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A variety of olefin hydride complexes of niobium and tantalum has been prepared in order to study their reactivity and to gain insight into organometallic reaction mechanisms. Examination of a series of ethylene and propylene complexes of niobocene (CP_2Nb; Cp = η^5-C_5H_5), permethylniobocene (Cp*_2Nb; Cp* = η^5-C_5(CH_3)_5), tantalocene, and permethyltantalocene has indicated that there are both large electronic and steric effects deriving from the metal (and its ancillary ligands) in the olefin insertion (β-migratory insertion) process. Furthermore, a thermodynamic and kinetic analysis has been completed for a series of substituted styrene complexes of niobocene in order to better understand the important electronic properties of the olefin. The results are in accord with a concerted four-center process with only moderate charge development.

The special case of β-migratory insertion of a hydride ligand into coordinated benzyne has also been studied for the permethyltantalocene system. The coordinatively unsaturated (sixteen electron) phenyl tautomer, which is made accessible by the facile benzyne hydride insertion reaction, readily reacts with a variety of ligands, L, to afford Cp*_2 Ta(C_6H_5)L complexes (L = CO, O_2, NC≡R, :CH_2, H_2, etc.). This family of compounds exhibits interesting reactivity (a-migratory insertion, O_2 activation, and reductive elimination) which is discussed in some detail.

Finally a series of paramagnetic seventeen electron Cp*_2 TaX_2 (X = halide, alkyl, hydride) complexes, and the corresponding cationic and anionic species, have been prepared and studied. The odd electron neutral complexes exhibit surprising thermal stability and undergo very little reactivity. While the chemistry of the anionic compounds is almost completely dominated by their potent reducing power, that of the cations is quite diverse and amenable for study. Therefore the syntheses and reactivity (1 ,2-eliminations, ligand insertions, and deprotonation reactions) of these coordinatively unsaturated sixteen electron species are presented.


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Threefold symmetric Fe phosphine complexes have been used to model the structural and functional aspects of biological N2 fixation by nitrogenases. Low-valent bridging Fe-S-Fe complexes in the formal oxidation states Fe(II)Fe(II), Fe(II)/Fe(I), and Fe(I)/Fe(I) have been synthesized which display rich spectroscopic and magnetic behavior. A series of cationic tris-phosphine borane (TPB) ligated Fe complexes have been synthesized and been shown to bind a variety of nitrogenous ligands including N2H4, NH3, and NH2-. These complexes are all high spin S = 3/2 and display EPR and magnetic characteristics typical of this spin state. Furthermore, a sequential protonation and reduction sequence of a terminal amide results in loss of NH3 and uptake of N2. These stoichiometric transformations represent the final steps in potential N2 fixation schemes.

Treatment of an anionic FeN2 complex with excess acid also results in the formation of some NH3, suggesting the possibility of a catalytic cycle for the conversion of N2 to NH3 mediated by Fe. Indeed, use of excess acid and reductant results in the formation of seven equivalents of NH3 per Fe center, demonstrating Fe mediated catalytic N2 fixation with acids and protons for the first time. Numerous control experiments indicate that this catalysis is likely being mediated by a molecular species.

A number of other phosphine ligated Fe complexes have also been tested for catalysis and suggest that a hemi-labile Fe-B interaction may be critical for catalysis. Additionally, various conditions for the catalysis have been investigated. These studies further support the assignment of a molecular species and delineate some of the conditions required for catalysis.

Finally, combined spectroscopic studies have been performed on a putative intermediate for catalysis. These studies converge on an assignment of this new species as a hydrazido(2-) complex. Such species have been known on group 6 metals for some time, but this represents the first characterization of this ligand on Fe. Further spectroscopic studies suggest that this species is present in catalytic mixtures, which suggests that the first steps of a distal mechanism for N2 fixation are feasible in this system.


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A long-standing challenge in transition metal catalysis is selective C–C bond coupling of simple feedstocks, such as carbon monoxide, ethylene or propylene, to yield value-added products. This work describes efforts toward selective C–C bond formation using early- and late-transition metals, which may have important implications for the production of fuels and plastics, as well as many other commodity chemicals.

The industrial Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) process converts synthesis gas (syngas, a mixture of CO + H2) into a complex mixture of hydrocarbons and oxygenates. Well-defined homogeneous catalysts for F-T may provide greater product selectivity for fuel-range liquid hydrocarbons compared to traditional heterogeneous catalysts. The first part of this work involved the preparation of late-transition metal complexes for use in syngas conversion. We investigated C–C bond forming reactions via carbene coupling using bis(carbene)platinum(II) compounds, which are models for putative metal–carbene intermediates in F-T chemistry. It was found that C–C bond formation could be induced by either (1) chemical reduction of or (2) exogenous phosphine coordination to the platinum(II) starting complexes. These two mild methods afforded different products, constitutional isomers, suggesting that at least two different mechanisms are possible for C–C bond formation from carbene intermediates. These results are encouraging for the development of a multicomponent homogeneous catalysis system for the generation of higher hydrocarbons.

