985 resultados para Particulate organic pollutants


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Os incêndios florestais são uma importante fonte de emissão de compostos gasosos e de aerossóis. Em Portugal, onde a maioria dos incêndios ocorre no norte e centro do país, os incêndios destroem todos os anos milhares de hectares, com importantes perdas em termos económicos, de vidas humanas e qualidade ambiental. As emissões podem alterar consideravelmente a química da atmosfera, degradar a qualidade do ar e alterar o clima. Contudo, a informação sobre as caraterísticas das emissões dos incêndios florestais nos países do Mediterrâneo é limitada. Tanto a nível nacional como internacional, existe um interesse crescente na elaboração de inventários de emissões e de regulamentos sobre as emissões de carbono para a atmosfera. Do ponto de vista atmosférico da monitorização atmosférica, os incêndios são considerados um desafio, dada a sua variabilidade temporal e espacial, sendo de esperar um aumento da sua frequência, dimensão e severidade, e também porque as estimativas de emissões dependem das caraterísticas dos biocombustíveis e da fase de combustão. O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar e caraterizar as emissões de gases e aerossóis de alguns dos mais representativos incêndios florestais que ocorreram no centro de Portugal nos verões de 2009 e de 2010. Efetuou-se a colheita de amostras de gases e de duas frações de partículas (PM2.5 e PM2.5-10) nas plumas de fumo em sacos Tedlar e em filtros de quartzo acoplados a um amostrador de elevado volume, respetivamente. Os hidrocarbonetos totais (THC) e óxidos de carbono (CO e CO2) nas amostras gasosas foram analisados em instrumentos automáticos de ionização de chama e detetores não dispersivos de infravermelhos, respetivamente. Para algumas amostras, foram também quantificados alguns compostos de carbonilo após reamostragem do gás dos sacos Tedlar em cartuchos de sílica gel revestidos com 2,4-dinitrofenilhidrazina (DNPH), seguida de análise por cromatografia líquida de alta resolução. Nas partículas, analisou-se o carbono orgânico e elementar (técnica termo-óptica), iões solúveis em água (cromatografia iónica) e elementos (espectrometria de massa com plasma acoplado por indução ou análise instrumental por ativação com neutrões). A especiação orgânica foi obtida por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massa após extração com recurso a vários solventes e separação dos extratos orgânicos em diversas classes de diferentes polaridades através do fracionamento com sílica gel. Os fatores de emissão do CO e do CO2 situaram-se nas gamas 52-482 e 822-1690 g kg-1 (base seca), mostrando, respetivamente, correlação negativa e positiva com a eficiência de combustão. Os fatores de emissão dos THC apresentaram valores mais elevados durante a fase de combustão latente sem chama, oscilando entre 0.33 e 334 g kg-1 (base seca). O composto orgânico volátil oxigenado mais abundante foi o acetaldeído com fatores de emissão que variaram desde 1.0 até 3.2 g kg-1 (base seca), seguido pelo formaldeído e o propionaldeído. Observou-se que as emissões destes compostos são promovidas durante a fase de combustão latente sem chama. Os fatores de emissão de PM2.5 e PM10 registaram valores entre 0.50-68 e 0.86-72 g kg-1 (base seca), respetivamente. A emissão de partículas finas e grosseiras é também promovida em condições de combustão lenta. As PM2.5 representaram cerca de 90% da massa de partículas PM10. A fração carbonosa das partículas amostradas em qualquer dos incêndios foi claramente dominada pelo carbono orgânico. Foi obtida uma ampla gama de rácios entre o carbono orgânico e o carbono elementar, dependendo das condições de combustão. Contudo, todos os rácios refletiram uma maior proporção de carbono orgânico em relação ao carbono elementar, típica das emissões de queima de biomassa. Os iões solúveis em água obtidos nas partículas da pluma de fumo contribuíram com valores até 3.9% da massa de partículas PM2.5 e 2.8% da massa de partículas de PM2.5-10. O potássio contribuiu com valores até 15 g mg-1 PM2.5 e 22 g mg-1 PM2.5-10, embora em massa absoluta estivesse maioritariamente presente nas partículas finas. Os rácios entre potássio e carbono elementar e entre potássio e carbono orgânico obtidos nas partículas da pluma de fumo enquadram-se na gama de valores relatados na literatura para emissões de queima de biomassa. Os elementos detetados nas amostras representaram, em média, valores até 1.2% e 12% da massa de PM2.5 e PM2.5-10, respetivamente. Partículas resultantes de uma combustão mais completa (valores elevados de CO2 e baixos de CO) foram caraterizadas por um elevado teor