985 resultados para Osma-Soria (Diócesis)
Neste trabalho foram estudadas as condições de estabilidade e de eventuais transformações de fases em diferentes materiais carbonáceos processados em altas pressões e altas temperaturas. Além disso, foi explorada a possibilidade de produção de compactos de diamante policristalino sem o uso de fases metálicas como ligante. Diferentes materiais de partida (pó de diamante, açúcar, mistura de pó de diamante e açúcar -10 % em peso, e mistura de pó de diamante e negro de fumo - 10% em peso) foram processados a 7,7 GPa, durante 15 min a diferentes temperaturas (900°C, 1200°C, 1500°C e 1700°C), mas sempre na região de estabilidade termodinâmica do diamante. As amostras foram analisadas por espectroscopia Raman e difração de raios X. As amostras de diamante compactaram bem a altas temperaturas sem mostrar grafitização, mas mostraram indícios de formação de uma fase desordenada de C com hibridização sp3. Os compactos de negro de fumo e diamante são extremamente frágeis e foi identificada a formação de estruturas grafíticas. A amostra de açúcar sofreu um grafitização acentuada a temperaturas elevadas, que levou a obtenção de grafite bem cristalizado. Os compactos obtidos com a mistura de açúcar e diamante são bastante homogêneos e possuem boa resistência mecânica. Para a amostra tratada a 1700°C, além de ser obtida uma fase diamante muito bem cristalizada, também são observados indícios de formação de uma fase desordenada de C com hibridização sp3. A origem do comportamento observado para as amostras com açúcar deve estar ligada à liberação de H2O associada à pirólise da sacarose, o que parece acelerar significativamente a cinética de cristalização de fases do carbono. A possível fase desordenada, obtida para amostras com pó de diamante processadas em altas temperaturas, pode desempenhar um papel importante como fase ligante para produção de compactos de diamante policristalino.
A partir de dados do CPTEC, utilizou-se o modelo numérico Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) para simular as condições ambientais que originaram a formação e evolução de um ciclone no dia 11 de outubro de 2000, no município de Viamão, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Utilizou-se três grades aninhadas, com resolução progressivamente mais refinada e de forma simultânea. O modelo simulou com bastante precisão os campos de vento, pressão, umidade relativa e temperatura potencial. As simulações foram analisadas e comparadas à dados de superfície, imagens de satélite, cartas sinóticas e radiossondagens. A topografia e a brisa marítima exerceram forte influencia no sentido de intensificar o sistema convectivo que se formou sobre o Estado do Rio grande do Sul, bem como os altos valores de umidade relativa e o intenso cisalhamento vertical. Com estes procedimentos foi possível analisar e caracterizar o perfil atmosférico do sistema estudado e definir parâmetros meteorológicos que justificaram a formação de um tornado.
This paper describes a method for the evaluation of pavement condition through artificial neural networks using the MLP backpropagation technique. Two of the most used procedures for detecting the pavement conditions were applied: the overall severity index and the irregularity index. Tests with the model demonstrated that the simulation with the neural network gives better results than the procedures recommended by the highway officials. This network may also be applied for the construction of a graphic computer environment.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
This study analyzes the interrelations between the models of information literacy (IL), information management (IM) and knowledge management (KM). In order to do so, we, at first, highlight some concepts and definitions related to these terms, then we present some models applied to, so that we know the steps/stages of these recurring models. Finally, we present a comparative study between thestages/phases of models in IL, IM and KM, in order to check whether there are interrelations between the steps/phases of IL and the steps/stages of IM and KM. As a result we show the interrelations between the models, and assert that IL can act in an integrated manner to provide greater effectiveness to the informational processes of IM and KM. The analysis provides the expansion of IL contributions, reachingbeyond the scope of libraries and contributing to the development of this theme in the context of the contemporary society.
In order to accomplish this article, it was necessary to schematize and to problematize how child/childhood concept along the centuries made their use possible by specialized speeches (namely: medical and pedagogic, mainly) in many different historical extracts. Looking at child/childhood, examining them, transforming them into knowledge and tutor bodies/object, countless attempts in disciplining their gestures and consequent institution of subjective processes will be some steep lines in this article. That will be done in order to evidence the existence of what is nowadays so called child/childhood, and that today is the target of specialists’ speeches that, in our analysis, when leaning over childhood, would dictate norms behavior for the children, limiting them and restricting them.
