986 resultados para Power Series
11, pt.1
14, pt.2
11, pt.2
14, pt.1
Distribution systems, eigenvalue analysis, nodal admittance matrix, power quality, spectral decomposition
Healthcare-Associated Infective Endocarditis: a Case Series in a Referral Hospital from 2006 to 2011
Background: Healthcare-associated infective endocarditis (HCA-IE), a severe complication of medical care, shows a growing incidence in literature. Objective: To evaluate epidemiology, etiology, risk factors for acquisition, complications, surgical treatment, and outcome of HCA-IE. Methods: Observational prospective case series study (2006-2011) in a public hospital in Rio de Janeiro. Results: Fifty-three patients with HCA-IE from a total of 151 cases of infective endocarditis (IE) were included. There were 26 (49%) males (mean age of 47 ± 18.7 years), 27 (51%) females (mean age of 42 ± 20.1 years). IE was acute in 37 (70%) cases and subacute in 16 (30%) cases. The mitral valve was affected in 19 (36%) patients and the aortic valve in 12 (36%); prosthetic valves were affected in 23 (43%) patients and native valves in 30 (57%). Deep intravenous access was used in 43 (81%) cases. Negative blood cultures were observed in 11 (21%) patients, Enterococcus faecalis in 10 (19%), Staphylococcus aureus in 9 (17%), and Candida sp. in 7 (13%). Fever was present in 49 (92%) patients, splenomegaly in 12 (23%), new regurgitation murmur in 31 (58%), and elevated C-reactive protein in 44/53 (83%). Echocardiograms showed major criteria in 46 (87%) patients, and 34 (64%) patients were submitted to cardiac surgery. Overall mortality was 17/53 (32%). Conclusion: In Brazil HCA-IE affected young subjects. Patients with prosthetic and native valves were affected in a similar proportion, and non-cardiac surgery was an infrequent predisposing factor, whereas intravenous access was a common one. S. aureus was significantly frequent in native valve HCA-IE, and overall mortality was high.
Background: Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a sudden unexpected event, from a cardiac cause, that occurs in less than one hour after the symptoms onset, in a person without any previous condition that would seem fatal or who was seen without any symptoms 24 hours before found dead. Although it is a relatively frequent event, there are only few reliable data in underdeveloped countries. Objective: We aimed to describe the features of SCD in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil (600,000 residents) according to Coroners’ Office autopsy reports. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 4501 autopsy reports between 2006 and 2010, to identify cases of SCD. Specific cause of death as well as demographic information, date, location and time of the event, comorbidities and whether cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was attempted were collected. Results: We identified 899 cases of SCD (20%); the rate was 30/100000 residents per year. The vast majority of cases of SCD involved a coronary artery disease (CAD) (64%) and occurred in men (67%), between the 6th and the 7th decades of life. Most events occurred during the morning in the home setting (53.3%) and CPR was attempted in almost half of victims (49.7%). The most prevalent comorbidity was systemic hypertension (57.3%). Chagas’ disease was present in 49 cases (5.5%). Conclusion: The majority of victims of SCD were men, in their sixties and seventies and the main cause of death was CAD. Chagas’ disease, an important public health problem in Latin America, was found in about 5.5% of the cases.
Independent Component Analysis, Time Series Analysis, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Background:Circulatory power (CP) and ventilatory power (VP) are indices that have been used for the clinical evaluation of patients with heart failure; however, no study has evaluated these indices in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) without heart failure.Objective:To characterize both indices in patients with CAD compared with healthy controls.Methods:Eighty-seven men [CAD group = 42 subjects and healthy control group (CG) = 45 subjects] aged 40–65 years were included. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing was performed on a treadmill and the following parameters were measured: 1) peak oxygen consumption (VO2), 2) peak heart rate (HR), 3) peak blood pressure (BP), 4) peak rate-pressure product (peak systolic HR x peak BP), 5) peak oxygen pulse (peak VO2/peak HR), 6) oxygen uptake efficiency (OUES), 7) carbon dioxide production efficiency (minute ventilation/carbon dioxide production slope), 8) CP (peak VO2 x peak systolic BP) and 9) VP (peak systolic BP/carbon dioxide production efficiency).Results:The CAD group had significantly lower values for peak VO2 (p < 0.001), peak HR (p < 0.001), peak systolic BP (p < 0.001), peak rate-pressure product (p < 0.001), peak oxygen pulse (p = 0.008), OUES (p < 0.001), CP (p < 0.001), and VP (p < 0.001) and significantly higher values for peak diastolic BP (p = 0.004) and carbon dioxide production efficiency (p < 0.001) compared with CG. Stepwise regression analysis showed that CP was influenced by group (R2 = 0.44, p < 0.001) and VP was influenced by both group and number of vessels with stenosis after treatment (interaction effects: R2 = 0.46, p < 0.001).Conclusion:The indices CP and VP were lower in men with CAD than healthy controls.
