887 resultados para Poor laws.


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Two experiments were conducted to estimate the standardized ileal digestible (SID) Trp:Lys ratio requirement for growth performance of nursery pigs. Experimental diets were formulated to ensure that lysine was the second limiting AA throughout the experiments. In Exp. 1 (6 to 10 kg BW), 255 nursery pigs (PIC 327 × 1050, initially 6.3 ± 0.15 kg, mean ± SD) arranged in pens of 6 or 7 pigs were blocked by pen weight and assigned to experimental diets (7 pens/diet) consisting of SID Trp:Lys ratios of 14.7%, 16.5%, 18.4%, 20.3%, 22.1%, and 24.0% for 14 d with 1.30% SID Lys. In Exp. 2 (11 to 20 kg BW), 1,088 pigs (PIC 337 × 1050, initially 11.2 kg ± 1.35 BW, mean ± SD) arranged in pens of 24 to 27 pigs were blocked by average pig weight and assigned to experimental diets (6 pens/diet) consisting of SID Trp:Lys ratios of 14.5%, 16.5%, 18.0%, 19.5%, 21.0%, 22.5%, and 24.5% for 21 d with 30% dried distillers grains with solubles and 0.97% SID Lys. Each experiment was analyzed using general linear mixed models with heterogeneous residual variances. Competing heteroskedastic models included broken-line linear (BLL), broken-line quadratic (BLQ), and quadratic polynomial (QP). For each response, the best-fitting model was selected using Bayesian information criterion. In Exp. 1 (6 to 10 kg BW), increasing SID Trp:Lys ratio linearly increased (P < 0.05) ADG and G:F. For ADG, the best-fitting model was a QP in which the maximum ADG was estimated at 23.9% (95% confidence interval [CI]: [<14.7%, >24.0%]) SID Trp:Lys ratio. For G:F, the best-fitting model was a BLL in which the maximum G:F was estimated at 20.4% (95% CI: [14.3%, 26.5%]) SID Trp:Lys. In Exp. 2 (11 to 20 kg BW), increasing SID Trp:Lys ratio increased (P < 0.05) ADG and G:F in a quadratic manner. For ADG, the best-fitting model was a QP in which the maximum ADG was estimated at 21.2% (95% CI: [20.5%, 21.9%]) SID Trp:Lys. For G:F, BLL and BLQ models had comparable fit and estimated SID Trp:Lys requirements at 16.6% (95% CI: [16.0%, 17.3%]) and 17.1% (95% CI: [16.6%, 17.7%]), respectively. In conclusion, the estimated SID Trp:Lys requirement in Exp. 1 ranged from 20.4% for maximum G:F to 23.9% for maximum ADG, whereas in Exp. 2 it ranged from 16.6% for maximum G:F to 21.2% for maximum ADG. These results suggest that standard NRC (2012) recommendations may underestimate the SID Trp:Lys requirement for nursery pigs from 11 to 20 kg BW.


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El panorama global está cambiando, y esto influye sobre la forma en la que entendemos y tratamos de alcanzar un desarrollo humano sostenible. El crecimiento de la población conlleva una mayor presión sobre los recursos, pero también supone una mayor cantidad de mano de obra y de talento; la concentración en áreas urbanas está cambiando las dinámicas sociales y desafiando los canales de comercialización tradicionales, pero también genera nuevos mercados y fomenta la innovación; los cambios en la economía global están reduciendo los tradicionales desequilibrios de poder entre los países occidentales y el resto del mundo; y las crecientes interconexiones crean nuevos riesgos pero también oportunidades para lanzar iniciativas de alcance global. Todas estas tendencias nos están obligando a repensar qué es el desarrollo humano y de qué manera deberíamos afrontar el reto de la pobreza. Es comúnmente aceptado que la globalización implica interdependencia y que, para conseguir un desarrollo humano sostenible, la colaboración entre actores de distintos ámbitos es necesaria. Se observa una creciente convergencia de temas, intereses y soluciones en torno al desarrollo sostenible, incluso en diferentes países y sectores, lo que está facilitando la colaboración estratégica entre empresas, gobiernos y sociedad civil. Existen pocas duda a día de hoy sobre el papel fundamental que las empresas deben desempeñar en la transición mundial hacia la sostenibilidad ambiental y la erradicación de la pobreza. Las empresas están evolucionando desde un enfoque tradicional centrado en la maximización de beneficios económicos hacia un enfoque holístico que integra la sostenibilidad y la responsabilidad social como parte del núcleo de negocio de las compañías. En el ámbito medioambiental, muchas empresas ya han comenzado a actuar y tratan de reducir sus emisiones, sus desechos y su consumo de energía. Sin embargo la contribución de las empresas a la reducción de la pobreza no está tan clara. Actualmente en torno a 1,2 miles de millones de personas viven en situación de extrema pobreza. La mayoría de estas personas aún vive en zonas rurales donde la mayor parte de la población activa trabaja en el sector agrícola. Por lo tanto, mejorar las oportunidades y reducir los riesgos de los productores más vulnerables en el sector de la agricultura puede ser un motor de desarrollo rural y reducción de la pobreza, especialmente en países de bajo nivel de desarrollo cuyas economías están fundamentalmente basadas en la agricultura. Algunas empresas comienzan a incluir a los pobres en sus operaciones como consumidores, proveedores y emprendedores. Esta tesis se centra en las potenciales oportunidades relacionadas con la incorporación sostenible de los pobres como proveedores de productos y/o de mano de obra. La colaboración entre empresas y productores vulnerables de países en desarrollo es un tema relativamente nuevo y todavía poco estudiado. La pregunta que guía esta tesis es: “¿Cómo pueden las empresas facilitar la inclusión sostenible en cadenas de suministro de productores vulnerables de los países menos desarrollados?”