1000 resultados para Price family.
The Iowa Dept. of Public Health, Iowa's Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet, this newsletter is provided to help instruct people about healthy food choices.
The Iowa Dept. of Public Health, Iowa's Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet, this newsletter is provided to help instruct people about healthy food choices.
The Iowa Dept. of Public Health, Iowa's Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet, this newsletter is provided to help instruct people about healthy food choices.
The Iowa Dept. of Public Health, Iowa's Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet, this newsletter is provided to help instruct people about healthy food choices.
The Iowa Dept. of Public Health, Iowa's Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet, this newsletter is provided to help instruct people about healthy food choices.
The Iowa Dept. of Public Health, Iowa's Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet, this newsletter is provided to help instruct people about healthy food choices.
The Iowa Dept. of Public Health, Iowa's Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet, this newsletter is provided to help instruct people about healthy food choices.
The Iowa Dept. of Public Health, Iowa's Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet, this newsletter is provided to help instruct people about healthy food choices.
The Iowa Dept. of Public Health, Iowa's Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet, this newsletter is provided to help instruct people about healthy food choices.
This study contributes to developing our understanding of gender and family business, a topic so crucial to recent policies about competitive growth. It does so by providing an interdisciplinary synthesis of some major theoretical debates. It also contributes to this understanding by illuminating the role of women and their participation in the practices of the family and the business. Finally, it explores gender relations and the notion that leadership in family business may take complex forms crafted within constantly changing relationships. Leadership is introduced as a concept that captures the reality of women and men in family firms in a better way than other concepts used by historians or economists like ownership and management.
BACKGROUND: The psychological transmission of the noxious effects of a major trauma from one generation to the next remains unclear. The present study aims to identify possible mechanisms explaining this transmission among families of Holocaust Survivors (HS). We hypothesized that the high level of depressive and anxiety disorders (DAD) among HS impairs family systems, which results in damaging coping strategies of their children (CHS) yielding a higher level of DAD. METHODS: 49 CHS completed the Resilience Scale for Adults, the Hopkins Symptom Check List-25, the 13-Item Sense of Coherence (SOC) scale, and the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale. We test a mediation model with Family types as the predictor; coping strategies (i.e. Resilience or SOC) as the mediator; and DAD as the outcome variable. RESULTS: Results confirm that the CHS׳ family types are more often damaged than in general population. Moreover, growing in a damaged family seems to impede development of coping strategies and, therefore, enhances the occurrence of DAD. LIMITATIONS: The present investigation is correlational and should be confirmed by other prospective investigations. CONCLUSIONS: At a theoretical level we propose a mechanism of transmission of the noxious effects of a major trauma from one generation to the next through family structure and coping strategies. At a clinical level, our results suggest to investigate the occurrence of trauma among parents of patients consulting for DAD and to reinforce their coping strategies.
The PHO1 protein is involved in loading inorganic phosphate (Pi) to the root xylem. Ten genes homologous to AtPHO1 are present in the Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heyn genome. From this gene family, transcript levels of only AtPHO1, AtPHO1;H1 and AtPHO1;H10 were increased by Pi-deficiency. While the up-regulation of AtPHO1;H1 and AtPHO1;H10 by Pi deficiency followed the same rapid kinetics and was dependent on the PHR1 transcription factor, phosphite only strongly suppressed the expression of AtPHO1;H1 and had a minor effect on AtPHO1;H10. Addition of sucrose was found to increase transcript levels of both AtPHO1 and AtPHO1;H1 in Pi-sufficient or Pi-deficient plants, but to suppress AtPHO1:H10 under the same conditions. Treatments of plants with auxin or cytokinin had contrasting effect depending on the gene and on the Pi status of the plants. Thus, while both hormones down-regulated expression of AtPHO1 independently of the plant Pi status, auxin and cytokinin up-regulated AtPHO1;H1 and AtPHO1;H10 expression in Pi-sufficient plants and down-regulated expression in Pi-deficient plants. Treatments with abscisic acid inhibited AtPHO1 and AtPHO1;H1 expression in both Pi-sufficient and Pi-deficient plants, but increased AtPHO1;H10 expression under the same conditions. The inhibition of expression by abscisic acid of AtPHO1 and AtPHO1;H1, and of the Pi-starvation responsive genes AtPHT1;1 and AtIPS1, was dependant on the ABI1 type 2C protein phosphatase. These results reveal that various levels of cross talk between the signal transduction pathways to Pi, sucrose and phytohormones are involved in the regulation of expression of the three AtPHO1 homologues.
[spa] La participación del trabajo en la renta nacional es constante bajo los supuestos de una función de producción Cobb-Douglas y competencia perfecta. En este artículo se relajan estos supuestos y se investiga si el comportamiento no constante de la participación del trabajo en la renta nacional se explica por (i) una elasticidad de sustitución entre capital y trabajo no unitaria y (ii) competencia no perfecta en el mercado de producto. Nos centramos en España y los U.S. y estimamos una función de producción con elasticidad de sustitución constante y competencia imperfecta en el mercado de producto. El grado de competencia imperfecta se mide a través del cálculo del price markup basado en laaproximación dual. Mostramos que la elasticidad de sustitución es mayor que uno en España y menor que uno en los US. También mostramos que el price markup aleja la elasticidad de sustitución de uno, lo aumenta en España, lo reduce en los U.S. Estos resultados se utilizan para explicar la senda decreciente de la participación del trabajo en la renta nacional, común a ambas economías, y sus contrastadas sendas de capital.
This study explores the existence of a wage curve for Spain. To quantify this relationship for the Spanish economy, we used individual datafrom the EPF 1990-1991. The results show the presence of a wage curve with an elasticity of -0.13. The availability of very detailed information on wages and unemployment has also shown that less protected labour market groups -young workers, manual workers and building sector workers- have a higher elasticity of wages to local unemployment. These results could be interpreted as a greater facility of firms in these segments to settle wages as a function ofthe unemployment rate