954 resultados para Otimização dimensional


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An analysis of averaging procedures is presented for an approximate Riemann solver for the equations governing the compressible flow of a real gas. This study extends earlier work for the Euler equations with ideal gases.


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Four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4D-Var) is used in environmental prediction to estimate the state of a system from measurements. When 4D-Var is applied in the context of high resolution nested models, problems may arise in the representation of spatial scales longer than the domain of the model. In this paper we study how well 4D-Var is able to estimate the whole range of spatial scales present in one-way nested models. Using a model of the one-dimensional advection–diffusion equation we show that small spatial scales that are observed can be captured by a 4D-Var assimilation, but that information in the larger scales may be degraded. We propose a modification to 4D-Var which allows a better representation of these larger scales.


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A form of three-dimensional X-ray imaging, called Object 3-D, is introduced, where the relevant subject material is represented as discrete ‘objects’. The surface of each such object is derived accurately from the projections of its outline, and of its other discontinuities, in about ten conventional X-ray views, distributed in solid angle. This technique is suitable for many applications, and permits dramatic savings in radiation exposure and in data acquisition and manipulation. It is well matched to user-friendly interactive displays.


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This paper concerns the switching on of two-dimensional time-harmonic scalar waves. We first review the switch-on problem for a point source in free space, then proceed to analyse the analogous problem for the diffraction of a plane wave by a half-line (the ‘Sommerfeld problem’), determining in both cases the conditions under which the field is well-approximated by the solution of the corresponding frequency domain problem. In both cases the rate of convergence to the frequency domain solution is found to be dependent on the strength of the singularity on the leading wavefront. In the case of plane wave diffraction at grazing incidence the frequency domain solution is immediately attained along the shadow boundary after the arrival of the leading wavefront. The case of non-grazing incidence is also considered.


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A dengue é a mais importante doença viral transmitida por mosquitos, no que diz respeito à morbidade e mortalidade, que afeta os seres humanos. Este vírus é transmitido pelos vetores Aedes albopictus e Aedes aegypti, este último é o principal vetor nas Américas. O controle da doença se baseia na vigilância laboratorial e vigilância entomológica. A vigilância laboratorial visa aprimorar a capacidade do diagnóstico, detectando precocemente a circulação viral e monitorando os sorotipos circulantes. Dentro deste tipo de vigilância, a RT-PCR é um método bastante usado no diagnóstico da doença em humanos e mosquitos, porém, a má conservação do material pode comprometer a integridade do RNA e trazer resultados falso-negativos. O desenvolvimento de melhores métodos de vigilância do vírus dengue (DENV) em mosquitos é de grande valor para os programas de controle. Desta maneira, o presente projeto visou otimizar a técnica de RT-PCR Multiplex para detecção de DENV em amostras de Ae. aegypti infectadas artificialmente pelo vírus. Primers que amplificam uma região de 80 pb do gene rpL8 de mosquito foram desenhados no site Primer3 e avaliados na ferramenta online Multiple Primer Analyzer, junto com primers que amplificam os sorotipos DENV. Não houve competição de primers e foi observado bandas distintas no gel de agarose. Foi avaliado o efeito de diferentes formas de preservação do material genético das amostras (RNAlater®, freezer -80°C e nitrogênio líquido) por 7 dias, onde não houve diferenças significativas em relação à integridade do RNA. O efeito de diferentes formas de extração de RNA (Kit da QIAGEN® , TRIzol® e Chomczymski-Sacchi) também foi avaliado e o método ChomczymskiSacchi obteve o melhor desempenho. A otimização desta técnica permitirá uma maior confiabilidade nos resultados, já que além da detecção dos sorotipos, haverá uma confirmação da qualidade do RNA, aprimorando a capacidade do diagnóstico e auxiliando a prevenção e controle da transmissão da dengue.


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Various methods of assessment have been applied to the One Dimensional Time to Explosion (ODTX) apparatus and experiments with the aim of allowing an estimate of the comparative violence of the explosion event to be made. Non-mechanical methods used were a simple visual inspection, measuring the increase in the void volume of the anvils following an explosion and measuring the velocity of the sound produced by the explosion over 1 metre. Mechanical methods used included monitoring piezo-electric devices inserted in the frame of the machine and measuring the rotational velocity of a rotating bar placed on the top of the anvils after it had been displaced by the shock wave. This last method, which resembles original Hopkinson Bar experiments, seemed the easiest to apply and analyse, giving relative rankings of violence and the possibility of the calculation of a “detonation” pressure.


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A One-Dimensional Time to Explosion (ODTX) apparatus has been used to study the times to explosion of a number of compositions based on RDX and HMX over a range of contact temperatures. The times to explosion at any given temperature tend to increase from RDX to HMX and with the proportion of HMX in the composition. Thermal ignition theory has been applied to time to explosion data to calculate kinetic parameters. The apparent activation energy for all of the compositions lay between 127 kJ mol−1 and 146 kJ mol−1. There were big differences in the pre-exponential factor and this controlled the time to explosion rather than the activation energy for the process.


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The last few years have proved that Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs) are more suitable for urban areas than Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWTs). To date, very little has been published in this area to assess good performance and lifetime of VAWTs either in open or urban areas. At low tip speed ratios (TSRs<5), VAWTs are subjected to a phenomenon called 'dynamic stall'. This can really affect the fatigue life of a VAWT if it is not well understood. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how CFD is able to simulate the dynamic stall for 2-D flow around VAWT blades. During the numerical simulations different turbulence models were used and compared with the data available on the subject. In this numerical analysis the Shear Stress Transport (SST) turbulence model seems to predict the dynamic stall better than the other turbulence models available. The limitations of the study are that the simulations are based on a 2-D case with constant wind and rotational speeds instead of considering a 3-D case with variable wind speeds. This approach was necessary for having a numerical analysis at low computational cost and time. Consequently, in the future it is strongly suggested to develop a more sophisticated model that is a more realistic simulation of a dynamic stall in a three-dimensional VAWT.