. Para responder a la pregunta anterior, la autora ha aplicado una metodología de casos de estudio. Esta metodología se considera apropiada porque la investigación sobre cadenas de suministro inclusivas es todavía escasa y porque es necesario entender en profundidad un fenómeno de la vida real, y para ello es fundamental conocer su contexto. En primer lugar, se realiza una revisión de literatura para identificar las proposiciones y los constructos teóricos que guiarán la posterior recogida de datos. La revisión de literatura se divide en dos partes: una más general que explora la dimensión social de la sostenibilidad en cadenas de suministro, y una más específica que se centra en la incorporación de los pobres como proveedores en cadenas de suministro. A lo largo de la última década, ha habido un crecimiento exponencial de los estudios académicos sobre la sostenibilidad de las cadenas de suministro, pero la mayoría de los esfuerzos se han dirigido hacia la dimensión medioambiental de la sostenibilidad. Por lo tanto la revisión de literatura, que se presenta en la Sección 3.1 (página 35) y que profundiza en la sostenibilidad social de las cadenas de suministro, puede considerarse una contribución en sí misma. Esta revisión de literatura revela que la investigación sobre aspectos sociales en cadenas de suministro está cobrando impulso en distintas áreas de conocimiento, principalmente en los ámbitos de investigación sobre “gestión de cadenas de suministro”, “responsabilidad social corporativa” y “estudios del desarrollo”. La investigación existente sobre sostenibilidad social de cadenas de suministro se centra en tres temas: aclarar la definición de sostenibilidad social; analizar la implementación de estrategias de sostenibilidad social en cadenas de suministro; y estudiar el apoyo de las em presas líderes a proveedores vulnerables para facilitar su transición hacia la sostenibilidad. Un marco conceptual que resume los principales hallazgos de esta primera parte de la revisión de literatura es planteado en la Figura 7 (página 48). No obstante, en el área de investigación que está emergiendo en torno a la sostenibilidad social de las cadenas de suministro, los estudios relacionados con la reducción de la pobreza son aún escasos. Además se aprecia una falta de contribuciones desde y sobre los países menos desarrollados, así como una clara tendencia a reflejar la visión de las empresas líderes de las cadenas de suministro, olvidando la perspectiva de los proveedores. La segunda parte de la revisión de literatura presentada en la Sección 3.2 (página 51) profundiza en tres líneas de investigación que exploran, desde distintas perspectivas, la inclusión de los pobres en cadenas de suministro. Estas líneas son “Global Value Chains” (GVC), “Base of the Pyramid” (BoP) y “Sustainable Supply Chain Management” (SSCM). La investigación en GVC analiza las cadenas de suministro desde la perspectiva de la globalización económica y el comercio internacional, poniendo especial énfasis en las implicaciones para los países en desarrollo y las comunidades vulnerables. GVC caracteriza las cadenas de suministro según la forma en la que son gobernadas, las oportunidades de mejora que existen para los productores que forman parte de la cadena y el grado de inclusión o exclusión de las comunidades más pobres y vulnerables. La investigación en BoP explora las relaciones comerciales entre empresas y comunidades pobres. La premisa fundamental del concepto BoP es la posibilidad de combinar la generación de beneficios con la reducción de la pobreza. La propuesta original es que mediante la venta de productos y servicios a las comunidades pobres de países en desarrollo, la pobreza puede ser reducida al tiempo que las empresas incrementan sus beneficios, especialmente las grandes empresas multinacionales. Esta idea ha ido evolucionando y, a día de hoy, los investigadores BoP consideran la incorporación de los pobres no sólo como consumidores sino también como empleados, proveedores y co-creadores. La investigación en SSCM ha estado fundamentalmente orientada al estudio de la dimensión medioambiental de la sostenibilidad de cadenas de suministro. Sin embargo, la creciente externalización de la producción a países en desarrollo y las demandas de los grupos de interés para que las empresas aborden todos los aspectos de la sostenibilidad han llevado a los académicos de SSCM a reconocer la importancia de integrar asuntos relacionados con la reducción de la pobreza en sus investigaciones. Algunos estudios comienzan a apuntar los principales retos a los que se enfrentan las empresas para colaborar con