907 resultados para Previous Expectations


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The current study presents the characteristics of self-efficacy of students of Administration course, who work and do not work. The study was conducted through a field research, descriptive, addressed quantitatively using statistical procedures. Was studied a population composed of 394 students distributed in three Higher Education Institutions, in the metropolitan region of Belém, in the State of Pará. The sampling was not probabilistic by accessibility, with a sample of 254 subjects. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire composed of a set of questions divided into three sections: the first related to sociodemographic data, the second section was built to identify the work situation of the respondent and the third section was built with issues related to General Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale proposed by Schwarzer and Jerusalem (1999). Sociodemographic data were processed using methods of descriptive statistics. This procedure allowed characterizing the subjects of the sample. To identify the work situation, the analysis of frequency and percentage was used, which allowed to classify in percentage, the respondents who worked and those that did not work, and the data related to the scale of self-efficacy were processed quantitatively by the method of multivariate statistics using the software of program Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows - SPSS, version 17 from the process of Exploratory Factor Analysis. This procedure allowed characterizing the students who worked and the students who did not worked. The results were discussed based on Social Cognitive Theory from the construct of self-efficacy of Albert Bandura (1977). The study results showed a young sample, composed the majority of single women with work experience, and indicated that the characteristics of self-efficacy of students who work and students who do not work are different. The self-efficacy beliefs of students who do not work are based on psychological expectations, whereas the students who work demonstrated that their efficacy beliefs are sustained by previous experiences. A student who does not work proved to be reliant in their abilities to achieve a successful performance in their activities, believing it to be easy to achieve your goals and to face difficult situations at work, simply by invest a necessary effort and trust in their abilities. One who has experience working proved to be reliant in their abilities to conduct courses of action, although know that it is not easy to achieve your goals, and in unexpected situations showed its ability to solve difficult problems


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We explore the motivations and expectations that are impacting Portuguese recently graduated individuals in their decision of becoming international managers. Throughout a qualitative analysis over 20 interviews we construct a theoretical framework of recent graduates actual expectations and motivations regarding their international assignments. Accordingly, individuals are conducted by the desire of cultural-diversity experiences, social pressures and challenging environments. Expectations are not a result of a straightforward process; instead, they are dynamic and influenced by the challenges that international managers have to cope with during their international journey. Moreover, expectations and motivations are not mutually exclusive; they produce impact on each other, characterizing a dynamic process of international managers‟ lives.


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While there is extensive research regarding the way users in social networking sites (SNSs) connect and communicate with each other, literature on consumer-brand relationships in SNSs is scarce. This paper hypothesizes and tests the impact of varying the source of communication in Facebook brand pages on key characteristics of brand equity, examining whether this impact is conditioned by relationship closeness expectations. More specifically, two experiments assess how relationship closeness expectations vary according to brand category and brand affiliation and how the use of a spokes-character as the source of communication in brand pages versus communicating institutionally affects consumer’s attitudes towards two real-world brands. To measure these variables, structured questionnaires were conducted with three groups of undergraduate students. The results suggest that the appropriateness of opting for a more “informal” source of communication in brand pages such as a spokes-character varies depending on whether this is in(congruent) with existing relationship closeness expectations. Implications for researchers, brand and social media managers are presented.


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Everyday, humans and animals navigate complex acoustic environments, where multiple sound sources overlap. Somehow, they effortlessly perform an acoustic scene analysis and extract relevant signals from background noise. Constant updating of the behavioral relevance of ambient sounds requires the representation and integration of incoming acoustical information with internal representations such as behavioral goals, expectations and memories of previous sound-meaning associations. Rapid plasticity of auditory representations may contribute to our ability to attend and focus on relevant sounds. In order to better understand how auditory representations are transformed in the brain to incorporate behavioral contextual information, we explored task-dependent plasticity in neural responses recorded at four levels of the auditory cortical processing hierarchy of ferrets: the primary auditory cortex (A1), two higher-order auditory areas (dorsal PEG and ventral-anterior PEG) and dorso-lateral frontal cortex. In one study we explored the laminar profile of rapid-task related plasticity in A1 and found that plasticity occurred at all depths, but was greatest in supragranular layers. This result suggests that rapid task-related plasticity in A1 derives primarily from intracortical modulation of neural selectivity. In two other studies we explored task-dependent plasticity in two higher-order areas of the ferret auditory cortex that may correspond to belt (secondary) and parabelt (tertiary) auditory areas. We found that representations of behaviorally-relevant sounds are progressively enhanced during performance of auditory tasks. These selective enhancement effects became progressively larger as you ascend the auditory cortical hierarchy. We also observed neuronal responses to non-auditory, task-related information (reward timing, expectations) in the parabelt area that were very similar to responses previously described in frontal cortex. These results suggests that auditory representations in the brain are transformed from the more veridical spectrotemporal information encoded in earlier auditory stages to a more abstract representation encoding sound behavioral meaning in higher-order auditory areas and dorso-lateral frontal cortex.


