872 resultados para Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation


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Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) is the most common vasculitis affecting the elderly. Archived formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) temporal artery biopsy (TAB) specimens potentially represent a valuable resource for large-scale genetic analysis of this disease. FFPE TAB samples were obtained from 12 patients with GCA. Extracted TAB DNA was assessed by real time PCR before restoration using the Illumina HD FFPE Restore Kit. Paired FFPE-blood samples were genotyped on the Illumina OmniExpress FFPE microarray. The FFPE samples that passed stringent quality control measures had a mean genotyping success of >97%. When compared with their matching peripheral blood DNA, the mean discordant heterozygote and homozygote single nucleotide polymorphisms calls were 0.0028 and 0.0003, respectively, which is within the accepted tolerance of reproducibility. This work demonstrates that it is possible to successfully obtain high-quality microarray-based genotypes FFPE TAB samples and that this data is similar to that obtained from peripheral blood.


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Purpose The detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) provides important prognostic information in men with metastatic prostate cancer. We aim to determine the rate of detection of CTCs in patients with high-risk non-metastatic prostate cancer using the CellSearch® method. Method Samples of peripheral blood (7.5 mL) were drawn from 36 men with newly diagnosed high-risk non-metastatic prostate cancer, prior to any initiation of therapy and analyzed for CTCs using the CellSearch® method. Results The median age was 70 years, median PSA was 14.1, and the median Gleason score was 9. The median 5-year risk of progression of disease using a validated nomogram was 39 %. Five out of 36 patients (14 %, 95 % CI 5–30 %) had CTCs detected in their circulation. Four patients had only 1 CTC per 7.5 mL of blood detected. One patient had 3 CTCs per 7.5 mL of blood detected, which included a circulating tumor microemboli. Both on univariate analysis and multivariate analysis, there were no correlations found between CTC positivity and the classic prognostic factors including PSA, Gleason score, T-stage and age. Conclusion This study demonstrates that patients with high-risk, non-metastatic prostate cancer present infrequently with small number of CTCs in peripheral blood. This finding is consistent with the limited literature available in this setting. Other CTC isolation and detection technologies with improved sensitivity and specificity may enable detection of CTCs with mesenchymal phenotypes, although none as yet have been validated for clinical use. Newer assays are emerging for detection of new putative biomarkers for prostate cancer. Correlation of disease control outcomes with CTC detection will be important.


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Viral infections caused by herpesviruses are common complications after organ transplantation and they are associated with substantial morbidity and even mortality. Herpesviruses remain in a latent state in a host after primary infection and may reactivate later. CMV infection is the most important viral infection after liver transplantation. Less is known about the significance of human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6). EBV is believed to play a major role in the development of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD). The aim of this study was to investigate the CMV-, EBV- and HHV-6 DNAemia after liver transplantation by frequent monitoring of adult liver transplant patients. The presence of CMV, EBV and HHV-6 DNA were demonstrated by in situ hybridization assays and by real-time PCR methods from peripheral blood specimens. CMV and HHV-6 antigens were demonstrated by antigenemia assays and compared to the viral DNAemia. The response to antiviral therapy was also investigated. CMV-DNAemia appeared earlier than CMV pp65-antigenemia after liver transplantation. CMV infections were treated with ganciclovir. However, most of the treated patients demonstrated persistence of CMV-DNA for up to several months. Continuous CMV-DNA expression of peripheral blood leukocytes showed that the virus is not eliminated by ganciclovir and recurrences can be expected during several months after liver transplantation. HHV-6 DNAemia / antigenemia was common and occurred usually within the first three months after liver transplantation together with CMV. The HHV-6 DNA expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells correlated well with HHV-6 antigenemia. Antiviral treatment significantly decreased the number of HHV-6 DNA positive cells, demonstrating the response to ganciclovir treatment. Clinically silent EBV reactivations with low viral loads were relatively common after liver transplantation. These EBV-DNAemias usually appeared within the first three months after liver transplantation together with betaherpesviruses (CMV, HHV-6, HHV-7). One patient developed high EBV viral loads and developed PTLD. These results indicate that frequent monitoring of EBV-DNA levels can be useful to detect liver transplant patients at risk of developing PTLD.


