956 resultados para Pancreatic beta cells


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Conserved Wnt ligands are critical for signalling during development; however, various factors modulate their activity. Among these factors are the Secreted Frizzled-Related Proteins (SFRP). We previously isolated the SFRP-4 gene from an involuting rat mammary gland and later showed that transgenic mice inappropriately expressing SFRP-4 during lactation exhibited a high level of apoptosis with reduced survival of progeny. RESULTS: In order to address the questions related to the mechanism of Wnt signalling and its inhibition by SFRP-4 which we report here, we employed partially-purified Wnt-3a in a co-culture model system. Ectopic expression of SFRP-4 was accomplished by infection with a pBabepuro construct. The co-cultures comprised Line 31E mouse mammary secretory epithelial cells and Line 30F, undifferentiated, fibroblast-like mouse mammary cells. In vitro differentiation of such co-cultures can be demonstrated by induction of the beta-casein gene in response to lactogenic hormones.We show here that treatment of cells with partially-purified Wnt-3a initiates Dvl-3, Akt/PKB and GSK-3beta hyperphosphorylation and beta-catenin activation. Furthermore, while up-regulating the cyclin D1 and connexin-43 genes and elevating transepithelial resistance of Line 31E cell monolayers, Wnt-3a treatment abrogates differentiation of co-cultures in response to the lactogenic hormones prolactin, insulin and glucocorticoid. Cells which express SFRP-4, however, are largely unaffected by Wnt-3a stimulation. Since a physical association between Wnt-3a and SFRP-4 could be demonstrated with immunoprecipitation/Western blotting experiments, this interaction, presumably owing to the Frizzled homology region typical of all SFRPs, explains the refractory response to Wnt-3a which was observed. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that Wnt-3a treatment activates the Wnt signalling pathway and interferes with in vitro differentiation of mammary co-cultures to beta-casein production in response to lactogenic hormones. Similarly, in another measure of differentiation, following Wnt-3a treatment mammary epithelial cells could be shown to up-regulate the cyclin D1 and connexin-43 genes while phenotypically they show increased transepithelial resistance across the cell monolayer. All these behavioural changes can be blocked in mammary epithelial cells expressing SFRP-4. Thus, our data illustrate in an in vitro model a mechanism by which SFRP-4 can modulate a differentiation response to Wnt-3a.


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Sequential conversion of estradiol (E) to 2/4-hydroxyestradiols and 2-/4-methoxyestradiols (MEs) by CYP450s and catechol-O-methyltransferase, respectively, contributes to the inhibitory effects of E on smooth muscle cells (SMCs) via estrogen receptor-independent mechanisms. Because medroxyprogesterone (MPA) is a substrate for CYP450s, we hypothesized that MPA may abrogate the inhibitory effects of E by competing for CYP450s and inhibiting the formation of 2/4-hydroxyestradiols and MEs. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the effects of E on SMC number, DNA and collagen synthesis, and migration in the presence and absence of MPA. The inhibitory effects of E on cell number, DNA synthesis, collagen synthesis, and SMC migration were significantly abrogated by MPA. For example, E (0.1micromol/L) reduced cell number to 51+/-3.6% of control, and this inhibitory effect was attenuated to 87.5+/-2.9% by MPA (10 nmol/L). Treatment with MPA alone did not alter any SMC parameters, and the abrogatory effects of MPA were not blocked by RU486 (progesterone-receptor antagonist), nor did treatment of SMCs with MPA influence the expression of estrogen receptor-alpha or estrogen receptor-beta. In SMCs and microsomal preparations, MPA inhibited the sequential conversion of E to 2-2/4-hydroxyestradiol and 2-ME. Moreover, as compared with microsomes treated with E alone, 2-ME formation was inhibited when SMCs were incubated with microsomal extracts incubated with E plus MPA. Our findings suggest that the inhibitory actions of MPA on the metabolism of E to 2/4-hydroxyestradiols and MEs may negate the cardiovascular protective actions of estradiol in postmenopausal women receiving estradiol therapy combined with administration of MPA.


