830 resultados para Pre-school Children
This paper provides curriculum on noise, ears, hearing and deafness for elementary school children.
Developmental stammering (DS, also known as idiopathic stammering or stuttering) is a disorder of speech fluency that affects approximately 0.75% to 1% of the populations of Great Britain, Australia and America,(1-4) although a recent study puts the point prevalence figure at between 1% and 3% in the UK.(5) Prevalence is generally thought to be similar amongst communities worldwide, although there have been occasional suggestions that this figure might be lower in countries where there is less pressure on verbal acuity.(6) DS may be distinguished from neurogenic stammering, which can occur subsequent to neurological damage of various aetiologies (for example, stroke, tumour, degenerative disease) and psychogenic stammering, whose onset can be related to a significant psychological event such as bereavement. While a diagnosis of neurogenic stammering might be made in early childhood and adolescence, both neurogenic and psychogenic types are typically associated with an adult onset. DS is by far the most common form of stammering and usually develops in the pre-school years. The mean age at onset is 4 2, with 75% of cases beginning before the age of 6.(1) However, occasionally, stammering onset may be seen as late as 12 or 13 years of age.
Starting point for these outputs is a large scale research project in collaboration with the Zurich University for the Arts and the Kunstmuseum Thun, looking at a redefinition of Social Sculpture (Joseph Beuys/ Bazon Brock, 1970) as a functional device re-deployed to expand the art discourse into a societal discourse. Although Beuys‘ version of a social sculpture involved notions of abstruse mysticism and reformulations of a national identity these were never-the less part of a social transformation that shifted and re-arranged power relations. Following Laclau and Mouffe in their contention that democray is a fundamentally antagonistic process and contesting Grant Kester’s understanding of a ethically based relational practice, this work is alignes itself with Hirschhorn’s claim to an aesthetic practice within communities, following the possibility to view a socially based practice from both ends of the ethics debate, whereby ethical aspects fuels the aethetic to “create situations that are beautiful because they are ethical and shocking because they are ethical, thus in turn aesthetic because they are ethical” (O’Donnell). This project sets out to engage in activities which interact with surrounding communities and evoce new imaginations of site, thereby understanding site as a catalysts for subjective emergences. Performance is tested as a site for social practice. Archival research into local audio/visual resources, such as the Swiss Radio Archive, the Swiss Military Film Archives and zoological film archives of the Basel Zoo, was instrumental to the navigation of this work, under theme of crisis, catastrophy, landscape, fallout, in order to create a visual language for an active performance site. Commissioned by the Kunstmuseum Thun in collaboration with the University for the Arts in Zurich as part of a year long exhibition programme, (other artists are Jeanne Van Heeswijk (NL) and San Keller (CH), ) this project brings together a series of different works in a new performace installation. The performance process includes a performance workshop with 30 school children from local Swiss schools and their teachers, which was conducted publicly in the museum spaces. It enabled the children to engage with an unexpected set of tribal and animalistic behaviours, looking at situations of flight and rescue, resulting in a large performance choreography orchestration without an apparent conductor, it includes a collaboration with renowned Swiss zoologist, Prof Klaus Zuberbühler(University of St Andrews) and the Colonal General Haldimann commander of the military base in Thun. The installation included 2 static video images, shot in an around spectacular local cave site (Beatus Caves) including 3 children. The project will culminate in an edited edition of the Oncurating Journal, (issue no, tbc, in 2012) including interviews and essays from project collaborators. (Army Commander General, Thun, Jörg Hess, performance script, Timothy Long, and others)
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), a non-governmental organisation (NGO), runs a large number of non-formal primary schools in Bangladesh which target out-of-school children from poor families. These schools are well-known for their effectiveness in closing the gender gap in primary school enrolment. On the other hand, registered non-government secondary madrasas (or Islamic schools) today enrol one girl against every boy student. In this article, we document a positive spillover effect of BRAC schools on female secondary enrolment in registered madrasas. Drawing upon school enrolment data aggregated at the region level, we first show that regions that had more registered madrasas experienced greater secondary female enrolment growth during 1999–2003, holding the number of secular secondary schools constant. In this context we test the impact of BRAC-run primary schools on female enrolment in registered madrasas. We deal with the potential endogeneity of placement of BRAC schools using an instrumental variable approach. Controlling for factors such as local-level poverty, road access and distance from major cities, we show that regions with a greater presence of BRAC schools have higher female enrolment growth in secondary madrasas. The effect is much bigger when compared to that on secondary schools.