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University students are more globally mobile than ever before, increasingly receiving education outside of their home countries. One significant student exchange pattern is between China and the United States; Chinese students are the largest population of international students in the U.S. (Institute of International Education, 2014). Differences between Chinese and American culture in turn influence higher education praxis in both countries, and students are enculturated into the expectations and practices of their home countries. This implies significant changes for students who must navigate cultural differences, academic expectations, and social norms during the process of transition to a system of higher education outside their home country. Despite the trends in students’ global mobility and implications for international students’ transitions, scholarship about international students does not examine students’ experiences with the transition process to a new country and system of higher education. Related models were developed with American organizations and individuals, making it unlikely that they would be culturally transferable to Chinese international students’ transitions. This study used qualitative methods to deepen the understanding of Chinese international students’ transition processes. Grounded theory methods were used to invite the narratives of 18 Chinese international students at a large public American university, analyze the data, and build a theory that reflects Chinese international students’ experiences transitioning to American university life. Findings of the study show that Chinese international students experience a complex process of transition to study in the United States. Students’ pre-departure experiences, including previous exposure to American culture, family expectations, and language preparation, informed their transition. Upon arrival, students navigate resource seeking to fulfill their practical, emotional, social, intellectual, and ideological needs. As students experienced various positive and discouraging events, they developed responses to the pivotal moments. These behaviors formed patterns in which students sought familiarity or challenge subsequent to certain events. The findings and resulting theory provide a framework through which to better understand the experiences of Chinese international students in the context of American higher education.


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Relation-inferred self-efficacy (RISE), a relatively new concept, is defined as a target individual’s beliefs about how an observer, often a relationship partner, perceives the target’s ability to perform certain actions successfully. Along with self-efficacy (i.e., one’s beliefs about his or her own ability) and other-efficacy (i.e., one’s beliefs about his or her partner’s ability), RISE makes up a three part system of interrelated efficacy beliefs known as the relational efficacy model (Lent & Lopez, 2002). Previous research has shown this model to be helpful in understanding how relational dyads, including coach-athlete, advisor-advisee, and romantic partners, contribute to the development of self-efficacy beliefs. The clinical supervision dyad (i.e., supervisor-supervisee), is another context in which relational efficacy beliefs may play an important role. This study investigated the relationship between counseling self-efficacy, RISE, and other-efficacy within the context of clinical supervision. Specifically, it examined whether supervisee perceptions about how their supervisor sees their counseling ability (RISE) related to how supervisees see their own counseling ability (counseling self-efficacy), and what moderates this relationship. The study also sought to discover the degree to which RISE mediated the relationship between supervisor working alliance and counseling self-efficacy. Data were collected from 240 graduate students who were currently enrolled in counseling related fields, working with at least one client, and receiving regular supervision. Results demonstrated that years of experience and RISE predicted counseling self-efficacy and that the relationship between RISE and counseling self-efficacy was, as expected, moderated by other-efficacy. Contrary to expectations, however, counseling experience and level of client difficulty did not moderate the relationship between RISE and counseling self-efficacy. These findings suggest that the relationship between RISE and counseling self-efficacy was stronger when supervisees saw their supervisors as capable therapists. Furthermore, RISE was found to fully mediate the relationship between supervisor working alliance and counseling self-efficacy. Future research directions and implications for training and supervision are discussed.


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This paper examines the emerging cultural patterns and interpretative repertoires in reports of an impending pandemic of avian flu in the UK mass media and scientific journals at the beginning of 2005, paying particular attention to metaphors, pragmatic markers ('risk signals'), symbolic dates and scare statistics used by scientists and the media to create expectations and elicit actions. This study complements other work on the metaphorical framing of infectious disease, such as foot and mouth disease and SARS, tries to link it to developments in the sociology of expectations and applies insights from pragmatics both to the sociology of metaphor and the sociology of expectations.