productores vulnerables en sus cadenas de suministro. Estos retos son: falta de comunicación, altos costes de transacción y el incremento de la complejidad de las operaciones. Las contribuciones de estas tres líneas de investigación son complementarias para el estudio de las cadenas de suministro inclusivas. Sin embargo, raramente han sido consideradas conjuntamente, ya que pertenecen a ámbitos de conocimiento distintos. Esta tesis integra las aportaciones de GVC, BoP y SSCM en un marco conceptual para la creación y gestión de cadenas de suministro inclusivas. Este marco conceptual para cadenas de suministro inclusivas queda representado en la Figura 9 (página 68). El marco conceptual refleja las motivaciones que llevan a las empresas a colaborar con productores vulnerables, los retos a los que se enfrentan al hacerlo, y los caminos o estrategias que están siguiendo para construir y operar cadenas de suministro inclusivas de manera que sean beneficiosas tanto para la empresa como para los productores vulnerables. A fin de validar y refinar el marco conceptual propuesto, tres casos de estudio se llevan a cabo. Las cadenas de suministro analizadas por los casos de estudio pertenecen al sector agrícola y sus principales proveedores se encuentran en países de África subsahariana. Múltiples métodos de recolección de datos y triangulación son utilizados para mejorar la fiabilidad de los datos. La autora desarrolló trabajos de campo en Senegal, Etiopía y Tanzania. Estos viajes permitieron enriquecer el proceso de recogida de información mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas y conversaciones informales con los principales actores de la cadena de suministro y mediante la observación directa de los procesos y las interacciones entre productores vulnerables y empresas. El Caso de estudio A (Sección 5.1 en página 96) es un caso de estudio único. Analiza la cadena de suministro local de verduras en Senegal. La organización focal es Manobi, una empresa senegalesa que provee servicios de bajo coste a emprendedores locales del sector agrícola. El Caso de estudio A proporciona un interesante análisis del funcionamiento de una cadena de suministro local en un país en desarrollo y muestra como la provisión de servicios profesionales puede mejorar el desempeño de productores vulnerables. El Caso de estudio B (Sección 5.2 en página 122) es un caso de estudio único. Analiza la cadena de suministro global de flor cortada con origen en Etiopía. La organización focal es EHPEA, la Asociación Etíope de Productores y Exportadores Hortícolas, cuya misión es promover y salvaguardar la posición competitiva del sector agrícola etíope en el mercado global. El Caso de estudio B ayuda a comprender mejor la perspectiva de los proveedores respecto a los requerimiento de sostenibilidad del mercado global. También muestra cómo la inclusión de los productores en el proceso de desarrollo de un estándar privado facilita su implementación posterior. El Caso de estudio C (Sección 5.3 en página 143) es un caso de estudio múltiple. Analiza la cadena de suministro global de café especial con origen en Tanzania. Las organizaciones focales son comerciantes que conectan de manera directa a pequeños agricultores de café en países en desarrollo con empresas tostadoras de café en países desarrollados. El Caso de estudio C muestra cómo un pequeño agricultor puede proveer un producto “premium” al mercado global, y participar en un segmento diferenciado del mercado a través de una cadena de suministro transparente y eficiente. Las aportaciones empíricas de los casos de estudio ayudan a validar y mejorar el marco conceptual sobre cadenas de suministro inclusivas (ver discusión en el Capítulo 6 en página 170). El resultado es la propuesta de una nueva versión del marco conceptual representado en la Figura 40 (página 195). Los casos de estudio también proporcionan interesantes aportaciones en relación a la gestión de cadenas de suministro inclusivas y muestran las perspectivas de distintos actores implicados. Esta tesis arroja luz sobre el papel de las empresas en la creación y la gestión de cadenas de suministro inclusivas llevando a cabo una revisión de literatura multidisciplinar y analizando tres casos de estudio en países africanos. Como resultado, esta tesis presenta una serie de contribuciones empíricas y teóricas al ámbito de investigación emergente en torno a las cadenas de suministro inclusivas (Capítulo 7). Esta tesis también pretende ser útil a profesionales que deseen facilitar la incorporación de los pobres como proveedores en condiciones justas y beneficiosas. ABSTRACT The global outlook is changing, and this is influencing the way we understand and try to achieve sustainable human development. Population growth entails increasing pressure over resources, but it also provides greater workforce and talent; concentration in urban areas is changing social dynamics and challenging traditional marketing channels, but also creating news markets and driving innovation; the global economy shift is rebalancing the traditional power imbalance between Western countries and the rest of the world, making new