990 resultados para Pinus contorta var. murrayana
In this paper it was evaluated the influence of the relative position of logs on the trees, the type of wood (juvenile and mature wood and pith) and the dimension of sawed wood elements on the velocity of propagation of stress waves into the material on condition. P. taeda L wood (43 years old trees) from Horto Florestal of Manduri (latitude 230 00’ south, longitude 400 19’ west and altitude de 700 m) São Paulo State, Brazil were used, considering its easy growth rings visualization and the better ju regions definition. Six trees were randomly chosen in the plantation. Trees were sawed into 4 logs (2,5 m long each. In each log it was delimited the central board (80mm tick) region and the lateral boards (25mm tick) regions, cons right hand. It were evaluated relation between velocity of stress waves on logs and the correspondent lumber (central and lateral boards), on green condition, on the three main region of the elements (mature wood results obtained revealed the concordance between velocities of stress waves in the material before and after the its mechanical processing. It was also revealed statistical differences between the velocity of stress waves at juvenile wood, mature wood and pith regions. Keywords: stress wave method, velocity 17 destrutivos de propagação da propagação de ondas de tensão em toras e madeira serrada de taeda L. Hernando Alfonso Lara Palma - Universidade Estadual Paulista Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas – FCA/UNESP – Botucatu - SP, e-mail: awballarin@fca.unesp.br Luiz Antonio Vasques Hellmeister - Universidade Estadual Paulista - Faculdade de Arquitetura, FAAC/UNESP – Bauru - SP, e-mail: hellmeister@faac.unesp.br Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a influência do tipo de lenho, da posição da tora ao longo do fuste e das dimensões das peças desdobradas, na velocidade de as de tensão (Stress wave method), na condição de madeira verde. P. taeda L., originária de árvores de plantio do Horto Florestal de SP., com idade aproximada de 43 anos, pela facilidade de identificação dos anéis imento e demarcação das regiões de madeira adulta e madeira juvenil. Foram amostradas 6 árvores distintas, escolhidas ao acaso do talhão selecionado. De cada árvore foram retiradas 4 toras com comprimento de 2,5 m cada. Foram demarcadas nas toras a ha central (8 cm de espessura) e 4 tábuas laterais (espessura comercial de 2,5 cm), sendo duas à esquerda e duas à direita da prancha central. Foram avaliadas as relações existentes entre as velocidades de propagação das ondas de tensão na madeira íntegra (toras) e desdobrada (pranchas e tábuas), na condição de madeira verde, nas três regiões distintas do lenho: medula, madeira adulta e madeira juvenil. A análise comparativa dos resultados revelou a concordância entre as velocidades antes e após o desdobr madeira. Houve diferenciação estatisticamente significativa entre as velocidades de propagação das ondas de tensão nos lenhos adulto, juvenil e na medula. -destrutivos, método das ondas de tensão, Pinus taeda stress wave tests on green logs and lumber of Pinus taeda In this paper it was evaluated the influence of the relative position of logs on the trees, the type of wood (juvenile and mature wood and pith) and the dimension of sawed wood elements on the velocity of propagation of stress waves into the material on L wood (43 years old trees) from Horto Florestal of Manduri (latitude 19’ west and altitude de 700 m) São Paulo State, Brazil were used, considering its easy growth rings visualization and the better juvenile and mature wood regions definition. Six trees were randomly chosen in the plantation. Trees were sawed into 4 logs (2,5 m long each. In each log it was delimited the central board (80mm tick) region and the lateral boards (25mm tick) regions, considering 2 boards on the left and 2 at the right hand. It were evaluated relation between velocity of stress waves on logs and the correspondent lumber (central and lateral boards), on green condition, on the three main region of the elements (mature wood, juvenile wood and pith). Comparative analyses of results obtained revealed the concordance between velocities of stress waves in the material before and after the its mechanical processing. It was also revealed statistical differences ty of stress waves at juvenile wood, mature wood and pith regions
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aimed to investigate the influence of storage time (0, 48 hours) of Pinus elliottii pieces and the tests to obtaining modulus of elasticity (static bending and transversal vibration) in glued laminated timber beams, produced with resorcinol based adhesive and 0.8 MPa compaction pressure. After pieces were properly prepared, part of them was used in immediate three manufacturing glulam beams, tested after adhesive cure, and part stored for 48 hours under a roof with a temperature of 25°C and relative humidity of 60% for subsequent manufacturing and testing three other glulam beams. Results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that the storage period was significant influence in modulus of elasticity obtained in static bending test (8% reduction from 0 to 48 hours). This not occurred with modulus of elasticity obtained by transversal vibration test (no significant influence). ANOVA results showed equivalence of means in both test procedures. New researches ire needed to better understand the investigated phenomenon, using new wood species, other storage conditions and a great number of samples.