de constituintes inorgânicos e um menor conteúdo de matéria orgânica. Observou-se que a matéria orgânica particulada é composta principalmente por componentes fenólicos e produtos derivados, séries de compostos homólogos (alcanos, alcenos, ácidos alcanóicos e alcanóis), açúcares, biomarcadores esteróides e terpenóides, e hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos. O reteno, um biomarcador das emissões da queima de coníferas, foi o hidrocarboneto aromático dominante nas amostras das plumas de fumo amostradas durante a campanha que decorreu em 2009, devido ao predomínio de amostras colhidas em incêndios em florestas de pinheiros. O principal açúcar anidro, e sempre um dos compostos mais abundantes, foi o levoglucosano. O rácio levoglucosano/OC obtido nas partículas das plumas de fumo, em média, registaram valores desde 5.8 a 23 mg g-1 OC. Os rácios levoglucosano/manosano e levoglucosano/(manosano+galactosano) revelaram o predomínio de amostras provenientes da queima de coníferas. Tendo em conta que a estimativa das emissões dos incêndios florestais requer um conhecimento de fatores de emissão apropriados para cada biocombustível, a base de dados abrangente obtida neste estudo é potencialmente útil para atualizar os inventários de emissões. Tem vindo a ser observado que a fase de combustão latente sem chama, a qual pode ocorrer simultaneamente com a fase de chama e durar várias horas ou dias, pode contribuir para uma quantidade considerável de poluentes atmosféricos, pelo que os fatores de emissão correspondentes devem ser considerados no cálculo das emissões globais de incêndios florestais. Devido à falta de informação detalhada sobre perfis químicos de emissão, a base de dados obtida neste estudo pode também ser útil para a aplicação de modelos no recetor no sul da Europa.


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Background: The role of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) with endocrine disrupting activity in the aetiology of obesity and other metabolic dysfunctions has been recently highlighted. Adipose tissue (AT) is a common site of POPs accumulation where they can induce adverse effects on human health. Objectives: To evaluate the presence of POPs in human visceral (vAT) and subcutaneous (scAT) adipose tissue in a sample of Portuguese obese patients that underwent bariatric surgery, and assess their putative association with metabolic disruption preoperatively, as well as with subsequent body mass index (BMI) reduction. Methods: AT samples (n=189) from obese patients (BMI ≥35) were collected and the levels of 13 POPs were determined by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection (GC-ECD). Anthropometric and biochemical data were collected at the time of surgery. BMI variation was evaluated after 12 months and adipocyte size was measured in AT samples. Results: Our data confirm that POPs are pervasive in this obese population (96.3% of detection on both tissues), their abundance increasing with age (RS=0.310, p<0.01) and duration of obesity (RS=0.170, p<0.05). We observed a difference in AT depot POPs storage capability, with higher levels of ΣPOPs in vAT (213.9±204.2 compared to 155.1±147.4 ng/g of fat, p<0.001), extremely relevant when evaluating their metabolic impact. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between POP levels and the presence of metabolic syndrome components, namely dysglycaemia and hypertension, and more importantly with cardiovascular risk (RS=0.277, p<0.01), with relevance for vAT (RS=0.315, p<0.01). Finally, we observed an interesting relation of higher POP levels with lower weight loss in older patients. Conclusion: Our sample of obese subjects allowed us to highlight the importance of POPs stored in AT on the development of metabolic dysfunction in a context of obesity, shifting the focus to their metabolic effects and not only for their recognition as environmental obesogens.


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The mangrove ecosystem is one of the earth’s most endangered ecosystems. In this study, geochemical features of three mangrove ecosystems, Mangalavanam, Vypeen and Nettoor were compared. Water, sediment and core samples were collected from these stations for a period of one year. Nutrients, organic compounds orgnic carbon and hydrographical parameters of the samples were estimated. The present study revealed higher concentration of carbon in the surface sediments. The major temporary or ultimate sink for various pollutants in estuaries is the sedimentary reservoir, including intertidal areas. In the present study, higher values for dissolved nutrients, POC and carbohydrates were observed during low tide.


