952 resultados para Obesidade na adolescência


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To analyze influences of the physical activity and sedentary behaviors on indicators of both central and total body fat in male adolescents. Cross-sectional study with 60 male students of age range from 11 to 14 years old. It were evaluated the body mass, height, triceps skinfold, waist circumference, body fat percentage (bioelectrical impedance) and the physical activity level through questionnaire. The physical inactivity prevalence was of 35%, and the excessive total and central body fat were observed in 38.3% and 48.3% of the sample, respectively. There was association of the sedentary behaviors with the excessive total and central body fat (OR = 5.2 e OR = 6.4, respectively), however there was not for physical activity. The adoption of sedentary behaviors is associated at the development of the total and central obesity among male adolescents.


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OBJETIVOS: avaliar peso, altura, índice de massa corporal (IMC) e prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade de crianças e adolescentes de Presidente Prudente, São Paulo, Brasil. MÉTODOS: foram avaliados 1327 jovens (692 masculino e 635 feminino) com idade de 7 a 19 anos. Os dados foram coletados com o mesmo equipamento e seguindo procedimento padrão descrito na literatura. O teste t de Student para variáveis independentes foi utilizado para as comparações entre sexo (p<0,05), e foram calculados os percentis para cada idade. Utilizou-se o programa SPSS, versão-10.0. A plotagem das curvas foi realizada no programa Minitab, versão-14.0. Os percentis 85 e 95 serviram para classificação de sobrepeso e de obesidade e foram analisados em relação aos dois estudos mais aceitos internacionalmente. RESULTADOS o peso e a altura estão acima dos valores encontrados em outras regiões brasileiras e semelhantes a dos países desenvolvidos. O IMC revelou alta prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade, principalmente no sexo masculino, entre 7 e 10 anos. Esta prevalência foi menor no grupo feminino, especialmente entre as adolescentes. CONCLUSÕES: a amostra apresenta padrão de crescimento acima de outras regiões brasileiras e comparáveis a países desenvolvidos, entretanto o IMC indica alta prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a evolução e a classificação do peso corporal em relação aos resultados da cirurgia bariátrica em mulheres submetidas ao procedimento cirúrgico há mais de dois anos. SUJEITOS E MÉTODO: Foram avaliadas 141 mulheres submetidas à derivação gástrica em Y de Roux (DGYR) com anel de contenção. As participantes foram divididas de acordo com o tempo de pós-operatório e conforme o percentual da perda do excesso de peso (%PEP): < 50; 50 ┤ 75; e, > 75. RESULTADOS: As mulheres do grupo com %PEP < 50 (15,6%) se mantiveram obesas, enquanto aquelas que apresentaram %PEP > 75 (36,2%) situaram-se entre a eutrofia e préobesidade e tiveram menor índice de recuperação tardia de peso em relação aos demais grupos. CONCLUSÃO: A evolução de peso após dois ou mais anos da cirurgia mostrou sua esperada redução com variados graus de resposta, apontando a necessidade de monitoramento, investigação e intervenção para obtenção dos resultados esperados.


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Background: Obesity impairment to the pulmonary function related to the magnitude of adiposity and is associated with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and snoring, among others symptoms of respiratory disorders related to sleep. It is possible that obese individuals with excessive daytime sleepiness may make changes in lung function on spirometry monitored during the day as a consequence of fragmented sleep or episodes of nocturnal hypoventilation that cause respiratory and changes that can persist throughout the day. The combination of these findings alone sleepiness observed by subjective scales with pulmonary function in obese patients is unknown. Objective: To assess the influence of EDS and snoring on pulmonary function in morbidly obese and distinguish between different anthropometric markers, the snoring and sleepiness which the best predictors of spirometric function and respiratory muscle strength and endurance of these patients. Methods: We evaluated 40 morbidly obese markers on the anthropometric, spirometric respiratory variables, maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures (MIP and MEP) and maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) and the measured excessive daytime sleepiness (the Epworth sleepiness scale) and snoring (snoring scale of Stanford). The data were treated when the differences between the groups of obese patients with and without sleepiness, whereas the anthropometric variables, respiratory and snoring. Pearson's correlation was performed, and multiple regression analysis assessed the predictors of pulmonary function. For this we used the software SPSS 15.0 for windows and p <0.05. Results: 39 obese patients were included (28 women), age 36.92+11.97y, body mass index (BMI) 49.3+5.1kg/m², waist-hip ratio (WHR) 0.96+0.07 and neck circumference (NC) 44.1+4.2 cm. Spirometric values and respiratory pressures were up 80% of predicted values, except for endurance (MVV <80%). Obese with EDS have lower tidal volume. Positive correlation was observed between BMI and EDS, EDS and NC and between snoring and BMI, and negative correlation between EDS and tidal volume (TV), and between snoring and snoring FVC and FEV1. In linear regression the best predictor of pulmonary function was snoring, followed by NC. NC has more obese with higher strength (MEP, p = 0.031) and endurance (MVV p = 0.018) respiratory muscle. Conclusion: Obese with EDS tend to have lower TV. In addition, snoring and NC can better predict pulmonary function in obese when compared with other anthropometric markers or EDS. Obese patients with higher NC tend to have greater capacity for overall strength of respiratory muscles, but may have low muscle endurance