Objectives. To describe the prevalence of dental caries in children with deciduous teeth in urban and rural areas in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and to identify associated factors. Methods. The study included 24 744 children ( 5 - 7 years of age) examined as part of an epidemiological survey on oral health carried out in the state of Sao Paulo ( Levan-tamento Epidemiologico de Sa de Bucal do Estado de Sao Paulo). Multilevel analysis was used to investigate whether the prevalence of untreated caries was associated with the sociodemographic characteristics of the children examined or with the socioeconomic aspects of the participating cities. Results. Being black or brown ( adjusted odds ratio ( OR) = 1.27), attending school in rural areas ( adjusted OR = 1.88), and attending public school ( adjusted OR = 3.41) were identified as determinants for an increased probability of presenting deciduous teeth with untreated caries. Being a female ( adjusted OR = 0.83) was identified as a protective factor. The negative coefficients obtained for second- level independent variables indicate that the oral health profile of the cities included in the study were positively impacted by a higher municipal human development index ( beta = - 0.47) and fluoridated drinking water ( beta = - 0.32). Conclusions. The prevalence of untreated caries is influenced by individual and sociodemographic factors. The present study provides epidemiological information concerning the rural areas in the state of Sao Paulo. This information is useful for strategic planning and for establishing guidelines for oral health actions in local health systems, thereby contributing to oral health equity.
This population-based cross-sectional study of 403 rural settlers in Brazilian Amazonia revealed an overall rate of IgG seropositivity to Toxocara canis excretory-secretory larval antigen of 26.8% (95% confidence interval [CI], 22.5-31.4%). Multilevel logistic regression analysis identified current infection with hookworm (odds ratio [OR], 2.32; 95% CI, 1.11-4.86) and residence in the most recently occupied sectors of the settlement (OR, 1.81.; 95%CI, 1.3-2.52) as significant risk factors for Toxocara seropositivity; age > 14 years (OR, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.28-0.73) and the presence of cats in the household (OR, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.32-1.02) appeared to be protective. Two significant high-prevalence clusters were detected in the area, together comprising 38.9% of the seropositive subjects; households in the clusters had slightly lower socioeconomic status and were less likely to have cats as pets. The obstacles for controlling human toxocariasis in this and other tropical rural settings are discussed.
A comparison of dengue virus (DENV) antibody levels in paired serum samples collected from predominantly DENV-naive residents in an agricultural settlement in Brazilian Amazonia (baseline seroprevalence, 18.3%) showed a seroconversion rate of 3.67 episodes/100 person-years at risk during 12 months of follow-up. Multivariate analysis identified male sex, poverty, and migration from extra-Amazonian states as significant predictors of baseline DENY seropositivity, whereas male sex, a history of clinical diagnosis of dengue fever, and travel to an urban area predicted subsequent seroconversion. The laboratory surveillance of acute febrile illnesses implemented at the study site and in a nearby town between 2004 and 2006 confirmed 11. DENV infections among 102 episodes studied with DENV IgM detection, reverse transcriptase-polymerise chain reaction, and virus isolation; DENV-3 was isolated. Because DENV exposure is associated with migration or travel, personal protection measures when visiting high-risk urban areas may reduce the incidence of DENV infection in this rural population.
