887 resultados para Processo saúde-doença
Resilience consists of a capacity to adapt and overcome situations of risk, from the aid of protective factors. This construct constitutes a process of preventive and multidimensional present in all stages of human development. During this development, it has been immersed in the elderly biopsychosocial changes resulting from the aging process. In this sense, there was a need for a multidisciplinary study, combining psychology, medicine, nursing, social work and gerontology in order to check the resilience, its risk factors, such as life events and health, and protection, such as self-esteem and social support. For this, we performed a descriptive exploratory study of cross-sectional nature, along with a convenience sample consisting of 65 elderly users of the public health of the district east of the city of Natal/RN, Brazil. This research allowed the collection of socio-demographic, economic, relational, physical, biological and psychological in understanding the aging process. It is observed that the studied sample socio-economic status and chronic health conditions in their own lives and their families, that demand for care and attention every day, are resilient, have faced significant losses, have positive self-esteem and social support perceived as external satisfactory. Given this multidimensional nature, the aging process deserves the attention of many professionals and health policies, seeking provide to the elderly a better living conditions and mechanisms that promote well-being and health
This is a study descriptive cross-sectional and quantitative approaches, which aimed to analyze the association between hospital infection rate for insertion, maintenance of central venous catheter and the breakdown of protocols (rules and routines) by health professionals assisting patients in the ICU of a university hospital in Natal / RN. The process of data collection was through observation with structured form, refers to medical records and structured questionnaires with health professionals. The results were organized, tabulated, categorized and analyzed using SPSS 14.0. The characterization of the subjects was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics, taking into account the nature of the variables, with analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Spearman correlation test, it was a discussion of the information obtained, considering the mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variance and standard error. The variables that showed a higher level of correlation were treated with the application of significance tests. As the results, 71% of participants were female and 29% male, age ranged from 18 to 85 years (52.6 ± 22.5). The insertion, there was a variation from 0 to 5 errors (1.2 ± 1.4), during maintenance, the average was 2.3 ± 0.9 errors, ranging from 0 to 4. During the insertion and maintenance of CVC, patients who had been an infection ranging from 2 to 9 mistakes (4.2 ± 1.7), since those who did not show the variation goes from 0 to 5 errors (2, 8 ± 1.5). The correlation coefficient between the risk of infection throughout the process and the risk of infection at the insertion showed strong and significant (r = 0.845 p = 0.000) and in relation to risk of infection in maintenance was moderate and significant (r = 0.551 p = 0.001). The mistakes made by professionals in the procedures for insertion and maintenance of the catheter, associated with other conditions, shown as a risk factor for the of IH
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Background. Gaucher Disease (GD) is a hereditary lysosomal storage disorder characterized by the accumulation of glucosylceramide, mainly in the cells of the reticuloendothelial system, due to a deficiency of the enzyme acid β-glucosidase (GBA). Diagnosis is usually based on measurement of GBA activity in peripheral leukocytes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of screening for GBA and chitotriosidase activity using Dried Blood Spots on Filter Paper (DBS-FP) to identify individuals at high risk for GD in high-risk populations such as that of Tabuleiro do Norte, a small town in Northeastern Brazil. Methods. Between June 1, 2007 and May 31, 2008, 740 consented residents and descendants of traditional families from Tabuleiro do Norte were submitted to screening with DBS-FP. Subjects with GBA activity <2.19 nmol/h/mL were referred to analysis of GBA and chitotriosidase activity in peripheral leukocytes and in plasma, respectively. Subjects at highest risk for GD (GBA activity in peripheral leukocytes <5.6 nmol/h/mg protein) were submitted to molecular analysis to confirm diagnosis. Results. Screening with DBS-FP identified 135 subjects (18.2%) with GBA activity <2.19 nmol/h/mL, 131 of whom remained in the study. In 10 of these (7.6%), GBA activity in leukocytes was 2.6 5.5 nmol/h/mg protein. Subsequent molecular analysis confirmed 6 cases of heterozygosity and 4 normals for GD. Conclusion. DBS-FP assay was shown to be an effective initial GD screening strategy for high-prevalence populations in developing regions. Diagnosis could not be established from GBA activity in leukocytes alone, but required confirmation with molecular analysis