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O uso abusivo de álcool por adolescentes é uma questão que preocupa os envolvidos com a educação, uma vez que as consequências desse fato podem gerar sérios prejuízos ao processo ensino-aprendizagem e ao adolescente que abusa. Com o objetivo de contribuir para o debate na busca de uma intervenção efetiva que possa ser utilizada, sobretudo nas escolas, procuramos detectar a possível relação entre uso abusivo de álcool e raciocínio moral. Para tanto, participaram alunos do ensino médio de uma escola pública, selecionados por meio da aplicação do AUDIT (The Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test), que posteriormente foram entrevistados, conforme a Moral Judgement Interview (MJI) proposta por Kohlberg. Os resultados obtidos revelam níveis e estágios morais aquém dos esperados. Concluímos que a prevenção pode ser pensada por meio da Educação Moral como uma proposta de intervenção efetiva contra o uso abusivo de álcool e outras drogas.


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Morbidly obese patients present an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and perceived exertion besides lower walking ability compared to normal weight people. However, little is known about how these variables are presented after bariatric surgery. Moreover, despite the distance walked during the six-minute walk (6MWT) improve after surgery is not well established if the level of physical activity influences this improvement. Objective: To evaluate cardiovascular performance, perceived effort, ability of walking and physical activity level of patients with morbid obesity before and after bariatric surgery. Methods: The cardiovascular performance, perception of effort, the ability to walk and level of physical activity were assessed in 22 patients before (BMI = 50.4 kg/m2) and after (BMI = 34.8 kg/m2) bariatric surgery through the 6MWT. The heart rate, blood pressure and perceived exertion were assessed at rest, at the end of the 6MWT and in the second minute post-test (HR recovery). The ability to walk was measured by total distance walked at the end of the test while the level of physical activity was estimated by applying the Baecke questionnaire, analyzing domains occupation, leisure and locomotion and leisure and physical activity. Results: The HR at rest and recovery decreased significantly (91.2 ± 15.8 bpm vs. 71.9 ± 9.8 bpm, 99.5 ± 15.3 bpm vs 82.5 ± 11.1 bpm, respectively), as well as all the arterial pressure and perceived exertion after surgery. The distance achieved by the patients increased by 58.4 m (p = 0.001) postoperatively. Time postoperatively had correlation with the percentage of excess weight lost (r = 0.48, p = 0.02), BMI (r =- 0.68, p = 0.001) and the Baecke (r = 0.52, p = 0.01) which did not happen with the distance walked (r = 0.37, p = 0.09). Despite weight loss, patients showed no difference in the level of physical activity in any of the areas before and after surgery. Conclusion: The cardiovascular performance, the perception of effort and ability to walk seem to improve after bariatric surgery. However, despite improvement in the ability to walk by the distance achieved in the 6MWT after weight loss, this is not reflected in an increase in physical activity level of obese patients after surgery


