981 resultados para Oligonucleotide Arrays


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Background. Multiple myeloma (MM) is the second most common hematologic malignancy after lymphomas In Finland: the annual incidence of MM is approximately 200. For three decades the median survival remained at 3 to 4 years from diagnosis until high-dose melphalan treatment supported by autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) became the standard of care for newly diagnosed MM since the mid 1990’s and the median survival increased to 5 – 6 years. This study focuses on three important aspects of ASCT, namely 1) stem cell mobilization, 2) single vs. double ASCT as initial treatment, and 3) the role of minimal residual disease (MRD) for longterm outcome. Aim. The aim of this series of studies was to evaluate the outcomes of MM patients and the ASCT procedure at the Turku University Central Hospital, Finland. First, we tried to identify which factors predict unsuccessful mobilization of autologous stem cells. Second, we compared the use of short-acting granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (GCSF) with long-acting G-CSF as mobilization agents. Third, one and two successive ASCTs were compared in 100 patients with MM. Fourth, for patients in complete response (CR) after stem cell transplantation (SCT), patient-specific probes for quantitative allele-specific oligonucleotide polymerase-chain reaction (qASO-PCR) measurements were designed to evaluate MRD and its importance for long-term outcome. Results. The quantity of previous chemotherapy and previous interferon use were significant pre-mobilization factors that predicted mobilization failure, together with some factors related to mobilization therapy itself, such as duration and degree of cytopenias and occurrence of sepsis. Short-acting and long-acting G-CSF combined with chemotherapy were comparable as stem cells mobilizers. The progression free (PFS) and overall survival (OS) tended to be longer after double ASCT than after single ASCT with a median follow-up time of 4 years, but this difference disappeared as the follow-up time increased. qASO-PCR was a good and sensitive divider of the CR patients into two prognostic groups: MRD low/negative (≤ 0.01%) and MRD high (>0.01%) groups with a significant difference in PFS and suggestively also in OS. Conclusions. When the factors prediciting a poor outcome of stem cell mobilization prevail, it is possible to identify those patients who need specific efforts to maximize the mobilization efficacy. Long-acting pegfilgrastim is a practical and effective alternative to short-acting filgrastim for mobilization therapy. There is no need to perform double ASCT on all eligible patients. MRD assessment with qASO-PCR is a sensitive method for evaluation of the depth of the CR response and can be used to predict long-term outcome after ACST.


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High-throughput screening of cellular effects of RNA interference (RNAi) libraries is now being increasingly applied to explore the role of genes in specific cell biological processes and disease states. However, the technology is still limited to specialty laboratories, due to the requirements for robotic infrastructure, access to expensive reagent libraries, expertise in high-throughput screening assay development, standardization, data analysis and applications. In the future, alternative screening platforms will be required to expand functional large-scale experiments to include more RNAi constructs, allow combinatorial loss-of-function analyses (e.g. genegene or gene-drug interaction), gain-of-function screens, multi-parametric phenotypic readouts or comparative analysis of many different cell types. Such comprehensive perturbation of gene networks in cells will require a major increase in the flexibility of the screening platforms, throughput and reduction of costs. As an alternative for the conventional multi-well based high-throughput screening -platforms, here the development of a novel cell spot microarray method for production of high density siRNA reverse transfection arrays is described. The cell spot microarray platform is distinguished from the majority of other transfection cell microarray techniques by the spatially confined array layout that allow highly parallel screening of large-scale RNAi reagent libraries with assays otherwise difficult or not applicable to high-throughput screening. This study depicts the development of the cell spot microarray method along with biological application examples of high-content immunofluorescence and phenotype based cancer cell biological analyses focusing on the regulation of prostate cancer cell growth, maintenance of genomic integrity in breast cancer cells, and functional analysis of integrin protein-protein interactions in situ.