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Soil organic matter (SOM) vitally impacts all soil functions and plays a key role in the global carbon (C) cycle. More than 70% of the terrestric C stocks that participate in the active C cycle are stored in the soil. Therefore, quantitative knowledge of the rates of C incorporation into SOM fractions of different residence time is crucial to understand and predict the sequestration and stabilization of soil organic carbon (SOC). Consequently, there is a need of fractionation procedures that are capable of isolating functionally SOM fractions, i.e. fractions that are defined by their stability. The literature generally refers to three main mechanisms of SOM stabilization: protection of SOM from decomposition by (i) its structural composition, i.e. recalcitrance, (ii) spatial inaccessibility and/or (iii) interaction with soil minerals and metal ions. One of the difficulties in developing fractionation procedures for the isolation of functional SOM fractions is the marked heterogeneity of the soil environment with its various stabilization mechanisms – often several mechanisms operating simultaneously – in soils and soil horizons of different texture and mineralogy. The overall objective of the present thesis was to evaluate present fractionation techniques and to get a better understanding of the factors of SOM sequestration and stabilization. The first part of this study is attended to the structural composition of SOM. Using 13C cross-polarization magic-angle spinning (CPMAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, (i) the effect of land use on SOM composition was investigated and (ii) examined whether SOM composition contributes to the different stability of SOM in density and aggregate fractions. The second part of the present work deals with the mineral-associated SOM fraction. The aim was (iii) to evaluate the suitability of chemical fractionation procedures used in the literature for the isolation of stable SOM pools (stepwise hydrolysis, treatments using oxidizing agents like Na2S2O8, H2O2, and NaOCl as well as demineralization of the residue obtained by the NaOCl treatment using HF (NaOCl+HF)) by pool sizes, 13C and 14C data. Further, (iv) the isolated SOM fractions were compared to the inert organic matter (IOM) pool obtained for the investigated soils using the Rothamsted Carbon Model and isotope data in order to see whether the tested chemical fractionation methods produce SOM fractions capable to represent this pool. Besides chemical fractionation, (v) the suitability of thermal oxidation at different temperatures for obtaining stable SOC pools was evaluated. Finally, (vi) the short-term aggregate dynamics and the factors that impact macroaggregate formation and C stabilization were investigated by means of an incubation study using treatments with and without application of 15N labeled maize straw of different degradability (leaves and coarse roots). All treatments were conducted with and without the addition of fungicide. Two study sites with different soil properties and land managements were chosen for these investigations. The first one, located at Rotthalmünster, is a Stagnic Luvisol (silty loam) under different land use regimes. The Ah horizons of a spruce forest and continuous grassland and the Ap and E horizons of two plots with arable crops (continuous maize and wheat cropping) were examined. The soil of the second study site, located at Halle, is a Haplic Phaeozem (loamy sand) where the Ap horizons of two plots with arable crops (continuous maize and rye cropping) were investigated. Both study sites had a C3-/C4-vegetational change on the maize plot for the purpose of tracing the incorporation of the younger, maize-derived C into different SOM fractions and the calculation of apparent C turnover times of these. The Halle site is located near a train station and industrial areas, which caused a contamination with high amounts of fossil C. The investigation of aggregate and density fractions by 13C CPMAS NMR spectroscopy revealed that density fractionation isolated SOM fractions of different composition. The consumption of a considerable part (10–20%) of the easily available O-alkyl-C and the selective preservation of the more recalcitrant alkyl-C when passing from litter to the different particulate organic matter (POM) fractions suggest that density fractionation was able to isolate SOM fractions with different degrees of decomposition. The spectra of the aggregate fractions resembled those of the