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Background: Obesity leads to alteration of lung volumes and capacities due to accumulation of fat in the chest wall and abdomen. Few studies have shown that weight loss induced by surgery improves lung function. Our objective was to evaluate the anthropometric development, pulmonary function, respiratory muscle, strength and endurance after weight loss induced by bariatric surgery. Methods: We evaluated in pre and post operative period variables of weight, BMI, NC, WHR and spirometric and respiratory pressure. Results: 39 subjects were evaluated, with age mean 35.9 ± 10.9 years, predominantly by women (76.3%). The weight mean decreased from 124.8 ± 17.5 kg to 88.8 ± 14.28 kg in post operative. The mean BMI ranged from 47,9 ± 5,6 Kg/m² to 34,3 ± 4,75 Kg/m². There was a significant increase in FVC from 3,63 ± 0,94 to 4,01±1,03, FEV1 from 3,03 ± 0,72 to 3,39 ± 0,85, FEF 25-75% from 3,41 ± 0,72 to 3,82 ± 0,94, PEF from 6,56 ± 1,47 to 7,81 ± 1,69, ERV from 0,35 ± 0,39 to 0,66 ± 0,38, MVV ranged from 103,43 ± 22,21 to 137,27 ± 29,84, all of them to p<0,01. The MIP and MEP showed no significant difference in pre and post operative. It was noted that for every centimeter reduced in neck circumference, an increase of 0.06 in FVC and 5.98 in MVV is observed. This is also observed in weight and BMI. Conclusion: We conclude that weight loss induced by bariatric surgery in obese provides a significant improvement in lung function and reduction of fat around the neck is more important in the generation of lung volume than the reduction of BMI


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Introduction: Actually the obesity is a public health problem throughout the world. Bariatric surgery has been an efficient method of weight reduction body in severe obesity, reducing its associated effects and presenting low levels of immediate and late postoperative complications. In Brazil, bariatric surgery asa recent therapeutic that has been growing recently. Being Brazil a country with continental dimensions and with a huge diversity socioeconomic and cultural, it is essential to understand the reality of patients undergoing bariatric surgery in less economically privileged regions of Brazil. Objectives: To evaluate the epidemiological, clinical outcomes and mortality of patients undergoing videolaparoscopic bariatric surgery through the public health system in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte- Brazil. Methods: Observational descriptive study of a prospective, carried out from February 2009 to February 2011, the Clinic Obesity and Bariatric Surgery at Universitary Hospital Onofre Lopes - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (HUOL-UFRN). Anthropometric measures, comorbidity and deaths register were made in the postoperative period. Results: Seventy patients (54 women) with low income aged 22 to 63 years completed the study. We recorded the death of three patients during the study period. The results show significant decrease anthropometric parameters, especially in relation to body weight, waist circumference and hipin both sexes. Only Waist / Hip ratio showed no difference after intervention in male patients It had a resolution of comorbidities. No significant differences in reports of daily sleepiness and the snoring male patients. Conclusion: Our findings attest laparoscopic bariatric surgery as an effective method reducing weight and comorbidities in morbidly obese patients


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Background: Obesity may affect the respiratory system, causing changes in respiratory function and in the pulmonary volumes and flows. Objectives: To evaluate the influence of obesity in the movement of thoracoabdominal complex at rest and during maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV), and the contribution between the different compartments of this complex and the volume changes of chest wall between obese and non-obese patients. Materials and Methods: We studied 16 patients divided into two groups: the obese group (n = 8) and group non-obese (n = 8). The two groups were homogeneous in terms of spirometric characteristics (FVC mean: 4.97 ± 0.6 L - 92.91 ± 10.17% predicted, and 4.52 ± 0.6 L - 93.59 ± 8.05%), age 25.6 ± 5.0 and 26.8 ± 4.9 years, in non-obese and obese respectively. BMI was 24.93 ± 3.0 and 39.18 ± 4.3 kg/m2 in the groups investigated. All subjects performed breathing calm and slow and maneuver MVV, during registration for optoelectronic plethysmography. Statistical analysis: we used the unpaired t test and Mann-Whitney. Results: Obese individuals had a lower percentage contribution of the rib cage abdominal (RCa) during breathing at rest and VVM. The variation of end expiratory (EELV) and end inspiratory (EILV) lung volumes were lower in obese subjects. It has been found asynchrony and higher distortion between compartments of thoracoabdominal complex in obese subjects when compared to non-obese. Conclusions: Central obesity impairs the ventilation lung, reducing to adaptation efforts and increasing the ventilatory work