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BACKGROUND: Blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown is an early event in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). In a previous study we have found a direct stabilization of barrier characteristics after treatment of bovine brain capillary endothelial cells (BCECs) with human recombinant interferon-beta-1a (IFN-beta-1a) in an in vitro BBB model. In the present study we examined the effect of human recombinant IFN-beta-1a on the barrier properties of BCECs derived from four different species including humans to predict treatment efficacy of IFN-beta-1a in MS patients. METHODS: We used primary bovine and porcine BCECs, as well as human and murine BCEC cell lines. We investigated the influence of human recombinant IFN-beta-1a on the paracellular permeability for 3H-inulin and 14C-sucrose across monolayers of bovine, human, and murine BCECs. In addition, the transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER) was determined in in vitro systems applying porcine and murine BCECS. RESULTS: We found a stabilizing effect on the barrier characteristics of BCECs after pretreatment with IFN-beta-1a in all applied in vitro models: addition of IFN-beta-1a resulted in a significant decrease of the paracellular permeability across monolayers of human, bovine, and murine BCECs. Furthermore, the TEER was significantly increased after pretreatment of porcine and murine BCECs with IFN-beta-1a. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that BBB stabilization by IFN-beta-1a may contribute to its beneficial effects in the treatment of MS. A human in vitro BBB model might be useful as bioassay for testing the treatment efficacy of drugs in MS.


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BACKGROUND ; AIMS: Integrin alphavbeta6 is highly expressed on certain activated epithelia, where it mediates attachment to fibronectin and serves as coreceptor for the activation of latent transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1. Because its role in liver fibrosis is unknown, we studied alphavbeta6 function in vitro and explored the antifibrotic potential of the specific alphavbeta6 antagonist EMD527040. METHODS: Experimental liver fibrosis was studied in rats after bile duct ligation (BDL) and in Mdr2(abcb4)(-/-) mice. Different doses of EMD527040 were given to rats from week 2 to 6 after BDL and to Mdr2(-/-) mice from week 4 to 8. Liver collagen was quantified, and expression of alphavbeta6 and fibrosis-related transcripts was determined by quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction. alphavbeta6-expressing cells, bile duct proliferation, and apoptosis were assessed histologically. The effect of EMD527040 on cholangiocyte adhesion, proliferation, apoptosis, and TGF-beta1 activation was studied in vitro. RESULTS: alphavbeta6 was highly expressed on proliferating bile duct epithelia in fibrosis, with 100-fold increased transcript levels in advanced fibrosis. EMD527040 attenuated bile ductular proliferation and peribiliary collagen deposition by 40%-50%, induced down-regulation of fibrogenic and up-regulation of fibrolytic genes, and improved liver architecture and function. In vitro alphavbeta6 inhibition reduced activated cholangiocyte proliferation, their adhesion to fibronectin, and endogenous activation of TGF-beta1 by 50% but did not affect bile duct apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: Integrin alphavbeta6 is strongly up-regulated in proliferating bile duct epithelia and drives fibrogenesis via adhesion to fibronectin and auto/paracrine TGF-beta1 activation. Pharmacologic inhibition of alphavbeta6 potently inhibits the progression of primary and secondary biliary fibrosis.


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Activated lymphocytes and lymphoid-tissue inducer cells express lymphotoxins (LTs), which are essential for the organogenesis and maintenance of lymphoreticular microenvironments. Here we describe that T-cell-restricted overexpression of LT induces fulminant thymic involution. This phenotype was prevented by ablation of the LT receptors tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) 1 or LT beta receptor (LTbetaR), representing two non-redundant pathways. Multiple lines of transgenic Ltalphabeta and Ltalpha mice show such a phenotype, which was not observed on overexpression of LTbeta alone. Reciprocal bone marrow transfers between LT-overexpressing and receptor-ablated mice show that involution was not due to a T cell-autonomous defect but was triggered by TNFR1 and LTbetaR signaling to radioresistant stromal cells. Thymic involution was partially prevented by the removal of one allele of LTbetaR but not of TNFR1, establishing a hierarchy in these signaling events. Infection with the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus triggered a similar thymic pathology in wt, but not in Tnfr1(-/-) mice. These mice displayed elevated TNFalpha in both thymus and plasma, as well as increased LTs on both CD8(+) and CD4(-)CD8(-) thymocytes. These findings suggest that enhanced T cell-derived LT expression helps to control the physiological size of the thymic stroma and accelerates its involution via TNFR1/LTbetaR signaling in pathological conditions and possibly also in normal aging.


