983 resultados para Pastoral Counseling
Enfrentarse al análisis de la orientación educativa y la intervención psicopedagógica y elaborar propuestas que orienten el trabajo de los profesionales en este ámbito, implica, en estos momentos, un desafío difícil de asumir. Licenciados en pedagogía, psicología y psicopedagogía (de estos últimos, menos por la juventud de la licenciatura), con un perfil de formación inicial diferente, asumen responsabilidades profesionales similares e indiferenciadas; la reforma del sistema educativo impulsada por la LOGSE está en fase de implantación, lo que implica una reformulación de los servicios educativos que desde las administraciones educativas se ofrecen a los centros; y el ámbito de la intervención psicopedagógica en esta situación se confunde en ocasiones, o queda indiferenciado, del de otros profesionales del ámbito educativo
This study evaluated the prenatal diagnosis of Turner syndrome by ultrasound examination in an unselected population from all over Europe. Data from 19 congenital malformation registries from 11 European countries were analyzed. Turner syndrome was diagnosed in 125 cases (7.2%) in a total of 1,738 chromosome abnormalities. Sixty-seven percent of cases were detected prenatally by ultrasound examination due to the presence of congenital defects. The most frequent anomalies were cystic hygroma (59.5%) and hydrops fetalis (19%). The most frequent karyotype was 45,X (81.6%) followed by different types of mosaicism (16.8%). Significant differences in congenital defects (P = 0.0003) were observed between 45,X karyotypes and 45,X mosaicism cases. Prenatal counseling for 45,X mosaicism should take into account the expectation of a milder phenotype. In 78.6% of cases diagnosed by ultrasound examination due to congenital anomalies, the pregnancy was terminated. Prenatal detection of Turner syndrome by ultrasound examination was high in this unselected population.
PURPOSE: Studies of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) are typically evaluated by using a time-to-event approach with relapse, re-treatment, and death commonly used as the events. We evaluated the timing and type of events in newly diagnosed DLBCL and compared patient outcome with reference population data. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with newly diagnosed DLBCL treated with immunochemotherapy were prospectively enrolled onto the University of Iowa/Mayo Clinic Specialized Program of Research Excellence Molecular Epidemiology Resource (MER) and the North Central Cancer Treatment Group NCCTG-N0489 clinical trial from 2002 to 2009. Patient outcomes were evaluated at diagnosis and in the subsets of patients achieving event-free status at 12 months (EFS12) and 24 months (EFS24) from diagnosis. Overall survival was compared with age- and sex-matched population data. Results were replicated in an external validation cohort from the Groupe d'Etude des Lymphomes de l'Adulte (GELA) Lymphome Non Hodgkinien 2003 (LNH2003) program and a registry based in Lyon, France. RESULTS: In all, 767 patients with newly diagnosed DLBCL who had a median age of 63 years were enrolled onto the MER and NCCTG studies. At a median follow-up of 60 months (range, 8 to 116 months), 299 patients had an event and 210 patients had died. Patients achieving EFS24 had an overall survival equivalent to that of the age- and sex-matched general population (standardized mortality ratio [SMR], 1.18; P = .25). This result was confirmed in 820 patients from the GELA study and registry in Lyon (SMR, 1.09; P = .71). Simulation studies showed that EFS24 has comparable power to continuous EFS when evaluating clinical trials in DLBCL. CONCLUSION: Patients with DLBCL who achieve EFS24 have a subsequent overall survival equivalent to that of the age- and sex-matched general population. EFS24 will be useful in patient counseling and should be considered as an end point for future studies of newly diagnosed DLBCL.