opportunities to arise; and interconnections and global interdependence create new risks but also opportunities for launching initiatives with a global reach. All these trends are impelling us to rethink what development is and in which way poverty alleviation should be approached. It is generally agreed that globalization implies interdependence and, in order to achieve sustainable human development, collaboration of all actors is needed. A convergence of issues, interests and solutions related to sustainable development is being observed across countries and sectors, encouraging strategic collaboration among companies, governments and civil society. There is little doubt nowadays about the crucial role of the private sector in the world’s path towards environmental sustainability and poverty alleviation. Businesses are evolving from a “business as usual” stance to a more sustainable and responsible approach. In the environmental arena, many companies have already “walk the talk”, implementing environmental management systems and trying to reduce emissions and energy consumption. However, regarding poverty alleviation, their contribution is less clear. There are around 1.2 billion people living in extreme poverty. Most of this people still live in rural areas where the agricultural sector employs a big part of the active population. Therefore, improving opportunities and reducing risks for vulnerable producers in the agri-food sector can be a primary engine of rural development and poverty alleviation, particularly in the poor, agriculture-based economies of least developed countries. Some companies are beginning to include the poor into their operations as consumers, suppliers and entrepreneurs. This thesis focuses specifically on the potential opportunities related to the sustainable incorporation of the poor as suppliers of products and/or labor. Business collaboration with vulnerable producers in developing countries is a relatively new trend and it is still understudied. The overall question guiding this thesis is: “How can businesses facilitate the sustainable inclusion of vulnerable producers from least developed countries into supply chains?”. In order to answer the research question, the author has applied a case study research strategy. This methodology is considered appropriate because research about inclusive supply chains is still at an early stage, and because there is a need to understand a real-life phenomenon in depth, but such understanding encompasses important contextual conditions. First, a literature review is conducted, in order to identify the research propositions and theoretical constructs that will guide the data collection. The literature review is divided in two parts: a more general one that explores the social dimension of sustainability of supply chains, and a more specific one that focuses on the incorporation of the poor as suppliers in supply chains. During the last decade, there has been an exponential growth of studies in the field of supply chain sustainability, but research efforts have traditionally been directed towards the analysis of the environmental dimension. Therefore, the literature review presented in Section 3.1 (page 35) that delves into social sustainability of supply chains can be considered a contribution in itself. This literature review reveals that the investigation of social issues in supply chains is gaining momentum and comes from different academic disciplines, namely Supply Chain Management, Corporate Social Responsibility and Development Studies. Existing research about social sustainability of supply chains focuses on three issues: clarify the definition of social sustainability; analyze the implementation of social sustainability strategies in supply chains; and study lead companies’ support to vulnerable suppliers in their transition towards sustainability. A conceptual framework that outlines the main findings that emerge from this first part of literature review is proposed in Figure 7 (page 48). Nevertheless, in this nascent field of social sustainability of supply chains, studies related to poverty alleviation are still scarce. Moreover, a lack of contributions from and about least developed countries has been observed, as well as a tendency to reflect on the lead firms’ standpoint, neglecting the suppliers’ perspective. The second part of the literature review (Section 3.2 in page 51) delves into three research streams that are exploring the inclusion of the poor into supply chains from different viewpoints. These research streams are Global Value Chains (GVC), Base of the Pyramid (BoP) and Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM). GVC research discusses the dynamics of economic globalization and international trade, putting special emphasis in the implications for developing countries and vulnerable communities. GVC characterizes supply chains by the way they are governed, the upgrading opportunities that exist for producers in the chain and the degree of inclusion or exclusion of impoverished communities. BoP research explores trading relationships between businesses and impoverished communities. The