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To study whether protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms can interact with protein-tyrosine-phosphatases (PTPs) which are connected to the insulin signaling pathway, we co-overexpressed PKC isoforms together with insulin receptor, docking proteins, and the PTPs SHP1 and SHP2 in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells. After phorbol ester induced activation of PKC isoforms alpha, beta 1, beta 2, and eta, we could show a defined gel mobility shift of SHP2, indicating phosphorylation on serine/threonine residues. This phosphorylation was not dependent on insulin receptor or insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) overexpression and did not occur for the closely related phosphatase SHP1. Furthermore, PKC phosphorylation of SHP2 was completely blocked by the PKC inhibitor bisindolylmaleimide and was not detectable when SHP2 was co-overexpressed with kinase negative mutants of PKC beta 1 and -beta 2. The phosphorylation also occurred on endogenous SHP2 in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells stably overexpressing PKC beta 2. Using point mutants of SHP2, we identified serine residues 576 and 591 as phosphorylation sites for PKC. However, no change of phosphatase activity by TPA treatment was detected in an in vitro assay. In summary, SHP2 is phosphorylated on serine residues 576 and 591 by PKC isoforms alpha, beta 1, beta 2, and eta.


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OBJECTIVE: According to recent reports, the synovial membrane may contain mesenchymal stem cells with the potential to differentiate into chondrocytes under appropriate conditions. In order to assess the usefulness of synovium-derived progenitor cells for the purposes of cartilage tissue engineering, we explored their requirements for the expression of chondrocyte-specific genes after expansion in vitro. DESIGN: Mesenchymal progenitor cells were isolated from the synovial membranes of bovine shoulder joints and expanded in two-dimensions on plastic surfaces. They were then seeded either as micromass cultures or as single cells within alginate gels, which were cultured in serum-free medium. Under these three-dimensional conditions, chondrogenesis is known to be supported and maintained. Cell cultures were exposed either to bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) or to isoforms of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta). The levels of mRNA for Sox9, collagen types I and II and aggrecan were determined by RT-PCR. RESULTS: When transferred to alginate gel cultures, the fibroblast-like synovial cells assumed a rounded form. BMP-2, but not isoforms of TGF-beta, stimulated, in a dose-dependent manner, the production of messenger RNAs (mRNAs) for Sox9, type II collagen and aggrecan. Under optimal conditions, the expression levels of cartilage-specific genes were comparable to those within cultured articular cartilage chondrocytes. However, in contrast to cultured articular cartilage chondrocytes, synovial cells exposed to BMP-2 continued to express the mRNA for alpha1(I) collagen. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that bovine synovium-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells can be induced to express chondrocyte-specific genes. However, the differentiation process is not complete under the chosen conditions. The stimulation conditions required for full transformation must now be delineated.


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Cathepsin D (Cath-D) expression in human primary breast cancer has been associated with a poor prognosis. In search of a better understanding of the Cath-D substrates possibly involved in cancer invasiveness and metastasis, we investigated the potential interactions between this protease and chemokines. Here we report that purified Cath-D, as well as culture supernatants from the human breast carcinoma cell lines MCF-7 and T47D, selectively degrade macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1 alpha (CCL3), MIP-1 beta (CCL4), and SLC (CCL21). Proteolysis was totally blocked by the protease inhibitor pepstatin A, and specificity of Cath-D cleavage was demonstrated using a large chemokine panel. Whereas MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta degradation was rapid and complete, cleavage of SLC was slow and not complete. Mass spectrometry analysis showed that Cath-D cleaves the Leu(58) to Trp(59) bond of SLC producing two functionally inactive fragments. Analysis of Cath-D proteolysis of a series of monocyte chemoattractant protein-3/MIP-1 beta hybrids indicated that processing of MIP-1 beta might start by cleaving off amino acids located in the C-terminal domain. In situ hybridization studies revealed MIP-1 alpha, MIP-1 beta, and Cath-D gene expression mainly in the stromal compartment of breast cancers whereas SLC transcripts were found in endothelial cells of capillaries and venules within the neoplastic tissues. Cath-D production in the breast carcinoma cell lines MCF-7 and T47D, as assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of culture supernatants and cell lysates, was not affected by stimulation with chemokines such as interleukin-8 (CXCL8), SDF-1 (CXCL12), and SLC. These data suggest that inactivation of chemokines by Cath-D possibly influences regulatory mechanisms in the tumoral extracellular microenvironment that in turn may affect the generation of the antitumoral immune response, the migration of cancer cells, or both processes.


