988 resultados para Ohio State Bar Association.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Rock Hill Fire Department Records consist correspondence from W.H. Wylie, for whom Lake Wylie is named, to prominent Rock Hillian Mr. W.T. Roddey and to the Rock Hill Fire Department. Also included is a program book for the 33rd Annual Convention of South Carolina State Firemen’s Association held in Rock Hill in 1928. The program book lists officers of the Association, committee appointments, fire chiefs, in SC, Rock Hill city officials with brief biographical sketches and sketches of the history of SC State Firemen’s Association, city of Rock Hill and Winthrop College.


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We present and describe a catalog of galaxy photometric redshifts (photo-z) for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Co-add Data. We use the artificial neural network (ANN) technique to calculate the photo-z and the nearest neighbor error method to estimate photo-z errors for similar to 13 million objects classified as galaxies in the co-add with r < 24.5. The photo-z and photo-z error estimators are trained and validated on a sample of similar to 83,000 galaxies that have SDSS photometry and spectroscopic redshifts measured by the SDSS Data Release 7 (DR7), the Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology Field Galaxy Survey, the Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe Data Release 3, the VIsible imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph-Very Large Telescope Deep Survey, and the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey. For the best ANN methods we have tried, we find that 68% of the galaxies in the validation set have a photo-z error smaller than sigma(68) = 0.031. After presenting our results and quality tests, we provide a short guide for users accessing the public data.


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Abstract Background Swarm-founding epiponine wasps are an intriguing group of social insects in which colonies are polygynic (several queens share reproduction) and differentiation between castes is often not obvious. However, caste differences in some may be more pronounced in later phases of the colony cycle. Results Using morphometric analyses and multivariate statistics, it was found that caste differences in Metapolybia docilis are slight but more distinct in latter stages of the colony cycle. Conclusions Because differences in body parts are so slight, it is proposed that such variation may be due to differential growth rates of body parts rather than to queens being larger in size, similar to other previously observed epiponines.


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O vigor da semente tem sido avaliado por meio de testes fisiológicos, bioquímicos e de tolerância a estresse. Mais recentemente, com o uso da análise computadorizada de imagens de plântulas, podem ser obtidas informações objetivas, em período relativamente curto, com menor interferência humana. O objetivo nesta pesquisa foi identificar testes eficientes para avaliação do vigor de sementes de alface, com ênfase para a análise de imagens digitais de plântulas. Sementes de 12 lotes (seis da cultivar Vanda e seis da Vera) foram avaliadas por meio de testes de germinação, germinação a baixa temperatura (15ºC), emergência de plântulas e envelhecimento acelerado tradicional e com solução salina (NaCl 40%) saturada, a 41ºC/48 h e 41ºC/72 h. Utilizou-se, também, o sistema de análise computadorizada de imagens de plântulas (SVIS®), desenvolvido pela Ohio State University (EUA), que forneceu dados referentes ao índice de vigor, uniformidade e crescimento de plântulas. Os testes foram realizados a cada três meses, durante 12 meses de armazenamento, sob condições ambiente. Com base nos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que os testes de envelhecimento acelerado com uso de solução saturada de NaCl, a 41ºC por 48 e 72 horas e de velocidade de germinação, e os parâmetros obtidos com o software SVIS, índice de crescimento de plântulas e comprimento da raiz primária, são eficientes na avaliação do vigor de lotes de sementes de alface.


