1000 resultados para Plataformas de força
Six species of the genus Callithrix can be found across the Atlantic Forest extension, being the Callithrix geoffroyi, Geoffroy`s marmoset, the least studied species. The objective of this study is to investigate the behavioral aspects of the species in captivity, and how the environmental enrichment techniques influence those behaviors. To this end, we have studied three specimens of C. geoffroyi, in captivity at Municipal Zoo of Piracicaba, São Paulo. The enclosure includes a 37m2 with under masonry, concrete platforms with external deep, trunks, a floor of grass and soil, e grid in their other three sides. The sampling method was focal per time interval, with records every 30 seconds in sessions of 30 minutes, totaling 30 hours for each animal, which were distributed in a baseline phase, an environmental enrichment phase and post-enrichment phase (n = 3660 records in each phase). The twelve enrichment techniques were applied: the physical environment (branches for perches and hoses fabrics for bedding and vanishing points), cognitive (radio, mirror, puzzle food) and food (insects, flowers and eggs hidden, wrapped). Initially, to determine the period of greatest activity of marmosets, we investigated the pattern of activity for three days (9:00 am to 17:00 pm) consecutively at intervals of 15 minutes, recording the number of active and inactive individuals. The 495 records signaled greater activity in the morning, then selected period for the completion of this work. The ethogram comprised 16 behaviors. The inactivity was the predominant phase behavior baseline and post-enrichment with a significant decrease (h=8,62, p <0.01) in the enrichment phase, and a significant increase in the post enrichment (h=18,15, p <0.001). The same was seen for the use of substrate (grid and ground vs. Trunk and concrete, h=5,09, p <0.001 and h=3,98, p <0.05)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The Brazilian Environmental Data Collection System (Sistema Brasileiro de Coleta de Dados Ambientais - SBCDA) has been providing reliable information regarding the monitoring of the Brazil environment to INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais) and many Non-governmental organizations (NGO). This system is composed of a large number of Data Collection Plataforms (DCP), in charge of sending local data signals to satellites. Then the satellites automatically redirect each signal to reception centers located at INPE. Nowadays the SBCDA has been operating under the control of three satellites. It is important to mention that two of these satellites have already expired their life span around ten years ago. A strategy to keep the SBCDA operational is to develop a low cost satellite that involves Brazilian Universities and Public Institutions. This graduation work aims to design and simulate a signal conditioning module that enables the collection of a satellite status data, and then sending it to an onboard computer
The tool proposed, known as WSPControl, enables remote monitoring of computers across the Internet using distributed applications. Through a Web Services architecture is possible the communication between these distributed applications across heterogeneous platforms, also eliminates the need for additional settings in computer networks, such as release of ports or proxy. The tool is divided into three modules, namely: • Client Interface: developed in C Sharp, is responsible for capturing data on performance of the monitored computer also connects to the Web Services to report this data. • Web Services Interface: developed in PHP using the PHP SOAP library, is responsible for facilitating the communication between internet applications and client. • Internet Interface: developed in PHP, is responsible for reading and interpreting the information captured these available on the Internet
This paper aims to develop a web application for viewing Atmospheric Electrical Discharge, plotting marks on a map, using as base data provided by SIMEPAR. The developed system uses techniques and tools which enable the creation of Web system without requiring the use of plugins or external software, running on virtually all web browsers and platforms. This tool aims to aid meteorologists monitor agile discharges and help society at large to prevent accidents caused by this phenomenon of nature
