891 resultados para Other Educational Administration and Supervision
Cada vez mais as escolas de governo assumem uma posição estratégica apoiando o Estado no aperfeiçoamento dos servidores públicos e dos serviços prestados por eles. A questão qualitativa que perpassa a atuação dessas escolas deve ser atentamente discutida por conta dessas implicações. Por isso, nesse cenário, buscou-se realizar um estudo de caso na Escola Nacional de Administração Pública - ENAP, escola de governo localizada em Brasília - Brasil. O objetivo geral da investigação foi verificar se a utilização da avaliação diagnóstica nos processos de avaliação dos cursos de formação e aperfeiçoamento da área de administração pública oferecidos pela Escola potencializa o grau de aprendizagem discente. Para levantar essa resposta e sua relação com o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, o público alvo escolhido foi a turma de dezembro/2015 do curso Fundamentos do Pregão Eletrônico. A partir da aplicação de uma avaliação diagnóstica junto aos alunos do curso, foi possível levantar dados importantes sobre as práticas pedagógicas e a estrutura do curso. Dos aspectos positivos, é possível ressaltar que a ênfase prática do curso confirmou-se de forma eficaz nas avaliações, até mesmo pelo perfil levantado dos alunos, contudo, um dos pontos frágeis que mais chamou a atenção durante a pesquisa foi o aspecto do cumprimento dos objetivos de aprendizagem. A avaliação diagnóstica revelou que metade da turma não se sentia apta as competências propostas pela ENAP. Ao final, foi possível confirmar a importância da avaliação diagnóstica como instrumento de avaliação e construção do conhecimento, propondo-se a sua implantação no curso Fundamentos do Pregão Eletrônico e, além de outras recomendações, a formação de uma cultura avaliativa na escola baseada na reflexão e na ação estratégica, que da mesma forma que um escultor, vai lapidando o processo educacional. O tema não finda com a obtenção e análise dos dados apresentados na pesquisa mas traz contribuições relevantes para a comunidade científica e poderá ainda, ser material importante para estudos futuros na área da excelência da Gestão Pública relacionada às escolas de governo.
Principal attrition is a national problem particularly in large urban school districts. Research confirms that schools that serve high proportions of children living in poverty have the most difficulty attracting and retaining competent school leaders. Principals who are at the helm of high poverty schools have a higher turnover rate than the national average of three to four years and higher rates of teacher attrition. This leadership turnover has a fiscal impact on districts and negatively affects student achievement. Research identifies a myriad of reasons why administrators leave the role of principal: some leave the position for retirement; some exit based on difficulty of the role and lack of support; and some simply leave for other opportunities within and outside of the profession altogether. As expectations for both teacher and learner performance drive the national education agenda, understanding how to keep effective principals in their jobs is critical. This study examined the factors that principals in a large urban district identified as potentially affecting their decisions to stay in the position. The study utilized a multi-dimensional, web-based questionnaire to examine principals’ perceptions regarding contributing factors that impact tenure. Results indicated that: • having a quality teaching staff and establishing a positive work-life balance were important stay factors for principals; • having an effective supervisor and collegial support from other principals, were helpful supports; and • having adequate resources, time for long-term planning, and teacher support and resources were critical working conditions. Taken together, these indicators were the most frequently cited factors that would keep principals in their positions. The results were used to create a framework that may serve as a potential guide for addressing principal retention.
There is a long history of debate around mathematics standards, reform efforts, and accountability. This research identified ways that national expectations and context drive local implementation of mathematics reform efforts and identified the external and internal factors that impact teachers’ acceptance or resistance to policy implementation at the local level. This research also adds to the body of knowledge about acceptance and resistance to policy implementation efforts. This case study involved the analysis of documents to provide a chronological perspective, assess the current state of the District’s mathematics reform, and determine the District’s readiness to implement the Common Core Curriculum. The school system in question has continued to struggle with meeting the needs of all students in Algebra 1. Therefore, the results of this case study will be useful to the District’s leaders as they include the compilation and analysis of a decade’s worth of data specific to Algebra 1.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Ciências da educação - Supervisão e orientação pedagógica
Work during this reporting period focused on characterizing temperature, habitat, and biological communities at candidate coolwater sites. During the past year we have collected additional temperature data from 57 candidate streams and other locations and now have records from 232 stream reaches. Eighty-two sites in Illinois have been identified as cool- or coldwater based on these records. Physical habitat surveys have been conducted at 79 sites where temperature data were available. Fish and macroinvertebrate data were obtained from the cooperative basin survey program data managers for candidate sites whenever possible and added to collections made during previous project years. This report summarizes progress for the period beginning 1 October 2009 and ending 30 September 2010. Additional analyses are ongoing and will be presented in the final report upon completion of this project.