Demographic and epidemiological transformations have led to an increase in elderly populations in the world, and chronic diseases become the main health problem in this population, with consequences for the independence and autonomy, and interfering in the lifestyle and daily activities, and may decrease the welfare and quality of life. So, there is an urgent need for multidisciplinary research on the quality of life, understood as a multidimensional and subjective concept, as well as the associated factors, such as health habits, presence of chronic conditions and functional capacity. Thus, In qualitative terms, the Article 1 provides an assessment and perception of the elderly about their quality of life. Article 2, in turn, presents the results of more extensive quantitative research, which can be seen that age, presence of chronic diseases and depression were associated with the quality of life. Thus, we discuss the need for action was planning and health strategies, with interdisciplinary approach, considering the environmental context and reality of family elders, promoting quality in the process of aging
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
The aim of the present study was to identify the representational elements of workrelated accidents in the health field, as well as investigate their most frequent occurrences at a university hospital, seeking to understand the cognitive, affective and social elements subjacent to the work process involved in health. The analysis focused on 470 middle and senior support staff of this hospital, based on the theoretical-methodological support of the Social Representations Theory. A combination of the following instruments was used for data collection: a free wordassociation test, a questionnaire, an interview and a field journal. Evoc 2000 software was used to identify representational structure. Chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests, at a significance level of 5%, were performed to verify the association between the independent variables and the occurrence of work accidents. In addition, thematic content analysis and lexicographic analysis by ALCESTE software program were used to understand textual content. It was observed that social representations of work-related accidents in the health area are centered in the contamination category, while the categories of prevention and professional unpreparedness are found peripherally. There was a significant association between the existence of multiple employment, the use of personal protective equipment (PPI) during work, job satisfaction and the occurrence of work accidents. The conclusions indicate that perforating-cutting occupational accidents predominated in the hospital and that the representations of the subjects intertwined, with a traditional discourse of work accidents strongly present in Occupational Health. It is therefore suggested that certain subjective aspects related to culture, in terms of controlling work accidents, such as: management, process, organization and the increasing precariousness
The study aimed to analyze the influence of chronic health conditions (CHC) on quality of life (QOL) of UFRN servers assaulted by CHC. It is a descriptive and cross-sectional study with prospective data and quantitative approach, accomplished in the ambulatory clinic of the Department of Server Assistance (DSA) of the Pro-Rectory of Human Resources, during three months. The sample was composed by accessibility, totaling 215 people, being 153 active and 62 inactive servers, in chronic health condition. The data were collected through the application of the sociodemographic characterization, health, environmental and laboral form, the Medical Outcome Study 36-Item Short Form (SF-36). The study was evaluated by the HUOL Ethics Committee (CAAE no. 0046., obtaining assent. The results were analyzed in the SPSS 15.0 program through the descriptive and inferential statistics. It was identified servants predominantly male (59,1%), under 