This thesis is about the role of special educators in (pre)school and about developing democratic communication. It is based on the theory of argumentation developed by Jürgen Habermas. The aim of the study was to describe the conditions that create possibilities for deliberative communication between special educators, parents, students and colleagues in (pre)school. My overarching aim was to contribute to a more distinct description of special educators´ field of knowledge. I have used a social constructionist approach. The project has been based in the field of action research. A precondition for deliberative dialogues in (pre)schools is to start out from a communicative perspective. That means that (1) some theoretical conditions have been made apparent, (2) knowledge about these conditions have been shown to be crucial for using an aware communicative perspective in a speech act, (3) an aware communicative perspective is revealed through procedures of knowledge. These procedures were understood by and made evident to me as a result of network meeting discussions. A communicative perspective, a special educator as facilitator and procedures of knowledge are found to be crucial for collaboration using a deliberative attitude in (pre)schools. Today there is often a lack of pedagogical professionals in (pre)schools who can act as a link between authorities, organisations, professionals and parents, and who have the authority to pose challenging pedagogical questions. This can be changed if the role of special educators is, instead of teacher, defined as communicative special educators working with dialogues on different levels.
Classroom interaction is particularly important for those students who learn school knowledge in a second language. In this article two episodes of whole class teaching in pre-school and standard one are analyzed. The analysis shows the importance of making teachers aware of interactional patterns in classrooms. Although knowledge was presented clearly and concretely and teachers used routines that made norms explicit, inconsistencies in interactional patterns made the role of the teacher stand out as unclear. Whole class teaching of this type does not provide students with such linguistic and intellectual demands that are necessary for their language development.
I föreliggande kvalitativa studie var syftet att undersöka hur förskolepersonal upplever och resonerar i anmälningsprocesser samt vilka aspekter de anser vara främjande respektive hindrande för arbetet i dessa. Studiens empiriska material har samlats in genom fokusgruppsintervjuer och individuella intervjuer. Det övergripande resultatet visar att förskolepersonal upplever anmälningsprocesser som komplexa då de måste förhålla sig till omständigheter på såväl en mikro- som en mezzo- och makronivå. Omständigheterna utgörs bland annat av individuella roller och rollkonflikter, gruppdiskussioner och hänsynstagande till kollegor samt rådande samhällsnormer. Det är också den upplevda komplexiteten i anmälningsprocesserna som gör att förskolepersonal resonerar huruvida en anmälan ska göras eller inte. Detta resultat stämmer väl överens med tidigare forskning gjord på området men är något som inte överensstämmer med lagstiftarens intentioner. Resultatet visar vidare på att förskolepersonal anser det som främjande med stöd och rådgivning från kollegor och andra professioner för att få hjälp med arbetet i anmälningsprocesserna.
This paper describes the development of a new approach to the use of ICT for the teaching of courses in the interpretation and evaluation of evidence. It is based on ideas developed for the teaching of science to school children, in particular the importance of models and qualitative reasoning skills. In the first part, we make an analysis of the basis of current research into “evidence scholarship” and the demands such a system would have to meet. In the second part, we introduce the details of such a system that we developed initially to assist police in the interpretation of evidence.
O presente estudo procura avaliar as possíveis patologias que se manifestam como hiperecogenicidade dos vasos talâmicos (HEVT) à ultra-sonografia cerebral (USC) e observar a freqüência com que ocorrem. A amostra foi constituída de 206 recém-nascidos (RNs) prematuros nascidos no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) no período de julho de 1998 a maio de 1999. Todos os RNs realizaram a USC na primeira semana de vida. Foram incluídos no estudo aqueles prematuros que necessitaram de internação hospitalar e que tiveram o termo de consentimento informado assinado por um dos responsáveis. Foram excluídos aqueles cuja USC evidenciava sangramento cerebral e/ou malformações congênitas associadas e os que evoluíram para óbito antes da realização do exame. A USC levou à identificação de 65 RNs prematuros com HEVT e 141 RNs prematuros sem HEVT. A forma de apresentação do tipo pélvica ao nascimento, a maior idade gestacional, o maior peso do RN ao nascimento e a classificação grande para a idade gestacional foram fatores de risco para a ocorrência de HEVT. A presença de hipertensão materna durante o período de gestação tendeu a ser fator de proteção para HEVT. Os RNs que apresentaram crises convulsivas durante o período de internação hospitalar tiveram risco 3,2 vezes maior de ter HEVT quando comparados com os RNs que não apresentaram crises convulsivas.
