970 resultados para Plauto, ca 254-184 a.C.


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We present high-resolution (2-3 kyr) benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes in a continuous, well-preserved sedimentary archive from the West Pacific Ocean (Ocean Drilling Program Site 1146), which track climate evolution in unprecedented resolution over the period 12.9 to 8.4 Ma. We developed an astronomically tuned chronology over this interval and integrated our new records with published isotope data from the same location to reconstruct long-term climate and ocean circulation development between 16.4 and 8.4 Ma. This extended perspective reveals that the long eccentricity (400 kyr) cycle is prominently encoded in the d13C signal over most of the record, reflecting long-term fluctuations in the carbon cycle. The d18O signal closely follows variations in short eccentricity (100 kyr) and obliquity (41 kyr). In particular, the obliquity cycle is prominent from ~14.6 to 14.1 Ma and from ~9.8 to 9.2 Ma, when high-amplitude variability in obliquity is congruent with low-amplitude variability in short eccentricity. The d18O curve is additionally characterized by a series of incremental steps at ~14.6, 13.9, 13.1, 10.6, 9.9, and 9.0 Ma, which we attribute to progressive deep water cooling and/or glaciation episodes following the end of the Miocene climatic optimum. On the basis of d18O amplitudes, we find that climate variability decreased substantially after ~13 Ma, except for a remarkable warming episode at ~10.8-10.7 Ma at peak insolation during eccentricity maxima (100 and 400 kyr). This transient warming, associated with a massive negative carbon isotope shift, is reminiscent of intense global warming events at eccentricity maxima during the Miocene climatic optimum.


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Benthic foraminiferal d18O and Mg/Ca of sediment cores off tropical NW Africa are used to study the properties of Atlantic central waters during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1). We combined our core top data with published results to develop a new Mg/Ca-temperature calibration for Planulina ariminensis, which shows a Mg/Ca-temperature sensitivity of 0.19 mmol/mol per °C. Estimates of the LGM and HS1 thermocline temperatures are comparable to the present-day values between 200 and 400 m water depth, but were 1.2-1.5°C warmer at 550-570 m depth. The HS1 thermocline waters (200-570 m depth) did not show any warming relative to the LGM. This is in contrast to previous climate model studies, which concluded that tropical Atlantic thermocline waters warmed significantly when Atlantic meridional overturning circulation was reduced. However, our results suggest that thermocline temperatures of the northeastern tropical Atlantic show no pronounced sensitivity to changes in the thermohaline circulation during glacial periods. In contrast, we find a significant increase in thermocline-water salinity during the LGM (200-550 m depth) and HS1 (200-400 m depth) with respect to the present-day, which we relate to changes in the wind-driven circulation. We infer that the LGM thermocline (200-550 m depth) and the HS1 upper thermocline (200-400 m depth) in the northeastern tropical Atlantic was ventilated by surface waters from the North Atlantic rather than the southern-sourced waters. This suggests that the frontal zone between the modern South Atlantic and North Atlantic Central Waters was probably shifted southward during the LGM and HS1.


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We present modern B/Ca core-top calibrations for the epifaunal benthic foraminifer Nuttallides umbonifera and the infaunal Oridorsalis umbonatus to test whether B/Ca values in these species can be used for the reconstruction of paleo-D[[CO3]2-]. O. umbonatus originated in the Late Cretaceous and remains extant, whereas N. umbonifera originated in the Eocene and is the closest extant relative to Nuttallides truempyi, which ranges from the Late Cretaceous through the Eocene. We measured B/Ca in both species in 35 Holocene sediment samples from the Atlantic, Pacific and Southern Oceans. B/Ca values in epifaunal N. umbonifera (~ 85-175 µmol/mol) are consistently lower than values reported for epifaunal Cibicidoides (Cibicides) wuellerstorfi (130-250 µmol/mol), though the sensitivity of D[[CO3]2-] on B/Ca in N. umbonifera (1.23 ± 0.15) is similar to that in C. wuellerstorfi (1.14 ± 0.048). In addition, we show that B/Ca values of paired N. umbonifera and its extinct ancestor, N. truempyi, from Eocene cores are indistinguishable within error. In contrast, both the B/Ca (35-85 µmol/mol) and sensitivity to D[[CO3]2-] (0.29 ± 0.20) of core-top O. umbonatus are considerably lower (as in other infaunal species), and this offset extends into the Paleocene. Thus the B/Ca of N. umbonifera and its ancestor can be used to reconstruct bottom water D[[CO3]2?], whereas O. umbonatus B/Ca appears to be buffered by porewater [[CO3]2-] and suited for constraining long-term drift in seawater B/Ca.


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Sites 1147 (18°50.11'N, 116°33.28'E; water depth = 3246 m) and 1148 (18°50.17'N, 116°33.94'E; water depth = 3294 m) are located on the lowermost continental slope off southern China near the continent/ocean crust boundary of the South China Sea Basin. Site 1147 is located upslope ~0.45 nmi west of Site 1148. Three advanced piston corer holes at Site 1147 and two extended core barrel holes at Site 1148 were cored and combined into a composite (spliced) stratigraphic section, which provided a relatively continuous profile for the lower Oligocene to Holocene (Wang, Prell, Blum, et al., 2000, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.184.2000; Jian, et al., 2001, doi:10.1007/BF02907088) for studying stratigraphy and paleoceanography. A total of 1047 planktonic foraminifers stable isotope measurements were performed on 975 samples covering the upper 409.58 meters composite depth (mcd) at ~42-cm intervals (Tables T1, T2), and a total of 1864 benthic foraminifers measurements were performed on 1650 samples in the upper 837.11 mcd at ~51-cm intervals (Tables T3, T4). We significantly improved the time resolution of the benthic stable isotope record in the upper 476.68 mcd by reducing the average sample spacing to ~29 cm. This translates into an average sampling resolution of ~16 k.y. for the Miocene sequence and ~8 k.y. for the Pliocene-Holocene interval, assuming a change in sedimentation rates from ~1.8 to ~3.5 cm/k.y., as suggested by shipboard stratigraphy. These data sets provide the basis for upcoming studies to establish an oxygen isotope stratigraphy and examine the Neogene evolution of deep and surface water signatures (temperature, salinity, and nutrients) in the South China Sea.