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Hybrid vehicles represent the future for automakers, since they allow to improve the fuel economy and to reduce the pollutant emissions. A key component of the hybrid powertrain is the Energy Storage System, that determines the ability of the vehicle to store and reuse energy. Though electrified Energy Storage Systems (ESS), based on batteries and ultracapacitors, are a proven technology, Alternative Energy Storage Systems (AESS), based on mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic devices, are gaining interest because they give the possibility of realizing low-cost mild-hybrid vehicles. Currently, most literature of design methodologies focuses on electric ESS, which are not suitable for AESS design. In this contest, The Ohio State University has developed an Alternative Energy Storage System design methodology. This work focuses on the development of driving cycle analysis methodology that is a key component of Alternative Energy Storage System design procedure. The proposed methodology is based on a statistical approach to analyzing driving schedules that represent the vehicle typical use. Driving data are broken up into power events sequence, namely traction and braking events, and for each of them, energy-related and dynamic metrics are calculated. By means of a clustering process and statistical synthesis methods, statistically-relevant metrics are determined. These metrics define cycle representative braking events. By using these events as inputs for the Alternative Energy Storage System design methodology, different system designs are obtained. Each of them is characterized by attributes, namely system volume and weight. In the last part the work, the designs are evaluated in simulation by introducing and calculating a metric related to the energy conversion efficiency. Finally, the designs are compared accounting for attributes and efficiency values. In order to automate the driving data extraction and synthesis process, a specific script Matlab based has been developed. Results show that the driving cycle analysis methodology, based on the statistical approach, allows to extract and synthesize cycle representative data. The designs based on cycle statistically-relevant metrics are properly sized and have satisfying efficiency values with respect to the expectations. An exception is the design based on the cycle worst-case scenario, corresponding to same approach adopted by the conventional electric ESS design methodologies. In this case, a heavy system with poor efficiency is produced. The proposed new methodology seems to be a valid and consistent support for Alternative Energy Storage System design.


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Higgins School of the Humanities/Difficult Dialogues: Video Recording from 11/16/2011 event featuring Cynthia Enloe and Frederick Luis Aldama titled "Inquiry and Reflection" Event Description: Freedom of inquiry (and the possibilities for discovery, insight and expanding knowledge that can flow from it) is fundamental to the experience of learning. Yet rarely do we pause to ask about inquiry itself, and to consider its practices. How do we best encourage authentic inquiry, in ourselves and in our students? To what do we give our attention, and why? What promotes the possibility of new discoveries and insights? Our guests for a conversation on inquiry are Frederick Luis Aldama of Ohio State University, a prolific scholar of wide-ranging interests, and Cynthia Enloe, research professor at Clark University, whose work is characterized by her subtle and provocative curiosity, and the asking of good questions.


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Digitization, sophisticated fiber-optic networks and the resultant convergence of the media, communications and information technology industries have completely transformed the communications ecosystem in the last couple of decades. New contingent business and social models were created that have been mirrored in the amended communications regimes. Yet, despite an overhaul of the communications regulation paradigm, the status of and the rules on universal service have remained surprisingly intact, both during and after the liberalization exercise. The present paper looks into this paradox and examines the sustainability of the existing concept of universal service. It suggests that there is a need for a novel concept of universal service in the digital networked communications environment, whose objectives go beyond the conventional internalizing and redistributional rationales and concentrate on communication and information networks as a public good, where not only access to infrastructure but also access to content may be essential.


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4 Briefe zwischen Max Horkheimer und Nicholas Jory; 3 Briefe zwischen Nicholas Jory und Frederick Pollock, 1956; 1 Brief von Frederick Pollock an die First National City Bank (New York), 27.04.1956; 1 Brief von dem Grand Hotel & Kurhaus (Bad Tarasp) an den "Gast", März 1956; 1 Brief von Franz Ollig an Frederick Pollock, 31.01.1956; 1 Brief von Erna Schroeter an Emmy Henne, 14.01.1956; 1 Brief von The State Bar of California (San Francisco) an Leo Salon, 21.11.1956; 1 Brief von Frederick Pollock an Hans Moeller, 16.10.1956; 2 Briefe zwischen Frederick Pollock und Frederick J. Wild, 1956; 1 Brief von Frederick Pollock an Alice H. Maier, 19.06.1956; 1 Brief von Frederick Pollock an Leo Löwenthal, 16.06.1956; 1 Brief von dem Hotel "Zum Schützen" (München) an Frederick Pollock, 28.05.1956;