core premise of the BoP concept is the possibility to combine profits with poverty alleviation. The original BoP proposition is that by marketing innovative products and services to poor communities in developing countries, poverty would be reduced and companies would increase their benefits, especially multinational companies. This idea has evolved to consider the incorporation of the poor to business activities not only as consumers, but also as employees, entrepreneurs and co-creators. The SSCM school of thought has mainly focused on studying the environmental dimension of supply chain sustainability, neglecting the consideration of the social perspective. However, in recent years, increasing outsourcing of production to developing countries and stakeholders’ demands for a more holistic approach to business sustainability have led SSCM scholars to acknowledge the importance of integrating poverty concerns in this field’s research agenda. Some SSCM studies identify the main operational challenges for companies which engage with vulnerable suppliers in their supply chains: missing communication, higher transactional and operational costs and increased complexity. Contributions from these three research streams are complementary for the study of inclusive supply chains. However, they have been rarely considered together, since they belong to different research areas. This thesis seeks to play a dovetailing role in this scenario by proposing a conceptual framework for creating and operating inclusive supply chains that builds on contributions from GVC, SSCM and BoP research. This framework for inclusive supply chains is depicted in Figure 9 (page 68), and explains the motivations that drive businesses to collaborate with vulnerable suppliers, the chal lenges they face in doing so, and the pathways they are following in order to build and operate inclusive supply chains profitably for both buying companies and vulnerable suppliers. In order to validate and refine the proposed framework, three case studies are carried out. The supply chains analyzed by the case studies belong to the agri-food sector and source from Sub-Saharan African countries. Multiple data collection methods and triangulation are used in order to improve reliability of findings. The author carried out field work in Senegal, Ethiopia and Tanzania. These travels enriched the data collection process, providing semi-structured interviews and informal conversations with the main actors in the supply chains, as well as direct observation of processes and interactions among companies and vulnerable suppliers. Case study A (Section 5.1 in page 96) is a single case study. It analyzes a local supply chain in Senegal providing vegetables to the local market. The focal organization is Manobi, a Senegalese inclusive business which provides affordable ICT services to local entrepreneurs in the agri-food sector. Case study A provides interesting insights into the dynamics of local supply chains and how professional services can help to improve their performance. Case study B (Section 5.2 in page 122) is a single case study. It analyzes a global supply chain with origin in Ethiopia providing cut flowers to the global commodity market. The focal organization is EHPEA, Ethiopian Horticulture Producers and Exporters Association, whose mission is to promote and safeguard the competitive position of the Ethiopian horticulture sector within the global market. Case study B helps to better understand the suppliers’ perspective regarding global market sustainability requirements and shows how the inclusion of suppliers in the process of development of a private standard has a positive impact in its implementation. Case study C (Section 5.3 in page 143) is a multiple case study. It analyzes a global supply chain with origin in Tanzania providing coffee to the global niche market of specialty coffee. The focal organizations are traders who are directly connecting smallholder coffee farmers in developing countries to coffee roasters in developed countries. Case study C shows how smallholder farmers can supply a premium product and be incorporated in a differentiated market segment through a transparent and efficient supply chain. The empirical findings from the case studies help to validate and refine the conceptual framework (see discussion in Chapter 6). The proposal of a new version of the conceptual framework is depicted in Figure 40 (page 195). The case studies also provide interesting insights related to the management of inclusive supply chains and show the perspectives of the different actors involved. This thesis sheds some light on the role of businesses in the creation and operation of inclusive supply chains by carrying out a cross-disciplinary literature review and analyzing three case studies in African countries. In doing so, this thesis presents a series of theoretical and empirical contributions to the emerging academic field of inclusive supply chains (Chapter 7). This thesis also intends to be useful to practitioners willing to improve the incorporation of the poor as suppliers in fair and profitable conditions.


