differed significantly between MHD group and NC group. 4.There is no significant difference between MHD group and NC group on the correct rate of No/Go Test and the baseline condition. Both groups showed Stroop Effect in Go-No/Go test, but MHD group performed significantly worse. 5.In Stroop Color Naming Task Test, NC group showed Stroop Effect, significant Repeated Distraction Promotion Effect and significant Negative Priming Effect,while MHD group showed only Stroop Effect and no Repeated Distraction Promotion Effect and no Negative Priming Effect. There is significant difference in Stroop Effect between MHD group and NC group. Conclusion: 1.Comparing with NC group, episodic memory, semantic memory, cognitive planning ability, and inhibition ability of MHD group were impaired significantly. 2.The pathological aging of Executive Function in MHD group showed: executive Function should be a unitary system. 3.Cognitive impairment is negatively correlated with serum creatinine, blood pressure and anxiety score in MHD patients; and is related with hemoglobin, hematocrit, social support and life satisfaction. Keyword: maintenance hemodialysis, episodic memory, semantic memory, cognitive planning, inhibition ability.


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Mental dependence, characterized by craving and impulsive seeking behavior, is the matter of intensive study in the field of drug addiction. The mesolimbic dopamine system has been suggested to play an important role in rewarding of drugs and relapse. Although chronic drug use can induce neuroadaptations of the mesolimbic system and changes of drug reinforcement, these mechanisms cannot fully account for the craving and the compulsive drug-using behavior of addicts. Acknowledging the reinforcement effects of drugs, most previous studies have studied the impact of environmental cues and conditioned learning on addiction behavior, often using established classical or operant conditioning model. These studies, however, paid little attention to the role of cognitive control and emotion in addiction. These mental factors that are believed to have an important influence on conditioned learning. The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has close anatomic and functional connections with the mesolimbic dopamine system. A number of the cognitive neurological studies demonstrate that mPFC is involved in motivation, emotional regulation, monitoring of responses and other executive functions. Thus we speculated that the function of abnormality in mPFC following chronic drug use would cause related to the abnormal behavior in addicts including impulse and emotional changes. In the present study of a series of experiments, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the hemodynamic response of the mPFC and related circuits to various cognitive and emotional stimuli in heroin addicts and to explore the underlying dopamine neuromechnism by microinjection of tool drugs into the mPFC in laboratory animals. In the first experiment, we found that heroin patients, relative to the normal controls, took a much shorter time and committed more errors in completing the more demanding of cognitive regulation in the reverse condition of the task, while the neural activity in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) was attenuated. In the second experiment, the scores of the heroin patients in self-rating depression scale (SDS) and Self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) were significantly higher than the normal controls and they rated the negative pictures more aversive than the normal controls. Being congruent with the behavioral results, hemodynamic response to negative pictures showed significant difference between the two groups in bilateral ventral mPFC (VMPFC), amygdala, and right thalamus. The VMPFC of patients showed increased activation than normal controls, whereas activation in the amygdala of patients was weaker than that in normal subjects. Our third experiment showed that microinjection of D1 receptor agonist SKF38393 into the mPFC of rats decreased hyperactivity, which was induced by morphine injection, in contrast, D1 receptor antagonist SCH23390 increased the hyperactivity, These findings suggest: (1) The behavior and neural activity in ACC of addicts changed in chronic drug users. Their impulsive behavior might result from the abnormal neural activity in the mPFC especially the ACC. (2) Heroine patients were more depress and anxiety than normal controls. The dysfunction of the mPFC---amygdala circuit of heroine addicts might be related to the abnormal emotion response. (3) Dopamine in the mPFC has an inhibitory effect on morphine induced behavior. The hyperactivity induced by chronic morphine was reduced by dopamine increase with D1 receptor agonist, confirm the first experiment that the neuroadaption of mPFC system induced by chronic morphine administration appears to be the substrate the impulse behavior of drug users.


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Spatial categorization and computation were studied systematically and sequentially in the dissertation, in which, category learning paradigm was transferred to spatial domain. Four parts were developed in our study, in which, the former two parts investigated the mechanism of spatial categorization, and the latter two parts explored two applied issues. Spatial category formation was investigated by two aspects in distance and angle respectively in research one. The results showed that subjects can make accurate judgment and rating for corresponding spatial categorical prototypes and boundaries. In the second research, the formation of spatial relationship categorization was examined through two factors of number of categories and different spatial configurations. The results were repeated in this part, and also, different influences of reference of frame were found in the process of spatial categorization. In the third research, the influences of spatial categorization on spatial localization were found, that in subject could make different location judgment with new acquired spatial categories. Spatial position distribution has no effect on spatial localization on the other hand. The result that reference objects have significant influences on applicability of spatial relationship was found in research four. Our Bayesian hierarchical model could be applied in simulation and prediction of perception of “above” spatial relationship. Theoretical significance and applied importance were discussed in detail.


