916 resultados para Parent-adolescent relationships
The period of adolescence is not only marked by important growth and pubertal events, but is also characterized by important psychosocial changes driven by a search for autonomy and the construction of one's identity. It can thus be easily understood that puberty disorders interfere heavily with these process, requiring from the endocrinologist not only medical knowledge, but also a great deal of emotional and psychological skills. They must progressively move from an educational approach that heavily involves the parents to one of shared information and decision making that places the young patient at the center of the therapeutic process. This can be achieved in several ways: respecting the affective and cognitive development of the adolescent; securing his privacy and (if requested by him) confidentiality; exploring his self-image and self-esteem and adapting the therapeutic process to the patient's expectations; reviewing the teenager's lifestyle, including the issue of sexuality and sexual behavior, and involving him in any therapeutic choice that has to be made, even if it does not match with the parents' expectations. The skills required for this respectful and holistic follow-up often exceed the abilities of any physician; it is thus suggested that a team approach involving a clinical nurse and/or a psychologist and/or social worker(s) be set up whenever possible.
The aim of the study is to understand how the family influences the choice of becoming a psychologist and how an occupational choice is repeated in the family, via intergenerational transmission. We interviewed seven female students in a Master of Science in Psychology : first, they filled in a genosociogramm including data about occupations of their ancestors on about four generations ; then, they took part into a semi-structured qualitative enquiry. Our results have shown that a little bit less than half of the subjects have a parent who have social or care jobs, but more than half if we add the grand-parents. In a conscious level, subjects tend to deny any kind of family influence, in the majority ; afterwards, they discover influences they didn't notice. Secondly, the content analysis reveals five categories of family influence : the educational path (doubts, choices), the choice of psychology via the development of self-efficacy (interest, personality and soft skills), the exploration of occupations and activities during childhood and adulthood (leisure activities, professional world, suggestions, advice, education), the transmission of values (immaterial and material) and the family relationships during childhood and teenage years (relationship issues and difficulties, confidences and secrets, relationships and role in the brotherhood and/or sisterhood). The importance for the career counselor to investigate the relational context of his/her consultant is discussed, as much as the need for him to think about his own motivations to help others, linked with his family background.
Typical Talaromyces ascomata were observed on dry Quercus suber leaf litter amongst the characteristic synnemata of Penicillium aureocephalum, and they appear to represent the sexual state of the latter species. The species is a synonym of the older Lasioderma flavovirens, and we propose the new combination Talaromyces flavovirens. Lectotype and epitype specimens are designated for this name. The defining characters of the asexual state include yellow, short-stalked, mycetozoan-like synnemata with an unusual, almost closed terminal head of penicillate conidiophores intermixed with sinuous hyphae, and dark green conidia. Ascomata could not be induced in culture, but PCR amplifications of mating-type genes indicate the species is heterothallic. In nature, ascocarp initials appear to be antheridia coiled around clavate ascogonia, similar to those of T. flavus, and the thick-walled, spiny ascospores are also similar to those of T. flavus. ITS barcodes and β-tubulin sequences place T. flavovirens in a clade with T. apiculatus, T. flavus, T. funiculosus, T. galapagensis, T. pinophilus, T. macrosporus, and seven other species.
Background: Studies have found higher levels of insecure attachment in individuals with schizophrenia. Attachment theory provides a framework necessary for conceptualizing the development of interpersonal functioning. Some aspects of the attachment of the believer to his/her spiritual figure are similar to those between the child and his/her parents. The correspondence hypothesis suggests that early child-parent interactions correspond to a person's relation to a spiritual figure. The compensation hypothesis suggests that an insecure attachment history would lead to a strong religiousness/spirituality as a compensation for the lack of felt security. The aim of this study is to explore attachment models in psychosis vs. healthy controls, the relationships between attachment and psychopathology and the attachment processes related to spiritual figures. Methods: Attachment models were measured in 30 patients with psychosis and 18 controls with the AAI (Adult Attachment interview) in relationship with psychopathology. Beliefs and practices related to a spiritual figure were investigated by qualitative and quantitative analyses. Results: Patients with psychosis showed a high prevalence of insecure avoidant attachment. Spiritual entities functioned like attachment figures in two thirds of cases. Interviews revealed the transformation of internal working models within relation to a spiritual figure: a compensation process was found in 7 of the 32 subjects who showed a significant attachment to a spiritual figure. Conclusions: Attachment theory allows us to highlight one of the underlying dimensions of spiritual coping in patients with psychosis.
The first molecular phylogenies of the flowering plant family Ranunculaceae were published more than twenty years ago, and have led to major changes in the infrafamilial classification. However, the current phylogeny is not yet well supported, and relationships among subfamilies and tribes of Ranunculaceae remain an open question. Eight molecular markers from the three genomes (nuclear, chloroplast and mitochondrial) were selected to investigate these relationships, including new markers for the family (two homologs of the nuclear CYCLOIDEA gene, the chloroplast gene ndhF, and the mitochondrial intron nad4-I1). The combination of multiple markers led to better resolution and higher support of phylogenetic relationships among subfamilies of Ranunculaceae, and among tribes within subfamily Ranunculoideae. Our results challenge the monophyly of Ranunculoideae as currently circumscribed due to the position of tribe Adonideae (Ranunculoideae), sister to Thalictroideae. We suggest that Thalictroideae could be merged with Ranunculoideae in an enlarged single subfamily.