RESUME INTRODUCTION Comprendre les déterminants de l'arrêt du tabagisme est un enjeu crucial, tant sur le plan clinique qu'en termes de santé publique. Dans l'étude transversale présentée ici, nous décrivons ce processus au travers de l'expérience d'ex-fumeurs. METHODE Sur une période de 4 mois, nous avons proposé à chaque patient consultant la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire de Lausanne de participer à une étude visant à examiner leur expérience de l'arrêt du tabagisme. Les critères d'inclusion étaient les suivants: (1) âge ≥ 18 ans (2) connaissance minimale de la langue française (capacité de comprendre et répondre aux questions) (3) être un ex-fumeur (défini comme une personne actuellement abstinente mais ayant fumé au moins 100 cigarettes [≥ 5 paquets] pendant > 6 mois dans le passé). Une infirmière formée a mené des entretiens semi-structurés en face-à-face avec les ex-fumeurs recrutés en utilisant un questionnaire explorant les 67 questions parmi les thèmes suivants : caractéristiques démographiques et socioéconomiques ; habitudes antérieures de consommation ; stades de motivation ; influence de l'environnement social ; état de santé et préoccupations au sujet de la santé ; perception des risques et des bénéfices du tabagisme ; perception de la dépendance nicotinique ; offre d'un counseling médical spécifique ; connaissances sur les modalités thérapeutiques disponibles et méthodes utilisées pour arrêter de fumer. Les résultats sont exprimés en nombres absolus, en pourcentages, en moyennes et en dispersion. RÉSULTATS 88 ex-fumeurs ont été inclus dans l'étude. Leurs caractéristiques démographiques et socioéconomiques sont les suivantes : La grande majorité d'entre eux sont des hommes (81%), l'âge moyen de 51 ans (variant de 19 à 81 ans), la moitié sont mariés, 72% de nationalité suisse et une grosse minorité (40%) ont une formation supérieure (universitaire ou équivalente). Leur histoire de consommation montre que l'âge moyen d'initiation du tabagisme est de 18 ans (entre 11 et 30 ans), et 23% ont commencé avant 16 ans. La consommation moyenne était de 26 cigarettes/jour. Presque tous les sujets (92%) étaient en contact fréquent avec des fumeurs à la maison, à l'école, au travail ou avec des amis au moment où ils ont commencé à fumer. La moitié des patients a essayé à une ou deux reprises d'arrêter de fumer avant de parvenir à une réelle abstinence. La durée depuis leur arrêt de consommation de cigarettes était en moyenne 5 ans et seuls 16% des sujets ont fumé occasionnellement depuis l'arrêt de leur consommation régulière. La majorité des ex-fumeurs (93%) dit avoir arrêté de manière abrupte et sans aucune aide thérapeutique (83%). 70 % des patients décrivent l'arrêt comme plutôt ou très difficile. Les problèmes décrits après l'interruption du tabagisme sont une prise pondérale (27%), la dépendance (23%), l'irritabilité (15%), les contacts avec des fumeurs (15%) et le manque de cigarette après les repas (11%). Les motivations principales à arrêter de fumer étaient des préoccupations générales au sujet de la santé (39%), des symptômes (23%) ou des signes cliniques spécifiques (22%), comme des problèmes cardiovasculaires ou respiratoires, ainsi que la conviction que le moment était venu d'arrêter (13%). D'autres motivations (comme les enfants, la grossesse, le coût...) étaient rarement mentionnées alors que 45% d'entre eux ont tout de même ressenti une pression de l'entourage, principalement de la part dé personnes vivant sous le même toit, de leurs famille ou amis. L'effet positif majeur de l'abstinence est, à leurs yeux, une amélioration globale de la santé (48%) ou de leurs problèmes cardiovasculaires ou respiratoires (32%). Trois quarts (74 %) des sujets savent que les cigarettes dites «légères »sont aussi nuisibles que les cigarettes normales, et 90 % sont conscients du fait que la nicotine peut induire une dépendance ; la moitié d'entre eux ne réalisent toutefois pas que le filtre ne protège pas contre les dangers de l'inhalation de fumée. Prés de trois quarts (73%) des ex-fumeurs disent avoir été interrogés sur leur consommation de tabac à l'occasion d'une consultation médicale motivée par un problème de santé et 30% clairement encouragés à arrêter par leur médecin. A ce sujet, 78 % sont d'avis qu'un médecin devrait par principe conseiller un arrêt du tabac. CONCLUSION Les 88 ex-fumeurs de cet échantillon ont, pour la plupart, arrêté la cigarette par leurs propres moyens, après un ou plusieurs échecs. Leurs motivations principales étaient le souci de leur propre santé, globalement ou relativement à des symptômes ou des signes cliniques spécifiques, ce qui reflète le fait que les patients sont relativement bien informés des dangers liés à la consommation de tabac. Enfin, le fumeur est sensible à l'influence de son environnement social, et, dans cette perspective, l'abstinence devrait être encouragée par les autorités sanitaires, les professionnels de la santé et les autres membres de la communauté.
