865 resultados para POROUS-ELECTRODES
The electrochemical treatment of a synthetic tannery wastewater prepared with 30 compounds used in animal skin processing was studied. Electrolyses were performed in a one-compartment flow cell at a current density of 20 mA cm(-2), using a dimensionally stable anode (DSA (R)) of composition Ti/Ir(0.10)Sn(0.90)O(2) as the working electrode. Effects of chloride concentration and presence of sulfate were evaluated. Variation in the concentration of phenolic compounds as a function of electrolysis time revealed a first-order exponential decay; faster phenol removals were obtained with increasing chloride concentration in the wastewater. Lower phenol removals were obtained in the presence of sulfate. Higher chloride concentrations led to a faster decrease in total organic carbon (TOC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and absorbance values at 228 nm. Faster wastewater color removal, higher current efficiency and lower energy consumption were also obtained. This electrochemical treatment was also able to reduce the wastewater toxicity for Daphnia similis. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Self-assembled films from SnO2 and polyallylamine (PAH) were deposited on gold via ionic attraction by the layer-by-layer(LbL) method. The modified electrodes were immersed into a H2PtCl6 solution, a current of 100 mu A was applied, and different electrodeposition times were used. The SnO2/PAH layers served as templates to yield metallic platinum with different particle sizes. The scanning tunnel microscopy images show that the particle size increases as a function of electrodeposition time. The potentiodynamic profile of the electrodes changes as a function of the electrodeposition time in 0.5 mol L-1 H2SO4, at a sweeping rate of 50mVs(-1). Oxygen-like species are formed at less positive potentials for the Pt-SnO2/PAH film in the case of the smallest platinum particles. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements in acid medium at 0.7 V show that the charge transfer resistance normalized by the exposed platinum area is 750 times greater for platinum electrode (300 k Omega cm(2)) compared with the Pt-SnO2/PAH film with 1 min of electrodeposition (0.4 k Omega cm(2)). According to the Langmuir-Hinshelwood bifunctional mechanism, the high degree of coverage with oxygen-like species on the platinum nanoparticles is responsible for the electrocatalytic activity of the Pt-SnO2/PAH concerning ethanol electrooxidation. With these features, this Pt-SnO2/PAH film may be grown on a proton exchange membrane (PEM) in direct ethanol fuel cells (DEFC). (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Preparation methods can profoundly affect the structural and electrochemical properties of electrocatalytic coatings. In this investigation, RuO(2)-Ta(2)O(5) thin films containing between 10 and 90 at.% Ru were prepared by the Pechini-Adams method. These coatings were electrochemically and physically characterized by cyclic voltammetry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The composition and morphology of the oxide were investigated before and after accelerated life tests (ALT) by EDX and SEM. SEM results indicate typical mud-flat-cracking morphology for the majority of the films. High resolution SEMs reveal that pure oxide phases exhibit nanoporosity while binary compositions display a very compact structure. EDX analyses reveal considerable amounts of Ru in the coating even after total deactivation. XRD indicated a rutile-type structure for RuO(2) and orthorhombic structure for Ta(2)O(5). XPS data demonstrate that the binding energy of Ta is affected by Ru addition in the thin films, but the binding energy of Ru is not likewise influenced by Ta. The stability of the electrodes was evaluated by ALT performed at 750 mA cm(-2) in 80 degrees C 0.5 mol dm(-3) H(2)SO(4). The performance of electrodes prepared by the Pechini-Adams method is 100% better than that of electrodes prepared by standard thermal decomposition.
In this work, we describe the characterization of the complex [Fe(tpy-NH2)(2)](PF6)(2) (tpy-NH2 = bis[4`-(3-aminophenyl)-2, 2`:6`,2 ``-terpyridine]. The complex was oxidatively electropolymerized on glassy.-carbon electrodes in CH3CN/0.1 M tetraethylammonium perchlorate (TEAP) to generate polymer films that exhibit reversible oxidative electrochemical behavior in a wide potential range (0.0-1.6 V), as well as high conductivity and stability/durability. In situ spectrocyclic voltammetry of this modified electrode was carried out on a photodiode array spectrophotometer attached to a potentiostat, which provided UV-Vis absorption spectra of the redox species during the potential sweep. We determined charge transport parameters as a function of time and thickness of the modified electrode, and the results showed that poly-[[Fe(tpy-NH2)(2)](2+)](n) can be made to exhibit three regimes of charge transport behavior by manipulation of the film thickness and the experimental time-scale. Morphological characterization of the film was provided by atomic force microscopy. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work, an investigation of the electrical and electrochemical properties responsible for the energy storage capability of nanocomposites has been carried out. We demonstrate that, in the case of the V2O5 xerogel and the nanocomposites polypyrrole (Ppy)/V2O5 and polyaniline (PANI)/V2O5, the quadratic logistic equation (QLE) can be used to fit the inverse of the resistance values as a function of the injected charge in non-steady-state conditions. This contributes to a phenomenological understanding of the lithium ion and electron transport. The departure of the experimental curve from the fitting observed for the V2O5 xerogel can be attributed to the trapping sites formed during the lithium electroinsertion, which was observed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The amount of trapping sites was obtained on the basis of the QLE. Similar values used to fit the inverse of the resistance were also used to fit the absorbance changes, which is also associated with the small polaron hopping from the V(IV) to the V(V) sites. On the other hand, there was good agreement between the experimental and the theoretical data when the profile of the inverse of the resistance as a function of the amount of inserted lithium ions of the nanocomposites Ppy/V2O5 and PANI/ V2O5 was concerned. We suggest that the presence of the conducting polymers is responsible for the different electrical profile of the V2O5 xerogel compared with those of the nanocomposites. In the latter case, interactions between the lithium ions and oxygen atoms from V2O5 are shielded, thus decreasing the trapping effect of lithium ions in the V2O5 sites. The different values of the lithium ion diffusion coefficient into these intercalation materials are in agreement with this hypothesis.
