947 resultados para Picture archiving


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Chiasmal dysfunction produces a characteristic clinical picture, regardless of the mechanism. In most cases a compressive lesion is the cause. In occasional cases, however, no such extrinsic mass is found and other possible etiologies must be explored. In some of these cases, the pathologic process is identifiable with appropriate neuroimaging. For example, inflammation, infiltrative tumors, and radiation necrosis produce intrinsic chiasmal enhancement. Chiasmal ischemia may require specialized magnetic resonance (MR) sequences for diagnosis. Chiasmal hemorrhage, trauma and chiasmal herniation typically produce distinctive changes on noncontrasted imaging. In cases of metabolic insult, either toxic or hereditary, radiographic changes are typically absent. In each of these, the correct diagnosis can usually be made with a combination of clinical and radiographic features.


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BACKGROUND: The nuclear receptors are a large family of eukaryotic transcription factors that constitute major pharmacological targets. They exert their combinatorial control through homotypic heterodimerisation. Elucidation of this dimerisation network is vital in order to understand the complex dynamics and potential cross-talk involved. RESULTS: Phylogeny, protein-protein interactions, protein-DNA interactions and gene expression data have been integrated to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date description of the topology and properties of the nuclear receptor interaction network in humans. We discriminate between DNA-binding and non-DNA-binding dimers, and provide a comprehensive interaction map, that identifies potential cross-talk between the various pathways of nuclear receptors. CONCLUSION: We infer that the topology of this network is hub-based, and much more connected than previously thought. The hub-based topology of the network and the wide tissue expression pattern of NRs create a highly competitive environment for the common heterodimerising partners. Furthermore, a significant number of negative feedback loops is present, with the hub protein SHP [NR0B2] playing a major role. We also compare the evolution, topology and properties of the nuclear receptor network with the hub-based dimerisation network of the bHLH transcription factors in order to identify both unique themes and ubiquitous properties in gene regulation. In terms of methodology, we conclude that such a comprehensive picture can only be assembled by semi-automated text-mining, manual curation and integration of data from various sources.


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In the emergency situation, preoperative patient work-up for cardio-vascular surgery is quite different from the elective setting. We have analyzed a consecutive series of 5576 cases out of which 823 underwent emergency procedures (14.8%). The most frequent problems requiring emergent intervention were peripheral vascular (186 cases; 22.6% of the emergent procedure), followed by coronary artery disease (156 cases; 19.0%), thoracic aortic aneurysms (86 cases; 10.4%), abdominal aortic aneurysms (54 cases; 6.6%), congenital heart disease (36 cases: 4.4%), heart and heart lung transplantation (31 cases; 3.8%), problems with cardiac rythm (25 cases: 3.0%), and others (267 cases: 32.4%). Classification by proportion of urgent procedures with reference to elective operations shows a different picture. As a matter of fact transplantations were always emergency procedures (100%), whereas repair of aortic dissections type A and B was an emergency procedure in 81.5%. Emergency thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm repair accounted for 30% and 20% respectively and the corresponding proportion for peripheral vascular surgery is 19%. However, emergency surgery for acute coronary ischemia, valvular and congenital heart disease accounted for somewhat less than 10% for each group of these pathologies. Systematic pre-operative diagnostic work-up is a recognized tool for procedure related risk assessment and superior management of diseases. However, hemodynamic instability and other time related events correlated with negative outcome, are the main driving forces for accelerated diagnostic pathways


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We describe the motivation, design, and implementation of the CORNISH survey, an arcsecondresolution radio continuum survey of the inner galactic plane at 5 GHz using the Very Large Array (VLA). It is a blind survey coordinated with the northern SpitzerGLIMPSE I region covering 10° picture of the interstellar medium in the Galaxy.


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Protein-ligand docking has made important progress during the last decade and has become a powerful tool for drug development, opening the way to virtual high throughput screening and in silico structure-based ligand design. Despite the flattering picture that has been drawn, recent publications have shown that the docking problem is far from being solved, and that more developments are still needed to achieve high successful prediction rates and accuracy. Introducing an accurate description of the solvation effect upon binding is thought to be essential to achieve this goal. In particular, EADock uses the Generalized Born Molecular Volume 2 (GBMV2) solvent model, which has been shown to reproduce accurately the desolvation energies calculated by solving the Poisson equation. Here, the implementation of the Fast Analytical Continuum Treatment of Solvation (FACTS) as an implicit solvation model in small molecules docking calculations has been assessed using the EADock docking program. Our results strongly support the use of FACTS for docking. The success rates of EADock/FACTS and EADock/GBMV2 are similar, i.e. around 75% for local docking and 65% for blind docking. However, these results come at a much lower computational cost: FACTS is 10 times faster than GBMV2 in calculating the total electrostatic energy, and allows a speed up of EADock by a factor of 4. This study also supports the EADock development strategy relying on the CHARMM package for energy calculations, which enables straightforward implementation and testing of the latest developments in the field of Molecular Modeling.