Le rétinoblastome (Rb) est une tumeur provenant des cellules rétiniennes progénitrices des photorécepteurs. C'est la tumeur pédiatrique maligne la plus fréquente avec une incidence par naissance évaluée entre 1/15Ό00 et 1/20Ό00. Les enfants atteints de Rb sont diagnostiqué dans leur grande majorité avant l'âge de 4 ans, soit le temps nécessaire à la différentiation et à la maturation des photorécepteurs et donc à la disparition de la cellule d'origine du Rb. La survie du patient, la sauvegarde oculaire et le pronostic visuel restent excellents pour autant que le traitement ne soit pas différé. Dans sa variante non héréditaire (60%) le Rb est toujours unilatéral et sporadique. Le Rb héréditaire de transmission dominante autosomique (40%), se décline sous toutes les formes, familiale (10%) ou sporadique (30%), que l'atteinte soit unilatérale ou bilatérale. La majorité des mutations causales sont uniques et distribuées de façon aléatoire sur la totalité du gène RB1 sans région prédisposante. La détection de ces mutations est couteuse et chronophage, tout en présentant un taux de détection relativement bas; surtout dans les cas de Rb sporadiques unilatéraux. Dans le but d'identifier les patients présentant un risque réel de développer un Rb, et de réduire le nombre d'examens sous narcose requis pour le dépistage de la maladie chez les sujets à risque, nous avons développé une stratégie sensible, rapide, efficace et peu couteuse basée sur une analyse de l'haplotype intragénique. Cet algorithme prend en compte a) la perte d'hétérozygotie intratumorale du gène RB1, b) l'origine paternelle préférentielle des nouvelles mutations germinales et c) un risque a priori dérivé des données empiriques de Vogel. Pendant la période allant de janvier 1994 à décembre 2006, nous avons comparé l'apparition de nouveau Rb parmi la fratrie et la descendance de patient atteints au nombre de nouveaux cas attendus calculé par notre algorithme. 134 familles ont été étudiées. L'analyse moléculaire a été effectuée chez 570 personnes dont 99 patients âgés de moins de 4 ans et donc à risque de développer un Rb. Parmi cette cohorte, nous avons observé l'apparition d'un cas de Rb, alors que les risques cumulés a posteriori calculé par notre algorithme prédisait l'apparition de 1.77 nouveau cas. Dans cette étude, nous avons pu valider notre algorithme prédisant la récurrence de Rb chez les parents de 1er degré de patients atteints. Cet outil devrait grandement faciliter le conseil génétique ainsi que le suivi des patients à risque de développer un Rb, surtout dans les cas ou le séquençage direct du gène RB1 n'est pas disponible ou est resté non informatif. - Purpose: Most RBI mutations are unique and distributed throughout the RBI gene. Their detection can be time-consuming and the yield especially low in cases of conservatively-treated sporadic unilateral retinoblas-toma (Rb) patients. In order to identify patients with true risk of developing Rb, and to reduce the number of unnecessary examinations under anesthesia in all other cases, we developed a universal sensitive, efficient and cost-effective strategy based on intragenic haplotype analysis. Methods: This algorithm allows the calculation of the a posteriori risk of developing Rb and takes into account (a) RBI loss of heterozygosity in tumors, (b) preferential paternal origin of new germline mutations, (c) a priori risk derived from empirical data by Vogel, and (d) disease penetrance of 90% in most cases. We report the occurrence of Rb in first degree relatives of patients with sporadic Rb who visited the Jules Gonin Eye Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, from January 1994 to December 2006 compared to expected new cases of Rb using our algorithm. Results: A total of 134 families with sporadic Rb were enrolled; testing was performed in 570 individuals and 99 patients younger than 4 years old were identified. We observed one new case of Rb. Using our algorithm, the cumulated total a posteriori risk of recurrence was 1.77. Conclusions: This is the first time that linkage analysis has been validated to monitor the risk of recurrence in sporadic Rb. This should be a useful tool in genetic counseling, especially when direct RBI screening for mutations leaves a negative result or is unavailable.