The various changes occurring in society in the late twentieth century created a context of true technological revolution based on information. These changes resulted in three points: a new way to communicate with the emergence of new media and communication platforms; a new role assigned to organizations increasingly blamed for social problems, and a greater access to information by society, which forms more critical and demanding. The convergence of these three consequences observed strengthening of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and the importance of internal communication in their construction. This literature review and empirical research, based on a case study with the Junior Enterprise of Public Relations at Unesp Bauru, studied the role of Public Relations in the process of communication management as a facilitator of internal processes towards mobilization for Social Responsibility. It intent to see which are the main barriers to the inclusion of the concept too. The study shows the relevant current context itself, in which the concern with the changing social scenario should be seen as opportunities for growth. The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility should be inserted into the organizational DNA to its consolidation, characterizing itself as a cultural and dependent matter of internal restructuring. The role of public relations in this context covers the management of communication and harmony of the interests of all public organization
As mudanças demográficas decorrentes do envelhecimento populacional têm contribuído substancialmente para o aumento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis relacionadas à idade, dentre elas está a osteoporose, considerada um dos principais problemas de saúde pública, por sua prevalência crescente e pela associação a fraturas em diversas áreas do corpo, com graves repercussões clínicas e sociais. Com isso vem se buscando cada vez mais alternativas de exercício físico válidas para o combate e prevenção a estas doenças ósseas. Como possível alternativa têm se estudado os efeitos e benefícios dos treinamentos realizados em Plataformas Vibratórias, equipamento que através de baixa amplitude e alta freqüência pode vir a influenciar positivamente nas capacidades físicas. Portanto, devido à escassez de informações acerca dos efeitos do exercício na plataforma vibratória sobre a microarquitetura dos ossos em indivíduos idosos e já acometidos pela osteoporose, o objetivo deste estudo foi, com um modelo animal, descrever através de imagens de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), a reação do tecido ósseo de ratas idosas ovariectomizadas ao exercício em Plataforma Vibratória. Para execução deste estudo foram utilizadas 20 ratas Wistar (Rattus Norvegicus Albinus Wistar), separadas em 4 grupos: Sedentário Controle (S), Sedentário Ovariectomizado (SO), Treinado Controle (T) e Treinado Ovariectomizado (TO). Como protocolo de treinamento a plataforma vibratória foi regulada com freqüência de 35 Hz e amplitude baixa (1 a 2 mm) e consistiu de uma fase de adaptação ao exercício e à vibração e após este período uma fase de treinamento. Para análise a região do osso selecionada foi o terço proximal da diáfise do fêmur. Como resultado, obtivemos que para o grupo SO a indução à osteoporose foi positiva quando comparada ao grupo S, que ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
According to the Informational Society of the twentieth century, man develops society of the spectacle, where life becomes virtual and the individual ceases to be a spectator becoming the protagonist of wikiciberepopéia and organizations seeking to gain the attention and time of its consumers through new communication strategies. If the great epics of mankind brought mythical heroes, divine, with powers (mostly above the mortals), in the era of new technologies, the common man is in the hands the opportunity to become the hero of his own ciberepopéia. Increasingly resistant to traditional advertising, the new model of media consumer, the prosumer, the storytelling is transforming into one of the main communication tools of contemporary organizations. Offer your audience a creative and relevant content across several media platforms is a major brand positioning strategies currently used, in addition to providing the transmission of values and organizational principles in a subjective manner. Storytelling where objects are extensions of the human body (eg, the cell can be treated as an extension of the ears) is a strong indication of a technocratic society, because we can consider the new technologies as extensions of the human brain (as new store technologies, create meanings, share information through a specific language) and the individual who is on the edge of new technology ends up being excluded from certain social events. This new world tends to put an end to separation between seemingly contrary ideas, such as reality/fiction, natural/cultural and the man who emerges from this medium is not the creator, but rather, transforming what already exists. The current human evolution takes place from about half the human mind and tell stories that go beyond the media saturation that really emocionem and who have a real meaning for those who listen, to be interconnected with the socio-environmental reality of this new consumer, is a major chall...