Placing the management of childhood forms considered at risk, we discuss the operation of a welfare institution and its effects on the subjective process. Created to manage the virtues of the poor behavior of children, makes visible to the way technology features disciplinary policies: surveillance is evident of cameras, high walls, electric fences and in the eyes of educators, the penalty stands normalizing practices corrective aimed at standardization bodies, educational meetings are compared to the examination, as they produce dossiers of individual behavior, emphasizing characteristics that are considered dangerous anticipates the administration and production of docile individuals, useful, productive, applying identity models. Following the lines of knowledge and power relations that constitute this space, we used the genealogy in the analysis of discursive practices that cross society in its historical construction, the genealogy allows us to achieve these movements in the consolidation process of the government of life, and also, the deconstruction of hegemonic practices. In an attempt to escape the set, we propose the realization of artistic and cultural activities within a process of collective construction as a strategy of resistance and confrontation with the dominant logic, consolidating practices that favor the enhancement of life in its manifold possibilities.
This article aims to question the knowledge created with psychology, taking a quick passage through the discourses of this science since its birth and questioning what is the implication of this knowledge to the children constituition. Then, we will reassemble the context in which it was forged and what revolutions in the ways of conceiving life became possible after the psychology advent being estabilished as a field of autonomous knowledge. Furthermore, as a way to illustrate what we understand about the psychology constituition of childhood we will discuss some aspects of Jean Piaget's theory in an attempt to elucidate how this speach was (and is) widely applied and "naturalized" in such way, that nowadays it is common to speak of "stages of development" when referring to children. To realize that problem, we will support the studies of Michel Foucault about the production of knoledge and especially of knowledge “psy” and what is its importance for the children.
This intervention research was developed with adolescents of an establishment of care for children and adolescents considered at personal and social risk, in a city located in the state of São Paulo. The care practices found in the mentioned establishment are aimed at “prevention” of children and adolescents who could become offenders or future criminals, since they are selected from the poorest families in the outskirts of the city where the institution is located. Our psychological practice reported here, however, was conceived and put into practice from the discussion on Human Rights and Citizenship which aims to afirm what is considered deviation from the norm, opening spaces for the difference in relation to otherness and to the policy statement of these bodies in the urban setting within which they are inserted.
Understanding the influence of vinasse application on trash decomposition and its effects on soil chemical attributes and sugar cane culture is essential for the good management of the production system. The objective of this study was to assess the time of decomposition and nutrient cycling of the green ratoon cane's trash, and their effects on soil fertility and technological components of crops, in terms of vinasse doses. The study was developed in the northwest region of Sao Paulo State - Brazil, under Eutrophic Ultisol, using the RB855453 variety. The experimental design was randomized blocks with split plot in time. The treatments were composed of four doses of vinasse (0, 50, 100 and 200 m(3) ha(-1)). There was a 20.9% reduction in the amount of crop residue remaining after one year review. The vinasse doses increased the ratoon cane's yield, without interfering in the raw material quality. The green cane system, in which the trash is deposited on the soil and vinasse application, changes the dynamics of the trash decomposition and modifies the soil fertility, contributing positively to the crop yield.
[ES]La respiración es un proceso fisiológico común a todos los organismos marinos. En los estudios oceanográficos se ha determinado, comúnmente, mediante la cuantificación del consumo de oxígeno de organismos incubados en botellas. Esta metodología es tediosa y lenta, por lo que Packard et al. (1971) propusieron el uso del análisis bioquímico basado en la actividad de las enzimas implicadas en la respiración, el Sistema de Transporte de Electrones (ETS). Este análisis mide la velocidad máxima que dichas enzimas pueden tener, determinando la respiración potencial de los organismos. Dicha velocidad estará controlada por la disponibilidad intracelular de sus sustratos, los piridín nucleótidos (NADH y NADPH). En el presente trabajo, se ha analizado el metabolismo respiratorio, a través de medidas del ETS y de los piridín nucleótidos, tanto en el dinoflagelado Oxyrrhis marina en estudios de laboratorio, como en organismos recogidos del medio marino durante la campaña de circunnavegación MALASPINA 2010