Cancer patients have physical, social, spiritual and emotional needs. They may suffer from severe physical symptoms, from social isolation, spiritual abandonment, and emotions such as sadness and anxiety, or feelings of deception, helplessness, anger and guilt. In some of them, the disease is rapidly progressing and ultimately they die. Their demanding care evokes intense feelings in health care providers, the more since these incurable patients represent a challenge, which could be condensed under the heading "the challenge of medical omnipotence". We suppose that the way health care providers cope with these circumstances has a profound influence on the way these patients are cared for. The attitudes towards the emerging heterogeneous movement of palliative and supportive care and towards its different models of implementation can be viewed from this point of view. We try to demonstrate these interrelations and to discuss the danger that may arise if they remain obscure and unreflected.
OBJECTIVE: This study assessed clustering of multiple risk behaviors (i.e., low leisure-time physical activity, low fruits/vegetables intake, and high alcohol consumption) with level of cigarette consumption. METHODS: Data from the 2002 Swiss Health Survey, a population-based cross-sectional telephone survey assessing health and self-reported risk behaviors, were used. 18,005 subjects (8052 men and 9953 women) aged 25 years old or more participated. RESULTS: Smokers more frequently had low leisure time physical activity, low fruits/vegetables intake, and high alcohol consumption than non- and ex-smokers. Frequency of each risk behavior increased steadily with cigarette consumption. Clustering of risk behaviors increased with cigarette consumption in both men and women. For men, the odds ratios of multiple (> or =2) risk behaviors other than smoking, adjusted for age, nationality, and educational level, were 1.14 (95% confidence interval: 0.97, 1.33) for ex-smokers, 1.24 (0.93, 1.64) for light smokers (1-9 cigarettes/day), 1.72 (1.36, 2.17) for moderate smokers (10-19 cigarettes/day), and 3.07 (2.59, 3.64) for heavy smokers (> or =20 cigarettes/day) versus non-smokers. Similar odds ratios were found for women for corresponding groups, i.e., 1.01 (0.86, 1.19), 1.26 (1.00, 1.58), 1.62 (1.33, 1.98), and 2.75 (2.30, 3.29). CONCLUSIONS: Counseling and intervention with smokers should take into account the strong clustering of risk behaviors with level of cigarette consumption.