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Our understanding of the pathogenesis of organ‐specific autoinflammation has been restricted by limited access to the target organs. Peripheral blood, however, as a preferred transportation route for immune cells, provides a window to assess the entire immune system throughout the body. Transcriptional profiling with RNA stabilizing blood collection tubes reflects in vivo expression profiles at the time the blood is drawn, allowing detection of the disease activity in different samples or within the same sample over time. The main objective of this Ph.D. study was to apply gene‐expression microarrays in the characterization of peripheral blood transcriptional profiles in patients with autoimmune diseases. To achieve this goal a custom cDNA microarray targeted for gene‐expression profiling of human immune system was designed and produced. Sample collection and preparation was then optimized to allow gene‐expression profiling from whole‐blood samples. To overcome challenges resulting from minute amounts of sample material, RNA amplification was successfully applied to study pregnancy related immunosuppression in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Furthermore, similar sample preparation was applied to characterize longitudinal genome‐wide expression profiles in children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) associated autoantibodies and eventually clinical T1D. Blood transcriptome analyses, using both the ImmunoChip cDNA microarray with targeted probe selection and genome‐wide Affymetrix U133 Plus 2.0 oligonucleotide array, enabled monitoring of autoimmune activity. Novel disease related genes and general autoimmune signatures were identified. Notably, down‐regulation of the HLA class Ib molecules in peripheral blood was associated with disease activity in both MS and T1D. Taken together, these studies demonstrate the potential of peripheral blood transcriptional profiling in biomedical research and diagnostics. Imbalances in peripheral blood transcriptional activity may reveal dynamic changes that are relevant for the disease but might be completely missed in conventional cross‐sectional studies.


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Kiristyvät päästörajoitukset ja muuttuvat säädökset ovat muokanneet laivanrakennusalaa energiatehokkaampaan ja ympäristöystävällisempään suuntaan. Energiatehokkuutta tutkitaan yksittäisistä laiteratkaisuista laivan operointitasolle asti. Tämä työ on tehty osana STX Finland Oy:n laivojen energiatehokkuuden tutkimusta. Työn tarkoituksena oli uudistaa laivojen sähkötaseen laskennassa käytettyjä kuormitustaulukoita ja kehittää operointialueen vaikutuksia huomioiva laskentamenetelmä. Uudistuksen taustalla oli tieto operointialueiden ympäristöolosuhteiden vaikutuksista sähkönkulutukseen ja työn tarkoituksena oli mahdollistaa suunnittelun myöhäisemmässä vaiheessa tehtävä operointialuekohtainen sähkönkulutustarkastelu. Sähkötaseen laskenta haluttiin vastaamaan enemmän todellista sähkönkulutusta. Aikaisemmin käytetystä mitoitusperusteisesta laskennasta haluttiin siirtyä todellisempien kuormien arviointiin laitteiden ja muuntajien turhan ylimitoituksen poistamiseksi. Kuormitustaulukoiden toimintaa yksinkertaistettiin ja taulukoista tehtiin helpommin mukautuvia, jotta erilaisten operointitilanteiden vertailu olisi mahdollista. Perinteisen taselaskennan rinnalle kehitettiin operointialueiden vaikutuksia huomioivat laskentataulukot. Uudet taulukot huomioivat komponenttien sähkönkulutuksen prosentuaalisen muutoksen operointialueittain sekä yksilöllisesti että kulutusryhmittäin. Laskentataulukoiden yhteyteen tehtiin kuvaajat havainnollistamaan alueittaisia kulutuseroja.


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The number of molecular diagnostic assays has increased tremendously in recent years.Nucleic acid diagnostic assays have been developed, especially for the detection of human pathogenic microbes and genetic markers predisposing to certain diseases. Closed-tube methods are preferred because they are usually faster and easier to perform than heterogenous methods and in addition, target nucleic acids are commonly amplified leading to risk of contamination of the following reactions by the amplification product if the reactions are opened. The present study introduces a new closed-tube switchable complementation probes based PCR assay concept where two non-fluorescent probes form a fluorescent lanthanide chelate complex in the presence of the target DNA. In this dual-probe PCR assay method one oligonucleotide probe carries a non-fluorescent lanthanide chelate and another probe a light absorbing antenna ligand. The fluorescent lanthanide chelate complex is formed only when the non-fluorescent probes are hybridized to adjacent positions into the target DNA bringing the reporter moieties in close proximity. The complex is formed by self-assembled lanthanide chelate complementation where the antenna ligand is coordinated to the lanthanide ion captured in the chelate. The complementation probes based assays with time-resolved fluorescence measurement showed low background signal level and hence, relatively high nucleic acid detection sensitivity (low picomolar target concentration). Different lanthanide chelate structures were explored and a new cyclic seven dentate lanthanide chelate was found suitable for complementation probe method. It was also found to resist relatively high PCR reaction temperatures, which was essential for the PCR assay applications. A seven-dentate chelate with two unoccupied coordination sites must be used instead of a more stable eight- or nine-dentate chelate because the antenna ligand needs to be coordinated to the free coordination sites of the lanthanide ion. The previously used linear seven-dentate lanthanide chelate was found to be unstable in PCR conditions and hence, the new cyclic chelate was needed. The complementation probe PCR assay method showed high signal-to-background ratio up to 300 due to a low background fluorescence level and the results (threshold cycles) in real-time PCR were reached approximately 6 amplification cycles earlier compared to the commonly used FRET-based closed-tube PCR method. The suitability of the complementation probe method for different nucleic acid assay applications was studied. 1) A duplex complementation probe C. trachomatis PCR assay with a simple 10-minute urine sample preparation was developed to study suitability of the method for clinical diagnostics. The performance of the C. trachomatis assay was equal to the commercial C. trachomatis nucleic acid amplification assay containing more complex sample preparation based on DNA extraction. 2) A PCR assay for the detection of HLA-DQA1*05 allele, that is used to predict the risk of type 1 diabetes, was developed to study the performance of the method in genotyping. A simple blood sample preparation was used where the nucleic acids were released from dried blood sample punches using high temperature and alkaline reaction conditions. The complementation probe HLA-DQA1*05 PCR assay showed good genotyping performance correlating 100% with the routinely used heterogenous reference assay. 3) To study the suitability of the complementation probe method for direct measurement of the target organism, e.g., in the culture media, the complementation probes were applied to amplificationfree closed-tube bacteriophage quantification by measuring M13 bacteriophage ssDNA. A low picomolar bacteriophage concentration was detected in a rapid 20- minute assay. The assay provides a quick and reliable alternative to the commonly used and relatively unreliable UV-photometry and time-consuming culture based bacteriophage detection methods and indicates that the method could also be used for direct measurement of other micro-organisms. The complementation probe PCR method has a low background signal level leading to a high signal-to-background ratio and relatively sensitive nucleic acid detection. The method is compatible with simple sample preparation and it was shown to tolerate residues of urine, blood, bacteria and bacterial culture media. The common trend in nucleic acid diagnostics is to create easy-to-use assays suitable for rapid near patient analysis. The complementation probe PCR assays with a brief sample preparation should be relatively easy to automate and hence, would allow the development of highperformance nucleic acid amplification assays with a short overall assay time.


