821 resultados para Olive
A contaminação fúngica acarreta alterações na qualidade nutricional e no valor econômico de produtos alimentícios podendo causar danos patológicos em plantas, animais e humanos. A identificação da atividade antioxidante, antifúngica e antimicotoxinas, em extratos de microalgas com propriedade de inibir a multiplicação de fungos e subseqüente produção de micotoxinas abre a perspectiva de empregar substâncias mais eficientes e com maior ação específica contra estes microorganismos. Entre os compostos com propriedades inibidoras de radicais livres, de crescimento fúngico e produção de micotoxinas, destacam-se os compostos fenólicos, que podem inibir a atividade metabólica microbiana, dificultando a atividade de enzimas. Neste estudo foram avaliados o poder de inibição de multiplicação fúngica de Rhizopus oryzae e Aspergillus flavus pelos extratos fenólicos de Chlorella sp. e Spirulina platensis, bem como sua atividade antioxidante, e a atividade antimicotoxinas da última microalga contra Aspergillus flavus. O conteúdo de fenóis totais foi em média 1000 µgfenóis/g Spirulina platensis e 600 µgfenóis/g Chlorella sp., sendo que o acido gálico e o cafeíco foram identificados como compostos majoritários na Spirulina platensis. As determinações de glicosamina (parede celular) e ergosterol (membrana celular) mostraram-se bons indicativos do desenvolvimento microbiano permitindo uma boa estimativa da inibição dele. O extrato fenólico de Spirulina platensis apresentou capacidade de inibir cerca de 50% a formação da parede e da membrana celular para ambos os fungos estudados e de 100% a produção de aflatoxina B1 até o 10º dia de cultivo do Aspergillus flavus. Além disso, o extrato metanólico de Spirulina platensis inativou 53,5% o DPPH reativo, limitou o escurecimento enzimático ocasionado pela peroxidase em 55% e inibiu a peroxidação lipídica em 46% após 14 dias de armazenamento sob luz. Estes resultados mostram que a ação antifúngica, antimicotoxinas e antioxidante está naturalmente presente em alguns tecidos microbianos e que encontrar a forma de extraí-los e aplicá-los como conservantes alimentícios é muito promissor para substituição aos antifúngicos e outros conservantes químicos.
The competitiveness in the rural sector and the need to make viable and sustainable property, direct the farmer to seek new production strategies. In this sense, the book Techniques of sustainable agricultural management has as objective contributed information on concepts, management practices, technological innovations, which are applicable in the agricultural production. The same is composed of 13 chapters, topics covered in aquaculture production, management and dairy production, as general aspects of hematology fish; dynamics of decision-making and adaptive flow dairy production systems; importance of performance measures and body biometrics in small ruminants; milk production in beef cows; parasitism in beef cattle; performance of dairy cows in production; efficiency of cross beef cattle in finishing phase; development of Marchangus: five years; and, bovine growth efficiency. In vegetable production area are addressed matters relating on management and olive cultivation, species of great economic importance and diversification as alternative on the property; functional foods in fruit and vegetables; influence of environmental factors, harvesting and drying in the production and composition of essential oils of Mentha spp; and, implication of the contamination of corn grain by mycotoxins in livestock production. At the end of the book, the expectation of the authors is to have contributed with relevant themes of Brazilian agriculture, which could reflect positively on knowledge, values and quality of available material.