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In the postharvest management, the fruits can be exposed to injuries that depreciated the quality and the shelf life. Thus, it was evaluated the modified atmosphere effects on guavas var. Paluma subjected to different mechanical damages. Once harvested, the fruits were selected, sanitized and submitted to the treatments T1 (control) - without injuries or packaging in bags of low density polyethylene (LDPE); T2 - without injuries + LDPE bags; T3 - damage by fall of 1 m + LDPE bags; T4 - damage by compression of 9 N + LDPE bags; T5 - damage by fall of 1 m + damage by compression of 9 N + LDPE bags and T6 - damage by fall of 1 m + damage by compression of 9 N without LDPE bags. The treatments were kept in cold storage at 10 ± 1 o C and 94 ± 2% de R.H. The analysis of CO2/ethylene production, enzymatic activity, total and soluble pectins, pulp firmness, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), reducing sugars and ascorbic acid were performed every 10 days of refrigeration, and an additional day outside cold storage (22 ± 1o C and 75 ± 3% R.H.) for 30 days. Guavas packed in LDPE bags, not subject to mechanical damage, presented the best quality standards. The fruits suffered only one kind of damage, when packaged, presented satisfactory pattern compared to the fruits without package and not exposed to any mechanical damages. Applying the two kinds of damages, the LDPE packaging was not adequate to decrease the metabolic rate of these fruits, making them unfit for marketing.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Actinocyclus ingens var, nodus Baldauf, n, var., is a morphologically distinct variety of the Miocene diatom A. ingens Ranray. The last occurrence of this new taxon approximates the top of the lower Middle Miocene Denticula Iauta Zone in the circum-North Pacific. Its first occurrence appears to be in the lower part of the D. fauta zone and possibly lies close to the Lower Miocene-Middle Miocene boundary.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Humicola brevis var. thermoidea cultivated under solid state fermentation in wheat bran and water (1:2 w/v) was a good producer of beta-glucosidase and xylanase. After optimization using response surface methodology the level of xylanase reached 5,791.2 +/- A 411.2 U g(-1), while beta-glucosidase production was increased about 2.6-fold, reaching 20.7 +/- A 1.5 U g(-1). Cellulase levels were negligible. Biochemical characterization of H. brevis beta-glucosidase and xylanase activities showed that they were stable in a wide pH range. Optimum pH for beta-glucosidase and xylanase activities were 5.0 and 5.5, respectively, but the xylanase showed 80 % of maximal activity when assayed at pH 8.0. Both enzymes presented high thermal stability. The beta-glucosidase maintained about 95 % of its activity after 26 h in water at 55 A degrees C, with half-lives of 15.7 h at 60 A degrees C and 5.1 h at 65 A degrees C. The presence of xylose during heat treatment at 65 A degrees C protected beta-glucosidase against thermal inactivation. Xylanase maintained about 80 % of its activity after 200 h in water at 60 A degrees C. Xylose stimulated beta-glucosidase activity up to 1.7-fold, at 200 mmol L-1. The notable features of both xylanase and beta-glucosidase suggest that H. brevis crude culture extract may be useful to compose efficient enzymatic cocktails for lignocellulosic materials treatment or paper pulp biobleaching.
We undertook a study of Porphyra acanthophora var. brasiliensis to determine its responses under ambient conditions, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and PAR+UVBR (ultraviolet radiation-B) treatment, focusing on changes in ultrastructure, and cytochemistry. Accordingly, control ambient samples were collected in the field, and two different treatments were performed in the laboratory. Plants were exposed to PAR at 60 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) and PAR+UVBR at 0.35 W m(-2) for 3 h per day during 21 days of in vitro cultivation. Confocal laser scanning microscopy analysis of the vegetative cells showed single stellate chloroplast in ambient and PAR samples, but in PAR+UVBR-exposed plants, the chloroplast showed alterations in the number and form of arms. Under PAR+UVBR treatment, the thylakoids of the chloroplasts were disrupted, and an increase in the number of plastoglobuli was observed, in addition to mitochondria, which appeared with irregular, disrupted morphology compared to ambient and PAR samples. After UVBR exposure, the formation of carpospores was also observed. Plants under ambient conditions, as well as those treated with PAR and PAR+UVBR, all showed different concentrations of enzymatic response, including glutathione peroxidase and reductase activity. In summary, the present study demonstrates that P. acanthophora var. brasiliensis shows the activation of distinct mechanisms against natural radiation, PAR and PAR+UVBR.
BACKGROUND: Alkaline sulfite/anthraquinone (ASA) cooking of Pinus radiata and Pinus caribaea wood chips followed by disk refining was used as a pretreatment for the production of low lignified and high fibrillated pulps. The pulps produced with different delignification degrees and refined at different energy inputs (250, 750 and 1600 Wh) were saccharified with cellulases and fermented to ethanol with Saccharomyces cerevisiae using separated hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) or semi-simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSSF) processes. RESULTS: Delignification of ASA pulps was between 25% and 50%, with low glucans losses. Pulp yield was from 70 to 78% for pulps of P. radiata and 60% for the pulp of P. caribaea. Pulps obtained after refining were evaluated in assays of enzymatic hydrolysis. Glucans-to-glucose conversion varied from 20 to 70%, depending on the degree of delignification and fibrillation of the pulps. The best ASA pulp of P. radiata was used in SHF and SSSF experiments of ethanol production. Such experiments produced maximum ethanol concentration of 20 g L-1, which represented roughly90% of glucose conversion and an estimated amount of 260 L ethanol ton(-1) wood. P. caribaea pulp also presented good performance in the enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation but, due to the low amount of cellulose present, only 140 L ethanol would be obtained from each ton of wood. CONCLUSION: ASA cooking followed by disk refining was shown to be an efficient pretreatment process, which generated a low lignified and high-fibrillated substrate that allowed the production of ethanol from the softwoods with high conversion yields. (C) 2012 Society of Chemical Industry