BACKGROUND: Nicotine dependence is the major obstacle for smokers who want to quit. Guidelines have identified five effective first-line therapies, four nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs)--gum, patch, nasal spray and inhaler--and bupropion. Studying the extent to which these various treatments are cost-effective requires additional research. OBJECTIVES: To determine cost-effectiveness (CE) ratios of pharmacotherapies for nicotine dependence provided by general practitioners (GPs) during routine visits as an adjunct to cessation counselling. METHODS: We used a Markov model to generate two cohorts of one-pack-a-day smokers: (1) the reference cohort received only cessation counselling from a GP during routine office visits; (2) the second cohort received the same counselling plus an offer to use a pharmacological treatment to help them quit smoking. The effectiveness of adjunctive therapy was expressed in terms of the resultant differential in mortality rate between the two cohorts. Data on the effectiveness of therapies came from meta-analyses, and we used odds ratio for quitting as the measure of effectiveness. The costs of pharmacotherapies were based on the cost of the additional time spent by GPs offering, prescribing and following-up treatment, and on the retail prices of the therapies. We used the third-party-payer perspective. Results are expressed as the incremental cost per life-year saved. RESULTS: The cost per life-year saved for only counselling ranged from Euro 385 to Euro 622 for men and from Euro 468 to Euro 796 for women. The CE ratios for the five pharmacological treatments varied from Euro 1768 to Euro 6879 for men, and from Euro 2146 to Euro 8799 for women. Significant variations in CE ratios among the five treatments were primarily due to differences in retail prices. The most cost-effective treatments were bupropion and the patch, and, then, in descending order, the spray, the inhaler and, lastly, gum. Differences in CE between men and women across treatments were due to the shape of their respective mortality curve. The lowest CE ratio in men was for the 45- to 49-year-old group and for women in the 50- to 54-year-old group. Sensitivity analysis showed that changes in treatment efficacy produced effects only for less-well proven treatments (spray, inhaler, and bupropion) and revealed a strong influence of the discount rate and natural quit rate on the CE of pharmacological treatments. CONCLUSION: The CE of first-line treatments for nicotine dependence varied widely with age and sex and was sensitive to the assumption for the natural quit rate. Bupropion and the nicotine patch were the two most cost-effective treatments.
RESUMO No presente estudo, propõe-se um modelo estrutural que identifique os motivos para escolher determinada Organização Não Governamental (ONG) para prestar trabalho voluntário. O espaço empírico é a Pastoral da Criança - organismo de ação social da Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB) - instituição de base comunitária que tem seu trabalho baseado na solidariedade e na partilha do saber. No referencial teórico apresenta-se o contexto no qual está o voluntariado, em níveis mundial e nacional. Em seguida, discutem-se os diversos conceitos de voluntariado e apresentam-se os modelos teóricos de motivação voluntária. Os estudos de Mostyn (1983) e Cavalcante, Souza, Nascimento e Cunha (2011a, 2011b, 2012) são as principais referências teóricas e empíricas para a construção do modelo testado. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de questionário fechado com 21 indicadores, em duas visitas a cidades da Diocese de Pesqueira (Pernambuco/PE). Foram aplicados 720 questionários. A amostra foi dividida em duas partes. Na primeira foi feita a Análise Fatorial Exploratória e na segunda a Análise Fatorial Confirmatória, por meio da Modelagem das Equações Estruturais. O exame dos resultados alcançados pelo modelo dos motivos de entrada permite concluir pela validade e pela confiabilidade do instrumento. Assim, as razões para a entrada de voluntários na Pastoral da Criança podem ser explicadas por um conjunto de interações entre estes cinco construtos: Altruísmo, Afetivo, Amigável, Ajustado e Ajuizado.
Mothers' general anxiety, anxiety about the well-being of the child and psychological stress before prenatal testing was studied by comparing women who conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with women who conceived naturally. Before the first trimester screening test for Down's syndrome, a group of 51 women who conceived through IVF/ICSI and a group of 54 women who conceived spontaneously completed the State Scale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (S-Anxiety; Spielberger, 1983), the Fear of Bearing a Physically or Mentally Handicapped Child Subscale of the Pregnancy-related Anxiety Questionnaire (PRAQ-R; Huizink et al., 2004), the Psychological Stress Measure (PSM; Lemyre & Tessier, 1988), and the Prenatal Psychosocial Profile (PPP; Curry, Campbell, & Christian, 1994). Women who conceived through IVF/ICSI had more elevated levels of general anxiety and psychological stress than the women who conceived naturally; however, no difference was observed between the two groups for anxiety specifically related to the health of the child. These results underline the need to monitor women's emotional state after conception via IVF/ICSI-when counseling usually ends-and around the time of the first trimester screening. Counseling might thus be extended.