We report a case of a 55-year-old woman who was evaluated for multiple episodes of late postprandial hypoglycaemia. We diagnosed her condition as insulin autoimmune syndrome (Hirata disease) because of a high insulin autoantibody (IAA) titre in association with high levels of plasmatic insulin and hypoglycaemia in a patient with no history of exogenous insulin administration and the exclusion of other causes of late postprandial hypoglycaemia.
Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: O presente relatório de estágio emerge da prática pedagógica supervisionada na educação de infância inserida no curso de mestrado de educação pré-escolar e ensino do primeiro ciclo do ensino básico. Esta foi desenvolvida no jardim de infância da Escola Básica de Monte Aventino que integra o Agrupamento de Escolas António Nobre. O estágio formativo efetuado teve como principal intenção o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais associadas à capacidade de reflexão sistemática antes, durante e pós-ação tendo em vista o desenvolvimento de uma ação educativa baseada na investigação de práticas e na co-construção de saberes profissionais. No sentido de alcançar as competências estabelecidas e de direcionar a prática educativa para os interesses e necessidades das crianças foram exercidas várias etapas cíclicas do processo educativo como a observação, planificação, reflexão e avaliação. Deste modo a metodologia eleita para o exercício deste ciclo espiral assentou na investigação-ação uma vez que esta permite indagar sobre as práticas desenvolvidas tendo em vista a sua reestruturação voltada para as carências demonstradas. Como estratégia de formação, esta metodologia também possui grandes potencialidades sendo que foram igualmente utilizados procedimentos como reflexões individuais, narrativas colaborativas e guiões de observação orientados para o favorecimento da investigação individual e colaborativa das práticas exercidas em díade e tríade de formação. O desenvolvimento das diversas ações referidas conduziu ao alcance das competências enunciadas que confluíram na formação do perfil profissional da mestranda capaz de criar um integrado do currículo, recorrer ao exercício das etapas do processo educativo assim como à organização do ambiente educativo.
A Comparative Study on the Homeroom Teachers’ Perception of the School guidance in Korea and Finland
This study has four major purposes. First, it compares school guidance of homeroom teachers in Korea and Finland, in order to understand the reality of education, based on the teachers’ perceptions. Secondly, it also considers the topic within its historical, social, and cultural backgrounds, from a critical standpoint. Thirdly, it investigates the direction of the improvement of school guidance, based on the analysis of similarities and differences between Korea and Finland, with regards to the meaning, practice, and environmental factors of the school guidance. Lastly, the influential factors surrounding the school guidance are noted by analysing empirical data from a microscopic approach, and extending the understanding of it into a social context. As for the methods, it employs thematic analysis approach through 10 homeroom teacher interviews in the lower secondary schools. As a result, firstly, the teachers in both countries assumed similarly, that the role of the teacher was not only to teach the subject, but also to care about every aspects of the students’ development in their school life. In addition, they accepted the fact that school guidance became more significant. However, the school guidance became the top priority for the Korean teachers, while teaching subject is the main task for the Finnish teachers. Secondly, the homeroom teachers in both countries hoped to have a better working environment, to perform school guidance concerning education budget for the resources of school guidance, tight curriculum, and increasing the teachers’ tasks. Thirdly, the school guidance in Korea seemed to be influenced by social expectation and government demand, whereas, the Finnish teachers considered school guidance in more aspects of adjustment and academic motivation, rather than resolving the social problems. Fourthly, the Korean teachers perceived that the trust and respect from the society and home became weakened, also expressing doubts about the educational policies and the attitude of the government with regards to school guidance. On the other hand, the Finnish teachers believed that they were trusted and respected by the society. However, blurred lines in the roles and accountability between the homeroom teachers, home, and the society were also controversial among the teachers in both countries. To sum up, Finland needs to ameliorate the system and conditions for school guidance of the homeroom teachers. The consensus on the role and tasks of Finnish homeroom teachers for school guidance seem to be also necessary. Meanwhile, Korea should improve the social system and social consciousness of the teacher, school guidance, and schooling, preceding the reform of the education system or conditions.
