910 resultados para Photographic collage


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Changes in the retinal microcirculation are associated with hypertension and predict cardiovascular mortality. There are few data describing the impact of antihypertensive therapy on retinal vascular changes. This substudy of the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial compared the effects of an amlodipine-based regimen (373 patients) with an atenolol-based regimen (347 patients) on retinal microvascular measurements made from fundus photographs. The retinal photographs were taken at a stage in the trial when treatments were stable and blood pressure was well controlled. Amlodipine-based treatment was associated with a smaller arteriolar length:diameter ratio than atenolol-based treatment (13.32 [10.75 to 16.04] versus 14.12 [11.27 to 17.81], median [interquartile range]; P<0.01). The association remained significant after adjustment for age, sex, cholesterol, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, body mass index, smoking, and statin treatment. This effect appeared to be largely attributable to shorter retinal arteriolar segment lengths in the amlodipine-treated group and is best explained by the vasodilator effects of amlodipine causing the visible emergence of branching side vessels. Photographic assessment of the retinal vascular network may be a useful approach to evaluating microvascular structural responses in clinical trials of antihypertensive therapy.


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Dass die Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen des Ersten Weltkrieges von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Entstehung der dadaistischen Revolte waren, ist bekannt. Für die Angriffe auf die Grundlagen der Zivilisation, die den Krieg hervorgebracht hatte, bedienten sich die Dadaisten bei ihren Collage- und Montageverfahren der Versatzstücke des Alten, um es umso radikaler verwerfen zu können. Ob die Dadaisten neben ihrem Protest auch das Gedenken an die Opfer des Krieges in ihren Arbeiten thematisierten, ist Thema dieses Beitrags. Ist es vorstellbar, dass neben der ätzenden Kritik und der Beleidigung der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft eine wie auch immer geartete Form der trauernden Erinnerung an die Toten von ihnen beabsichtigt war? Sicherlich suchten sie dabei andere Formen der Trauer als das in ihren Augen nur verlogene Gedenken der herrschenden Schichten. Ausgewählt wurden für die Untersuchung einige der skandalträchtigsten und öffentlichkeitswirksamsten Ausstellungsbeiträge und Aktionen von Dada Berlin, Köln und Paris.


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Die Verwendung europäischer Architektursettings in japanischen "Trick"-Filmen (anime) ist mehr als die bloße Adaption einer – aus asiatischer Perspektive – exotischen Kulisse. Populäre Medien vertreten keine kritische Positionen; sie sind bemüht, an Vorstellungswelten und Seherfahrungen ihrer Betrachter anzuknüpfen. Auf diese Weise gelesen, sagen Kopien und bewusste (Re-)Kombinationen europäischer Motive im japanischen Film eine Menge über die Assoziationen, die asiatische Betrachter mit bestimmten Phasen europäischer Geschichte verbinden. Doch auch Eigengesetzlichkeiten des "Trick"-Films als Medium dürfen nicht vernachlässigt werden. Wenig bekannte Motive aus der expressionistischen Architektur können beispielsweise dazu eingesetzt werden, einen bloßen Verfremdungseffekt zu erzielen. In subtileren Beispielen kann der Umweg über europäische Kulissen aber auch dazu dienen, Spannungen der jüngeren Geschichte Japans in einem verfremdeten Gewand zu verarbeiten.


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Translatability of a work of art, according to Walter Benjamin, is an essential ability to allow a translation to take on »a specific significance inherent in the original« so that it will retain a close relationship to the original. In contrast, Gerhard Richter's photo-based paintings show such an auratic significance of the original in its innate deficiency or intranslatability. As Rosemary Hawker puts it, the striking effect of blur in his paintings represents itself at once as a unique photographic idiom and a distinctive shortcoming of photography which impedes the medium from providing viewers with clearly perceivable images; the blur creates a site of différance in which both media come to a common understanding of one another’s idioms by telling what those idioms always fail to achieve. In this short essay, I will examine ways in which Richter’s photographic and pictorial works, including early monochrome paintings and recent abstract works based on microscopic photographs of molecular structures, attempt to untranslate photographic idioms in order to see painting’s (in)abilities simultaneously. In doing so, I intend to observe in the artist’s pictorial practice an actual phenomenon that the image can designate certain facts or truths only through its inherent plurality, faultiness, and partiality.