60 years old, married or in stable union, Catholics, brown color, living in the capital and residents in own home. Regarding labor issues, there was a predominance of active servers technical-administrative with intermediate and medium level positions and small proportion of docents. Among the CHC, the non-communicable diseases - NCDs (95.8%) had a higher frequency, followed by persistent mental disorders - PMDs (18.6%) and, finally, the continuous and structural physical deficiency - CSPD (16.9 %). The QOL of servers was considered good, with a mean score of 72.5 points in the total score, with the most affected domains: physical (59.1), general health (66.2), bodily pain (66.3) and functional aspects (72.0). The mental health dimension (76.5) had a better average than the physical dimension (68.0 points). It was found that the decrease in QOL scores is significant statistically related to higher number of CHC (ρ <0.001), with no statistical significance regarding the functional situation (p = 0.259). The administrative technicians of elementary, primary, secondary levels and docents had the worst QOL scores. After the correlation analysis of CHC with the domains and dimensions of the SF-36, there was statistically significant, negative and weak correlation of the domains: functional aspect (ρ = 0.002, r = -0.207), physical aspects (ρ = 0.007; r = -0.183), vitality (ρ = 0.002, r = -0.213), social function (ρ = 0.000, r = -0.313), emotional aspects (ρ = 0.000, r = -0.293), mental health (ρ = 0.000 , r = -0.238), physical health dimension (ρ = 0.002, r = -0.210) and mental health dimension (ρ = 0.000, r = -0.298). The presence of PMD isolated or together, contributed to a lower SF-36 scores, being the domains variation of mean significant, except for bodily pain, general health and physical aspects. By correlating the categories of CHC and QOL, there was a weak correlation (r ≤ -0.376) and significant (ρ ≤ 0.011), mainly related to the NCD, PMDs and NCD + PMD, affecting the mental health, social function, emotional aspects, vitality and functional aspect domains. Front of the results, it was concludes that the servers quality of life is influenced by the CHC. Thus, it was inferred that the presence of CHC causes a negative effect on quality of life, leading the active and inactive servers to exposure their overall life activities and work over the years, due to the morbidity affected, mainly related to NCDs and PMDs. Descriptors: Quality of life. Chronic disease. Occupational Health. Nursing
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Com a criação dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacional (PCNs), a saúde passou a ser um tema transversal que deve ser trabalhado por todos os níveis de ensino em toda a escola, principalmente pelos professores do ensino fundamental, os quais têm uma grande responsabilidade no processo de formação dos valores e de condutas dos escolares. Com o objetivo de investigar a concepção dos professores de ensino fundamental (1ª a 4ª séries) sobre a saúde do escolar, este estudo teve como amostra 45 professoras lotadas em 04 escolas públicas e 04 escolas privadas no município de Natal/RN. Para a coleta dos dados foi utilizado um questionário semi-estruturado, sendo os mesmos analisados por meio da análise temática. A faixa etária com maior prevalência foi a superior a 40 anos, com 58% de professoras. Com relação ao grau de formação acadêmica das docentes investigadas, 47% delas tem o terceiro grau completo e, 40% possuem apenas formação no magistério. No que se refere ao tema transversal saúde, 27% das professoras não realizaram estudos sobre o mesmo e, 40% das docentes não se sentiam preparadas para desenvolver esse conteúdo, apontando como principal fator limitante à falta de conhecimento mais profundo sobre saúde e a falta de material didático adequado. Sobre a importância em se trabalhar a saúde, 29% das respostas referiram-se aos cuidados com a saúde, e 20% em prevenir e conhecer doenças. Pode-se concluir que é necessária uma capacitação específica referente à temática em questão, o que deve ser acompanhada de políticas públicas que incentivem o profissional da educação e ofereça estrutura ao ambiente escolar
Este artigo busca analisar a reação individual dos tuberculosos exilados nas cidades-sanatórios paulistas frente às representações sociais que lhes eram imputadas, inclusive pelo agrupamento médico. Como material de estudo utilizou-se escritos memorialísticos que, avaliados na perspectiva da antropologia da doença e do doente, permitem estabelecer a rede de significados elaborados pela comunidade dos enfermos.