Numéro spécial: Translational Nanomedicine
Despite the expansion of the literature on the implications that different inputs have on the educational outcomes of students, empirical research has so far lacked the full capacity to provide unequivocal findings. Essentially, this deficiency is mainly attributed to two main factors; the lack of reliable data and the lack of full dimensionality in the theoretical model adopted to explain such data (Levaččićć and Vignoles, 2002; Knoeppel, Verstegen, and Rinehart, 2007). This dissertation aims to fill those gaps by first building a unique large dataset that covers all aspects of the educational process and second by adopting an integrated theoretical model and advanced quantitative methodological approaches to analyze it. With the fulfillment of such aim the dissertation manages to fill some of the gaps identified in the Education Economics literature related to the relationships between the cognitive and affective educational outcomes of English adolescents on one hand and three main inputs representing each of the three indentified factors in the theoretical model on the other hand controlling for other possible heterogeneities. Specifically, the thesis examines the effect of school process inputs in Chapter 2, family structure as a key family background input in Chapter 3 and finally religion and religiosity as a key adolescent’s personal input in Chapter 4.
Diversity has become a buzz word in public discourse and in educational circles. Higher education institutions in the US have increasingly used this word as a cornerstone of their mission statements and have made increasing efforts to attract students from different backgrounds. As part of the increase in diversity efforts among US colleges, is a significant rise in the number of international students. Attracting international students has become a priority for U.S. universities regardless of size or location. This study examines the intersection between the structure of American educational environment and the blended identities of African Graduate Student Mothers. Within the context of contemporary diversity efforts in US educational institutions, this study examines both the structural environments and the socio-cultural constructs that affect the experiences of African graduate student mothers. Based on a qualitative research interview design, a total of nineteen African graduate student mothers at a Mid-Western University in the US were interviewed individually and in groups over a six weeks period. Results from this study show that apart from the difficult and often dehumanizing treatment African student mothers endure from immigration and consular officials in their various countries and ports of entry, they often find themselves at the margins of their various programs and departments with very little support if any. This is because most of them enroll into graduate programs after arriving as dependants of their spouses; a process that does not allow them to negotiate for departmental commitments and support prior to their arrival. Not only do these women face racial discrimination from white professors, staff and fellow students, but they also experience discrimination and hostilities from African Americans and other minority groups who see them as threats to the limited resources that are often set aside for minority groups in such institutions.
Poliisin rakenneuudistus Pora III ja Puolustusvoimauudistus 2011–2015 ovat olleet viime vuosien esimerkkejä julkisen sektorin työn tehostamisen vaatimuksista. Sekä Puolustusvoimilla että poliisilla, kahdella turvallisuusalan viranomaistaholla, on lakisääteiset tehtävänsä, jotka tulee työn tehostamisen vaatimuksista huolimatta suorittaa. Turvallisuusala yksityistyy vauhdilla, ja keskustelua käydään siitä, mitä tehtäviä viranomainen hoitaa itse, mitä annetaan kaupallisen toimijan tai järjestöjen hoidettavaksi ja mistä kansalainen vastaa itse jatkossa. Resurssi- ja tehostamisvaatimuksia mietittäessä nousee esille upseereiden kohdalla koko maan puolustus ja turvaaminen. Kyetäänkö tämän tehtävän täyttämiseen mahdollisessa sotatilanteessa enää nykyisellä tai mahdollisesti vähenevällä resursoinnilla? Poliisitoimen osalta vasteajat eri puolilla Suomea puhuttavat, samoin se, miten tehtäviä priorisoidaan hoidettavaksi. Saavatko kansalaiset enää perusoikeuksiinsa kuuluvaa arjen turvallisuutta, jonka vielä tänä päivänä katsotaan kuuluvan valtion perustehtäviin? Viranomaisten pitäisi tutkimukseen valittujen aineistojen sekä lakien perusteella hoitaa tehtävänsä laadukkaasti ja tasa-arvoisesti kaikkialla Suomessa. Nykyiset sisäistä ja ulkoista turvallisuutta