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Backgroud: Obesity is a major public health problem and is related to the low physical capacity when obese are compared to no-obese people, however the cause of this limitation is not completely understood. The measurement associated of physiological response to the telemetric 6MWT adds information of metabolic and respiratory system for diagnose of the functional limitation. Objective: Analyze physiological, metabolic and ventilatory responses in women with different body fat during the 6MWT. Methods: 32 women (8 non-obese, 8 Overweight, 8 Obese and 8 morbidly obese) were evaluated for anthropometry, lung function and exercise capacity. Results: Morbidly obese walked the shortest distance (400.2±38.7m), had lower VO2/Kg (12.75±3.20l/Kg/min) and lower R (0.74± 0.11) in the 6MWT compared to other groups. Analyses of metabolic (VO2 and VCO2) and respiratory (VE, VT and BF) during the test did not identify differences between groups. The evaluation of cardiac function (O2 pulse) found higher values in the OM (12.3 ± 4.9ml/bat). Conclusion: The OM had worse performance in the 6MWT compared to other groups. The physical performance may be reduced in this population related to a protocol-dependent response because the speed of 6MWT is self-adjusted allows the individual himself select the intensity of the test, making it set at a speed where there is energy saving


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A obesidade é uma epidemia global em alarmante ascensão. Caracterizada pelo excesso de gordura corporal subcutânea, de caráter multifatorial, está relacionada ao surgimento de diversas co-morbidades, entre elas, várias alterações respiratórias, estas se tornam mais intensas quanto maior o grau de obesidade. Não há consenso na relação entre os marcadores de adiposidade geral ou específicos e suas repercussões sobre a função ventilatória, especialmente em relação à sobrecarga muscular respiratória. Objetivo: Analisar a relação entre marcadores antropométricos e variáveis espirométricas e de força muscular respiratória em indivíduos com obesidade mórbida. Métodos: Estudo transversal entre setembro de 2007 e outubro de 2012. Participaram da pesquisa 163 obesos mórbidos (37.1±9.8 anos e IMC=49.0±5.88 Kg/m2) sem alterações espirométricas. Foram observadas as associações entre Índice de Massa Corporal-IMC, adiposidade localizada (Circunferências de Pescoço-CP, Cintura-CC e Quadril-CQ), percentual de gordura corporal através do Índice de Adiposidade Corporal-IAC, volumes e capacidades pulmonares (CVF, VEF1 e VRE) e pressões respiratória estática (PIM e PEM) e dinâmica (VVM). Resultados: O VRE foi o volume mais afetado pela obesidade (apenas 41%predito) e mostrou associação negativa nas relações com todos os marcadores de adiposidade (IMC: r=-0.52; IAC: r=-0.21; CC: r=-0.44; CP: r=-0.25 e CQ: r=-0.28). Há relação inversa entre o percentual de gordura corporal (IAC) com a CVF (r=-0.59), o VEF1(r=-0.56) e o VVM (r=-0.43). As pressões respiratórias são justificadas principalmente pela adiposidade ao redor do pescoço e o IAC. Nossos dados de força muscular respiratória foram melhores associados aos valores de referências sugeridos pelas equações de Harik-Klan et al (1998) para PIM (R²=0.72) e com a equação proposta por Neder et al (1999) para PEM (R²=0.52). Em um modelo de regressão linear, as variáveis de adiposidade não justificam a VVM, já o VEF1 explica 62% da variância da VVM em obesos mórbidos. Conclusão: O percentual da adiposidade corporal e a circunferência do pescoço estão associados com a força muscular e capacidade de gerar fluxo respiratório de obesos mórbidos. Sugerimos a equação elaborada por Harik-Klan et al (1998) para obtenção de valores preditos de PIM e a equação proposta por Neder et al (1999) para valores de normalidade da PEM em sujeitos com obesidade mórbida. Foi possível fornecer uma equação de referência específica para VVM em obesos mórbidos