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While many researchers appear to accept this relationship between risk and trust, the relationship between the risk propensity of the truster and trusting behavior has not been explicitly studied. This study uses both expect value questions and the Implicit Association Test (IAT) to measure subjects’ risk propensity and uses various scenarios to investigate subjects’ general trust. And by these results we discuss about the relationship between risk propensity and general trust. The results show (1) there is significant correlation between explicit risk propensity and general trust in the scenarios of borrowing money (Eckel &Wilson,2003) and PD/R game (Yamagishi, 2005), (2) there is significant correlation between implicit risk propensity and general trust in the scenario of borrowing money, (3) there are significant differences between the rating of different trust scenarios regarding to trust and risk. The resulting findings support following conclusion: the relationship between risk propensity and general trust depends on scenarios and measurements. In sum, this study analyzes different views in this field at present, and investigates the relationship between risk propensity and general trust through two investigation and experiment, and explores some new ways for future study of this topic.


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Is prosocial behavior of supernormal children distinguished from normal children? Is there any difference between the supernormal children’s prosocial behavior from different educational placement? What are the mechanisms underlying the difference? The aim of this study was to examine these issues. With multiple methods of prosocial behavior, including other-rating, self-rating and hypothetical dilemma, we investigated the 10 to 14 year-old children. Firstly, the development of prosocial behavior and its relationship with prosocial behavior was examined. Secondly, we investigated the features of supernormal children’s prosocial behavior and analysed its difference with normal children. Finally, we tried to find the difference of supernormal children’s prosocial behaviour from different educational placement, and the mechanisms underlying the difference, such as social value orientation and peer relation. The results are as follows: 1)The altruistic and compliant prosocial tendency of 14 year-old children was obviously lower than those younger children. Intelligence was positively related with altruistic and emotional prosocial tendency for 10 year-olds, and with prosocial behaviour of peer nominated for 12 year-olds. 2)There was no significant difference of prosocial behaviour between supernormal and normal children. The peer nominated prosocial behaviour of 12 year-old supernormal children was higher than of 11 and 13 years old supernormal children. In addition, girls’ other-rating prosocial behaviour was significantly higher than boys’, but no gender difference was detected in the prosocial behaviour of self-rating and hypothetical dilemma. 3)With regard to the supernormal children’s prosocial behaviour in different educational placement, we found that the prosocial degree of the supernormal children of homogeneous groups was higher than that of heterogeneous groups in the role-change of ultimatum game. 4)The supernormal children from different educational placement had different social value orientation. More supernormal children of homogeneous groups belonged to the type of group enhancement, while more supernormal children of heterogeneous groups belonged to the type of equality. The types of social value orientation did not have impact on the supernormal children’s prosocial behaviour from different educational placement. 5)Peer relation moderated the impact of different educational placement on supernormal children’s prosocial behaviour.