käsittelevät asiakirjat, esimerkiksi strategiat, puhuvat laajasta turvallisuuskäsityksestä, sisäisen ja ulkoisen turvallisuuden rajojen hämärtymisestä globalisoitumisen seurauksena ja lisääntyvästä poikkihallinnollisesta yhteistyöstä toimintaa ohjaavana ajattelumallina. Viranomaisyhteisyötä tulisi lisätä osana normaalia toimintaa, samoin yhteistyötä järjestöjen, elinkeinoelämän ja jokaisen kansalaisen kanssa. Valtioneuvoston tulevaisuusselonteossa (2013) peräänkuulutetaan uusia, innovatiivisia tapoja hoitaa sekä valtion että kuntien tehtäviä. Yhteisen toiminnan kohteen eli laajan turvallisuuskäsityksen viitekehyksessä on mahdollisuus pohtia uudenlaista turvallisuusalan viranomaisyhteistyötä, eli etsiä perusteluja upseeri- ja poliisiprofession syvemmälle yhteistyölle – yhteiskehittelylle. Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on herätellä keskustelua siitä, onko yhteisen toiminnan kohteen löytymiselle edellytyksiä. Nähtävissä on, että valtiolle kuuluvia toimintoja tehostetaan jatkossakin. Yksi järkevä tapa tehostamisessa on löytää töiden rajapintoja ja yhdistää resurssit näiden osalta. Jotta toiminta olisi tehokasta, sen pitää olla osa jokapäiväistä toimintaa eikä perustua vain muutamiin yhteistoimintaharjoituksiin tai jo tapahtuneiden poikkeustilanteiden hoitoon. Suurin osa kriisiajan toiminnasta perustuu normaaliolojen toimintaan, jolloin sen lähtökohdat voisivat olla yhteisessä työssä ja alkaa jo koulutuksesta, mikä nostetaan tässä työssä yhtenä mahdollisuutena esille. Koulutuksellinen yhteistyö ja liikkuvuus ovat eurooppalaisen tutkintojen viitekehyksen perusteella mahdollista myös kahden eri hallinnonalan koulutuksessa. Tällaista koulutuksen tehostamista haetaan tällä hetkellä muualla yhteiskunnassa. Mutta halutaanko omasta toiminnasta ja tehtävistä luopua edes osittain ja tehdä yhteistyötä mahdollisesti oman työn hallinnan, vallan tai resurssien menettämisen pelossa? Vai onko kyse vain siitä, että yhteistyön syventämiselle ei ole nähty kovinkaan suurta tarvetta tai hyötyä eikä yhteistyö näytä tuovan mitään uutta ammattikuntien osaamiseen? Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu valtionhallinnon aineistoista, kuten strategioista, mietinnöistä ja raporteista niin sisäisen kuin ulkoisen turvallisuuden alalta. Aineistona käytetään myös upseeri- (n=71) ja poliisipäällystöopiskelijoille (n=65) suunnattua kyselyä ja kirjoitelmaa tulevaisuuden turvallisuusasiantuntijuudesta vuonna 2030. Lisäksi opiskelijavastauksista tehtyä analyysia syvennetään molempien korkeakoulujen (Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu ja Poliisiammattikorkeakoulu) rehtoreiden sekä molempien hallinnonalojen (puolustusministeriö sekä sisäministeriö) kansliapäälliköiden haastatteluilla. Aineistojen avulla pyritään herättelemään ajatuksia siitä, voisiko yhteisiä töitä löytyä yhteistyön pohjaksi. Tarkoituksena on perustella, miksi yhteistyötä kannattaa tehdä ja ikään kuin vastata etukäteen vastaväitteisiin, miksi sitä ei voitaisi tehdä. Strategioiden yhteistyön tahtotilaa verrataan muihin strategioiden toimenpide ehdotuksiin ja sitä kautta vielä kyselyaineistoon. Opiskelijakyselyllä haetaan näkemyksiä tulevaisuuden turvallisuusasiantuntijuudesta ja mahdollisesta yhteistyöstä sekä sen painopisteistä. Muilla asiantuntijahaastatteluilla haetaan korkeakoulujen sekä ministeriön tason näkemyksiä opiskelijoiden mielipiteisiin. Opiskelijakyselyn avulla on haluttu selvittää sitä, mitä jo työelämässä olleet mutta vaihteeksi opiskelevat sotatieteiden maisteriopiskelijat Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulussa ja poliisin päällystötutkinnon opiskelijat Poliisiammattikorkeakoulussa ajattelevat turvallisuusalan ja -asiantuntijuuden muutoksesta. Minkälaisena he näkevät oman tulevan työnsä ja yhteistyökentän muiden viranomaisten kanssa? Selvää opiskelijavastausten mukaan on se, että turvallisuus halutaan pitää jatkossakin viranomaisen vastuulla ja välttää viimeiseen asti yksityisen sektorin liiallista vastuuta enempää kuin on pakko. Yhteistyötä halutaan edelleen lisätä, ja erityisesti tämä koskee viranomaisten välistä yhteistyötä. Tutkimus on tietoisesti rajattu koskemaan kahta turvallisuusalan viranomaistoimijaa, ammattikorkeakoulutuksen käyneitä poliiseja ja Puolustusvoimien Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulussa opiskelevia upseereita, joiden tehtävistä ja koulutuksesta on löydettävissä yhteisiä rajapintoja ja yhteistyön alueita. Kiinnostus syventyä valittuun kahteen ammattialaan johtuu myös siitä, että usein esimerkiksi sisäasianhallinnon strategioissa Puolustusvoimat jätetään ulkopuolelle varsinkin normaaliolojen yhteistyötä tarkasteltaessa tai vain yksittäisen