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Mastitis is the most prevalent infectious disease in dairy herds. Breeding programs considering mastitis susceptibility were adopted as approaches to improve udder health status. In recent decades, conventional selection criteria based on phenotypic characteristics such as somatic cell score in milk have been widely used to select animals. Recently, approaches to incorporate molecular information have become feasible because of the detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting mastitis resistance. The aims of the study were to explore molecular mechanisms underlying mastitis resistance and the genetic mechanisms underlying a QTL on Bos taurus chromosome 18 found to influence udder health. Primary cell cultures of mammary epithelial cells from heifers that were selected for high or low susceptibility to mastitis were established. Selection based on estimated pedigree breeding value or on the basis of marker-assisted selection using QTL information was implemented. The mRNA expression of 10 key molecules of the innate immune system was measured using quantitative real-time PCR after 1, 6, and 24 h of challenge with heat-inactivated mastitis pathogens (Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus) and expression levels in the high and low susceptibility groups were compared according to selection criteria. In the marker-assisted selection groups, mRNA expression in cells isolated from less-susceptible animals was significantly elevated for toll-like receptor 2, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-8, RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal t-cell expressed and secreted), complement factor C3, and lactoferrin. In the estimated pedigree breeding value groups, mRNA expression was significantly elevated only for V-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A, IL-1 beta, and RANTES. These observations provide first insights into genetically determined divergent reactions to pathogens in the bovine mammary gland and indicate that the application of QTL information could be a successful tool for the selection of animals resistant to mastitis.


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BACKGROUND Approximately 10% of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) cases may stem from potentially lethal cardiac channelopathies, with approximately half of channelopathic SIDS involving the Na(V)1.5 cardiac sodium channel. Recently, Na(V) beta subunits have been implicated in various cardiac arrhythmias. Thus, the 4 genes encoding Na(V) beta subunits represent plausible candidate genes for SIDS. OBJECTIVE This study sought to determine the spectrum, prevalence, and functional consequences of sodium channel beta-subunit mutations in a SIDS cohort. METHODS In this institutional review board-approved study, mutational analysis of the 4 beta-subunit genes, SCN1B to 4B, was performed using polymerase chain reaction, denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography, and direct DNA sequencing of DNA derived from 292 SIDS cases. Engineered mutations were coexpressed with SCN5A in HEK 293 cells and were whole-cell patch clamped. One of the putative SIDS-associated mutations was similarly studied in adenovirally transduced adult rat ventricular myocytes. RESULTS Three rare (absent in 200 to 800 reference alleles) missense mutations (beta3-V36M, beta3-V54G, and beta4-S206L) were identified in 3 of 292 SIDS cases. Compared with SCN5A+beta3-WT, beta3-V36M significantly decreased peak I(Na) and increased late I(Na), whereas beta3-V54G resulted in a marked loss of function. beta4-S206L accentuated late I(Na) and positively shifted the midpoint of inactivation compared with SCN5A+beta4-WT. In native cardiomyocytes, beta4-S206L accentuated late I(Na) and increased the ventricular action potential duration compared with beta4-WT. CONCLUSION This study provides the first molecular and functional evidence to implicate the Na(V) beta subunits in SIDS pathogenesis. Altered Na(V)1.5 sodium channel function due to beta-subunit mutations may account for the molecular pathogenic mechanism underlying approximately 1% of SIDS cases.