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心理测验中项目的表述效应是测量误差的一个重要来源。本研究借助焦虑控制问卷,探讨心理量表中项目表述效应的心理测量学特点和其产生的方法学上的原因。研究首先考察了项目表述效应在不同的群体间的交互效度验证;然后通过反转项目表述方向的方法,构造出原问卷项目的相反表达的项目,进而通过不同组合形成四个版本的问卷,经过量表层面和项目层面的分析,考查了项目表述效应的心理测量学特点。然后通过项目反应理论分析和实验研究,考查了项目反应理论产生的作用机制。研究最后还考查了人格因素对项目表述效应的影响。主要研究结果如下: 1. 焦虑控制问卷(ACQ)中项目表述效应稳定的存在,中文版问卷的主要结构是一个特质性因子,另外还有两个方法因子。这一结构很好的拟合了中国被试的数据,不管是单个量表验证的结果还是两组被试交互验证的结果都支持这一结构; 2. 通过反ACQ问卷,构造了四个版本的量表,对四个版本验证性因素分析的结果表明,全正向表述项目量表和全反向表述项目量表没有项目表述效应出现,而同时存在正向和反向表述项目的原文卷和反转问卷都出现了方法效应;正向项目和反向项目得分分析的结果表明,总分上只有原量表和全反向量表没有显著差异,原量表和全正量表与全反量表都有显著的差异,表明项目表述效应的出项只和反向表述项目的反向记分有关; 3. 基于项目层面的研究中,用Rasch模型中的Rating Scale Model和full information Bifactor item Analysis 分别去拟合数据,发现Rasch模型对数据的拟合不好,而Bifactor items Analysis 对数据的拟合稍好一些,说明焦虑控制问卷中的项目表述效应因子与特质因子确实不是在同一个水平上的因子,表述效应因子是次级因子; 4. 项目表述效应的产生机制是由于人们只对与自己特质水平最近的项目作是的反应,而对与自己实际特质水平较远的项目作否的反应模式特点造成的; 5. 关于人格对项目表述效应出现的预测作用研究表明,自尊、社会赞许性对反向表述效应因子的产生具有正向预测作用,而行为抑制、行为激活和负向评价恐惧对反向表述因子的出现具有负向的预测作用。 总而言之,本研究得出的结论是,项目表述效应是一种人为造成的方法效应,它是被试只对与自己特质水平最近的项目作是的反应,而对与自己实际特质水平较远的项目作否的反应模式特点造成的。但同时,它又不是完全没有意义的“讨厌”因子,一些人格因素可以预测它的出现,即它的出现受到一些人格因素的影响。


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This research systematically compared Chinese undergraduates with American undergraduates on four kinds of attributional bias: correspondent bias, siuational overattribution, intergroup attributional bias and self-serving attributional bias, and examined the effect of the implicit theories reflecting the cultures on attributional bias. First is analyzed three pairs of opposite implicit theories: dispositionalist theory and situationalist theory, generality and particularity, stressing the positive evaluation of self and despising the positive evaluation of self. It developed the Modern Implicit Theories Inventory and Traditional Implicit Theories Inventory to measure these implicit theories, and the results showed these inventories had satisfactory validity and reliability, and they were suitable for the group comparison of Chinese implicit theories with European-American. At the same time through the test it found Chinese undergraduates agreed all these opposite implicit theories more than American undergraduates. Second, it studied Chinese and American undergraduates' attributional accuracy on locus of causality. The results showed: Chinese and American undergraduates both had the correspondent bias under the different salient situational constraints, and the degree of Chinese and American undergraduates' correspondent bias under the different salient situational constraints had no significant difference' Chinese and American undergraduates both showed the situational overattribution; Chinese undergraduates had more the correspondent bias and situational overattribution than American undergraduates. Third, on the research of Chinese and American undergraduates' intergroup attributional bias, it found Chinese and American undergraduates both had no intergroup attributional bias among kin, friends and strangers, while they both show some favorable outcome effects for these three group actors. The favorable outcome effects were significant on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality and controllability for strangers' behavior, and stability for kin and friends' behavior rating by Chinese undergraduates, and stability for friends' behavior rating by American undergraduates. Fourth, it explored Chinese and American undergraduates' self-serving attributional bias, and the result indicated that Chinese and American undergraduates both showed significant self-serving attributional bias: for outcome effects, Chinese undergraduates' self-serving attributional bias were reflected on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability, controllability and globality, and American undergraduates were reflected on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability and globality; for categorization effects, both Chinese and American undergraduates' self-serving attributional bias were reflected on attributional difference between self's negative behavior and others', but Chinese undergraduates were embodied on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability and globality while American undergraduates were reflected on the attributional dimensions of stability and globality. It also found Chinese undergraduates had more self-serving attributional bias than American undergraduates. This was reflected on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability and controllability for outcome effects, and for categorization effects, locus of causality, stability and globality rating for self and others' negative behavior. All studies indicated that Chinese and American undergraduates' implicit theories had no significant effects on all their four attributional bias. These findings' potentially important implications were discussed and the further research was suggested.