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Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are a vital subpopulation of cells to target for the treatment of cancers. In oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC), there are several markers such as CD44, ALDH, Pygo2, MAML1, Twist1, Musashi1, Side population (SP), CD271 and CD90 that have been proposed to identify the cancer stem cells in individual cancer masses. It has also been demonstrated that stem cell markers like ALDH1, HIWI, Oct3/4, ABCG2, SOX2, SALL4, BMI-1, NANOG, CD133 and podoplanin are associated with patient's prognosis, pathological stages, cancer recurrence and therapy resistance. Finding new cancer stem cell targets or designing drugs to manipulate the known molecular targets in CSCs could be useful for improvements in clinical outcomes of the disease. To conclude, data suggest that CSCs in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma are related to resistance to therapy and poor prognosis of patients with ESCC. Therefore, innovative insights into CSC biology and CSC-targeted therapies will help to achieve more effective management of patients with oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma.


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The idea of retinal cell transplantation as a potential treatment for age-related retinal degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in the Western world, has been around for a number of decades. To date, however, it has not been entirely successful; one of the main reasons for this is the lack of an ideal substratum for the retinal cells, specifically for the growth of retinal pigment epithelial cells prior to transplantation. This chapter reviews the reasoning behind this potential treatment, the development of animal transplantation models for human trials, the prerequisites of an ideal substratum, the past and current research on substratum materials, and the potential for future developments in this area.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli tutkia T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan toimintaa ja sen mahdollista roolia neuronaalisten kantasolujen migraatiossa. T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan tehtävän kehittyneissä aivoissa tiedetään olevan elektroenkefalografisten oskillaatioiden tuottaminen. Nämä taas ovat eräiden fysiologisten ja patofysiologisten tapahtumien säätelyssä avainasemassa. Tällaisia tapahtumia ovat uni, muisti, oppiminen ja epileptiset poissaolokohtaukset. Näiden lisäksi T-tyypin kalsiumkanavalla on myös periferaalisia vaikutuksia, mutta tämä tutkielma keskittyy sen neuronaalisiin toimintoihin. Tämän matalan jännitteen säätelemän kanavan toiminta neurogeneesin aikana on vähemmän tutkittua ja tunnettua kuin sen vaikutukset kehittyneissä aivoissa. T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan tiedetään edistävän kantasolujen proliferaatiota ja erilaistumista neurogeneesiksen aikana, mutta vaikutukset niiden migraatioon ovat vähemmän tunnetut. Tämä tutkimus näyttää T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan todennäköisesti osallistuvan neuronaaliseen migraatioon hiiren alkion subventrikkeli alueelta eristetyillä kanta- tai progeniittorisoluilla tehdyissä kokeissa. Selektiiviset T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan antagonistit, etosuksimidi, nikkeli ja skorpionitoksiini, kurtoxin hidastivat migraatiota erilaistuvissa progeniittorisoluissa. Tämä tutkimus koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta ja kokeellisesta osasta. Tämän tutkimuksen toinen tarkoitus oli esitellä vaihtoehtoinen lähestymistapa invasiiviselle kantasoluterapialle, joka vaatii kantasolujen viljelyä ja siirtämistä ihmiseen. Tämä toinen tapa on endogeenisten kantasolujen eiinvasiivinen stimulointi, jolla ne saadaan migratoitumaan kohdekudokseen, erilaistumaan siellä ja tehtävänsä suoritettuaan lopettamaan jakaantumisen. Non-invasiivinen kantasoluterapia on vasta tiensä alussa, ja tarvitsee farmakologista osaamista kehittyäkseen. Joitain onnistuneita ei-invasiivisia hoitoja on jo tehty selkärangan vaurioiden korjaamisessa. Vastaavanlaisia menetelmiä voitaisiin käyttää myös keskushermoston vaurioiden ja neurodegeneratiivisten sairauksien hoidossa. Näiden menetelmien kehittäminen vaatii endogeenisten kantasoluja inhiboivien ja indusoivien mekanismien tuntemista. Yksi tärkeä kantasolujen erilaistumista stimuloiva tekijä on kalsiumioni. Jänniteherkät kalsiumkanavat osallistuvat kaikkiin neurogeneesiksen eri vaiheisiin. T-tyypin kalsiumkanava, joka ekspressoituu suuressa määrin keskushermoston kehityksen alkuvaiheessa ja vähenee neuronaalisen kehityksen edetessä, saattaa olla oleellisessa asemassa progeniittorisolujen ohjaamisessa.