We report a methodology to obtain thin films of cucurbit[6]uril, starting from ammoniacal solutions. This technique is very useful for the obtention of modified electrodes or other substrates for sensor purposes. Cucurbit[6]uril is insoluble in most media, and film formation was impossible until now.
The influence of the preparation method on the structural properties of the RuO(2)-Ta(2)O(5) system was investigated. Both thin films on Ti substrates and powder samples of nominal composition Ti/RuO(2)-Ta(2)O(5) (Ru:Ta = 100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 30:70, and 0:100 at.%) were prepared through thermal decomposition of polymeric precursors (DPP). The thin films and powder samples were investigated using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). XANES analyses showed that Ru and Ta are present in the Ru(IV) and Ta(V) oxidation states. EXAFS signals of all the samples were analyzed, to obtain the average bond length (r), coordination number, and the Debye-Waller factor (sigma(2)) for each Ru-O, Ru-Ru, Ta-O nearest-neighbor. The first shell Ru-O distance was found at 1.91-1.92 angstrom with coordination number of 1.8-2.1, and at 2.01-2.02 angstrom with coordination number of 3.9-4.1. The Ta-O distance obtained for all the samples and in both modes (transmission and fluorescence) had significantly different values from the theoretical ones. The results revealed that the local structure around both the Ru and Ta sites are similar, and that they consist of distorted M-O(6) octahedra (where M = Ru or Ta). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper describes the preparation and application of a novel bioanode for use in ethanol/O(2) biofuel cells based upon immobilization of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers onto carbon cloth platforms. The power density measurements indicated a direct relationship between the amount of anchored ADH and the anode power values, which increased upon enzyme loading. The power density values ranged from 0.04 to 0.28 mW cm(-2), and the highest power density was achieved with the bioanode prepared with 28 U of ADH, which provided a power density of 0.28 mW cm(-2) at 0.3 V. The latter power output values were the maximum observed, even for higher enzyme concentrations. Stability of the bioanodes was quite satisfactory, since there was no appreciable reduction of enzymatic activity during the measurements. The method of bioanode preparation described here has proven to be very effective. The PAMAM dendrimer represents a friendly environment for the immobilization of enzymes, and it is stable and capable of generating high power density compared to other immobilization methods. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This naphthalene diimide derivative, DC18, forms highly conjugated semiconducting stacked assemblies over electrodes after electrochemical conditioning. These molecular materials are very efficient towards electrochemical photoreduction of oxygen under visible light.