Probióticos são definidos como microrganismos vivos, que quando administrados em quantidades adequadas, conferem benefícios à saúde do hospedeiro. Atualmente a pesquisa de microrganismos probióticos a partir da fermentação da azeitona tem-se centrado nas bactérias ácido-lácticas, sendo escassos os estudos envolvendo leveduras. No presente trabalho avaliou-se o potencial probiótico de estirpes de leveduras previamente isoladas durante o processo de fermentação natural de azeitona de mesada cultivar Negrinha de Freixo. Foram avaliadas 16 estirpes em relação à atividade enzimática (catalase, amilase, xilanase, protease e β-glucosidase); ao crescimento a 37ºC; ação inibitória frente a microrganismos patogénicos; capacidade de autoagregação; atividade antioxidante (utilizando o método de DPPH); e resistência ao aparelho digestivo humano, a partir de uma simulação in vitro da digestão gástrica e pancreática. Os resultados apresentados para a atividade enzimática indicaram que em alguns isolados foi detetado fraca atividade das enzimas protease, xilanase e amilase. Já uma atividade forte de lipase foi observada nas estirpes Pichia manshurica e Saccharomyces cerevisiae (15A e 15B). Para a enzima β-glucosidase, identificou-se atividade forte em Rhodotorula graminis, Rhodotorula glutinis, Candida norvegica, Pichia guilliermondii e Galactomyces reessii. Relativamente à capacidade de crescimento à temperatura corporal (37ºC), três estirpes (Saccharomyces cerevisiae 15B; Candida tropicalis 1A; e Pichia membranifaciens 29A) destacaram-se por apresentar maior taxa específica de crescimento. A capacidade bloqueadora dos radicais livres DPPH foi verificada em 10 estirpes, sendo as estirpes de S. cerevisiae as que mais se destacaram dentre as outras. As estirpes C. norvegica e G. reessii (34A) apresentaram capacidade antifúngica frente ao microrganismo patogénico Cryptococcus neoformans. Em relação à capacidade de autoagregação avaliada, as estirpes S. cerevisiae (15A), Candida tropicalis (1A) e C. norvegica (7A) apresentaram ao fim de 24 horas percentagens superiores a 80%. Relativamenteà resistência frente às condições presentes no trato gastrointestinal in vitro, a estirpe P. guilliermondii (25A), destacou-se dentre as demais, por apresentar maior capacidade de sobrevivência em todo o processo digestivo simulado. As estirpes Candida boidinii (37A) e S. cerevisiae (15A) apresentaram menor capacidade de sobrevivência nestas condições. Contudo, serão necessários testes adicionais para complementar estes resultados.
As azeitonas de mesa são consumidas e apreciadas em todo o mundo e, embora a sua classificação comercial não seja legalmente exigida, o Conselho Oleícola Internacional sugere que seja regulamentada com base na avaliação sensorial por um painel de provadores. A implementação de tal requer o cumprimento de diretrizes estabelecidas pelo Conselho Oleícola Internacional, resultando numa tarefa complexa, demorada e cujas avaliações não estão isentas de subjetividade. Neste trabalho, pela primeira vez, uma língua eletrónica foi utilizada com o intuito de classificar azeitonas de mesa em categorias comerciais, estipuladas com base na presença e na mediana das intensidades do defeito organolético predominante percebido pelo painel de provadores. Modelos de discriminação lineares foram estabelecidos com base em subconjuntos de sinais potenciométricos de sensores da língua eletrónica, selecionados recorrendo ao algoritmo de arrefecimento simulado. Os desempenhos qualitativo de previsão dos modelos de classificação estabelecidos foram avaliados recorrendo à técnica de validação cruzada leave-one-out e à técnica de validação cruzada K-folds com repetição, que permite minimizar o risco de sobreajustamento, permitindo obter resultados mais realistas. O potencial desta abordagem qualitativa, baseada nos perfis eletroquímicos gerados pela língua eletrónica, foi satisfatoriamente demonstrado: (i) na classificação correta (sensibilidades ≥ 93%) de soluções padrão (ácido n-butírico, 2-mercaptoetanol e ácido ciclohexanocarboxílico) de acordo com o defeito sensorial que mimetizam (butírico, pútrido ou sapateira); (ii) na classificação correta (sensibilidades ≥ 93%) de amostras de referência de azeitonas e salmouras (presença de um defeito único intenso) de acordo com o tipo de defeito percebido (avinhado-avinagrado, butírico, mofo, pútrido ou sapateira), e selecionadas pelo painel de provadores; e, (iii) na classificação correta (sensibilidade ≥ 86%) de amostras de azeitonas de mesa com grande heterogeneidade, contendo um