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An extensive, high-resolution, sedimentological-geochemical survey was done using geo-acoustics, XRF-core scans, ICP-AES, AMS 14C-dating and grain size analyses of sediments in 11 cores from the Gulf of Taranto, the southern Adriatic Sea, and the central Ionian Sea spanning the last 16 cal. ka BP. Comparable results were obtained for cores from the Gallipoli Shelf (eastern Gulf of Taranto), and the southern Adriatic Sea suggesting that the dominant provenance of Gallipoli Shelf sediments is from the western Adriatic mud belt. The 210Pb and 14C-dated high-accumulation-rate sediments permit a detailed reconstruction of climate variability over the last 16 cal. ka BP. Although, the Glacial-Interglacial transition is generally dry and stable these conditions are interrupted by two phases of increased detrital input during the Bølling-Allerød and the late Younger Dryas. The event during the Younger Dryas period is characterized by increased sediment inputs from southern Italian sources. This suggests that run-off was higher in southern- compared to northern Italy. At approximately ~ 7 cal. ka BP, increased detrital input from the Adriatic mud belt, related to sea level rise and the onset of deep water formation in the Adriatic Sea, is observed and is coincident with the end of sapropel S1 formation in the southern Adriatic Sea. During the mid-to-late Holocene we observed millennial-scale events of increased detrital input, e.g. during the Roman Humid Period, and of decreased detrital input, e.g., Medieval Warm Period. These dry/wet spells are consistent with variability in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). A negative state of the NAO and thus a more advanced penetration of the westerlies into the central Mediterranean, that result in wet conditions in the research area concord with events of high detrital input e.g., during the Roman Humid Period. In contrast, a positive state of the NAO, resulting in dry conditions in the Mediterranean, dominated during events of rapid climate change such as the Medieval Warm Period and the Bronze Age.


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Explanations for the demise of the Classic Maya civilization on the Yucatán Peninsula during the Terminal Classic Period (TCP; CE 750-1050) are controversial. Multiyear droughts are one likely cause, but the role of the Caribbean Sea, the dominant moisture source for Mesoamerica, remains largely unknown. Here we present bimonthly resolved snapshots of reconstructed sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity (SSS) variability in the southern Caribbean from precisely dated fossil corals. Our fossil coral results from Bonaire indicate strong interannual to decadal SST and SSS variability in the southern Caribbean Sea during the TCP with multiyear extremes of high SSS and high SST that coincide with droughts on the Yucatán Peninsula. The results are best explained by changed Caribbean SST gradients affecting the Caribbean low-level atmospheric jet with consequences for Mesoamerican precipitation, possibly linked to changes in Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation strength. Our findings provide a new perspective on the anomalous hydrological changes on the Yucatán Peninsula during the TCP that complement the often-suggested southward displacement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. We advocate for a strong role of ocean-atmosphere interactions in the Caribbean Sea related to the multiyear variations in Caribbean Sea surface conditions as an important driver of the spatially complex pattern of hydrological anomalies during the TCP.


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This study presents new evidence of when and how the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) was established in its present form. We analyzed planktic foraminifera, oxygen isotopes, and Mg/Ca ratios in upper Miocene through Pleistocene sediments collected at Deep Sea Drilling Program (DSDP) Site 292. These data were then compared with those reported from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 806. Both drilling sites are located in the western Pacific Ocean. DSDP Site 292 is located in the northern margin of the modern WPWP and ODP Site 806 near the center of the WPWP. Three stages of development in surface-water conditions are identified in the region using planktic foraminferal data. During the initial stage, from 8.5 to 4.4 Ma, Site 806 was overlain by warm surface water but Site 292 was not, as indicated by the differences in faunal compositions and sea-surface temperature (SST) between the two sites. In addition, the vertical thermal gradient at Site 292 was weak during this period, as indicated by the small differences in the delta18O values between Globigerinoides sacculifer and Pulleniatina spp. During stage two, from 4.4 to 3.6 Ma, the SST at Site 292 rapidly increased to 27 °C, but the vertical thermal gradient had not yet be strengthened, as shown by Mg/Ca ratios and the presence of both mixed-layer dwellers and thermocline dwellers. Finally, a warm mixed layer with a high SST ca. 28 °C and a strong vertical thermal gradient were established at Site 292 by 3.6 Ma. This event is marked by the dominance of mixed-layer dwellers, a high and stable SST, and a larger differences in the delta18O values between G. sacculifer and Pulleniatina spp. Thus, evidence of surface-water evolution in the western Pacific suggests that Site 292 came under the influence of the WPWP at 3.6 Ma. The northward expansion of the WPWP from 4.4 to 3.6 Ma and the establishment of the modern WPWP by 3.6 Ma appear to be closely related to the closure of the Indonesian and Central American seaways.