maininnan asteelle. Sama huomio on havaittavissa puolustushallinnon strategioista. Tämä nousee esille erityisesti alueellista yhteistyötä tai viranomaisyhteistyötä pohdittaessa. Silti sekä sisäministeriön että puolustusministeriön hallinnonalan strategiat ym. perustuvat laajaan turvallisuuskäsitykseen, ja usein eri ammattikuntia analysoitaessa puhutaan tehtävistä, joita tekevät useat ammattikunnat ja professiot. Puhutaan niin sanotuista harmaista alueista. Ministeriöiden tahtotilassa ja toiminnassa on tutkimukseni mukaan nähtävissä ristiriita. Koulutuksen osalta yhteistyön lisääminen on mahdollista etenkin nyt, kun Poliisiammattikorkeakoulussa peruskoulutus on muuttunut ammattikorkeakoulutasoiseksi ja näin tämän ammattikunnan professioasema koulutuksen näkökulmasta on vahvistunut entisestään. Käsittelenkin tutkimuksessani kahta professiota professiotutkimuksen perinteisiä kriteereitä käyttäen, eli rinnastaessani näitä kahta ammattia. Rinnastettavuus koulujen kesken on tullut mahdolliseksi sekä tutkintojen että osaamisen tarkastelun näkökulmasta. Tämän myötä myös molempia korkeakouluja hyödyttävää yhteistyötä olisi mahdollista miettiä osana muutakin hallinnon tehostamista ja rauhan ajan viranomaistoimintaa.
O Relatório de Estágio, elaborado no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, pretende ser um reflexo da prática educativa realizada e um contributo para a formação pessoal e profissional da mestranda, caracterizando-se por uma atitude crítica, reflexiva e investigativa. A revisitação e a análise refletida da ação, e das opções didático-pedagógicas que a orientaram, permitiram traçar um percurso para a melhoria das práticas educativas, determinante para o desenvolvimento da identidade docente. Desta experiência, salienta-se, por um lado, o trabalho realizado em par pedagógico, em todos os momentos do ciclo da supervisão, que potenciou momentos de debate e de reflexão – e, consequentemente, uma prática informada, criativa e rigorosa, fundamentada em princípios e valores partilhados. Por outro lado, destaca-se também a influência da filosofia do Movimento da Escola Moderna na conceção e implementação da Prática Educativa Supervisionada (PES), o que contribuiu ainda para a valorização da colaboração entre todos os atores envolvidos neste palco que é a ação educativa. Ao longo da PES, o par pedagógico privilegiou situações de ensino e de aprendizagem que favorecessem a cooperação e a comunicação bem como atividades que adequadas às necessidades do contexto educativo e aos interesses das crianças, baseada numa relação horizontal entre professores e alunos. Deste modo, a PES, sustentada num exercício de constante articulação entre teoria e prática, constituiu uma oportunidade de experienciar os desafios da docência e de compreender como é que esta pode concorrer para uma sociedade mais justa, livre e democrática.
Double Degree
Background The prevalence of geriatric syndromes (falls, immobility, intellectual or memory impairment, and incontinence) is unknown in many resource-poor countries. With an aging population such knowledge is essential to develop national policies on the health and social needs of older people. The aim of this study was to provide a preliminary survey to explore the prevalence of falls and other geriatric syndromes and their association with known risk factors in people aged > 60 years in urban Blantyre, Malawi. Methods This was a cross-sectional, community survey of adults aged > 60 years. Subjects were recruited at home or in the waiting areas of chronic care clinics. They were interviewed to complete a questionnaire on ageassociated syndromes and comorbid problems. The Abbreviated Mental Test (AMT) and Timed Up and Go (TUG) tests were carried out. Results Ninety-eight subjects were studied; 41% reported falling in the past 12 months, 33% of whom (13% of all subjects) were recurrent fallers. Twenty-five percent reported urine incontinence, 66% self-reported memory difficulties, and 11% had an AMT score < 7. A history of falling was significantly associated with urine incontinence (p=0.01), selfreported memory problems (p=0.004) and AMT score < 7 (p=0.02). Conclusions Geriatric syndromes, including falls, appear to be prevalent in older people in Blantyre, Malawi. Falling is associated with cognitive impairment and urinary incontinence. There is an urgent need for more understanding of geriatric problems in this setting to develop national policies on health and social needs of older people. It is likely that many of the contributory factors to falls would be amenable to multifactorial interventions similar to those found to be effective in developed countries.