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Neurons obtained directly from human somatic cells hold great promise for disease modeling and drug screening. Available protocols rely on overexpression of transcription factors using integrative vectors and are often slow, complex, and inefficient. We report a fast and efficient approach for generating induced neural cells (iNCs) directly from human hematopoietic cells using Sendai virus. Upon SOX2 and c-MYC expression, CD133-positive cord blood cells rapidly adopt a neuroepithelial morphology and exhibit high expansion capacity. Under defined neurogenic culture conditions, they express mature neuronal markers and fire spontaneous action potentials that can be modulated with neurotransmitters. SOX2 and c-MYC are also sufficient to convert peripheral blood mononuclear cells into iNCs. However, the conversion process is less efficient and resulting iNCs have limited expansion capacity and electrophysiological activity upon differentiation. Our study demonstrates rapid and efficient generation of iNCs from hematopoietic cells while underscoring the impact of target cells on conversion efficiency.


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As células tronco são caracterizadas pela sua capacidade de se diferenciar em várias linhagens de células e exibir um pontente efeito parácrino. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da terapia com células da medula óssea (BMCs) na glicose sanguínea, no metabolismo lipídico e remodelamento da parede da aorta em um modelo experimental para aterosclerose. Camundongos C57BL/6 foram alimentados com uma dieta controle (grupo CO) ou uma dieta aterogênica (grupo AT - 60% gordura). Após 16 semanas, o grupo AT foi dividido em quatro sub grupos: grupo AT 14 dias e o grupo AT 21 dias receberam uma injeção de PBS na veia caudal e mortos 14 e 21 dias após respectivamente; grupo AT-BMC 14 dias e AT-BMC 21 dias que receberam uma injeção com BMCs na veia caudal e mortos 14 e 21 dias após, respectivamente. O grupo CO foi sacrificado juntamente com outros grupos. O transplante BMCs reduziu os niveis de glicose, triglicerídeos e colesterol total no sangue. Não houve diferença significativa em relação à massa corporal entre os grupos transplantados e não transplantados, sendo todos diferentes do grupo CO. Não houve diferença significativa na curva glicemica entre os grupos AT 14 dias, AT-BMC 14 dias e AT 21 dias e estes diferentes do grupo CO e do grupo AT-BMC 21 dias. O Qa (1/mm2) foi quantitativamente reduzido no grupo AT 14 dias e AT 21 dias quando comparado ao grupo CO. Este Qa se mostrou elevado no grupo AT-BMC 21 dias quando comparado a todos os grupos. O aumento da expessura da parede da aorta foi observado em todos os grupos aterogênicos, entretanto o aumento da espessura foi significativamente menor no grupo AT-BMC 21 dias em relação ao grupo AT 14 dias e AT 21 dias. A percentagem de fibras elásticas se apresentou significativamente maior no grupo AT 21 dias quando comparado ao CO e AT-BMC 21 dias. Não houve diferença significativa entre o grupo CO e AT-BMC 21 dias. Vacúolos na túnica média, delaminação e o adelgaçamento das lamelas elásticas foram observados nos grupos AT-14 dias e AT-21 dias. O menor número destes foi visualizado no grupo AT-BMC 14 dias e AT-BMC 21 dias. A imunomarcação para alfa actina de músculo liso (α-SMA) e fator de crescimento vascular e endotelial (VEGF) mostrou menor marcação em grupos transplantados com BMCs. A marcação para antígeno nuclear de proliferação celular (PCNA) mostrou-se mais expressiva no grupo AT-BMC 21 dias grupo. Marcação para CD105, CD133 e CD68 foi observada nos grupos AT 14 dias e AT 21 dias. Estas marcações não foram observadas nos grupos AT-BMC 14 dias e AT-BMC 21 dias. Nas eletromicrografias observamos o remodelamento benéfico no grupo AT-BMC14 dias e AT-BMC 21 dias, com a organização estrutural similar ao grupo CO. Vesículas de pinocitose, projeção da célula muscular lisa e a delaminação da lamina elástica interna são observados nos grupos AT 14 dias e AT 21 dias. Célula endotelial preservada, com lamina elástica interna de contorno regular e contínua é observada no grupo CO e nos grupos AT-BMC 14 dias e AT-BMC 21 dias. Como conclusão, os nossos resultados reforçam o conceito de que, em um modelo aterosclerótico utilizando camundongos e dieta aterogênica, a injeção de BMCs melhora os níveis de glicose, metabolismo lipídico e ocasiona um remodelamento benéfico na parede da aorta.