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Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms, which are one of common factors effected on mental health of secondary school students, have been rarely studied at home and abroad. In accordance with the problems existed in these literature up till now, the thesis had mainly studied the measured tool, contents and structure, developmental features, psychosocial risk factors and integrated model of obsessive-compulsive symptoms from them by means of investigation with quetionnaires. The entire research was divided into three phases. 3185 students(age 14.68±1.75 years) were firstly measured with the 20-item Leyton Obsessional Inventory-Child Version(LOI-CV) at four secondary schools including six grades in Beijing city, which was applied to revise LOI-CV, and to study the structure and contents, developmental features and screen of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Then, 216 subjects with obsessive-compulsive symptoms, paired with controls in the light of school, grade and gender, were investigated with 10 self-rating scales on obsessive-compulsive symptoms, anxiety, depression, personality, coping and attributional style, negative life events, parent's rearing style, family environment and life adaptation in school, and with an inventory on social demography. The results were used to explore psychosocial risk factors and integrated model of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The third survey was only carried out, about two months after the second, among 264 subjects with obsessive-compulsive symptoms through MMOCI and Negative Life Event Scale for Adolescents, in order to probe into the integrated model. The research had mainly found: (1) LOI-CV can be used as a screen tool for obsessive-compulsive symptoms in urban adolescents in China; (2) Total screening-out ratio of obsessive-compulsive symptoms was 13.6% (male:15.0%, female:12.2%). The most common manifestations of obsessive-compulsive symptoms were hating dirt and contamination, doing things in exact manner, angry if someone messes desk, bad conscience but no one else, worry about cleanliness, repeated thoughts or words; the least were favorite or special number, spending extra time on homework, special number or words to avoid, talking or moving to avoid bad luck, fussy about hands. The checking and repetition, cleanliness and tidiness, general obsessions were more common forms than numbers-luck; (3) No differences were existed in serious degree of obsessive-compulsive symptoms, but the screening-out ratio in male was higher than it in female; (4) No differences were detected in the serious degree of obsessive-compulsive symptoms except the scores of cleanliness and tidiness among grades, but the screening-out ratio of the grades justly entering secondary school or going to graduate were higher than other ones; (5) The main psychosocial risk factors for obsessive-compulsive symptoms included anxiety, mother's over-protecting and over-interfering, fantasy, flexibility, self-actualization, peers relationship, sense of responsibility, negative life events, mother's occupation, help-seeking, and (6) The integrated model on psychosocial risk factors suggested that the possible developed and sustained mechanism of obsessive-compulsive symptoms was that personality, coping and attributional styles constructed the developmental diathesis foundation of obsessive-compulsive symptoms; negative life events were promoting factors of them. There was a dynamic interaction between personality and environmental factors. Negative emotion played a core role in the developmental process of them. The continued existence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms was related to pre-existed obsessive-compulsive symptoms and negative life events experienced by an individual. Therefore, this research not only let us get a deeper understanding of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and more entirely find out psychosocial risk factors, firstly applied diathesis-stress theory to comprehend the psychological mechanism of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and, moreover, elaborate and expand it, but also has more important practice significance of treatment, prevent and education for obsessive-compulsive symptoms in secondary school students.


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Two kinds of rating bias ——halo effect and ego-centric effect were analyzed in multitrait-multirater matrix by this research. To get the multitrait-multirater matrix, ten college students watched the video-tapes of football matches and rated the performance of the players on several traits. After the interviewing of 41 football fans, the performance traits of four different positions in a football team were obtained using critical incident technique. The results indicate: comparing the heterotrait-monorater triangless, some rater's rating showed halo effect obviously; comparing the monotrait-heterorater diagonals, ego-centric effect can be shown in some extent on different traits. There were less interrater reliability on the rating of some ambiguous traits. The conclusion can be used on rater training. We can give the raters feedback about their rating bias by analyzing the multitrait-multirater matrix. The results are also helpful for rater training.


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This research is going on through solving salesperson's performance appraisal problem for a machine factory. By developing a self-rating forced-choice scale for salesperson's performance appraisal, collecting judgmental measurement criteria and nonjudgmental measurement criteria, judging the correlation between judgmental measurement criteria, nonjudgmental measurement criteria and behaviors in forced-choice scale, two hypotheses were verified: 1 Every criteria can't correlate with all work behaviors. 2 Not only judgmental measurements, but also nonjudgmental measurements should be used in performance appraisal.


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Durbin, J., Urquhart, C. & Yeoman, A. (2003). Evaluation of resources to support production of high quality health information for patients and the public. Final report for NHS Research Outputs Programme. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: Department of Health


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The author describes the essence and characteristics of the novel surveying evaluation scale of the educational process. Balancing between quality, intensity and conclusiveness of expressions is a selective clue to choose indicators i.e. stimulus ascertainments to the survey. On the basis of empirical studies of "Informatics Culture" (computer experience and cognizance) the author discusses quantitative parameters of the scale and the way of representing them in practice. Special attention was paid to a contextual representation of results, to the vector method of the appraisal value of alteration in time; and to the issues of inter-group comparability of the process effects.


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Trabalho apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Terapêutica da Fala


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Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Empresariais, especialidade em Gestão