mineral-associated SOM fraction obtained by density fractionation and no considerable differences were observed between aggregate size classes. Comparison of plant litter, density and aggregate size fractions from soil under different land use showed that the type of land use markedly influenced the composition of SOM. While SOM of the acid forest soil was characterized by a large content (> 50%) of POM, which contained high amounts of spruce-litter derived alkyl-C, the organic matter in the biologically more active grassland and arable soils was dominated by mineral-associated SOM (> 95%). This SOM fraction comprised greater proportions of aryl- and carbonyl-C and is considered to contain a higher amount of microbially-derived organic substances. Land use can alter both, structure and stability of SOM fractions. All applied chemical treatments induced considerable SOC losses (> 70–95% of mineral-associated SOM) in the investigated soils. The proportion of residual C after chemical fractionation was largest in the arable Ap and E horizons and increased with decreasing C content in the initial SOC after stepwise hydrolysis as well as after the oxidative treatments with H2O2 and Na2S2O8. This can be expected for a functional stable pool of SOM, because it is assumed that the more easily available part of SOC is consumed first if C inputs decrease. All chemical treatments led to a preferential loss of the younger, maize-derived SOC, but this was most pronounced after the treatments with Na2S2O8 and H2O2. After all chemical fractionations, the mean 14C ages of SOC were higher than in the mineral-associated SOM fraction for both study sites and increased in the order: NaOCl < NaOCl+HF ≤ stepwise hydrolysis << H2O2 ≈ Na2S2O8. The results suggest that all treatments were capable of isolating a more stable SOM fraction, but the treatments with H2O2 and Na2S2O8 were the most efficient ones. However, none of the chemical fractionation methods was able to fit the IOM pool calculated using the Rothamsted Carbon Model and isotope data. In the evaluation of thermal oxidation for obtaining stable C fractions, SOC losses increased with temperature from 24–48% (200°C) to 100% (500°C). In the Halle maize Ap horizon, losses of the young, maize-derived C were considerably higher than losses of the older C3-derived C, leading to an increase in the apparent C turnover time from 220 years in mineral-associated SOC to 1158 years after thermal oxidation at 300°C. Most likely, the preferential loss of maize-derived C in the Halle soil was caused by the presence of the high amounts of fossil C mentioned above, which make up a relatively large thermally stable C3-C pool in this soil. This agrees with lower overall SOC losses for the Halle Ap horizon compared to the Rotthalmünster Ap horizon. In the Rotthalmünster soil only slightly more maize-derived than C3-derived SOC was removed by thermal oxidation. Apparent C turnover times increased slightly from 58 years in mineral-associated SOC to 77 years after thermal oxidation at 300°C in the Rotthalmünster Ap and from 151 to 247 years in the Rotthalmünster E horizon. This led to the conclusion that thermal oxidation of SOM was not capable of isolating SOM fractions of considerably higher stability. The incubation experiment showed that macroaggregates develop rapidly after the addition of easily available plant residues. Within the first four weeks of incubation, the maximum aggregation was reached in all treatments without addition of fungicide. The formation of water-stable macroaggregates was related to the size of the microbial biomass pool and its activity. Furthermore, fungi were found to be crucial for the development of soil macroaggregates as the formation of water-stable macroaggregates was significantly delayed in the fungicide treated soils. The C concentration in the obtained aggregate fractions decreased with decreasing aggregate size class, which is in line with the aggregate hierarchy postulated by several authors for soils with SOM as the major binding agent. Macroaggregation involved incorporation of large amounts maize-derived organic matter, but macroaggregates did not play the most important role in the stabilization of maize-derived SOM, because of their relatively low amount (less than 10% of the soil mass). Furthermore, the maize-derived organic matter was quickly incorporated into all aggregate size classes. The microaggregate fraction stored the largest quantities of maize-derived C and N – up to 70% of the residual maize-C and -N were stored in this fraction.