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo, analisar sobre as dificuldades enfrentadas tanto pelas Empresas em cumprir a Legislação de Cotas, como também da Pessoa Portadora de Deficiência (PPDs) em ser inserida no mercado de trabalho, devido a falta de qualificação dos candidatos. Através da pesquisa literária ficou claro que nossa Legislação demonstra de forma evidente que o legislador pretendeu assegurar aos PPDs, as condições mínimas de participação influente na vida ativa da sociedade brasileira e num avanço sem precedentes, criaram-se as linhas básicas do processo de integração do deficiente à sociedade e ao mercado produtivo nacional. Verificou-se também que as empresas estão em busca de profissionais dentre o universo dos PPDs, já qualificados, o que normalmente não encontram. As Organizações do Direito Privado também já desenvolveram alguns projetos para a qualificação desses PPDs. A Lei 6.297/75 que garantia às empresas o desconto em dobro no IR dos gastos com treinamento, foi extinta em 12 de Dezembro de 1990. As empresas precisam de um incentivo financeiro para que possam tratar da qualificação desses profissionais, não mais como um peso, mas sim como um projeto social. Caso as empresas fossem beneficiadas por incentivos fiscais, assim como eram na vigência dessa Lei, teriam as empresas uma visão diferenciada por ocasião da contratação dos PPDs? A metodologia de pesquisa prevê um levantamento bibliográfico e uma pesquisa exploratória que será feita em empresas privadas, instituições que visam ajudar na inserção dos PPDs e nas Organizações do Direito Privado tais como Senai, Sesi, Força Sindical, Fiesp. Verificou-se, mediante a pesquisa, que há uma preocupação por parte de todos os envolvidos, em encontrar meios eficazes para garantir a inserção dos PPDs no mercado de trabalho, embora a falta de qualificação ainda seja o maior problema. A criação de Leis similares à Lei 6.297/75 foi apontada como uma grande ajuda às empresas, já que a elas foi imposta essa responsabilidade.(AU)


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo, analisar sobre as dificuldades enfrentadas tanto pelas Empresas em cumprir a Legislação de Cotas, como também da Pessoa Portadora de Deficiência (PPDs) em ser inserida no mercado de trabalho, devido a falta de qualificação dos candidatos. Através da pesquisa literária ficou claro que nossa Legislação demonstra de forma evidente que o legislador pretendeu assegurar aos PPDs, as condições mínimas de participação influente na vida ativa da sociedade brasileira e num avanço sem precedentes, criaram-se as linhas básicas do processo de integração do deficiente à sociedade e ao mercado produtivo nacional. Verificou-se também que as empresas estão em busca de profissionais dentre o universo dos PPDs, já qualificados, o que normalmente não encontram. As Organizações do Direito Privado também já desenvolveram alguns projetos para a qualificação desses PPDs. A Lei 6.297/75 que garantia às empresas o desconto em dobro no IR dos gastos com treinamento, foi extinta em 12 de Dezembro de 1990. As empresas precisam de um incentivo financeiro para que possam tratar da qualificação desses profissionais, não mais como um peso, mas sim como um projeto social. Caso as empresas fossem beneficiadas por incentivos fiscais, assim como eram na vigência dessa Lei, teriam as empresas uma visão diferenciada por ocasião da contratação dos PPDs? A metodologia de pesquisa prevê um levantamento bibliográfico e uma pesquisa exploratória que será feita em empresas privadas, instituições que visam ajudar na inserção dos PPDs e nas Organizações do Direito Privado tais como Senai, Sesi, Força Sindical, Fiesp. Verificou-se, mediante a pesquisa, que há uma preocupação por parte de todos os envolvidos, em encontrar meios eficazes para garantir a inserção dos PPDs no mercado de trabalho, embora a falta de qualificação ainda seja o maior problema. A criação de Leis similares à Lei 6.297/75 foi apontada como uma grande ajuda às empresas, já que a elas foi imposta essa responsabilidade.(AU)


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Presented analysis of human and fly life tables proves that with the specified accuracy their entire survival and mortality curves are uniquely determined by a single point (e.g., by the birth mortality q0), according to the law, which is universal for species as remote as humans and flies. Mortality at any age decreases with the birth mortality q0. According to life tables, in the narrow vicinity of a certain q0 value (which is the same for all animals of a given species, independent of their living conditions), the curves change very rapidly and nearly simultaneously for an entire population of different ages. The change is the largest in old age. Because probability to survive to the mean reproductive age quantifies biological fitness and evolution, its universal rapid change with q0 (which changes with living conditions) manifests a new kind of an evolutionary spurt of an entire population. Agreement between theoretical and life table data is explicitly seen in the figures. Analysis of the data on basic metabolism reduces it to the maximal mean lifespan (for animals from invertebrates to mammals), or to the maximal mean fission time (for bacteria), and universally scales them with the total number of body atoms only. Phenomenological origin of this unification and universality of metabolism, survival, and evolution is suggested. Their implications and challenges are discussed.