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First, we examine the context of creation of special collection units in libraries, and the reasons why libraries compile archive materials and collections. Second, we focus on the techniques used in library environments to describe archive materials and collections and to guarantee their accessibility. We examine the models used in the United States and the United Kingdom to describe and access these materials, and the cooperative projects launched in these two countries in the past few years. Finally, we offer a preliminary analysis of how these types of materials are currently dealt with in Catalan libraries, and issue some recommendations to improve their archiving and access.


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First, we examine the context of creation of special collection units in libraries, and the reasons why libraries compile archive materials and collections. Second, we focus on the techniques used in library environments to describe archive materials and collections and to guarantee their accessibility. We examine the models used in the United States and the United Kingdom to describe and access these materials, and the cooperative projects launched in these two countries in the past few years. Finally, we offer a preliminary analysis of how these types of materials are currently dealt with in Catalan libraries, and issue some recommendations to improve their archiving and access.


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Supuesta la bondad moral y técnica de la libertad de empresa, o como se la quiera llamar, ¿ésta debe alcanzar también a las cosas relacionadas con la medicina y la sanidad?


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Las tres leyes de la robótica no son más que los principios esenciales de una gran cantidad de sistemas éticos del mundo... ¿qué aspectos bioéticos nos devela esta película?.


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Las normas de la bioética han de ser nuestras propias normas y, por lo tanto, las normasjurídicas que regulan cuestiones bioéticas han de dejar el mayor margen posible para la toma de decisiones autónomas...


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Desde el estreno de Colegas, el 25 de octubre de 1982, hasta los recientes sucesos de noviembre y diciembre de 2007, han pasado veinticinco años, todo un cuarto de siglode relativa paz en el todavía espinoso asunto del aborto, una paz que parece que puede truncarse a raíz delos sucesos aludidos, que no son otros que las acciones fiscales y judiciales contra algunas clínicas de Barcelona en las que se practica la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo...


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La historia de Vera Drake nos recuerda no sólo los tiempos pasados sino también los nuestros, porque, como entonces, las mujeres todavía no controlan su cuerpo; pueden abortar, pero tienen que mentir sobre el por qué; pueden abortar, pero eso no forma parte de su derecho a la salud y a la sanidad básicas. Detrás de ello lo que asomaes una cierta construcción ideológica del aborto que aún mantiene parte de la fuerza que tuvo antaño, y que, por eso, la bioética debe seguir revisando y cuestionando.


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Million Dollar Baby no es sólo una película sobre la eutanasia. Es, también, una película sobre la dureza de la vida, la soledad y el fracaso, y sobre la ilusión, el esfuerzo y la fidelidad. Es una película donde la eutanasia aparece en su contexto y donde, por eso,podemos percibir mejor su sentido. Apenas la última media hora de la película se ocupa de la Maggie enferma que desea morir y del Frankie que duda sobre si debe ayudarla o no; pero uno puede entender mejor la situaciónde ambos cuando conoce la trayectoria de cada uno y su relación previa. Ésta, diría yo, es una primera y fundamental enseñanza de la película: los problemas asociados con la eutanasia, como cualesquiera otros problemas éticos, no pueden considerarse aisladamente.


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La película "La Isla" plantea un problema importante, el de la clonación terapéutica y, en particular, dos de sus aspectos: lo que podemos llamar el estatuto antropológicode los clones y la cuestión de la privatización de la biotecnología.


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Centrally located in America’s upper Midwest, Iowa lies in the heart of a 12-state region that will have installed an average of 2,701 mfi per year through 2014. In 2009 alone, this region, which is within one day delivery from Iowa, installed turbines valued at $7.8 billion! Once you understand how this exploding growth in the market intersects with the supply chain established by over 250 Iowa companies that are already providing components and services to wind energy manufacturers, you have an outstanding picture of exactly why all major wind manufacturing components are made in Iowa.