ou mais defeitos organoléticos percebidos pelo painel de provadores nas azeitona e/ou salmouras, de acordo com a sua categoria comercial (azeitona extra sem defeito, extra, 1ª escolha, 2ª escolha e azeitonas que não podem ser comercializadas como azeitonas de mesa). Por fim, a capacidade língua eletrónica em quantificar as medianas das intensidades dos atributos negativos detetados pelo painel nas azeitonas de mesa foi demonstrada recorrendo a modelos de regressão linear múltipla-algoritmo de arrefecimento simulado, com base em subconjuntos selecionados de sinais gerados pela língua eletrónica durante a análise potenciométrica das azeitonas e salmouras. O xii desempenho de previsão dos modelos quantitativos foi validado recorrendo às mesmas duas técnicas de validação cruzada. Os modelos estabelcidos para cada um dos 5 defeitos sensoriais presentes nas amostras de azeitona de mesa, permitiram quantificar satisfatoriamente as medianas das intensidades dos defeitos (R² ≥ 0,97). Assim, a qualidade satisfatória dos resultados qualitativos e quantitativos alcançados permite antever, pela primeira vez, uma possível aplicação prática das línguas eletrónicas como uma ferramenta de análise sensorial de defeitos em azeitonas de mesa, podendo ser usada como uma técnica rápida, económica e útil na avaliação organolética de atributos negativos, complementar à tradicional análise sensorial por um painel de provadores.
La falda de la sierra cordobesa forma un espacio unitario íntimamente conectado geográfica, emocional y económicamente con la ciudad. En este espacio se sitúan elementos históricos tan importantes como el heredamiento de la Albaida o, sobre todo, la dehesa de Córdoba la Vieja, que recibe este nombre por encontrarse en su interior las ruinas de la antigua ciudad omeya de Madinat al-Zahra. Tradicionalmente se ha presentado este espacio como una amplia dehesa dedicada a la ganadería extensiva. Sin embargo, un estudio más detallado de las fuentes documentales disponibles nos muestra un paisaje diversificado en el que, junto con los pastos para el ganado, abundan olivares, viñas y huertas que fueron fundamentales para el abastecimiento de los mercados de la ciudad de Córdoba durante la Baja Edad Media.
El olivar español es el primer productor mundial de aceite (40%) y de aceituna de mesa (25%). La mayor parte del olivar no es rentable y es clave reducir sus costes. Dado que la recolección supone del orden del 50% de su valor, en ella se deben centrar los esfuerzos. No existe una solución única válida para la recolección de todos los tipos de olivar, aunque, en olivares modernos de media y de alta densidad existe un alto grado de mecanización. Sin embargo, el olivar tradicional, que representa casi el 70% del total, no dispone de una cosechadora. Su introducción supondría un cambio tecnológico y una innovación clave para este tipo de olivar. La presente memoria expone los resultados obtenidos en I+D+i con el objetivo principal de desarrollar la primera cosechadora para la recolección integral de olivar tradicional. En una primera fase, se realizó un estudio de un sistema sacudidor de copa procedente de cítricos para su aplicación a olivar, determinando las características de la sacudida y del funcionamiento de la máquina en campo. Posteriormente, se completaron estos estudios, determinado la forma y zona de caída de los frutos. Por último, se desarrolló un sistema de recepción, logística, limpieza y almacenaje del fruto para incorporación de, alcanzándose resultados muy prometedores en la recolección integral del árbol. En fases posteriores, se realizó una caracterización de árboles y plantaciones tradicionales para poder realizar un diseño específico de sistema de derribo adaptado a esta tipología. Tras un proceso de investigación sobre los principios de la sacudida de la copa y el desprendimiento de los frutos, se avanzó en el diseño y fabricación de nuevos sistemas de sacudida de copa, así como en el desarrollo de tecnología para el copiado automático del contorno del árbol. Los nuevos sistemas para derribar las aceitunas alcanzaron resultados prometedores para su aplicación al olivar tradicional, adaptándose a su morfología y a las características singulares de sus árboles. Finalmente, fruto del trabajo realizado en la línea 1 del convenio Mecaolivar, toda la investigación desarrollada se materializó en la fabricación de un prototipo de cosechadora con sistema sacudidor de copa para el olivar tradicional. Estas máquinas demuestran la viabilidad de la cosecha integral de los olivos tradicionales.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Tecnologia de Alimentos, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