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Magnetoencephalographic responses recorded from auditory cortex evoked by brief and rapidly successive stimuli differed between adults with poor vs. good reading abilities in four important ways. First, the response amplitude evoked by short-duration acoustic stimuli was stronger in the post-stimulus time range of 150–200 ms in poor readers than in normal readers. Second, response amplitude to rapidly successive and brief stimuli that were identical or that differed significantly in frequency were substantially weaker in poor readers compared with controls, for interstimulus intervals of 100 or 200 ms, but not for an interstimulus interval of 500 ms. Third, this neurological deficit closely paralleled subjects’ ability to distinguish between and to reconstruct the order of presentation of those stimulus sequences. Fourth, the average distributed response coherence evoked by rapidly successive stimuli was significantly weaker in the β- and γ-band frequency ranges (20–60 Hz) in poor readers, compared with controls. These results provide direct electrophysiological evidence supporting the hypothesis that reading disabilities are correlated with the abnormal neural representation of brief and rapidly successive sensory inputs, manifested in this study at the entry level of the cortical auditory/aural speech representational system(s).


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Census data on endangered species are often sparse, error-ridden, and confined to only a segment of the population. Estimating trends and extinction risks using this type of data presents numerous difficulties. In particular, the estimate of the variation in year-to-year transitions in population size (the “process error” caused by stochasticity in survivorship and fecundities) is confounded by the addition of high sampling error variation. In addition, the year-to-year variability in the segment of the population that is sampled may be quite different from the population variability that one is trying to estimate. The combined effect of severe sampling error and age- or stage-specific counts leads to severe biases in estimates of population-level parameters. I present an estimation method that circumvents the problem of age- or stage-specific counts and is markedly robust to severe sampling error. This method allows the estimation of environmental variation and population trends for extinction-risk analyses using corrupted census counts—a common type of data for endangered species that has hitherto been relatively unusable for these analyses.


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It is well established that the expression of Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) toxin genes in higher plants is severely limited at the mRNA level, but the cause remains controversial. Elucidating whether mRNA accumulation is limited transcriptionally or posttranscriptionally could contribute to effective gene design as well as provide insights about endogenous plant gene-expression mechanisms. To resolve this controversy, we compared the expression of an A/U-rich wild-type cryIA(c) gene and a G/C-rich synthetic cryIA(c) B.t.-toxin gene under the control of identical 5′ and 3′ flanking sequences. Transcriptional activities of the genes were equal as determined by nuclear run-on transcription assays. In contrast, mRNA half-life measurements demonstrated directly that the wild-type transcript was markedly less stable than that encoded by the synthetic gene. Sequences that limit mRNA accumulation were located at more than one site within the coding region, and some appeared to be recognized in Arabidopsis but not in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). These results support previous observations that some A/U-rich sequences can contribute to mRNA instability in plants. Our studies further indicate that some of these sequences may be differentially recognized in tobacco cells and Arabidopsis.