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Translatability of a work of art, according to Walter Benjamin, is an essential ability to allow a translation to take on »a specific significance inherent in the original« so that it will retain a close relationship to the original. In contrast, Gerhard Richter's photo-based paintings show such an auratic significance of the original in its innate deficiency or intranslatability. As Rosemary Hawker puts it, the striking effect of blur in his paintings represents itself at once as a unique photographic idiom and a distinctive shortcoming of photography which impedes the medium from providing viewers with clearly perceivable images; the blur creates a site of différance in which both media come to a common understanding of one another’s idioms by telling what those idioms always fail to achieve. In this short essay, I will examine ways in which Richter’s photographic and pictorial works, including early monochrome paintings and recent abstract works based on microscopic photographs of molecular structures, attempt to untranslate photographic idioms in order to see painting’s (in)abilities simultaneously. In doing so, I intend to observe in the artist’s pictorial practice an actual phenomenon that the image can designate certain facts or truths only through its inherent plurality, faultiness, and partiality.


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Buildings and urban construction are understood in this paper as representations of the city. Their meanings, however, are often invisible, positing unrealized urban visions, which are both imbedded in and which call up chains of associations expressing desires and fears. Narratives of what the city should be often contain the rejection of the existing urban situation. Understanding architectural objects as potential underscores their imaginary nature. Freud, for example, uses the Roman ruins in Civilization and its Discontents (1929) as a means to imagine stages of history. Yet, meanings of the new can also be covered over and layered. Milan is a city with fragments of the new, which once projected an ideal urban space into the future. The potentiality of Milan’s postwar urban objects is analyzed in relationship to narratives of the city and insertion is framed as an imagining into the city.


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This article examines the absence of atrocity in the photographic series The Course of History by the Belgian-born, New York-based photographer Bart Michiels (1964–). It shows, in beautiful, large-format prints, seemingly innocent landscapes and confined views of nature. Only when viewers read the titles of the photographs do they become aware of the violent history of the sites. These turn out to be the fields of fierce European battles such as Verdun, Waterloo and Stalingrad. The present article reviews recent trends towards using place as a motif in contemporary art photography and focuses on the ‘empty’ landscape as a pictorial strategy that opens up a narrative space, one that needs to be completed by the viewer. The absence evoked by the image is treated as antithetical to the conventional ethos of photography, which canonically stands as the evidence of an occurrence.


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La complétude des Œuvres complètes de Butor est problématique, car elle ne prend pas en compte les collaborations de toutes sortes et les œuvres inscrites sur d’autres supports que du papier. Pour avoir une véritable idée de cette complétude, il faudrait donc imaginer une installation qui réunirait à la fois, entre autres, les codex habituels de Butor, les livres d’artistes, les œuvres numériques. On se rendrait compte que cette installation est fondée sur des passages de frontières entre les genres artistiques, l’assemblage et le collage permettant de passer des frontières entre univers culturels différents.


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De Mallarmé à la fin du xxe siècle, les œuvres d’avant-garde se situent dans un rapport tensionnel et dialectique à la presse. Jusqu’au surréalisme, la littérature emprunte son modèle à la presse, mais en n’en sélectionnant que certaines caractéristiques, et sans oublier la logique du Livre mallarméen : est ainsi visée une synthèse du livre et du journal, dont Le surréalisme au service de la Révolution constitue l’exemple le plus achevé. Si les œuvres d’assemblage de textes de la deuxième moitié du xxe siècle découlent plutôt du collage, elles intègrent des coupures de presse et permettent non seulement de la critiquer, mais surtout de proposer une « pluritextualité » qui fonctionne autrement que les journaux, et qui pourrait être le modèle d’une presse utopique qui demanderait au lecteur non seulement de s’informer, mais surtout de mettre en relation et en perspective les différentes informations qui lui sont proposées.


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We investigated attention, encoding and processing of social aspects of complex photographic scenes. Twenty-four high-functioning adolescents (aged 11–16) with ASD and 24 typically developing matched control participants viewed and then described a series of scenes, each containing a person. Analyses of eye movements and verbal descriptions provided converging evidence that both groups displayed general interest in the person in each scene but the salience of the person was reduced for the ASD participants. Nevertheless, the verbal descriptions revealed that participants with ASD frequently processed the observed person’s emotion or mental state without prompting. They also often mentioned eye-gaze direction, and there was evidence from eye movements and verbal descriptions that gaze was followed accurately. The combination of evidence from eye movements and verbal descriptions provides a rich insight into the way stimuli are processed overall. The merits of using these methods within the same paradigm are discussed.