We study the health care focused on care in an intercessor and dialogical relationship with the User, which involves the construction of therapeutic projects essential to the quality of the treatment of the user in health services, and it is necessary individual and collective actions. It is intended to acknowledge and analyze the perception of social subjects, users and professionals on the treatment given to a user of a Specialized Outpatient Service (Serviço Ambulatorial Especializado SAE) in STD/HIV/AIDS state reference in Natal, RN. The study is structured in a transdisciplinary vision of science and knowledge, theoretical and methodological principles that give meaning to the expression of the institutional features of care and health care reconnecting them to the social context. As a research strategy we seek the expressions of 56 subjects of social research, which agreed to participate in the sample, from a symbolic map of the attention, coupled with the techniques of observation and semi-structured interview. For the analysis of the results, five categories of analysis were established: the meaning of the service, care perception, process of communication and interaction, treatment perception and organization and evaluation of the service. It is argued that the attention and care are developed in a technical health care assistance to the disease, focusing on attention based on treatment, on diagnostic and drug therapy of antiretroviral drugs, reflecting the traditional biomedical paradigm of attention to the disease. This is also the mode of organization of practical actions in daily SAE: the therapy proves to be fragmented in several specialties, vertical and feeds the same model, generating tension and overload for professionals; showing impersonal care focused on structured and informative technology, unrelated to an interactive dialogic. From the speech of the subjects, the SAE is understood as the place of confrontation with the disease, but also enables greater elaboration of the illness by meeting their peers. Living with HIV and AIDS is living with concern, apprehension and fear, but mainly with the stigma, prejudice and exclusion, which require that the disease is kept in secret. There is a movement of forces and power, expressed in the knowledge-power of those who dominate the technical and administrative capabilities, devices that concentrate the maintenance of the medicalization of care, rapid consultations and with little attention, making it difficult to interact with and listen to, combined with structural failures, organizational and inadequate management of the service. We conclude that there are dimensions that are not considered in the internal dynamics of the care service multiple forms, characterized by care conflicting models, marked by individual interventions related to the disease. The subject is not considered together with his speech as technical discourse is imposed and care production based on material technology is observed
This study approaches the topic of humanization in health that involves the set of policies implemented by the Ministry of Health in Brazil. Its aims are directed towards a reflection on the guiding theoretical and organizing axes of the National Humanization Policy (NHP) and their repercussions on municipal health policy of Natal, Brazil; an analysis of the results of the policy at the local level; knowledge of the views and experiences of the humanization agents in the daily work process and identification of the main challenges of the policy. The empirical field of investigation was the Family Health Strategy (FHS) of the city of Natal. The assumption of the study is that the FHS has produced local experiences with potentialities that must not be wasted, in which there are difficulties and discrepancies between the real and proposed model. The contradictions and challenges in the social and political context of Brazil in the early XXI century and their consequences in the field of health reflect anti-utilitarian aspects anchored strongly in the theoretical concepts of Boaventura de Sousa Santos about the sociology of privations and emergencies as well as of the work of translating. The predominantly qualitative approach collects some complementary quantitative data. The study procedures used were the following: bibliographic research; documental research; interviews; and direct observation. Interpretation of the information obtained was based on documental analysis and on the symbolic cartography of the social representations. Cartographic evidence suggests that practices still take place under dehumanizing conditions that compromise the quality of care given. However, there is a movement aimed at changing the work process that has been strengthening the link and widening the measures developed, incorporating new directions in diversity, integrality and solidarity. The map drawn shows a reality manifested by explicit intentions in a political agenda, by concrete solutions marked by an assortment of difficulties and expressed in the words of the agents and by latent clues identified in successful local experiences, posing many challenges for the consolidation of the proposed changes