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Binary probes are oligonucleotide probe pairs that hybridize adjacently to a complementary target nucleic acid. In order to detect this hybridization, the two probes can be modified with, for example, fluorescent molecules, chemically reactive groups or nucleic acid enzymes. The benefit of this kind of binary probe based approach is that the hybridization elicits a detectable signal which is distinguishable from background noise even though unbound probes are not removed by washing before measurement. In addition, the requirement of two simultaneous binding events increases specificity. Similarly to binary oligonucleotide probes, also certain enzymes and fluorescent proteins can be divided into two parts and used in separation-free assays. Split enzyme and fluorescent protein reporters have practical applications among others as tools to investigate protein-protein interactions within living cells. In this study, a novel label technology, switchable lanthanide luminescence, was introduced and used successfully in model assays for nucleic acid and protein detection. This label technology is based on a luminescent lanthanide chelate divided into two inherently non-luminescent moieties, an ion carrier chelate and a light harvesting antenna ligand. These form a highly luminescent complex when brought into close proximity; i.e., the label moieties switch from a dark state to a luminescent state. This kind of mixed lanthanide complex has the same beneficial photophysical properties as the more typical lanthanide chelates and cryptates - sharp emission peaks, long emission lifetime enabling time-resolved measurement, and large Stokes’ shift, which minimize the background signal. Furthermore, the switchable lanthanide luminescence technique enables a homogeneous assay set-up. Here, switchable lanthanide luminescence label technology was first applied to sensitive, homogeneous, single-target nucleic acid and protein assays with picomolar detection limits and high signal to background ratios. Thereafter, a homogeneous four-plex nucleic acid array-based assay was developed. Finally, the label technology was shown to be effective in discrimination of single nucleotide mismatched targets from fully matched targets and the luminescent complex formation was analyzed more thoroughly. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that the switchable lanthanide luminescencebased label technology can be used in various homogeneous bioanalytical assays.