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Histo-blood group antigens CD173 (H2) and CD174 (Lewis Y) are known to be developmentally regulated carbohydrate antigens which are expressed to a varying degree on many human carcinomas. We hypothesized that they might represent markers of cancer-initiating cells (or cancer stem cells, CSC). In order to test this hypothesis, we examined the co-expression of CD173 and CD174 with stem cell markers CD44 and CD133 by flow cytometry analysis, immunocytochemistry, and immunohistochemistry on cell lines and tissue sections from breast cancer. In three breast cancer cell lines, the percentage of CD173(+)/CD44(+) cells ranged from 17% to > 60% and of CD174(+)/CD44(+) from 21% to 57%. In breast cancer tissue sections from 15 patients, up to 50% of tumor cells simultaneously expressed CD173, CD174, and CD44 antigens. Co-expression of CD173 and CD174 with CD133 was also observed, but to a lesser percentage. Co-immunoprecipitation and sandwich ELISA experiments on breast cancer cell lines suggested that CD173 and CD174 are carried on the CD44 molecule. The results show that in these tissues CD173 (H2) and CD174 (LeY) are associated with CD44 expression, suggesting that these carbohydrate antigens are markers of cancer-initiating cells or of early progenitors of breast carcinomas.


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The application of biological effect monitoring for the detection of environmental chemical exposure in domestic animals is still in its infancy. This study investigated blood sample preparations in vitro for their use in biological effect monitoring. When peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), isolated following the collection of multiple blood samples from sheep in the field, were cryopreserved and subsequently cultured for 24 hours a reduction in cell viability (<80%) was attributed to delays in the processing following collection. Alternative blood sample preparations using rat and sheep blood demonstrated that 3 to 5 hour incubations can be undertaken without significant alterations in the viability of the lymphocytes; however, a substantial reduction in viability was observed after 24 hours in frozen blood. Detectable levels of early and late apoptosis as well as increased levels of ROS were detectable in frozen sheep blood samples. The addition of ascorbic acid partly reversed this effect and reduced the loss in cell viability. The response of the rat and sheep blood sample preparations to genotoxic compounds ex vivo showed that EMS caused comparable dose-dependent genotoxic effects in all sample preparations (fresh and frozen) as detected by the Comet assay. In contrast, the effects of CdCl2 were dependent on the duration of exposure as well as the sample preparation. The analysis of leukocyte subsets in frozen sheep blood showed no alterations in the percentages of T and B lymphocytes but led to a major decrease in the percentage of granulocytes compared to those in the fresh samples. The percentages of IFN-γ and IL-4 but not IL-6 positive cells were comparable between fresh and frozen sheep blood after 4 hour stimulation with phorbol 12-myrisate 13-acetate and ionomycin (PMA+I). These results show that frozen blood gives comparable responses to fresh blood samples in the toxicological and immune assays used.