Trata-se de uma investigação que busca revelar convergências e divergências no processo de planificação da Política Pública de Saúde, com foco primordial na participação dos organismos de representação social na consolidação do Sistema Único (SUS), destacando a Conferência Nacional de Saúde CNS, instância que deve ter participação obrigatória na formulação de recomendações para essa política estatal. Considera que a planificação reúne elementos de concepção jurídica, técnica e política para a elaboração dos documentos intitulados Planos Nacionais de Saúde PNS. A partir de pesquisa qualitativa de base documental e argumentação com apoio de Cartografia Simbólica, põe em exame o processo de elaboração e o teor presente nos relatórios da 12ª (2003), 13ª (2007) e 14ª CNS (2011), alinhando seus eixos, diretrizes e prioridades nos correspondentes PNS nos quadriênios 2004-2007, 2008-2011 e 2012-2015. A escolha desses instrumentos, na temporalidade sugerida, tem por esteio o período em que a implantação do sistema de Planejamento do SUS PlanejaSUS, orienta normativa e tecnicamente a elaboração do PNS, tendo como uma de suas referências o que foi emanado das conferências. Propõe-se verificar as tensões existentes entre momentos distintos da definição das prioridades elencadas nas políticas públicas de saúde à luz das contribuições teóricas sobre a concepção do Estado, numa visão contemporânea associada à sua dinâmica de atuação vinculada ao modo de produção e acumulação capitalista; sobre a metodologia do Planejamento Estratégico com base na participação de atores diversos; e ainda, na análise sobre a expressão desse participacionismo na ótica dos processos democráticos representativos no SUS. Na confecção dos mapas cartográficos foi proposta a correlação entre os conteúdos dos Relatórios das 12ª a 14ª conferências de saúde com o que está expresso nas prioridades constantes nos Planos Nacionais de Saúde (2004 a 2007, 2008 a 2011 e 2012 a 2015), verificando-se aproximações e distanciamentos existentes entre o que expressa a sociedade e a política governamental. Conclui-se que, do exame crítico entre as diretrizes e prioridades contidas no acervo documental existente e sua metodologia de construção, com fundamento na argumentação do aporte teórico trabalhado, são verificadas tensões e harmonizações que revelam pontos convergentes e dissonantes das pactuações e consensos entre os atores sociais representantes dos segmentos, no qual critério da representatividade condiciona a defesa de opiniões, interesses e prioridades, de modo diverso para os que estão implicados nesse processo de planificação
This qualitative research aimed to understand the educational activities carried out in Family Health Units, of the municipality of Mossoró-RN. It was used symbolic cartography to organize and present data from reality. It started on the approach of Health Education and knowledge transformation practice, aiming at the development of autonomy and responsibility of individuals and healthcare, publicized by the appreciation of the interpersonal relations area established in services, such as educational emancipator practices contexts. Individual and collective interviews were realized, conducted with health professionals and users of ESF, about themes, activities, membership, the difficulties, the potential and the design of health education that permeate everyday Family Health Strategy. From what was apprehended, thematic maps were done with the analysis of educational practices of professionals belonging to the Family‟s Health. Links are built with the wires of conceptions of education reflected on themes and activities of family health teams. The storylines are rebinded by voices about the difficulties and the potential of educational processes for emancipator postures. For users, health education means proper care and information on disease prevention. Professionals understand that it is all information that is given to users, about health, social well-being, economic and general condition of human being as a way of preventing and treating disease. Mark printed on voices denote that activities and themes worked don‟t motivate users enough for their participation, being that physicians and dentists also get excluded themselves from educational practices. Elderly groups are those who get most involved with the activities. The size of the contained area and its seclusion from community make harder the access of users, as well as diminishing the quality of educational actions and links users-professionals. Therefore, the searching for medicines, medical consultations and wish to be well served are trademarks of voices from the users that interconnect with enlightening information and guidelines offered by professionals to users. It brings out practices that need to incorporate the social, the subjective and act with practices of prevention and health promotion, on the basis of lifestyles. The dialogical model, which needs to be approached since planning phase of health education actions could arouse interest of involved groups; promoting a relationship of dialogue and listening; discussing the local reality; stimulating practical methodological dialetics; promoting processes of deconstruction of concepts, values and attitudes, as more necessary than construction, using multiple languages. The defended thesis denotes paths to other studies aimed at understanding a dialogical template committed to exchanges of knowledge, and discover strategies that encourage formation of critical consciousness and the discovery of how is the training of new generations of healthcare professionals to belong to the project of society, in its technical, scientific, pedagogical, ethical, political and humanistic dimensions