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To increase the organic matter (OM) content in the soil is one main goal in arable soil management. The adoption of tillage systems with reduced tillage depth and/or frequency (reduced tillage) or of no-tillage was found to increase the concentration of soil OM compared to conventional tillage (CT; ploughing to 20-30 cm). However, the underlying processes are not yet clear and are discussed contradictorily. So far, few investigations were conducted on tillage systems with a shallow tillage depth (minimum tillage = MT; maximum tillage depth of 10 cm). A better understanding of the interactions between MT implementation and changes in OM transformation in soils is essential in order to evaluate the possible contribution of MT to a sustainable management of arable soils. The objectives of the present thesis were (i) to compare OM concentrations, microbial biomass, water-stable aggregates, and particulate OM (POM) between CT and MT soils, (ii) to estimate the temporal variability of water-stable aggregate size classes occurring in the field and the dynamics of macroaggregate (>250 µm) formation and disruption under controlled conditions, (iii) to investigate whether a lower disruption or a higher formation rate accounts for a higher occurrence of macroaggregates under MT compared to CT, (iv) to determine which fraction is the major agent for storing the surplus of OM found under MT compared to CT, and (v) to observe the early OM transformation after residue incorporation in different tillage systems simulated. Two experimental sites (Garte-Süd and Hohes Feld) near Göttingen, Germany, were investigated. Soil type of both sites was a Haplic Luvisol. Since about 40 years, both sites receive MT by a rotary harrow (to 5-8 cm depth) and CT by a plough (to 25 cm depth). Surface soils (0-5 cm) and subsoils (10-20 cm) of two sampling dates (after fallow and directly after tillage) were investigated for concentrations of organic C (Corg) and total N (N), different water-stable aggregate size classes, different density fractions (for the sampling date after fallow only), microbial biomass, and for biochemically stabilized Corg and N (by acid hydrolysis; for the sampling date after tillage only). In addition, two laboratory incubations were performed under controlled conditions: Firstly, MT and CT soils were incubated (28 days at 22°C) as bulk soil and with destroyed macroaggregates in order to estimate the importance of macroaggregates for the physical protection of the very labile OM against mineralization. Secondly, in a microcosm experiment simulating MT and CT systems with soil <250 µm and with 15N and 13C labelled maize straw incorporated to different depths, the mineralization, the formation of new macroaggregates, and the partitioning of the recently added C and N were followed (28 days at 15°C). Forty years of MT regime led to higher concentrations of microbial biomass and of Corg and N compared to CT, especially in the surface soil. After fallow and directly after tillage, a higher proportion of water-stable macroaggregates rich in OM was found in the MT (36% and 66%, respectively) than in the CT (19% and 47%, respectively) surface soils of both sites (data shown are of the site Garte-Süd only). The subsoils followed the same trend. For the sampling date after fallow, no differences in the POM fractions were found but there was more OM associated to the mineral fraction detected in the MT soils. A large temporal variability was observed for the abundance of macroaggregates. In the field and in the microcosm simulations, macroaggregates were found to have a higher formation rate after the incorporation of residues under MT than under CT. Thus, the lower occurrence of macroaggregates in CT soils cannot be attributed to a higher disruption but to a lower formation rate. A higher rate of macroaggregate formation in MT soils may be due to (i) the higher concentrated input of residues in the surface soil and/or (ii) a higher abundance of fungal biomass in contrast to CT soils. Overall, as a location of storage of the surplus of OM detected under MT compared to CT, water-stable macroaggregates were found to play a key role. In the incubation experiment, macroaggregates were not found to protect the very labile OM against mineralization. Anyway, the surplus of OM detected after tillage in the MT soil was biochemically degradable. MT simulations in the microcosm experiment showed a lower specific respiration and a less efficient translocation of recently added residues than the CT simulations. Differences in the early processes of OM translocation between CT and MT simulations were attributed to a higher residue to soil ratio and to a higher proportion of fungal biomass in the MT simulations. Overall, MT was found to have several beneficial effects on the soil structure and on the storage of OM, especially in the surface soil. Furthermore, it was concluded that the high concentration of residues in the surface soil of MT may alter the processes of storage and decomposition of OM. In further investigations, especially analysis of the residue-soil-interface and of effects of the depth of residue incorporation should be emphasised. Moreover, further evidence is needed on differences in the microbial community between CT and MT soils.


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Plant uptake of organic chemicals is an important process when considering the risks associated with land contamination, the role of vegetation in the global cycling of persistent organic pollutants, and the potential for industrial discharges to contaminate the food chain. There have been some significant advances in our understanding of the processes of plant uptake of organic chemicals in recent years; most notably there is now a better understanding of the air to plant transfer pathway, which may be significant for a number of industrial chemicals. This review identifies the key processes involved in the plant uptake of organic chemicals including those for which there is currently little information, e.g., plant lipid content and plant metabolism. One of the principal findings is that although a number of predictive models exist using established relationships, these require further validation if they are to be considered sufficiently robust for the purposes of contaminated land risk assessment or for prediction of the global cycling of persistent organic pollutants. Finally, a number of processes are identified which should be the focus of future research


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An investigation into the phylogenetic variation of plant tolerance and the root and shoot uptake of organic contaminants was undertaken. The aim was to determine if particular families or genera were tolerant of, or accumulated organic pollutants. Data were collected from sixty-nine studies. The variation between experiments was accounted for using a residual maximum likelihood analysis to approximate means for individual taxa. A nested ANOVA was subsequently used to determine differences at a number of differing phylogenetic levels. Significant differences were observed at a number of phylogenetic levels for the tolerance to TPH, the root concentration factor and the shoot concentration factor. There was no correlation between the uptake of organic pollutants and that of heavy metals. The data indicate that plant phylogeny is an important influence on both the plant tolerance and uptake of organic pollutants. If this study can be expanded, such information can be used when designing plantings for phytoremediation or risk reduction during the restoration of contaminated sites.