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The acquisition of accurate information on the size of traits in animals is fundamental for the study of animal ecology and evolution and their management. We demonstrate how morphological traits of free-ranging animals can reliably be estimated on very large observation distances of several hundred meters by the use of ordinary digital photographic equipment and simple photogrammetric software. In our study, we estimated the length of horn annuli in free-ranging male Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) by taking already measured horn annuli of conspecifics on the same photographs as scaling units. Comparisons with hand-measured horn annuli lengths and repeatability analyses revealed a high accuracy of the photogrammetric estimates. If length estimations of specific horn annuli are based on multiple photographs measurement errors of <5.5 mm can be expected. In the current study the application of the described photogrammetric procedure increased the sample size of animals with known horn annuli length by an additional 104%. The presented photogrammetric procedure is of broad applicability and represents an easy, robust and cost-efficient method for the measuring of individuals in populations where animals are hard to capture or to approach.


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Le collage d’un fil torsadé souple sur les faces linguales des six dents antérieures mandibulaires est une modalité de contention couramment utilisée. Les complications sont rares mais peuvent être assez sérieuses pour provoquer des dégâts biologiques. Cet article présente une complication sérieuse d’un fil de contention torsadé souple, collé en lingual. Quatre ans après son traitement orthodontique, un homme de 20 ans a consulté pour la rupture d’un fil de contention torsadé souple. L’examen clinique a montré un torque radiculo-vestibulaire d’environ 35° d’une dent. Une image en tomographie volumique à faisceau conique (Cone-Beam Computed Tomography ou CBCT) a montré que la racine et l’apex de la dent étaient presque totalement hors de l’os du côté vestibulaire. Étonnamment, la vitalité de la dent était préservée. La dent a été ramenée presque jusqu’à sa position initiale; cliniquement, seule une récession gingivale a persisté. Les orthodontistes et les dentistes devraient être conscients des complications possibles des contentions collées. Les patients devraient être clairement informés de la manière dont les problèmes peuvent être détectés à un stade précoce.


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The battle of Gallipoli as it is known in Europe and South Asia or the battle of Çannakkale as it is known in modern Turkey was a seminal battle for many nations, not because it was decisive for the course of the war, but because it played a central role in regard to memory of the First World War in many nations. Based on photographic evidence and research by colleagues from many countries this contribution will focus in a transnational perspective on the participation of British, Indian, Australian and New Zealand troops in the campaign and especially on myths and memories on the side of the Entente from 1916 onwards.


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PURPOSE Dynamic intraligamentary stabilization was recently proposed as an option for the treatment of acute ACL ruptures. The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of the procedure in mid-substance ACL ruptures and examine whether the additional application of a bilayer collagen I/III membrane would provide for a superior outcome. METHODS The study group consisted of patients presenting with a mid-substance ACL rupture undergoing dynamic intraligamentary stabilization using the Ligamys™ device along with application of a collagen I/III membrane to the surface of the ACL (group A, n = 23). The control group comprised a matched series of patients presenting with a mid-substance ACL rupture also treated by dynamic intraligamentary stabilization Ligamys™ repair, however, without additional collagen application (group B, n = 33). Patients were evaluated preoperatively and at 24-month follow-up for stability as well as Tegner and Lysholm scores. Knee laxity was measured as a difference in anterior translation (ΔAP) and pivot shift. Any events occurring during the follow-up period of 24 months were documented. Logistic regression of complications was performed, and adjustment undertaken where necessary. RESULTS A high total complication rate of 78.8 % was noted in group B, compared to group A (8.7 %) (p = 0.002). The addition of a collagen membrane was the only independent prognostic factor associated with reduced complications (OR 8.0, CI 2.0-32.2, p = 0.003, for collagen-free treatment). In group B, 6 patients suffered a re-rupture with subsequent instability requiring secondary hamstring reconstruction surgery, and 11 developed extension loss requiring arthroscopic debridement, whilst in group A, 2 patients required arthroscopic debridement for loss of exension, with no further encountered complication. Median Lysholm score was significantly higher in group A compared to group B (median 100 range 93-100 vs median 95 range 60-100, p = 0.03) at final follow-up. CONCLUSIONS A high complication rate following ACL Ligamys™ repair of mid-substance ruptures was noted. Application of a collagen membrane to the surface of the ACL resulted in a reduced incidence of extension deficit and re-ruptures. The results indicate that solitary ACL Ligamys™ repair does not present an appropriate treatment modality for mid-substance ACL ruptures. Collage application proved to provide healing benefits with superior clinical outcome after ACL repair. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Case control study, Level III.