PURPOSE: Most RB1 mutations are unique and distributed throughout the RB1 gene. Their detection can be time-consuming and the yield especially low in cases of conservatively-treated sporadic unilateral retinoblastoma (Rb) patients. In order to identify patients with true risk of developing Rb, and to reduce the number of unnecessary examinations under anesthesia in all other cases, we developed a universal sensitive, efficient and cost-effective strategy based on intragenic haplotype analysis. METHODS: This algorithm allows the calculation of the a posteriori risk of developing Rb and takes into account (a) RB1 loss of heterozygosity in tumors, (b) preferential paternal origin of new germline mutations, (c) a priori risk derived from empirical data by Vogel, and (d) disease penetrance of 90% in most cases. We report the occurrence of Rb in first degree relatives of patients with sporadic Rb who visited the Jules Gonin Eye Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, from January 1994 to December 2006 compared to expected new cases of Rb using our algorithm. RESULTS: A total of 134 families with sporadic Rb were enrolled; testing was performed in 570 individuals and 99 patients younger than 4 years old were identified. We observed one new case of Rb. Using our algorithm, the cumulated total a posteriori risk of recurrence was 1.77. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first time that linkage analysis has been validated to monitor the risk of recurrence in sporadic Rb. This should be a useful tool in genetic counseling, especially when direct RB1 screening for mutations leaves a negative result or is unavailable.
Hereditary non-structural diseases such as catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT), long QT, and the Brugada syndrome as well as structural disease such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) cause a significant percentage of sudden cardiac deaths in the young. In these cases, genetic testing can be useful and does not require proxy consent if it is carried out at the request of judicial authorities as part of a forensic death investigation. Mutations in several genes are implicated in arrhythmic syndromes, including SCN5A, KCNQ1, KCNH2, RyR2, and genes causing HCM. If the victim's test is positive, this information is important for relatives who might be themselves at risk of carrying the disease-causing mutation. There is no consensus about how professionals should proceed in this context. This article discusses the ethical and legal arguments in favour of and against three options: genetic testing of the deceased victim only; counselling of relatives before testing the victim; counselling restricted to relatives of victims who tested positive for mutations of serious and preventable diseases. Legal cases are mentioned that pertain to the duty of geneticists and other physicians to warn relatives. Although the claim for a legal duty is tenuous, recent publications and guidelines suggest that geneticists and others involved in the multidisciplinary approach of sudden death (SD) cases may, nevertheless, have an ethical duty to inform relatives of SD victims. Several practical problems remain pertaining to the costs of testing, the counselling and to the need to obtain permission of judicial authorities.
ISSUE: This article explores mechanisms of the efficacy of brief intervention (BI). APPROACH: We conducted a BI trial at the emergency department of the Lausanne University Hospital, of whom 987 at-risk drinkers were randomised into BI and control groups. The overall results demonstrated a general decrease in alcohol use with no differences across groups. The intention to change was explored among 367 patients who completed BI. Analyses of 97 consecutive tape-recorded sessions explored patient and counsellor talks during BI, and their relationship to alcohol use outcome. KEY FINDINGS: Evaluation of the articulation between counsellor behaviours and patient language revealed a robust relationship between counsellor motivational interviewing (MI) skills and patient change talk during the intervention. Further exploration suggested that communication characteristics of patients during BI predicted changes in alcohol consumption 12 months later. Moreover, despite systematic training, important differences in counsellor performance were highlighted. Counsellors who had superior MI skills achieved better outcomes overall, and maintained efficacy across all levels of patient ability to change, whereas counsellors with inferior MI skills were effective mostly with patients who had higher levels of ability to change. Finally, the descriptions of change talk trajectories within BI and their association with drinking 12 months later showed that final states differed from initial states, suggesting an impact resulting from the progression of change talk during the course of the intervention. IMPLICATION: These findings suggest that BI should focus on the general MI attitude of counsellors who are capable of eliciting beneficial change talk from patients. [Daeppen J-B, Bertholet N, Gaume J. What process research tells us about brief intervention efficacy.