The behavior of Pt/C and Pt-RuO(x)/C electrodes subjected to a larger number of potential scans and constant potential for prolonged time periods was investigated in the absence and presence of methanol. The structural changes were analyzed on the basis of the modifications observed in the X-ray diffraction pattern of the catalysts. Carbon monoxide stripping experiments were performed before and after the potential scans, thus enabling analysis of the behavior of the electrochemically active surface area. The resulting solutions were examined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). There was reduction in the electrochemically active surface area, as well as increase in crystallite size and dissolution of catalyst components after the potential scan tests. Catalyst degradation was more pronounced in the presence of methanol, and cyclic potential conditions accelerate the degradation mechanisms. (C) 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The electrochemical treatment of a synthetic tannery wastewater, prepared with several compounds used by finishing tanneries, was studied in chloride-free media. Boron-doped diamond (Si/BDD), antimony-doped tin dioxide (Ti/SnO(2)-Sb), and iridium-antimony-doped tin dioxide (Ti/SnO(2)-Sb-Ir)were evaluated as anode. The influence of pH and current density on the treatment was assessed by means of the parameters used to measure the level of organic contaminants in the wastewater; i.e., total phenols, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC), and absorbance. Results showed that faster decrease in these parameters occurred when the Si/BDD anode was used. Good results were obtained with the Ti/SnO(2)-Sb anode, but its complete deactivation was reached after 4h of electrolysis at 25 mA cm(-2), indicating that the service life of this electrode is short. The Ti/SnO(2)-Sb-Ir anode is chemically and electrochemically more stable than the Ti/SnO(2)-Sb anode, but it is not suitable for the electrochemical treatment under the studied conditions. No significant changes were observed for electrolyses performed at different pH conditions with Si/BDD, and this electrode led to almost complete mineralization after 4 h of electrolysis at 100mAcm(-2). The increase in current density resulted in faster wastewater oxidation, with lower current efficiency and higher energy consumption. Si/BBD proved to be the best electrodic material for the direct electrooxidation of tannery wastewaters. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
New organic/inorganic (O/I) hybrid assemblies based on Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) with polyamide amine dendrimer (PAMAM, generation -0.5 and generation +0.5) were prepared by two different routes using either the direct coprecipitation at constant pH or the anion exchange procedure in double surfactant S(+)S(-) phases. The obtained materials were characterized by means of powder X-ray diffraction, thermal gravimetric analysis associated with mass spectrometry, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. X-ray powder diffraction pattern of the O/I LDH assembly exhibit characteristic profiles of LDH-based materials with basal spacing depending on the nature of the dendrimer. Indeed, for both synthetic procedures, interleaved PAMAM -0.5 gives rise to an interlayer space in agreement with a perpendicular molecular arrangement against the layer of the host structure. For PAMAM+0.5, considering its spherical dimension, a much smaller basal spacing was observed. This observation was interpreted as shrinkage of the molecule to accommodate the interlayer LDH gap, which was rendered possible by the bond angle twisting within PAMAM-0.5. FTIR spectra confirm the presence of both moieties inside both Zn(2)Al/PAMAM G-0.5 and Zn(2)Al/PAMAM G+0.5 assemblies. Finally, thermal analysis associated with mass spectrometry confirm this composition, and in situ temperature XRD data reveal that the highly constrained arrangement for the generation +0.5 is not accompanied by a gain in thermal structural stability; in fact, the assembly prepared from PAMAM -0.5 is more stable. Both O/I PAMAM LDH assemblies constitute well-defined materials which are candidate for catalytic applications.
The effect of pore structure on the behavior of lithium intercalation into an electrode containing porous V(2)O(5) film has been investigated and compared with the electrode containing a non-porous V(2)O(5) film. X-ray diffraction patterns indicate a lamellar structure for both materials. Nitrogen adsorption isotherms, t-plot method, and Scanning Electronic Microscopy show that the route employed for the preparation of mesoporous V(2)O(5) was successful. The electrochemical performance of these matrices as lithium intercalation cathode materials was evaluated. The porous material reaches stability after several cycles more easily compared with the V(2)O(5) xerogel. Lithium intercalation into the porous V(2)O(5) film electrode is crucially influenced by pore surface and film surface irregularity, in contrast with the non-porous surface of the V(2)O(5) xerogel.
Layer-by-layer (LbL) nanocomposite films from TiO(2) nanoparticles and tungsten-based oxides (WO(x)H(y)), as well as dip-coating films of TiO(2) nano particles, were prepared and investigated by electrochemical techniques under visible light beams, aiming to evaluate the lithium ion storage and chromogenic properties. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images were obtained for morphological characterization of the Surface of the materials, which have similar roughness. Cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry measurements indicated high storage capacity of lithium ions in the LbL nanocomposite compared with the dip-coating film, which was attributed to the faster lithium ion diffusion rate within the self-assembled matrix. On the basis of the data obtained from galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT), the values of lithium ion diffusion coefficient (D(Li)) for TiO(2)/WO(x)H(y) were larger compared with those for TiO(2). The rate of the coloration front in the matrices was investigated using a spectroelectrochemical method based oil GITT, allowing the determination of the ""optical"" diffusion coefficient (D(op)) as a function of the amount of lithium ions previously inserted into the matrices. The Values of D(Li) and D(op) suggested the existence of phases with distinct contribution to lithium ion diffusion rates and electrochromic efficiency. Moreover, these results aided a better understanding of the temporal change of current density and absorbance during the ionic electro-insertion, which is important for the possible application of these materials in lithium ion batteries and electrohromic devices.
In situ and ex situ studies concerning the new hybrid material vanadium pentoxide xerogel in the presence of the cationic surfactant cetyl pyridinium chloride (V(2)O(5)/CPC) are presented. The in situ characterization studies revealed the presence of a lamellar structure for the V(2)O(5)/CPC hybrid material. The intercalation reaction was evidenced on the basis of the increase in the d-spacing as well as the displacement of the infrared bands toward lower energy levels. Electrochemical studies comprising the cyclic voltammetry and the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques showed that the behavior of the hybrid material is considerably influenced by the electrolyte composition. The ion insertion/de-insertion into the V(2)O(5) xerogel structure accompanying the charge transfer process is influenced by the solid-state diffusion process modeled by using the finite-space Warburg element.