808 resultados para Problem-solving Treatment
We propose a taxonomy for heterogeneity and dynamics of swarms in PSO, which separates the consideration of homogeneity and heterogeneity from the presence of adaptive and non-adaptive dynamics, both at the particle and swarm level. It thus supports research into the separate and combined contributions of each of these characteristics. An analysis of the literature shows that most recent work has focussed on only parts of the taxonomy. Our results agree with prior work that both heterogeneity and dynamics are useful. However while heterogeneity does typically improve PSO, this is often dominated by the improvement due to dynamics. Adaptive strategies used to generate heterogeneity may end up sacrificing the dynamics which provide the greatest performance increase. We evaluate exemplar strategies for each area of the taxonomy and conclude with recommendations.
We introduce self-interested evolutionary market agents, which act on behalf of service providers in a large decentralised system, to adaptively price their resources over time. Our agents competitively co-evolve in the live market, driving it towards the Bertrand equilibrium, the non-cooperative Nash equilibrium, at which all sellers charge their reserve price and share the market equally. We demonstrate that this outcome results in even load-balancing between the service providers. Our contribution in this paper is twofold; the use of on-line competitive co-evolution of self-interested service providers to drive a decentralised market towards equilibrium, and a demonstration that load-balancing behaviour emerges under the assumptions we describe. Unlike previous studies on this topic, all our agents are entirely self-interested; no cooperation is assumed. This makes our problem a non-trivial and more realistic one.
The deterioration in staff-student ratios in UK higher education has had a disproportionate impact on assessment and feedback, meaning that contemporary students may have fewer assessments and much less feedback than a generation ago (Gibbs, 2006). Early use of a quiz assessment may offer a blend of social benefits (social comparison, shared problem solving leading to engagement, belonging and continuation), academic benefits (early formative assessment, immediate feedback) and administrative benefits (on-the-spot verbal marking and feedback to 230 students simultaneously). This study sought student views on the acceptability and contribution to learning of the quiz. Social benefits were apparent but difficulties in creating questions to elicit deeper reasoning and problem solving are discussed and the quiz had limited pedagogic value in the eyes of participants. The use of assertion-reason questions are considered as a way of taking the table quiz to a higher level and extending its pedagogic value.
The programme of research examines knowledge workers, their relationships with organisations, and perceptions of management practices through the development of a theoretical model and knowledge worker archetypes. Knowledge worker and non-knowledge worker archetypes were established through an analysis of the extant literature. After an exploratory study of knowledge workers in a small software development company the archetypes were refined to include occupational classification data and the findings from Study 1. The Knowledge Worker Characteristics Model (KWCM) was developed as a theoretical framework in order to analyse differences between the two archetypes within the IT sector. The KWCM comprises of the variables within the job characteristics model, creativity, goal orientation, identification and commitment. In Study 2, a global web based survey was conducted. There were insufficient non-knowledge worker responses and therefore a cluster analysis was conducted to interrogate the archetypes further. This demonstrated, unexpectedly, that that there were marked differences within the knowledge worker archetypes suggesting the need to granulate the archetype further. The theoretical framework and the archetypes were revised (as programmers and web developers) and the research study was refocused to examine occupational differences within knowledge work. Findings from Study 2 identified that there were significant differences between the archetypes in relation to the KWCM. 19 semi-structured interviews were conducted in Study 3 in order to deepen the analysis using qualitative data and to examine perceptions of people management practices. The findings from both studies demonstrate that there were significant differences between the two groups but also that job challenge, problem solving, intrinsic reward and team identification were of importance to both groups of knowledge workers. This thesis presents an examination of knowledge workers’ perceptions of work, organisations and people management practices in the granulation and differentiation of occupational archetypes.
The problem of management consulting for sustainable development organization support is discussed. The problem is formally described by means of systemological terms. The mathematical problem solving is considered. Practical use of the obtained results is outlined.
The report discusses some neurophysiologicai and other phenomena, interpretation of which persuasively supports, although indirectly, coceptual views developed by the authors, concerning memory organization in human brain and the processes that occur in it.
Defining 'effectiveness' in the context of community mental health teams (CMHTs) has become increasingly difficult under the current pattern of provision required in National Health Service mental health services in England. The aim of this study was to establish the characteristics of multi-professional team working effectiveness in adult CMHTs to develop a new measure of CMHT effectiveness. The study was conducted between May and November 2010 and comprised two stages. Stage 1 used a formative evaluative approach based on the Productivity Measurement and Enhancement System to develop the scale with multiple stakeholder groups over a series of qualitative workshops held in various locations across England. Stage 2 analysed responses from a cross-sectional survey of 1500 members in 135 CMHTs from 11 Mental Health Trusts in England to determine the scale's psychometric properties. Based on an analysis of its structural validity and reliability, the resultant 20-item scale demonstrated good psychometric properties and captured one overall latent factor of CMHT effectiveness comprising seven dimensions: improved service user well-being, creative problem-solving, continuous care, inter-team working, respect between professionals, engagement with carers and therapeutic relationships with service users. The scale will be of significant value to CMHTs and healthcare commissioners both nationally and internationally for monitoring, evaluating and improving team functioning in practice.
This paper presents the application of Networks of Evolutionary Processors to Decision Support Systems, precisely Knowledge-Driven DSS. Symbolic information and rule-based behavior in Networks of Evolutionary Processors turn out to be a great tool to obtain decisions based on objects present in the network. The non-deterministic and massive parallel way of operation results in NP-problem solving in linear time. A working NEP example is shown.
Systems analysis (SA) is widely used in complex and vague problem solving. Initial stages of SA are analysis of problems and purposes to obtain problems/purposes of smaller complexity and vagueness that are combined into hierarchical structures of problems(SP)/purposes(PS). Managers have to be sure the PS and the purpose realizing system (PRS) that can achieve the PS-purposes are adequate to the problem to be solved. However, usually SP/PS are not substantiated well enough, because their development is based on a collective expertise in which logic of natural language and expert estimation methods are used. That is why scientific foundations of SA are not supposed to have been completely formed. The structure-and-purpose approach to SA based on a logic-and-linguistic simulation of problems/purposes analysis is a step towards formalization of the initial stages of SA to improve adequacy of their results, and also towards increasing quality of SA as a whole. Managers of industrial organizing systems using the approach eliminate logical errors in SP/PS at early stages of planning and so they will be able to find better decisions of complex and vague problems.
В статье представлена комплексная информационная технология для безсловесной коммуникации между людями с проблемами слуха, основанная на жестомимическом языке.
This paper continues the author’s team research on development, implementation, and experimentation of a task-oriented environment for teaching and learning algorithms. This environment is a part of a large-scale environment for course teaching in different domains. The paper deals only with the UML project of the teaching team’s side of the environment.. The implementation of the project ideas is demonstrated on a WINDOWS-based environment’s prototype.
An adaptive learning technology embedded in e-learning environments ensures choice of the structure, content, and activities for each individual learner according to the teaching team’s domain and didactic knowledge and skills. In this paper a computer-based scenario for application of an adaptive navigation technology is proposed and demonstrated on an example course topic.
В работе предлагается классификация приближенных методов комбинаторной оптимизации, которая обобщает и дополняет существующие подходы.