966 resultados para Paraplerodia gen. nov.


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The Triennial Catalogues are chronological and cumulative lists of Harvard graduates published every three years from 1674 to 1875. The Catalogues represent Harvard’s first efforts to comprehensively document its graduates and were considered the official record of degree recipients. A dedicated group of alumni used the Catalogues as a basis for collecting additional biographical information.


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These minutes concern General William Heath's request for permission to house the soldiers of John Burgoyne – British prisoners of war – at Harvard. The Overseers voted to recommend that the Corporation allow the soldiers to occupy one or more College buildings, in spite of various hesitations. It has not been decisively determined whether or not the British troops were ultimately housed at Harvard. Some sources assert that no buildings were occupied, while others claim that Burgoyne and his soldiers lived in Apthorp House for a time.


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Consists of the 1773 published broadside cut into strips and pasted into a blank volume. Names are annotated with biographical notes, most often location of residence, and occasionally professional information and death dates. Bound in brown paper cover.


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Covered in torn 1802 magazine print; title page missing. Handwritten note on top of first page: "Catalogue of the men Educated at Harvard College." Infrequent annotations in an unknown hand, typically noting alumni who became governors, or who held other high public offices. There are some annotations with places of residence.


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This is a manuscript copy of meeting minutes concerning fellow Tutor Joseph Mayhew's complaints against Nathan Prince. The minutes are written in a small paper-bound volume whose cover bears these inscriptions: "Oct. 31, 1740. Mr. Mayhew's complaint vs. Mr. Prince to the President and Tutors, Recd 14 Sept. 1741 of a Freshman, seal'd up;" "Acco of Mr. Mayhew's complaint of Mr. Prince contained in the Pres't & Tut's Book;" and "To the Honble Mr. Foxcroft, Chairman of the Committee of the Honble & Revd. the Overseers of Harvard College in Cambridge." Among other complaints, Mayhew was upset that Prince had called him "a Rascall & a rascally Fellow." The minutes also indicate that Prince left two meetings of the President and Tutors without permission, in spite of President Holyoke's having entreated him "Won't you stay?"


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Abraham Hill (A.B. 1737) claimed that Prince had come to his College chamber "smoaking a pipe of Tobacco" the previous summer and asked numerous unusual questions. Hill also testified that Prince had accused fellow Tutor Daniel Rogers of being someone who "never did know what a scholar was" and Tutor Henry Flynt of having been "superannuated long ago." This deposition was attested by Justice of the Peace Trowbridge.


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Rogers wrote this letter from Ipswich, Massachusetts, apparently in response to Holyoke's request for information about Prince. Rogers claimed to have seen Prince "disguised with Drink" and described Prince's calling him "a sorry Puppy."


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These three copies are not identical. One copy, which appears to be the original, is signed by Edward Holyoke, Henry Flynt, Joseph Mayhew, and Thomas Marsh. A note on the verso of one copy indicates that it was intended for delivery to Prince. Among many other things, the President and Tutors accused Prince of having said "in a Town meeting at Cambridge [...] that [Edmund Trowbridge] had not the manners to give him a pair of gloves at his Uncle's funeral."


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In this deposition, Eliot describes Prince's anger at John Winthrop's selection as Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, which he believed was done "to vex and torture" him. Eliot claims that Prince said: "they have chosen that Boy Winthrop professor, I could teach him his A. B. C. in the Mathematicks, they want to get me away from College."


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A penciled notation on this notebook's cover indicates that the handwriting is of Thomas Prince, Nathan's brother. Informally titled "An Heavenly Interposition of a Storm & Tempest," this notebook details Prince's point-by-point responses to the accusations against him. Prince also includes lists of each accusation and those making the accusation; he appears to have believed there was a conspiracy against him.