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Measurement of antigen-specific T cell responses is an adjunctive parameter to evaluate protection induced by a previous Bordetella pertussis infection or vaccination. The assessment of T cell responses is technically complex and usually performed on fresh peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The objective of this study was to identify simplified methods to assess pertussis specific T cell responses and verify if these assays could be performed using frozen/thawed (frozen) PBMC. Three read-outs to measure proliferation were compared: the fluorescent dye 5,6-carboxylfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE) dilution test, the number of blast cells defined by physical parameters, and the incorporation of (3)H-thymidine. The results of pertussis-specific assays performed on fresh PBMC were compared to the results on frozen PBMC from the same donor. High concordance was obtained when the results of CFSE and blast read-outs were compared, an encouraging result since blast analysis allows the identification of proliferating cells and does not require any use of radioactive tracer as well as any staining. The results obtained using fresh and frozen PBMC from the same donor in the different T cell assays, including IFNγ and TNFα cytokine production, did not show significant differences, suggesting that a careful cryopreservation process of PBMC would not significantly influence T cell response evaluation. Adopting blast analysis and frozen PBMC, the possibility to test T cell responses is simplified and might be applied in population studies, providing for new instruments to better define correlates of protection still elusive in pertussis.


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BACKGROUND: Malignant gliomas rank among the most lethal cancers. Gliomas display a striking cellular heterogeneity with a hierarchy of differentiation states. Recent studies support the existence of cancer stem cells in gliomas that are functionally defined by their capacity for extensive self-renewal and formation of secondary tumors that phenocopy the original tumors. As the c-Myc oncoprotein has recognized roles in normal stem cell biology, we hypothesized that c-Myc may contribute to cancer stem cell biology as these cells share characteristics with normal stem cells. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Based on previous methods that we and others have employed, tumor cell populations were enriched or depleted for cancer stem cells using the stem cell marker CD133 (Prominin-1). We characterized c-Myc expression in matched tumor cell populations using real time PCR, immunoblotting, immunofluorescence and flow cytometry. Here we report that c-Myc is highly expressed in glioma cancer stem cells relative to non-stem glioma cells. To interrogate the significance of c-Myc expression in glioma cancer stem cells, we targeted its expression using lentivirally transduced short hairpin RNA (shRNA). Knockdown of c-Myc in glioma cancer stem cells reduced proliferation with concomitant cell cycle arrest in the G(0)/G(1) phase and increased apoptosis. Non-stem glioma cells displayed limited dependence on c-Myc expression for survival and proliferation. Further, glioma cancer stem cells with decreased c-Myc levels failed to form neurospheres in vitro or tumors when xenotransplanted into the brains of immunocompromised mice. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings support a central role of c-Myc in regulating proliferation and survival of glioma cancer stem cells. Targeting core stem cell pathways may offer improved therapeutic approaches for advanced cancers.


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Muscle specific tyrosine kinase myasthenia gravis (MuSK MG) is a form of autoimmune MG that predominantly affects women and has unique clinical features, including prominent bulbar weakness, muscle atrophy, and excellent response to therapeutic plasma exchange. Patients with MuSK MG have predominantly IgG4 autoantibodies directed against MuSK on the postsynaptic muscle membrane. Lymphocyte functionality has not been reported in this condition. The goal of this study was to characterize T cell responses in patients with MuSK MG. Intracellular production of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-17, and IL-21 by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells was measured by polychromatic flow cytometry in peripheral blood samples from 11 Musk MG patients and 10 healthy controls. Only one MuSK MG patient was not receiving immunosuppressive therapy. Regulatory T cells (Treg) were also included in our analysis to determine if changes in T cell function were due to altered Treg frequencies. CD8+ T cells from MuSK MG patients had higher frequencies of polyfunctional responses than controls, and CD4+ T cells had higher IL-2, TNF-alpha, and IL-17. MuSK MG patients had a higher percentage of CD4+ T cells producing combinations of IFN-gamma/IL-2/TNF-gamma, TNF-alpha/IL-2, and IFN-gamma/TNF-alpha. Interestingly, Treg numbers and CD39 expression were not different from control values. MuSK MG patients had increased frequencies of Th1 and Th17 cytokines and were primed for polyfunctional proinflammatory responses that cannot be explained by a defect in CD39 expression or Treg number.