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obesity affects rightly functional capacity diminishing the cardiovascular system efficiency and oxygen uptake (VO2). Field tests, such as, Incremental Shuttle Walking Test (ISWT) and Six Minute Walk Test (6MWT) has been employed as alternative of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPX), to functional assessing for conditions which transport of oxygen to peripheral is diminished. Nevertheless, the knowing about metabolic variables response in real time and it comparing among different maximal and submaximal tests in obese is absent. Aim: to compare cardiopulmonary, metabolic response during CPX, ISWT and 6MWT and to analyse it influence of adiposity markers in obese. Material e Method: crosssectional, prospective study. Obese included if: (BMI>30Kg/m2; FVC>80%), were assessed as clinical, anthropometric (BMI, body adiposity index-BAI, waist-WC, hip- HC and neck-NC circumferences) and spirometry (forced vital capacity-FVC, Forced expiratory volume-1°second-FEV1, maximal voluntary ventilation-MVV) variables. Obese performed the sequence of tests: CPX, ISWT and 6MWT. Throughout tests was assessed breath-by-breath by telemetry system (Cortex-Biophysik-Metamax3B) variables; oxygen uptake on peak of activity (VO2peak); carbon dioxide production (VCO2); Volume Expiratory (VE); ventilatory equivalents for VO2 (VE/VO2) and CO2 (VE/VCO2); respiratory exchange rate (RER) and perceived effort-Borg6-20). Results: 15 obese (10women) 39.4+10.1years, normal spirometry (%CVF=93.7+9.7) finished all test. They have BMI (43.5+6.6kg/m2) and different as %adiposity (BAI=50.0+10.5% and 48.8+16.9% respectively women and men). Difference of VO2ml/kg/min and %VO2 were finding between CPX (18.6+4.0) and 6MWT (13.2+2.5) but not between ISWT (15.4+2.9). Agreement was found for ISWT and CPX on VO2Peak (3.2ml/kg/min; 95%; IC-3.0 9.4) and %VO2 (16.4%). VCO2(l/min) confirms similarity in production for CPX (2.3+1.0) and ISWT (1.7+0.7) and difference for 6MWT (1.4+0.6). WC explains more the response of CPX and ISWT than other adiposity markers. Adiposity diminishes 3.2% duration of CPX. Conclusion: ISWT promotes similar metabolic and cardiovascular response than CPX in obese. It suggesting that ISWT could be useful and reliable to assess oxygen uptake and functional capacity in obese


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Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar as relações entre práticas educativas dos pais e problemas de comportamento dos filhos, à luz do referencial teórico-prático do treinamento em habilidades sociais. A forma como os pais educam seus filhos parece ser crucial à promoção de comportamentos socialmente adequados, porém, com freqüência, as famílias acabam estimulando comportamentos inadequados por meio de disciplina inconsistente, pouca interação positiva, pouco monitoramento e supervisão insuficiente das atividades da criança. Considera-se que os pais, para promoverem comportamentos adequados em seus filhos, necessitam ter habilidades sociais educativas, tais como expressar sentimentos e opiniões, estabelecer limites evitando coerção, entre outras. Conclui-se que, intervenções com pais, com a finalidade de promover habilidades sociais educativas, são importantes meios para prevenção e redução de problemas de comportamento em crianças, de forma a evitar dificuldades escolares e de socialização na meninice e na adolescência.


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In this thesis we tested evolutionary hypotheses, with empirically collected data, in a sample composed of pregnant Brazilian women. We consider that during pregnancy and soon after the baby's birth fundamental reproductive decisions take place, given the complete feminine involvement with the reproduction phenomenon. The results are presented in four empirical articles related to the history of female reproduction. The topics approached were mate selection, the life-history theory, the strategies of parental investment and postpartum depression. Data collection was accomplished through interviews with pregnant women and after the baby s birth, with a sample composed of women from two income classes (low income and middle class), in Natal, Brazil. With respect to mate selection, the results suggest that a real situation of reproductive mate selection shows significant differences when compared to the results obtained in studies involving potential mate selection (Article I). Considering the life-history theory, we have partially confirmed the hypothesis of the father`s absence influencing the development of the young female syndrome (Article II). In regard to parental investment strategies and the decrease of fatherhood uncertainty, we identified a larger attribution of the baby's resemblance after birth with the father, confirming our hypothesis (Article III). The results related to postpartum depression occurrence partially support the hypothesis that it is an evolutionary adaptation (Article IV). This thesis is part of a consolidation movement of Evolutionary Psychology in Brazil and it presents results on female reproductive history hitherto unpublished.