Food consumption and risk of malnutrition in community-dwelling very old Spanish adults (≥ 80 years)
Introduction: There are few studies assessing overall diet and food patterns of the oldest population. Objectives: To examine food groups consumption (grams and servings) and their compliance with the dietary guidelines in community-dwelling very old Spanish adults. The relationship with the risk of malnutrition was also studied. Methods: Within the cross-sectional health study of elderly people of Villanueva de la Cañada (Madrid, Spain), in 98 non-institutionalized elders aged ≥ 80 years (66% women) food consumption was calculated from a 24-hour dietary recall and nutritional risk was assessed by Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA). Statistical significance was evaluated at 95% confidence level (p < 0.05). Results: Men consumed significantly higher amounts of snacks/pickles and alcoholic beverages. The consumption of cereals/grain products (2 servings/day), vegetables (1.5 servings/day) and meat, fish, eggs (1.4 servings/day), was below desirable levels. As nutritional status got worse, fruit consumption was significantly smaller (p = 0.039). Relatively weak but highly significant correlations were found between MNA and oils/fats, fruits and alcoholic beverages. After adjustment for energy intake, oils and fats and fruits associations disappeared whereas a negative association between milk/dairy products and MNA was found. Conclusions: Dietary patterns of the elderly population of Villanueva are departing from the traditional Mediterranean diet and though adequate consumption of fruits, milk/dairy products, oils/fats and sugar/confectionery has been achieved, cereals/grain products, vegetables and the meat,fish,eggs group consumption was below the desirable levels. Deterioration of the nutritional status coincided with a reduction in the consumption of all food groups except for ready meals and milk/dairy products whose consumption increased. Further research on the influence of fruit, milk/dairy products, wine and olive oil consumption on nutritional status is required.
Background: High-fat diets may contribute to metabolic disease via postprandial changes in serum endotoxin and inflammation. It is unclear how dietary fat composition may alter these parameters. We hypothesized that a meal rich in n-3 (ω3) fatty acids would reduce endotoxemia and associated inflammation but a saturated or n-6 (ω6) fatty acid-rich meal would increase postprandial serum endotoxin concentrations and systemic inflammation in healthy adults. Methods: Healthy adults (n = 20; mean age 25 ± 3.2 S.D. years) were enrolled in this single-blind, randomized, cross-over study. Participants were randomized to treatment and reported to the laboratory, after an overnight fast, on four occasions separated by at least one week. Participants were blinded to treatment meal and consumed one of four isoenergetic meals that provided: 1) 20 % fat (control; olive oil) or 35 % fat provided from 2) n-3 (ω3) (DHA = 500 mg; fish oil); 3) n-6 (ω6) (7.4 g; grapeseed oil) or 4) saturated fat (16 g; coconut oil). Baseline and postprandial blood samples were collected. Primary outcome was defined as the effect of treatment meal on postprandial endotoxemia. Serum was analyzed for metabolites, inflammatory markers, and endotoxin. Data from all 20 participants were analyzed using repeated-measures ANCOVA. Results: Participant serum endotoxin concentration was increased during the postprandial period after the consumption of the saturated fat meal but decreased after the n-3 meal (p < 0.05). The n-6 meal did not effect a different outcome in participant postprandial serum endotoxin concentration from that of the control meal (p > 0.05). There was no treatment meal effect on participant postprandial serum biomarkers of inflammation. Postprandial serum triacylglycerols were significantly elevated following the n-6 meal compared to the n-3 meal. Non-esterified fatty acids were significantly increased after consumption of the saturated fat meal compared to other treatment meals. Conclusions: Meal fatty acid composition modulates postprandial serum endotoxin concentration in healthy adults. However, postprandial endotoxin was not associated with systemic inflammation in vivo. Trial registration: This study was retrospectively registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT02521779 on July 28, 2015.