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This study examined family influences on coping and adjustment among 90 low-income Latino middle school children (46% Female; Average age = 11.38, SD = .66) and their primary caregivers (93% Female; Average age = 36.12, SD = 6.13). All participants identified as Hispanic/Latino, with 75% of families identifying as Mexican-origin Latino, 77% of parents identifying as immigrants, and 32% of children identifying immigrants. All children participating in the study were receiving free or reduced lunch, a poverty indicator. Hierarchical linear modeling analyses revealed that family reframing is related to fewer symptoms of psychopathology and that familism enhances the protective effect of family reframing, while passive appraisal is linked to worse functioning. Path analyses showed that family reframing also has indirect effects on symptoms through child primary control coping. Additional analyses identified family mobilizing support and family ethnic socialization as potential contributors to child secondary control coping. Family mobilizing support may also be helpful for single-parent families, while family spiritual support is helpful for immigrant families. Qualitative findings from an initial focus group and from the larger sample are also discussed. Results are discussed with regard to the implications of this research for preventive interventions with families in poverty. Understanding the protective links of family coping and cultural strengths to mental health outcomes of poor children can influence intervention or prevention programming and policy targeting at-risk youth and families.


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This dissertation uses a political ecology approach to examine the relationship between tourism development and groundwater in southwest Nicaragua. Tourism in Nicaragua is a booming industry bolstered by ‘unspoiled’ natural beauty, low crime rates, and government incentives. This growth has led to increased infrastructure, revenue, and employment opportunities for many local communities along the Pacific coast. Not surprisingly, it has also brought concomitant issues of deeper poverty, widening gaps between rich and poor, and competition over natural resources. Adequate provisions of freshwater are necessary to sustain the production and reproduction of tourism; however, it remains uncertain if groundwater supplies can keep pace with demand. The objective of this research is to assess water supply availability amidst tourism development in the Playa Gigante area. It addresses the questions: 1) are local groundwater supplies sufficient to sustain the demand for freshwater imposed by increased tourism development? and 2) is there a power relationship between tourism development and control over local freshwater that would prove inequitable to local populations? Integrating the findings of groundwater monitoring, geological mapping, and ethnographic and survey research from a representative stretch of Pacific coastline, this dissertation shows that diminishing recharge and increased groundwater consumption is creating conflict between stakeholders with various levels of knowledge, power, and access. Although national laws are structured to protect the environment and ensure equitable access to groundwater, the current scramble to secure water has powerful implications on social relations and power structures associated with tourism development. This dissertation concludes that marginalization due to environmental degradation is attributable to the nexus of a political promotion of tourism, poorly enforced state water policies, insufficient water research, and climate change. Greater technical attention to hydrological dynamics and collaboration amongst stakeholders are necessary for equitable access to groundwater, environmental sustainability, and profitability of tourism.


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This dissertation examines the role of topic knowledge (TK) in comprehension among typical readers and those with Specifically Poor Comprehension (SPC), i.e., those who demonstrate deficits in understanding what they read despite adequate decoding. Previous studies of poor comprehension have focused on weaknesses in specific skills, such as word decoding and inferencing ability, but this dissertation examined a different factor: whether deficits in availability and use of TK underlie poor comprehension. It is well known that TK tends to facilitate comprehension among typical readers, but its interaction with working memory and word decoding is unclear, particularly among participants with deficits in these skills. Across several passages, we found that SPCs do in fact have less TK to assist their interpretation of a text. However, we found no evidence that deficits in working memory or word decoding ability make it difficult for children to benefit from their TK when they have it. Instead, children across the skill spectrum are able to draw upon TK to assist their interpretation of a passage. Because TK is difficult to assess and studies vary in methodology, another goal of this dissertation was to compare two methods for measuring it. Both approaches score responses to a concept question to assess TK, but in the first, a human rater assigns a score whereas in the second, a computer algorithm, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA; Landauer & Dumais, 1997) assigns a score. We found similar results across both methods of assessing TK, suggesting that a continuous measure is not appreciably more sensitive to variations in knowledge than discrete human ratings. This study contributes to our understanding of how best to measure TK, the factors that moderate its relationship with recall, and its role in poor comprehension. The findings suggest that teaching practices that focus on expanding TK are likely to improve comprehension across readers with a variety of abilities.


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The proposed Endangered Species Act listing of the gopher tortoise has the potential to impact the military mission at installations in the southeastern United States. Candidate Conservation Agreements with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service could be a tool to promote conservation and potentially preclude listing. This project identified military activities that could be affected and determined that military natural resources managers are unsure if such an agreement would prevent impacts to the military mission or impose the same restrictions as federal listing. This project found that if a gopher tortoise Candidate Conservation Agreement can be developed such that it benefits the species as well as the military, it should be used as a model for other species.