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The soil−air−plant pathway is potentially important in the vegetative accumulation of organic pollutants from contaminated soils. While a number of qualitative frameworks exist for the prediction of plant accumulation of organic chemicals by this pathway, there are few quantitative models that incorporate this pathway. The aim of the present study was to produce a model that included this pathway and could quantify its contribution to the total plant contamination for a range of organic pollutants. A new model was developed from three submodels for the processes controlling plant contamination via this pathway: aerial deposition, soil volatilization, and systemic translocation. Using the combined model, the soil−air−plant pathway was predicted to account for a significant proportion of the total shoot contamination for those compounds with log KOA > 9 and log KAW < −3. For those pollutants with log KOA < 9 and log KAW > −3 there was a higher deposition of pollutant via the soil−air−plant pathway than for those chemicals with log KOA > 9 and log KAW < −3, but this was an insignificant proportion of the total shoot contamination because of the higher mobility of these compounds via the soil−root−shoot pathway. The incorporation of the soil−air−plant pathway into the plant uptake model did not significantly improve the prediction of the contamination of vegetation from polluted soils when compared across a range of studies. This was a result of the high variability between the experimental studies where the bioconcentration factors varied by 2 orders of magnitude at an equivalent log KOA. One potential reason for this is the background air concentration of the pollutants under study. It was found background air concentrations would dominate those from soil volatilization in many situations unless there was a soil hot spot of contamination, i.e., >100 mg kg−1.


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Growing cover crops in systems under no tillage affects different pools of soil organic matter, and eventually soil physical attributes are modified. The objective of this study was to evaluate changes in soil organic matter and their relationship with soil physical attributes as affected by plant species grown in rotation with soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] under no-till for 3 yr. Crop rotations included grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], ruzigrass [Urochloa ruziziensis (R. Germ, and CM. Evard) Crins] and sorghum mixed with ruzigrass, all grown in fall/winter, followed by pearl millet [Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke], sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) and sorghum-sudangrass [S. bicolor × S. sudanense (Piper) Stapf] grown during the spring, plus a fallow check plot. Soybean was grown as the summer crop. Millet and sorghum-sudangrass cropped in spring showed higher root and shoot production as spring cropping. In fall/winter, sorghum mixed with ruzigrass yielded higher phytomass compared with sole cropping. Soil physical attributes and organic matter fractioning were positively affected by cropping millet and sorghum-sudangrass whereas intermediate effects were observed after sunn hemp. Maintaining fallow in spring had negative effects on soil organic matter and physical properties. Ruzigrass and sorghum mixed with ruzigrass cropped in fall/winter resulted in better soil quality. Spring cover crops were more efficient in changing soil bulk density, porosity, and aggregates down to 0 to 10 cm; on the other hand, fall/winter cropping showed significant effects on bulk density in the uppermost soil layer. Total C levels in soil were increased after a 3-yr rotation period due to poor initial physical conditions. Fractions of particulate organic C, microbial C, and C in macroaggregates were the most affected by crop rotations, and showed high relation with improved soil physical attributes (porosity, density, and aggregates larger than 2 mm). © Soil Science Society of America, All rights reserved.