Marine microorganisms, including Aeromonas, are a source of compounds for drug development that have generated great expectations in the last decades. Aeromonas infections produce septicaemia, and ulcerative and haemorrhagic diseases in fish. Among the pathogenic factors associated with Aeromonas, the lipopolysaccharides (LPS), a surface glyconconjugate unique to Gram-negative bacteria consisting of lipid A (lipid anchor of the molecule), core oligosaccharide and O-specific polysaccharide (O antigen), are key elicitors of innate immune responses. The chemical structure of these three parts has been characterized in Aeromonas. Based on the high variability of repeated units of O-polysaccharides, a total of 97 O-serogroups have been described in Aeromonas species, of which four of them (O:11; O:16; O:18 and O:34) account for more than 60% of the septicemia cases. The core of LPS is subdivided into two regions, the inner (highly conserved) and the outer core. The inner core of Aeromonas LPS is characterized by the presence of 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonic (ketodeoxyoctonic) acid (Kdo) and L-glycero-D-manno-Heptoses (L,D-Hep), which are linked to the outer core, characterized by the presence of Glc, GlcN, Gal, and GalNAc (in Aeromonas salmonicida), D,D-Hep (in Aeromonas salmonicida), and L,D-Hep (in Aeromonas hydrophila). The biological relevance of these differences in the distal part of the outer core among these species has not been fully assessed to date. The inner core is attached to the lipid A, a highly conserved structure that confers endotoxic properties to the LPS when the molecule is released in blood from lysed bacteria, thus inducing a major systemic inflammatory response known as septic or endotoxic shock. In Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida the Lipid A components contain three major lipid A molecules, differing in acylation patterns corresponding to tetra-, penta- and hexaacylated lipid A species and comprising of 4′-monophosphorylated β-2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose-(1→6)-2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose disaccharide. In the present review, we discuss the structure-activity relationships of Aeromonas LPS, focusing on its role in bacterial pathogenesis and its possible applications.
The first total synthesis of the indole alkaloids ()-aplicyanins A, B and E, plus seventeen analogs, all in racemic form is reported. Modifications to the parent compound included changing the number of bromine substituents on the indole, the groups on the indole nitrogen (H, Me or OMe), and/or the oxidation level of the heterocyclic core tetrahydropyrimidine. Each compound was screened against three human tumor cell lines, and fourteen of the newly synthesized compounds showed considerable cytotoxicity. The assay results were used to establish structure-activity relationships. These results suggest that the acetyl group moiety on the imine nitrogen, and the bromine at position 5 of the indole, are both critical to activity.
L’obesitat infantil, és un dels problemes de salut pública més greus del segle XXI, on la prevalença ha augmentat de manera alarmant a nivell mundial. Aquesta es defineix com una malaltia crònica i multifactorial, que sol iniciar-se en la infantesa i a l’adolescència. L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi és conèixer la prevalença de sobrepès i obesitat en la població adolescent de Girona, i relacionar amb aquesta, els hàbits alimentaris, els hàbits d’activitat física, l’entitat de l’institut-escola, hores de son i nivell màxim d’estudis dels progenitors. Material i mètodes: Estudi descriptiu, observacional i transversal sobre una mostra de la població adolescent de Girona de 14 a 16 anys (n=185), els quals se’ls va administrar un qüestionari on es van recollir les variables relacionades amb l’estudi. L’obesitat i el sobrepès es van definir com valors de l’índex de massa corporal iguals o superiors als valors dels percentils 97 i 85, respectivament, de les taules de referencia de la OMS de 2007. Resultats: La prevalença de sobrepès i d’obesitat en la població adolescent de Girona és del 20% i del 3,78%, respectivament. El sobrepès i l’obesitat (23,78%) ha afectat més al sexe masculí (27,7%) respecte el femení (19,8%). S’ha establert relació significativa entre la prevalença de sobrepès i obesitat amb el nivell màxim d’estudis dels progenitors. Hi ha més prevalença de sobrepès i obesitat a l’institut públic en vers el privat amb un 26,7% respecte el 18,5%. Conclusions: Segons la bibliografia consultada, la població adolescent de Girona presenta més elevada la prevalença de sobrepès però no pel que fa la prevalença d’obesitat
Trust in inter-organizational collaborative relationships has attracted substantial research interest among academics and practitioners. Previous studies have concentrated on the benefits of trust to business outcomes and economic performance, as it is considered to be a source of competitive advantage. Despite this increased level of interest, there is no consensus, much less overall agreement, about how it should be conceptualized or about the number of dimensions it incorporates. On the inter-organizational level there is an obvious challenge in defining both the trusting party and the objects of trust. Thus, the notion of trust as an under-theorized and poorly understood phenomenon still holds. Hence, the motivation of this study was fuelled by the need to increase our knowledge and understanding of the role and nature of trust in inter-organizational collaborative relationships. It is posited that there is a call for more understanding about its antecedents and consequences, as well as about the very concept in inter-organizational collaborative relationships. The study is divided into two parts. The first part gives a general overview, and the second part comprises four research publications. Both qualitative and quantitative research methodology is utilized. A multi-method research design was used because it provides different levels of data and different perspectives on the phenomenon. The results of this study reveal that trust incorporates three dimensions on both the individual and the organizational level: capability, goodwill, and self-reference. Trust develops from the reputation and behavior of the trusted party. It appears from this study that trust is clearly directed towards both individual boundary spanners and the counterpart company itself – i.e. not only to one or the other. The trusting party, on the other hand, is always an individual, and not the organization per se. Trust increases collaboration benefits and lowers collaboration drawbacks, thus having a positive effect on relationship performance. The major contribution of this study lies in uncovering the critical points and drawbacks in prior research and thereby in responding to the highlighted challenges. The way in which these challenges were addressed offers contributions to three major issues in the emerging theory of trust in the inter-organizational context: firstly, this study clarifies the trustor-trustee discussion; secondly, it conceptualizes trust as existing on both individual and organizational levels; and thirdly, it provides more information about the antecedents of trust and the ways in which it affects relationship performance.