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Paper-based analytical technologies enable quantitative and rapid analysis of analytes from various application areas including healthcare, environmental monitoring and food safety. Because paper is a planar, flexible and light weight substrate, the devices can be transported and disposed easily. Diagnostic devices are especially valuable in resourcelimited environments where diagnosis as well as monitoring of therapy can be made even without electricity by using e.g. colorimetric assays. On the other hand, platforms including printed electrodes can be coupled with hand-held readers. They enable electrochemical detection with improved reliability, sensitivity and selectivity compared with colorimetric assays. In this thesis, different roll-to-roll compatible printing technologies were utilized for the fabrication of low-cost paper-based sensor platforms. The platforms intended for colorimetric assays and microfluidics were fabricated by patterning the paper substrates with hydrophobic vinyl substituted polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) -based ink. Depending on the barrier properties of the substrate, the ink either penetrates into the paper structure creating e.g. microfluidic channel structures or remains on the surface creating a 2D analog of a microplate. The printed PDMS can be cured by a roll-ro-roll compatible infrared (IR) sintering method. The performance of these platforms was studied by printing glucose oxidase-based ink on the PDMS-free reaction areas. The subsequent application of the glucose analyte changed the colour of the white reaction area to purple with the colour density and intensity depending on the concentration of the glucose solution. Printed electrochemical cell platforms were fabricated on paper substrates with appropriate barrier properties by inkjet-printing metal nanoparticle based inks and by IR sintering them into conducting electrodes. Printed PDMS arrays were used for directing the liquid analyte onto the predetermined spots on the electrodes. Various electrochemical measurements were carried out both with the bare electrodes and electrodes functionalized with e.g. self assembled monolayers. Electrochemical glucose sensor was selected as a proof-of-concept device to demonstrate the potential of the printed electronic platforms.


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Ribonucleic acid (RNA) has many biological roles in cells: it takes part in coding, decoding, regulating and expressing of the genes as well as has the capacity to work as a catalyst in numerous biological reactions. These qualities make RNA an interesting object of various studies. Development of useful tools with which to investigate RNA is a prerequisite for more advanced research in the field. One of such tools may be the artificial ribonucleases, which are oligonucleotide conjugates that sequence-selectively cleave complementary RNA targets. This thesis is aimed at developing new efficient metal-ion-based artificial ribonucleases. On one hand, to solve the challenges related to solid-supported synthesis of metal-ion-binding conjugates of oligonucleotides, and on the other hand, to quantify their ability to cleave various oligoribonucleotide targets in a pre-designed sequence selective manner. In this study several artificial ribonucleases based on cleaving capability of metal ion chelated azacrown moiety were designed and synthesized successfully. The most efficient ribonucleases were the ones with two azacrowns close to the 3´- end of the oligonucleotide strand. Different transition metal ions were introduced into the azacrown moiety and among them, the Zn2+ ion was found to be better than Cu2+ and Ni2+ ions.


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Hb Köln was identified by DNA analysis in a Brazilian patient. A four-year old Brazilian female, with jaundice since birth, presented an abnormal band, between A2 and S, in hemoglobin electrophoresis on a cellulose acetate membrane, and a band with electrophoretic migration similar to Hb C on agar gel. Thermic instability and isopropanol precipitation tests were positive. Heinz bodies were observed in the patient’s peripheral blood. Sequencing of the three exons of the b globin gene detected a transition from G to A in the first position of codon 98. This alteration does not create or abolish any known restriction site. In this case, confirmation of the mutation was accomplished by allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization, which is a simple and fast identification method when the clinical data and hematological and electrophoretic patterns are suggestive of Hb Köln.


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Six hundred million people are at risk of infection by Schistosoma mansoni. MHC haplotypes have been reported to segregate with susceptibility to schistosomiasis in murine models. In humans, a major gene related to susceptibility/resistance to infection by S. mansoni (SM1) and displaying the mean fecal egg count as phenotype was detected by segregation analysis. This gene displayed a codominant mode of inheritance with an estimated frequency of 0.20-0.25 for the deleterious allele and accounted for more than 50% of the variance of infection levels. To determine if the SM1 gene segregates with the human MHC chromosomal region, we performed a linkage study by the lod score method. We typed for HLA-A, B, C, DR and DQ antigens in 11 informative families from an endemic area for schistosomiasis in Bahia, Brazil, by the microlymphocytotoxicity technique. HLA-DR typing by the polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP) and HLA-DQ were confirmed by PCR-sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes (PCR-SSOP). The lod scores for the different q values obtained clearly indicate that there is no physical linkage between HLA and SM1 genes. Thus, susceptibility or resistance to schistosomiasis, as defined by mean fecal egg count, is not primarily dependent on the host's HLA profile. However, if the HLA molecule plays an important role in specific immune responses to S. mansoni, this may involve the development of the different clinical aspects of the disease such as granuloma formation and development of hepatosplenomegaly.