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Endometriosis affects 5-10% of women and is characterized by the growth of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus. Treatment for endometriosis primarily focuses on symptom relief, is short term with severe side effects and often leads to recurrence of the condition. Establishing new blood supply is a fundamental requirement for endometriosis lesions growth. This has led to the idea that antiangiogenic therapy may be a successful approach for inhibiting endometriosis. Recent evidence indicates that endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) contribute to neoangiogenesis of endometriotic lesions. These EPCs are recruited to the lesion site by stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1). We hypothesize that SDF-1 is central to the neoangiogenesis and survival of endometriotic lesions and that administration of SDF-1 blocking antibody will inhibit lesion growth by inhibiting angiogenesis in a murine model of endometriosis. Immunohistochemistry for SDF-1 and CD34 was performed on human endometriosis and normal endometrial samples. Quantification of SDF-1 and EPCs was performed in the blood of endometriosis patients and controls using ELISA and flow cytometry, respectively. A new mouse model of endometriosis was developed using BALB/c-Rag2-/-/IL2rg-/- mice to investigate role of SDF-1 in neoangiogenesis. Either SDF-1 blocking antibody or an isotype control was administered on a weekly basis for four weeks. Weekly samples of peripheral blood from mice were analyzed for SDF-1, other cytokines of interest and EPCs. Mice were euthanized at seven weeks to observe lesion growth and blood vessel development. Our results indicate overabundance of SDF-1 and CD34+ progenitor cells in human endometriotic lesions compared to eutopic endometrium. In the mouse model, SDF-1 and circulating EPC levels decreased from pre-treatment levels after one week, and remained constant over the course of the treatment in both SDF-1 blocking antibody and isotype control groups. In the SDF-1 blocking group, reduced vascularity of lesions, identified by immunofluorescence staining for CD31, was revealed compared to isotype controls. These findings suggest that SDF-1 may be responsible for CD34+ progenitor cell recruitment to the neoangiogenic sites in endometriosis. Blocking of SDF-1 reduces neovascularization of human endometriotic lesions in a mouse model. Further studies on blocking SDF-1 in combination with other antiangiogenic agents are needed.


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Cybr (also known as Cytip, CASP, and PSCDBP) is an interleukin-12-induced gene expressed exclusively in hematopoietic cells and tissues that associates with Arf guanine nucleotide exchange factors known as cytohesins. Cybr levels are dynamically regulated during T-cell development in the thymus and upon activation of peripheral T cells. In addition, Cybr is induced in activated dendritic cells and has been reported to regulate dendritic cell (DC)-T-cell adhesion. Here we report the generation and characterization of Cybr-deficient mice. Despite the selective expression in hematopoietic cells, there was no intrinsic defect in T- or B-cell development or function in Cybr-deficient mice. The adoptive transfer of Cybr-deficient DCs showed that they migrated efficiently and stimulated proliferation and cytokine production by T cells in vivo. However, competitive stem cell repopulation experiments showed a defect in the abilities of Cybr-deficient T cells to develop in the presence of wild-type precursors. These data suggest that Cybr is not absolutely required for hematopoietic cell development or function, but stem cells lacking Cybr are at a developmental disadvantage compared to wild-type cells. Collectively, these data demonstrate that despite its selective expression in hematopoietic cells, the role of Cybr is limited or largely redundant. Previous in vitro studies using overexpression or short interfering RNA inhibition of the levels of Cybr protein appear to have overestimated its immunological role.