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Although mitigating GHG emissions is necessary to reduce the overall negative climate change impacts on crop yields and agricultural production, certain mitigation measures may generate unintended consequences to food availability and access due to land use competition and economic burden of mitigation. Prior studies have examined the co-impacts on food availability and global producer prices caused by alternative climate policies. More recent studies have looked at the reduction in total caloric intake driven by both changing income and changing food prices under one specific climate policy. However, due to inelastic calorie demand, consumers’ well-being are likely further reduced by increased food expenditures. Built upon existing literature, my dissertation explores how alternative climate policy designs might adversely affect both caloric intake and staple food budget share to 2050, by using the Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM) and a post-estimated metric of food availability and access (FAA). My dissertation first develop a set of new metrics and methods to explore new perspectives of food availability and access under new conditions. The FAA metric consists of two components, the fraction of GDP per capita spent on five categories of staple food and total caloric intake relative to a reference level. By testing the metric against alternate expectations of the future, it shows consistent results with previous studies that economic growth dominates the improvement of FAA. As we increase our ambition to achieve stringent climate targets, two policy conditions tend to have large impacts on FAA driven by competing land use and increasing food prices. Strict conservation policies leave the competition between bioenergy and agriculture production on existing commercial land, while pricing terrestrial carbon encourages large-scale afforestation. To avoid unintended outcomes to food availability and access for the poor, pricing land emissions in frontier forests has the advantage of selecting more productive land for agricultural activities compared to the full conservation approach, but the land carbon price should not be linked to the price of energy system emissions. These results are highly relevant to effective policy-making to reduce land use change emissions, such as the Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD).


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Mestrado Vinifera Euromaster - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Botânica, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, 2016.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa Multi-Institucional e Inter-Regional de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis, 2016.


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The use of Objective Structured Clinical Examination/Objective Structured Clinical Assessment (OSCE/OSCA) has been well documented. How assessors currently view the process, and if the OSCA tool still fulfils the assessment requirements, is unclear. In this study, the beliefs and expectations of assessors towards the assessment tool used in an undergraduate nursing degree to assess clinical skills was investigated. A cross-sectional study used semi-structured interviews and focus groups with 16 lecturers in nursing from a rural Australian university. This represents 65% of the total nurse academic staff employed there. The key issues that the academic staff raised reflect those from previous studies, such as the use of OSCA as formative assessment or a quality check process before the clinical practice. The OSCAs were seen as a good assessment tool, which gave students the opportunity to receive feedback on their performance in relation to clinical skills. The drawbacks identified in relation to the use of OSCAs were that the OSCA was seen as stressful to students. This drawback was thought to be further compounded if there was a lack of congruence regarding essential criteria between assessors. If not adequately addressed these drawbacks will erode the potential the OSCA tool has to foster uniformity, which was one of the main reasons for its implementation. .


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While family caregivers may temporarily relinquish responsibility for daily care to health professionals for the period of hospitalization, new expectations and demands are placed upon them. Family caregivers can be asked to commit to new relationships with health professionals, contribute to care decisions and discharge planning. For the caregivers of older patients these new expectations may be challenging, and contribute to feelings of burden and increased stress. The aim of this qualitative descriptive study was to explore the experience of family caregivers when their relative is an inpatient in this outer Melbourne geriatric evaluation and management facility. This study found that the burden associated with the experience of caregiving continued despite the hospitalization of their relative. The challenges faced by families included communicating with health professionals, and being asked to contribute to care decisions, in particular those regarding discharge planning, and managing conflict. In conclusion, the issues and challenges faced by family caregivers needs to be acknowledged and considered as an extension of patient care planning


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Few studies have investigated expectations of fatherhood in men without children, and none within the age bracket most often associated with new fatherhood. Therefore, the objective of this qualitative study was to gain in-depth understanding of young men's beliefs and perceptions of that role. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) of interview transcripts identified 3 key themes: The contemporary model father, perceived threat to life as we know it, and, the central theme, an unforeseeable future. Analysis revealed that while participants held broad expectations to be emotionally and physically involved as well as economically responsible fathers, their views often lacked specificity, consideration of meaning, and practical notions about how expectations could be fulfilled. We explain the lack of development in men's conceptualization of fatherhood across emerging adulthood through hegemonic masculinity, identity theory, and life course perspectives. The current study provides a rationale for promoting increased discussion around fatherhood in the preconception period to help lessen the turbulent nature of men's transition through pregnancy. (PsycINFO Database Record