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Group C rotaviruses are fastidious in their in vitro cell culture requirements. Recent serosurveys indicate that antibody to group C rotavirus is present in 3-45% of the human population in certain geographic locations, suggesting that rotavirus group C infection is more prevalent than previously believed and that the low rate of detection of these agents is probably due to the lack of sensitive diagnostic assays. From March to December 1994, 406 fecal specimens were collected from children under five years of age who were outpatients at the emergency services of nine public hospitals in Brasília, Federal District, Brazil. In addition to the samples from children, one public outpatient unit requested virological investigation of a stool sample from an HIV-seropositive adult male with diarrhea of sudden onset. All samples were analyzed by enzyme immunoassay for group A rotavirus and adenovirus (EIARA) and by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). One hundred and seven (26%) were positive for group A rotavirus. Four samples from children and the sample from the HIV-seropositive patient, although negative by EIARA, showed a group C rotavirus profile by PAGE and were positive for rotavirus by electron microscopy. Using specific VP6 and VP7 primers for group C rotavirus, a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed and products were detected by agarose gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. These products were confirmed to be specific for group C rotavirus by using digoxigenin-oligonucleotide probes, Southern hybridization and chemiluminescent detection. The five positive group C rotavirus samples were detected in August (3 samples) and September (2 samples). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of group C rotavirus detected in the Federal District, Brazil and in an HIV-seropositive patient with acute gastroenteritis.


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We have developed a procedure for nonradioactive single strand conformation polymorphism analysis and applied it to the detection of point mutations in the human tumor suppressor gene p53. The protocol does not require any particular facilities or equipment, such as radioactive handling, large gel units for sequencing, or a semiautomated electrophoresis system. This technique consists of amplification of DNA fragments by PCR with specific oligonucleotide primers, denaturation, and electrophoresis on small neutral polyacrylamide gels, followed by silver staining. The sensitivity of this procedure is comparable to other described techniques and the method is easy to perform and applicable to a variety of tissue specimens.


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As a result of recent investigations, the cytoskeleton can be viewed as a cytoplasmic system of interconnected filaments with three major integrative levels: self-assembling macromolecules, filamentous polymers, e.g., microtubules, intermediate filaments and actin filaments, and supramolecular structures formed by bundles of these filaments or networks resulting from cross-bridges between these major cytoskeletal polymers. The organization of this biological structure appears to be sensitive to fine spatially and temporally dependent regulatory signals. In differentiating neurons, regulation of cytoskeleton organization is particularly relevant, and the microtubule-associated protein (MAP) tau appears to play roles in the extension of large neuritic processes and axons as well as in the stabilization of microtubular polymers along these processes. Within this context, tau is directly involved in defining neuronal polarity as well as in the generation of neuronal growth cones. There is increasing evidence that elements of the extracellular matrix contribute to the control of cytoskeleton organization in differentiating neurons, and that these regulations could be mediated by changes in MAP activity. In this brief review, we discuss the possible roles of tau in mediating the effects of extracellular matrix components on the internal cytoskeletal arrays and its organization in growing neurons.


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Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the single most important infectious agent affecting recipients of organ transplants. To evaluate the incidence and the clinical importance of CMV infection in renal transplants in Brazil, 37 patients submitted to renal allograft transplants were tested periodically for the presence of cytomegalovirus DNA in urine using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and for the presence of IgM and IgG antibodies against CMV by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and indirect immunofluorescence (IIF). The PCR-amplified products were detected by gel electrophoresis and confirmed by dot-blot hybridization with oligonucleotide probes. Thirty-two of the 37 patients (86.4%) were positive by at least one of the three methods. In six patients, PCR was the only test which detected the probable CMV infection. Ten patients had a positive result by PCR before transplantation. In general, the diagnosis was achieved earlier by PCR than by serologic tests. Active infection occurred more frequently during the first four months after transplantation. Sixteen of the 32 patients (50%) with active CMV infection presented clinical symptoms consistent with CMV infection. Five patients without evidence of active CMV infection by the three tests had only minor clinical manifestations during follow-up. Our results indicate that PCR is a highly sensitive procedure for the early detection of CMV infection and that CMV infection in renal transplant patients is a frequent problem in Brazil.


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Vertebrate gap junctions are aggregates of transmembrane channels which are composed of connexin (Cx) proteins encoded by at least fourteen distinct genes in mammals. Since the same Cx type can be expressed in different tissues and more than one Cx type can be expressed by the same cell, the thorough identification of which connexin is in which cell type and how connexin expression changes after experimental manipulation has become quite laborious. Here we describe an efficient, rapid and simple method by which connexin type(s) can be identified in mammalian tissue and cultured cells using endonuclease cleavage of RT-PCR products generated from "multi primers" (sense primer, degenerate oligonucleotide corresponding to a region of the first extracellular domain; antisense primer, degenerate oligonucleotide complementary to the second extracellular domain) that amplify the cytoplasmic loop regions of all known connexins except Cx36. In addition, we provide sequence information on RT-PCR primers used in our laboratory to screen individual connexins and predictions of extension of the "multi primer" method to several human connexins.