Traditional popular poetry follows a certain culture and has a literary canon that is very different from written poetry by educated authors. Among the elements that distinguish this poetry and that emphasize the continual presence of symbolism, which is manifested in the connotative reading of the texts, is a symbolism that refers to eroticism and to the romantic relationships of men. In these folk songs nature acquires a distinct meaning of love, for example by means of the presence of the olive as a frequent motif in Andalusian, Hispanic and European songs.
In Alentejo region, southern Portugal, differences in groundwater samples from six groundwater bodies covered with different land uses were analysed based on the monitoring plan of the Alqueva multi-purpose project, created in the sequence of the construction of the Alqueva Dam on the Guadiana River, in South Portugal. For most of the groundwater bodies there is a statistical significant difference between magnesium, sulphate, chloride, and phosphate. All of these ions are strongly correlated with land use management. Groundwater, where land is covered by olive groves, has high levels of electric conductivity, calcium, potassium, sulphate, and phosphate. Dry land crops are correlated with calcium, magnesium, chloride and consequently, electric conductivity, phosphates and sulphate. Vineyards are strongly correlated with high sulphate and phosphate levels. This study clearly shows that different land uses within a certain groundwater body influence the water quality in a different way. Therefore, an appropriate soil management should be adjusted to each situation, taking into account the aquifer matrix and the overlying soil.
In this work we used the information of the Annual Hunting Reports (AHRs) to obtain a high-resolution model of the potential favourableness for wild rabbit harvesting in Andalusia (southern Spain), using environmental and land-use variables as predictors. We analysed 32,134 AHRs from the period 1993/2001 reported by 6049 game estates to estimate the average hunting yields of wild rabbit in each Andalusian municipality (n5771). We modelled the favourableness for obtaining good hunting yields using stepwise logistic regression on a set of climatic, orographical, land use, and vegetation variables. The favourability equation was used to create a downscaled image representing the favourableness of obtaining good hunting yields for the wild rabbit in 161 km squares in Andalusia, using the Idrisi Image Calculator. The variables that affected hunting yields of wild rabbit were altitude, dry wood crops (mainly olive groves, almond groves, and vineyards), temperature, pasture, slope, and annual number of frost days. The 161 km squares with high favourableness values are scattered throughout the territory, which seems to be caused mainly by the effect of vegetation. Finally, we obtained quality categories for the territory by combining the probability values given by logistic regression with those of the environmental favourability function.