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Os Hidrocarbonetos Policíclicos Aromáticos (HPAs) são poluentes de efeito tóxico, prejudiciais ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana, fazem parte de um grupo de compostos poluentes orgânicos persistentes (POPs), que por suas características tem impactado o ambiente, sendo por esse motivo bastante estudados. Podem estar presentes nas formas particulada, dissolvida e/ou gasosa, estando presentes em diferentes ambientes; solo, sedimento, ar, água, material particulado na atmosfera, organismos e alimentos (Kennish, 2007). As fontes naturais de HPAs incluem atividades vulcânicas, queimadas naturais, exsudação de óleos, além de processos biogênicos. HPAs antrogênicos podem ocorrer pela combustão incompleta de óleos combustíveis (automotores e industriais), queima intencional de madeira e plantações, efluentes domésticos e/ou industriais, drenagens pluviais urbanas, derrames acidentais de óleos e derivados. Hidrofóbicos e lipofílicos, essas substâncias podem ser facilmente adsorvidas em sedimentos, sendo este compartimento um importante reservatório desses poluentes. Para avaliar a presença desses compostos no ambiente, utilizou-se nesse trabalho a Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência. As amostras utilizadas no desenvolvimento e otimização da metodologia foram coletadas na baia do Guajará (Belém – PA). O presente trabalho constituiu-se dessa forma em um desenvolvimento de um procedimento metodológico (com adaptações e otimizações) para quantificar 16 HPAs em 10 pontos na baia do Guajará, Belém – PA, em duas etapas de campo, totalizando 20 amostras analisadas. Na etapa de desenvolvimento do método analítico foram testados sistemas de eluição, polaridade do sistema e fluxo do eluente entre outros. Para validação do método foram avaliados os parâmetros fidelidade, linearidade, limite de detecção, limite de quantificação do método. Razões diagnósticas foram calculadas para identificação das fontes primárias do HPAs encontrados na baia. Foram identificadas, a partir de razões diagnósticas da ΣHPAs BMM/ΣHPAsAMM; Fen/Ant; Flt/Pir; Ant/Σ178; Flt/Σ202; B(a)P/Σ228 e Ind(123cd) pireno/Σ276 as fontes primárias dos 16 HPAs estudados no sedimento da baia. A somatória das concentrações dos HPAs leves na primeira etapa de campo, variou de 132,13 ng.g-1 a 1704,14 ng.g-1, a ΣHPAs dos pesados de 125,82 g.g-1 a 1269,71 ng.g-1 e ΣHPAs totais de 317,84 ng.g-1 a 3117,06 ng.g-1.. Na segunda etapa de campo, as concentrações dos HPAs leves variou de 76,12 ng.g-1 a 1572,80 ng.g-1 ; a ΣHPAs pesados variou entre 213,90 ng.g-1 a 1423,03 ng.g-1, e Σ HPAs totais teve concentrações de 290,02 ng.g-1 a 2995,82 ng.g-1. A partir dos resultados obtidos pode-se classificar a baia do Guajará como moderadamente impactada. A combustão constitui a fonte predominante de HPAs nos sedimentos da baia do Guajará, seguida da combustão de biomassa vegetal e aporte de petróleo e derivados. A maioria dos pontos estudados nesse trabalho, nas duas etapas de campo, apresentaram concentrações de HPAs individuais acima dos VGQS.


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This paper describes the first results of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCPs) in sediment cores of Admiralty Bay, Antarctica. These markers were used to assess the local input of anthropogenic materials (particulate and organic compounds) as a result of the influence of human occupation in a sub-Antarctic region and a possible long-range atmospheric transport of combustion products from sources in South America. The highest SCPs and PAHs concentrations were observed during the last 30 years, when three research stations were built in the area and industrial activities in South America increased. The concentrations of SCPs and PAHs were much lower than those of other regions in the northern hemisphere and other reported data for the southern hemisphere. The PAH isomer ratios showed that the major sources of PAHs are fossil fuels/petroleum, biomass combustion and sewage contribution generally close to the Brazilian scientific station. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study extends the current knowledge regarding the use of plants for the passive accumulation of anthropogenic PAHs that are present in the atmospheric total suspended particles (TSP) in the tropics and sub-tropics. It is of major relevance because the anthropic emissions of TSP containing PAHs are significant in these regions, but their monitoring is still scarce. We compared the biomonitor efficiency of Lolium multiflorum 'Lema' and tropical tree species (Tibouchina pukka and Psidium guajava 'Paluma') that were growing in an intensely TSP-polluted site in Cubatao (SE Brazil), and established the species with the highest potential for alternative monitoring of PAHs. PAHs present in the TSP indicated that the region is impacted by various emission sources. L. multiflorum showed a greater efficiency for the accumulation of PAH compounds on their leaves than the tropical trees. The linear regression between the logBCF and logKoa revealed that L. multiflorum is an efficient biomonitor of the profile of light and heavy PAHs present in the particulate phase of the atmosphere during dry weather and mild temperatures. The grass should be used only for indicating the PAHs with higher molecular weight in warmer and wetter periods. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We measured polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in bulk precipitation in the Fortaleza metropolitan area, Ceara, Brazil, for the first time. Because little information is available concerning PAHs in tropical climatic regions, we assessed their spatial distribution and possible sources and the influence of urban activities on the depositional fluxes of PAHs in bulk precipitation. The concentrations of individual and total PAHs (Sigma(PAHs)) in bulk precipitation ranged from undetectable to 133.9 ng.L-1 and from 202.6 to 674.8 ng.L-1, respectively. The plume of highest concentrations was most intense in a zone with heavy automobile traffic and favorable topography for the concentration of emitted pollutants. The depositional fluxes of PAHs in bulk precipitation calculated in this study (undetectable to 0.87 mu g.m(-2).month(-1)) are 4 to 27 times smaller than those reported from tourist sites and industrial and urban areas in the Northern Hemisphere. Diagnostic ratio analyses of PAH samples showed that the major source of emissions is gasoline exhaust, with a small percentage originating from diesel fuel. Contributions from coal and wood combustion were also found. Major economic activities appear to contribute to pollutant emissions. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The study of organic pollution in estuaries is very relevant as they are transitional zones, which control the fluxes of water, nutrients, particles and organisms from and to the continental margins, rivers and oceans. The aims of this study are:(1) to evaluate organic pollution in coastal sediments of Montevideo, Río de la Plata Estuary by a multi-biomarker approach, (2) to identify major sources of organic pollutants through qualitative analysis using molecular indices, (3) to assess the relative contribution of different sources of hydrocarbons through quantitative source apportionment employing (PCA/MLR) as chemometric technique. Sampling surveys were carried out in July 2009, January 2010 and March 2011 in 37 stations along the middle portion of the Río de la Plata Estuary across the coast of Montevideo. In each station surface (0–2 cm depth) sediment samples were taken with a 0.05 m2 van Veen grab. The Soxhlet extracted organic compounds included aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHs) and steroids, analysed by gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector (GC-FID), linear alkylbenzenes (LABs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) quantified by gas chromatograph with mass spectrometer (GC/MS). All biomarkers presented the highest concentrations in the stations of Montevideo Bay indicating high levels of organic pollution. The combination of molecular indices and the chemometric technique showed that major sources of AHs and PAHs are petroleum inputs and combustion, due to oil transport and refinement, harbour activities and vehicular emissions.Major sources of LABs and steroids are urban and domestic sewage. Identification, quantification and source assignment of those organic compounds are very important to assess pollution and to give tools to help minimize the inputs into the environment


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Sinking particles through the pelagic ocean have been traditionally considered the most important vehicle by which the biological pump sequesters carbon in the ocean interior. Nevertheless, regional scale variability in particle flux is a major outstanding issue in oceanography. 5 Here, we have studied the regional and temporal variability of total particulate organic matter fluxes, as well as chloropigment and total hydrolyzed amino acid (THAA) compositions and fluxes in the Canary Current region, between 20–30 N, during two contrasting periods: August 2006, characterized by warm and stratified waters, but also intense winds which enhanced eddy development south of the Canary Islands, 10 and February 2007, characterized by colder waters, less stratification and higher productivity. We found that the eddy-field generated south of the Canary Islands enhanced by >2 times particulate organic carbon (POC) export with respect to stations (FF; farfield) outside the eddy-field influence. We also observed flux increases of one order of magnitude in chloropigment and 70% in THAA in the eddy-field relative to FF stations. 15 Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was performed to assess changes in particulate organic matter composition between stations. At eddy-field stations, higher chlorophyll enrichment reflected “fresher” material, while at FF stations a higher proportion of pheophytin indicated greater degradation due to microbes and microzooplankton. PCA also suggests that phytoplankton community structure, particularly the dominance of 20 diatoms versus carbonate-rich plankton, is the major factor influencing the POC export within the eddy field. In February, POC export fluxes were the highest ever reported for this area, reaching values of 15 mmolCm−2 d−1 at 200m depth. Compositional changes in pigments and THAA indicate that the source of sinking particles varies zonally and meridionally and suggest that sinking particles were more degraded at 25 near-coastal stations relative to open ocean stations.