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AIMS Loss-of-function mutations in the SCN5A-encoded sodium channel SCN5A or Nav1.5 have been identified in idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (IVF) in the absence of Brugada syndrome phenotype. Nav1.5 is regulated by four sodium channel auxiliary beta subunits. Here, we report a case with IVF and a novel mutation in the SCN3B-encoded sodium channel beta subunit Navbeta3 that causes a loss of function of Nav1.5 channels in vitro. METHODS AND RESULTS Comprehensive open reading frame mutational analysis of KCNQ1, KCNH2, SCN5A, KCNE1, KCNE2, GPD1L, four sodium channel beta subunit genes (SCN1-4B), and targeted scan of RYR2 was performed. A novel missense mutation, Navbeta3-V54G, was identified in a 20-year-old male following witnessed collapse and defibrillation from VF. The ECG exhibited epsilon waves, and imaging studies demonstrated a structurally normal heart. The mutated residue was highly conserved across species, localized to the Navbeta3 extracellular domain, and absent in 800 reference alleles. We found that HEK-293 cells had endogenous Navbeta3, but COS cells did not. Co-expression of Nav1.5 with Navbeta3-V54G (with or without co-expression of the Navbeta1 subunit) in both HEK-293 cells and COS cells revealed a significant decrease in peak sodium current and a positive shift of inactivation compared with WT. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments showed association of Navbeta3 with Nav1.5, and immunocytochemistry demonstrated a dramatic decrease in trafficking to the plasma membrane when co-expressed with mutant Navbeta3-V54G. CONCLUSION This study provides molecular and cellular evidence implicating mutations in Navbeta3 as a cause of IVF.


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This study investigated the contribution of estrogen receptors (ERs) alpha and beta for epicardial coronary artery function, vascular NO bioactivity, and superoxide (O(2)(-)) formation. Porcine coronary rings were suspended in organ chambers and precontracted with prostaglandin F(2alpha) to determine direct effects of the selective ER agonists 4,4',4''-(4-propyl-[(1)H]pyrazole-1,3,5-triyl)tris-phenol (PPT) or 2,3-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-propionitrile (DPN) or the nonselective ER agonist 17beta-estradiol. Indirect effects on contractility to U46619 and relaxation to bradykinin were assessed and effects on NO, nitrite, and O(2)(-) formation were measured in cultured cells. Within 5 minutes, selective ERalpha activation by PPT, but not 17beta-estradiol or the ERbeta agonist DPN, caused rapid, NO-dependent, and endothelium-dependent relaxation (49+/-5%; P<0.001 versus ethanol). PPT also caused sustained endothelium- and NO-independent vasodilation similar to 17beta-estradiol after 60 minutes (72+/-3%; P<0.001 versus ethanol). DPN induced endothelium-dependent NO-independent relaxation via endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization (40+/-4%; P<0.01 versus ethanol). 17beta-Estradiol and PPT, but not DPN, attenuated the responses to U46619 and bradykinin. All of the ER agonists increased NO and nitrite formation in vascular endothelial but not smooth muscle cells and attenuated vascular smooth muscle cell O(2)(-) formation (P<0.001). ERalpha activation had the most potent effects on both nitrite formation and inhibiting O(2)(-) (P<0.05). These data demonstrate novel and differential mechanisms by which ERalpha and ERbeta activation control coronary artery vasoreactivity in males and females and regulate vascular NO and O(2)(-) formation. The findings indicate that coronary vascular effects of sex hormones differ with regard to affinity to ERalpha and ERbeta, which will contribute to beneficial and adverse effects of hormone replacement therapy.


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Bovine colostrogenesis is distinguished by the specific transfer of IgG1 from the blood to mammary secretions. The process has been shown to be initiated by hormones and occurs during the last weeks of pregnancy when steroid concentrations of estradiol (E2 ) and progesterone (P4 ) are highly elevated. Rodent intestinal uptake of immunoglobulin G is mediated by a receptor termed Fc fragment of IgG, Receptor, Transporter, alpha (FcGRT) and supported by light chain Beta-2-Microglobulin (β2M). We hypothesized that steroid hormone treatments (E2 and P4 ) of bovine mammary epithelial cells in vitro would induce up-regulation of IgG1 transcytosis candidate gene mRNA expression suggesting involvement in IgG1 transcytosis. Two different primary bovine mammary epithelial cell cultures were cultured on plastic and rat tail collagen and treated with hormonal combinations (steroids/lactogenic hormones). Evaluated mRNA components were bLactoferrin (bLf: a control), bFcGRT, β2M, and various small GTPases; the latter components are reported to direct endosomal movements in eukaryotic cells. All tested transcytosis components showed strong expression of mRNA in the cells. Expression of bFcGRT, bRab25 and bRhoB were significantly up-regulated (p < 0.05) by steroid hormones. bRab25 and bRhoB showed increased expression by steroid treatments, but also with lactogenic hormones. Analysis for the oestrogen receptor (ER) mRNA was mostly negative, but 25% of the cultures tested exhibited weak expression, while the progesterone receptor (PR) mRNA was always detected. bRab25 and bRhoB and likely bFcGRT are potential candidate genes for IgG1 transcytosis in bovine mammary cells.