The impact of different irrigation scheduling regimes on the water use, yield and water productivity from a high-density olive grove cv. Cobrançosa in southern Portugal was assessed during the irrigation seasons of 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. The experiments were conducted in a commercial olive orchard at the Herdade Álamo de Cima, near Évora (38o 29' 49.44'' N, 7o 45' 8.83'' W; alt. 75 m) in southern Alentejo, Portugal. The orchard was established with 10-year old Cobrançosa trees in grids of 8.0 x 4.2 m (300 trees ha-1) in the E-W direction, and experiments conducted on a shallow sandy loam Regosoil Haplic soil. From mid-May to the end of September the orchard was irrigated and three plots were subjected to one of two irrigation treatments: a control treatment A, irrigated to replace 100% ETc, a moderate deficit irrigation treatment B irrigated to 70% of ETc, and a more severe deficit irrigation treatment C that provided for approximately 50% of ETc. Daily tree transpiration rates were obtained by continuously monitoring of sap flow in representative trees per treatment. Among the irrigated treatments, water use efficiency (WUE, ratio of water used to irrigation- water applied) of treatment C was the highest, with a value of 0.89, being treatment B slightly lower, with a WUE of 0.76. Olive harvest for 2012 was an exceptional “on year”. Bearing yields showed contrasting differences within years where an “on year” was followed by an “off year”. In 2011 and 2012 treatment B yields were 41 and 50% higher than treatment C, respectively. In 2013 treatment B yield was 45% higher than yield of the fully irrigated treatment A, and treatment C showed practically the same yield than treatment A. In the “on year” of 2014 treatment B averaged 48% higher yield than treatment C. Treatment B farm irrigation water productivity (WPI-Farm, ratio of yield to water applied) was the highest among all treatments. Treatment A showed the lowest conversion efficiency of all treatments, indicating treatment B as the adequate deficit irrigation treatment for our Cobrançosa orchard
Several studies have suggested that differences in the natural rooting ability of plant cuttings could be attributed to differences in endogenous auxin levels. Hence, during rooting experiments, it is important to be able to routinely monitor the evolution of endogenous levels of plant hormones. This work reports the development of a new method for the quantification of free auxins in auxin-treated Olea europaea (L.) explants, using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (DLLME) and microwave assisted derivatization (MAD) followed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis. Linear ranges of 0.5–500 ng mL 1 and 1–500 mg mL 1 were used for the quantification of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), respectively. Determined by serial dilutions, the limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) were 0.05 ng mL 1 and 0.25 ng mL 1, respectively for both compounds. When using the calibration curve for determination, the LOQ corresponded to 0.5 ng mL 1 (IAA) and 0.5 mg mL 1 (IBA). The proposed method proved to be substantially faster than other alternatives, and allowed free auxin quantification in real samples of semi-hardwood cuttings and microshoots of two olive cultivars. The concentrations found in the analyzed samples are in the range of 0.131–0.342 mg g 1 (IAA) and 20–264 mg g 1 (IBA).
Background and Aim: Although grasses and olive are the most relevant allergenic species in the Alentejo region, aggravation of allergic symptoms in the early spring, unrelated with those species pollen seasons, has been reported, particularly in urban environment. Plane trees, hence pollen, are highly abundant in the city of Évora, nonetheless allergen pollen profile has not yet been evaluated. The aim of this work was to characterize the allergen profile of pollen from Platanus hybrida, one of the most representative species in Evora showing pollination prior to the main pollen season in Alentejo. Methods: Pollen from Platanus hybrida and Dactylis glomerata was extracted with ammonium bicarbonate buffer, lyophilized and stored at -80ºC until analysis. Protein content was determined by the Bradford method. SDS-PAGE followed by western blot, using allergic patient sera (obtained from the Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora – HESE), were performed to evaluate the allergen profile of the pollen. Sensitization and cross-reactivity was assessed by solid phase immunoblot. Results: Half of the patient exhibited sensitization to pollen extracts of P. Hybrida. Western blot have shown several immunoreactive bands in the Mr 10-90 kDa range. Immunoreactive bands were also observed in the protein profile according to the pI in the pI range 4.0-6.1. Cross-reactivity of P. hybrida with D. glomerata was found. Although several bands are common to D. glomerata, a band with ~50kDa was observed in P. hybrida but not in D. glometata. Conclusion: These results evidenced allergens found in P. hybrida pollen. Moreover, cross–reactivity between P. hybrida and highly allergenic species such as D. glomerata was found which probably contributes for aggravation of pollinosis in the early spring. Acknowledgments: This work was supported by FEDER through the “Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade – COMPETE” (Strategic projects of ICAAM and ICT 2013-2015).