A preliminary account on the normal development of the imaginai discs in holometabolic Insects is made to serve as an introduction to the study of the hereditary homoeosis. Several facts and experimental data furnished specially by the students of Drosophila are brought here in searching for a more adequate explanation of this highly interesting phenomenon. The results obtained from the investigations of different homoeotic mutants are analysed in order to test Goldschmidt's theory of homoeosis. Critical examination of the basis on which this theory was elaborated are equally made. As a result from an extensive theoretical consideration of the matter and a long discussion of the most recent papers on this subject the present writer concludes that the Goldschmidt explanation of the homoeotic phenomena based on the action of diffusing substances produced by the genes, the "evocators", and on the alteration of the normal speed of maturation of the imaginai discs equally due to the activity of the genes, could not be proved and therefore should be abandoned. In the same situation is any other explanation like that of Waddington or Villee considered as fundamentally identical to that of Goldschmidt. In order to clear the problem of homoeosis in terms which seem to put the phenomenon in complete agreement with the known facts the present writer elaborated a theory first published a few years ago (1941) based entirely on the assumption that the imaginai discs are specifically determined by some kind of substances, probably of chemical nature, contained in the cytoplam of the cells entering in the consti- tution of each individual disc. These substances already present in the blastem of the egg in which they are distributed in a definite order, pass to different cells at the time the blastem is transformed into blastoderm. These substances according to their organogenic potentiality may be called antenal-substance, legsubstance, wing-substance, eye-substance, etc. The hipoderm of the embryo resulting from the multiplication of the blastoderm cells would be constituted by a series of cellular areas differing from each other in their particular organoformative capacity. Thus the hypoderm giving rise to the imaginai discs, it follows that each disc must have the same organogenic power of the hypodermal area it came from. Therefore the discs i*re determinated since their origin by substances enclosed in the cytoplasm of their cells and consequently can no longer alter their potentiality. When an antennal disc develops into a leg one can conclude that this disc in spite of its position in the body of the larva is not, properly speaking, an antennal disc but a true leg disc whose cells instead of having in their cytoplasm the antennal substance derived from the egg blastem have in its place the leg-substance. Now, if a disc produces a tarsus or an antenna or even a compound appendage partly tarsus-like, partly antenna-like, it follows tha,t both tarsal and antennal substances are present in it. The ultimate aspect of the compound structure depends upon the reaction of each kind of substance to the different causes influencing development. For instance, temperature may orient the direction of development either lowards arista or tarsus, stimulating, or opposing to the one or the other of these substances. Confering to the genes the faculty of altering the constitution of the substances containing in the cytoplasm forming the egg blastem or causing transposition of these substances from one area to another or promoting the substitution of a given substance by a different one, the hereditary homoeocis may be easily explained. However, in the opinion of the present writer cytoplasm takes the initiative in all developmental process, provoking the chromosomes to react specifically and proportionally. Accordingly, the mutations causing homoeotic phenomena may arise independently at different rime in the cytoplasm and in the chromosomes. To the part taken by the chromosomes in the manifestation of the homoeotic characters is due the mendalian ratio observed in homoeotic X normal crosses. Expression, in itself, is mainly due to the proportion of the different substances in the cells of the affected discs. Homoeotic phenomena not presenting mendelian ratio may appear as consequence of cytoplasmic mutation not accompanied by chromosomal mutation. The great variability in the morphology of the homoeotic characteres, some individual being changed towards an extreme expression of the mutant phenotype while others in spite of their homozigous constitution cannot be distinguished from the normal ones, strongly supports the interpretation based on the relative proportion of the determining substances in the discs. To the same interpretation point also asymetry and other particularities observed in the exteriorization of the phenomenon. In conformity with this new conception homoeosis should not prove homology of Insect appendages (Villee 1942) since a more replacement of substances may cause legs to develop in substitution of the wings, as it was already observed (requiring confirmation in the opinion of Bateson 1894, p. 184) and no one would conclude for the homology of these organs in the usual meaning of the term.
This article is devoted to the research of VoIP transmission quality over Digital Power Line Carrier channels. Assessment of quality transmission is performed using E-model. Paper considers the possibility of joint using of Digital Power Line carrier equipment with different architecture in one network. As a result of the research, the rule for constructing of multi-segment Digital Power Line Carrier channels was formulated. This rule allows minimizing the transmission delay and saving frequency resources of high voltage Power Line Carrier range.