Suitable computacional tools allow to build applications that can link information to its physical location, and represent them into visual and interactive schemes, e ectively reaching the power of visual comunication. This leads the user to synthesize information in a simple and e cient way. These applications are linked to the de nition of Geographic Information System (GIS). GIS are comprised by many concepts and tools, which have the main purpose of collecting, storing, viewing and processing spatial data, obtaining the information needed for decision making. Within this context, this paper presents the Conception and Implementation of a Control System for Urban Forestry through Integration of Free and Open Source Software. This conception arose from the need of an Environmental Project developed by the Agriculture's House of the city of Regente Feij o, which has as main objectives cataloging and management of urban a orestation of the municipality. Due to this diversity of concepts, the challenge in building this system is the integration of platforms that are involved in all stages: collecting and storage of data, including maps and other spatial information, operations on the stored information, obtaining results and graphical visualization of the same. After implementation, it was possible to provide for the system users an improvement in the capacity of perception in the information analysis and facilitate the process of decision making
The Lagoa Feia Group (Early Cretaceous) is widely distributed around the Campos Basin, forming deep prospects in the basin. It has two large coquinas platforms shellfish, and the lower deck constituent important reservoir in the southwestern of this basin, a producer of oil in the trend-Badejo-Linguado-Pampo. Due to the rising national energy demand is necessary to see the incorporation of technical knowledge and training of human resources in the knowledge of petroleum reservoirs. In this sense, the Pampo Field, as well as other fields of the trend, fall as interesting target area for study. Accumulations of hydrocarbons are partitioning structural - stratigraphic only for the three fields. They are mixed origin of traps, with influence of structural, stratigraphic and diagenetic. With the development of catchment areas of the latter condition has manifested itself in such a way to verify parts with nonproducing wells, which are observed in the intervals coquinas are closed, with reduced thickness and / or low quality porous. The understanding of these accumulations, by testing structural, stratigraphic and reservoir and the use of geological and geophysical techniques, will bring a better understanding of the portions relating to economic accumulation or subeconomic development of hydrocarbons in this region, contributing to the scientific knowledge of the Pampo Field.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this study was to develop a model that allows testing in the wind tunnel at high angles of attack and validates its most critical components by analyzing the results of simulations in finite element software. During the project this structure suffered major loads identified during the flight conditions and, from these, we calculated the stresses in critical regions defined as the parts of the model that have higher failure probabilities. All aspects associated with Load methods, mesh refining and stress analysis were taken into account in this approach. The selection of the analysis software was based on project needs, seeking greater ease of modeling and simulation. We opted for the software ANSYS® since the entire project is being developed in CAD platforms enabling a friendly integration between software's modeling and analysis
Inegavelmente, as mídias tradicionais como a televisão, o rádio e a mídia impressa detêm grande influência na sociedade contemporânea, tanto para o delineamento do pensamento coletivo, quanto para a sugestão à formação cultural por meio de enunciados produzidos por sujeitos que ocupam determinadas formações sócio- ideológicas. Entretanto, atualmente, um objeto que tem ganhado espaço privilegiado, diferente das mídias tradicionais, são as mídias digitais. Fluidos no grande oceano do ciberespaço que se constitui como um aglutinador de mídias, onde se mesclam mídias tradicionais e novas mídias, centros recepto-difusores encontram-se dispersos em toda parte e, efetivamente, em parte alguma, tornando-se, assim, um espaço onde a cultura participativa e (d)a interatividade ganham traços. Dessa maneira, o presente trabalho, embasado principalmente pelo aporte teórico da Análise do Discurso de linha francesa, tendo como fio condutor as reflexões de Michel Foucault, procura discutir questões de identidades produzidas e veiculadas nos meios digitais. Toma-se como corpus de análise vídeos caseiros de pessoas “anônimas” que transmitem-se pelo canal do YouTube, onde mostram suas habilidades vocais, artísticas e até mesmo conhecimentos de técnicas áudio-visuais para a produção de efeitos de sentido. Estes sujeitos fazem uso de técnicas de confissão para a construção e afirmação de uma identidade de “artista” e, por essas práticas, produzem novas subjetividades. Em torno destes vídeos, ainda, são originadas comunidades inteligentes de pertencimento pontuadas no próprio YouTube e em outras plataformas, como no Twitter, Facebook, My Space, etc. onde são mobilizados e compartilhados os savoir-faire desses sujeitos e virtualizadas e atualizadas as identidades à luz de uma cultura da convergência.
Since the decade of 1990's, a debate has grown about the so called creative industries. The creatives industries are build for sectors where the creativity emerges as a main input for the products elaboration which are valued by intellectual property statutes. The present monograph intends to describe Journalism as a creative activity, expose how intellectual property works in this area and analyze the function of news aggregators, like Google News, both in author rights matter terms, as about on the recent news mediator and distributor role on digital platforms