Este trabalho é o relato de uma experiência de Educação Popular em uma pré-escola comunitária de uma favela do Rio de Janeiro. Após uma rápida exposição do contexto em que ocorreu a experiência, são descritos e analisados três aspectos considerados como fundamentais para o desenvolvimento do trabalho: a elaboração coletiva de uma pedagogia pré-escolar referenciada nas condições e na cultura local; a formação das educadoras leigas visando a sua autonomia; o estreitamento das relações entre escola e comunidade, buscando resgatar a unidade entre conhecimento e vida. A partir da prática e da reflexão sobre a prática, da apropriação do conhecimento universal acumulado e da busca de relações democráticas entre os membros da equipe de educadores, foi possível encontrar algumas referências e alguns caminhos para uma pré-escola comprometida com a educação integral das crianças das classes populares.
O presente trabalho consiste num estudo das Leis, Normas e Diretrizes propostas pelo Ministério da Educação e Cultura que, a partir de 1975 até 1980, tiveram maior divulgação e portanto - suponho - muita influência nas programações de educação pré-escolar dos diversos Estados e Territórios da Federação. De início ressalta-se a importância da educação pré-escolar por si mesma como condição necessária e não contingente para o desenvo1vimento humano, descartando-se as abordagens da privação cultural, base da educação compensatória. A seguir assa-se ao estudo propriamente dito dos documentos selecionados, buscando-se encontrar os propósitos, contradições, dos programas apresentados pelo Sistema Oficial de Ensino com o objetivo de contribuir para o alcance de alternativas mais coerentes. Como Metodologia de Trabalho procura-se estudar os documentos segundo a ordem cronológica de sua publicação de modo a que se possa visualizar numa progressão seqüencial, as ações relativas ao Programa de Educação Pré-Escolar no Brasil. Conclui-se que, no decorrer de aproximadamente um quinqüênio, a natureza do discurso sobre o tema foi mantida quase na íntegra e que as medidas relativas à pré-escola, de modo geral conservaram-se no papel e que, assim mesmo, estas medidas revestem-se dos princípios de "educação compensatória."
The text aims to discuss the problems that this would be set: - What are the concepts of public school children about their right to primary education, as required step in the Basic Education? - What are conducted by children on the elementary school, in terms of its structure, teaching, and acquisitions provide for their users, especially when it comes to literacy? In order to answer these questions, we conducted within the qualitative a case study within twenty children of the early years of elementary public school, ten of the School Mauricio de Sousa and ten children of the School Monteiro Lobato. with construction procedures of data, we worked with observation, semi-directive interview, questionnaire and document analysis. In analyzing the data, two categories emerged: right to education and school for children. The first focuses on what children think about the legal guarantee to school, seeking to understand if they understand the educational area as a right and relate what the law says and the reality in which they participate. The category for school children, including their purposes, characteristics, space literacy and its relationship with the teacher. In this sense, we comment, taking as its founding, the speech of children in their schools, focusing on how they perceive the school in terms of its structure and functioning, relations with the knowledge and the other children. With regard to child rights, the appreciation of Brazilian children should be the basis of the struggle for a more just, democratic, nondiscriminatory. However, children show not recognize education as a right, but as one who deserves the credit, that is, those children who are always attentive, do not fight and do not complain. In interviews, children express a simple wish child that the school had toys. A school for children should be a place with its own characteristics: cheerful, lively, colorful, which included the same time, security and challenges. Children point to the hope that the course of action the teacher was guided by respect their differences in a more emotional, especially with regard to issues of authority and discipline of the group. The most important learning is for all subjects learning to read / write, differing in the idea of how to learn. Unfortunately, for some students, learning reading and writing appears as a difficult and enjoyable process is not perceived by some subjects up to recognize the instrumental writing. Finally, we point to the actors of the school to launch a more accurate to say that the children and how to outline your main locus of learning