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The human insulin gene enhancer-binding protein islet-1 (ISL1) is a transcription factor involved in the differentiation of the neuroendocrine pancreatic cells. Recent studies identified ISL1 as a marker for pancreatic well-differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasms. However, little is known about ISL1 expression in pancreatic poorly differentiated and in extrapancreatic well and poorly differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasms. We studied the immunohistochemical expression of ISL1 in 124 neuroendocrine neoplasms. Among pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms, 12/13 with poor differentiation were negative, whereas 5/7 with good differentiation but a Ki67 >20% were positive. In extrapancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms, strong positivity was found in Merkel cell carcinomas (25/25), pulmonary small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas (21/23), medullary thyroid carcinomas (9/9), paragangliomas/pheochromocytomas (6/6), adrenal neuroblastomas (8/8) and head and neck neuroendocrine carcinomas (4/5), whereas no or only weak staining was recorded in pulmonary carcinoids (3/15), olfactory neuroblastomas (1/4) and basaloid head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (0/15). ISL1 stained the neuroendocrine carcinoma component of 5/8 composite carcinomas and also normal neuroendocrine cells in the thyroid, adrenal medulla, stomach and colorectum. Poorly differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasms, regardless of their ISL1 expression, were usually TP53 positive. Our results show the almost ubiquitous expression of ISL1 in extrapancreatic poorly differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasms and neuroblastic malignancies and its common loss in pancreatic poorly differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasms. These findings modify the role of ISL1 as a marker for pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms and suggest that ISL1 has a broader involvement in differentiation and growth of neuroendocrine neoplasms than has so far been assumed.


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INTRODUCTION Agonistic antibodies targeting TRAIL-receptors 1 and 2 (TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2) are being developed as a novel therapeutic approach in cancer therapy including pancreatic cancer. However, the cellular distribution of these receptors in primary pancreatic cancer samples has not been sufficiently investigated and no study has yet addressed the issue of their prognostic significance in this tumor entity. AIMS AND METHODS Applying tissue microarray (TMA) analysis, we performed an immunohistochemical assessment of TRAIL-receptors in surgical samples from 84 consecutive patients affected by pancreatic adenocarcinoma and in 26 additional selected specimens from patients with no lymph nodes metastasis at the time of surgery. The prognostic significance of membrane staining and staining intensity for TRAIL-receptors was evaluated. RESULTS The fraction of pancreatic cancer samples with positive membrane staining for TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2 was lower than that of cells from surrounding non-tumor tissues (TRAIL-R1: p<0.001, TRAIL-R2: p = 0.006). In addition, subgroup analyses showed that loss of membrane staining for TRAIL-R2 was associated with poorer prognosis in patients without nodal metastases (multivariate Cox regression analysis, Hazard Ratio: 0.44 [95% confidence interval: 0.22-0.87]; p = 0.019). In contrast, analysis of decoy receptors TRAIL-R3 and -R4 in tumor samples showed an exclusively cytoplasmatic staining pattern and no prognostic relevance. CONCLUSION This is a first report on the prognostic significance of TRAIL-receptors expression in pancreatic cancer showing that TRAIL-R2 might represent a prognostic marker for patients with early stage disease. In addition, our data suggest that loss of membrane-bound TRAIL-receptors could represent a molecular mechanism for therapeutic failure upon administration of TRAIL-receptors-targeting antibodies in pancreatic cancer. This hypothesis should be evaluated in future clinical trials.