A second avenue of research focused on the design and synthesis of post-metallocene catalysts for olefin polymerization. The polymerization chemistry of a new class of group 4 complexes supported by asymmetric anilide(pyridine)phenolate (NNO) pincer ligands was explored. Unlike typical early transition metal polymerization catalysts, NNO-ligated catalysts produce nearly regiorandom polypropylene, with as many as 30-40 mol % of insertions being 2,1-inserted (versus 1,2-inserted), compared to <1 mol % in most metallocene systems. A survey of model Ti polymerization catalysts suggests that catalyst modification pathways that could affect regioselectivity, such as C–H activation of the anilide ring, cleavage of the amine R-group, or monomer insertion into metal–ligand bonds are unlikely. A parallel investigation of a Ti–amido(pyridine)phenolate polymerization catalyst, which features a five- rather than a six-membered Ti–N chelate ring, but maintained a dianionic NNO motif, revealed that simply maintaining this motif was not enough to produce regioirregular polypropylene; in fact, these experiments seem to indicate that only an intact anilide(pyridine)phenolate ligated-complex will lead to regioirregular polypropylene. As yet, the underlying causes for the unique regioselectivity of anilide(pyridine)phenolate polymerization catalysts remains unknown. Further exploration of NNO-ligated polymerization catalysts could lead to the controlled synthesis of new types of polymer architectures.

Finally, we investigated the reactivity of a known Ti–phenoxy(imine) (Ti-FI) catalyst that has been shown to be very active for ethylene homotrimerization in an effort to upgrade simple feedstocks to liquid hydrocarbon fuels through co-oligomerization of heavy and light olefins. We demonstrated that the Ti-FI catalyst can homo-oligomerize 1-hexene to C12 and C18 alkenes through olefin dimerization and trimerization, respectively. Future work will include kinetic studies to determine monomer selectivity by investigating the relative rates of insertion of light olefins (e.g., ethylene) vs. higher α-olefins, as well as a more detailed mechanistic study of olefin trimerization. Our ultimate goal is to exploit this catalyst in a multi-catalyst system for conversion of simple alkenes into hydrocarbon fuels.


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The propellane alkaloids comprise a large class of natural products that possess varying degrees of structural complexity and biological activity. The earliest of these to be isolated was acutumine, a chlorinated alkaloid that has been shown to exhibit selective T-cell cytotoxicity and antiamnesic properties. Alternatively, the hasubanan family of natural products has garnered considerable attention from the synthetic community in part due to its structural similarities to morphine. While these alkaloids have been the subject of numerous synthetic studies over the last forty years, very few enantioselective total syntheses have been reported to date.

As part of a research program directed towards the synthesis of various alkaloid natural products, we have developed a unified strategy for the preparation of the hasubanan and acutumine alkaloids. Specifically, a highly diastereoselective 1,2-addition of organometallic reagents to benzoquinone-derived tert-butanesulfinimines was established, which provides access to enantioenriched 4-aminocyclohexadienone products. This methodology enabled the enantioselective construction of functionalized dihydroindolones, which were found to undergo intramolecular Friedel-Crafts conjugate additions to furnish the propellane cores of several hasubanan alkaloids. As a result of these studies, the first enantioselective total syntheses of 8-demethoxyrunanine and cepharatines A, C, and D were accomplished in 9-11 steps from commercially available starting materials.

More recent efforts have focused on applying the sulfinimine methodology to the synthesis of a more structurally complex propellane alkaloid, acutumine. Extensive studies have determined that a properly functionalized dihydroindolone undergoes a photochemical [2+2] cycloaddition followed by a lactone fragmentation/Dieckmann cyclization to establish the carbocyclic framework of the natural product. The preparation of more appropriately oxidized propellane intermediates is currently under investigation, and is anticipated to facilitate our synthetic endeavors toward acutumine.


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The interactions of N2, formic acid and acetone on the Ru(001) surface are studied using thermal desorption mass spectrometry (TDMS), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), and computer modeling.

Low energy electron diffraction (LEED), EELS and TDMS were used to study chemisorption of N2 on Ru(001). Adsorption at 75 K produces two desorption states. Adsorption at 95 K fills only the higher energy desorption state and produces a (√3 x √3)R30° LEED pattern. EEL spectra indicate both desorption states are populated by N2 molecules bonded "on-top" of Ru atoms.

Monte Carlo simulation results are presented on Ru(001) using a kinetic lattice gas model with precursor mediated adsorption, desorption and migration. The model gives good agreement with experimental data. The island growth rate was computed using the same model and is well fit by R(t)m - R(t0)m = At, with m approximately 8. The island size was determined from the width of the superlattice diffraction feature.

The techniques, algorithms and computer programs used for simulations are documented. Coordinate schemes for indexing sites on a 2-D hexagonal lattice, programs for simulation of adsorption and desorption, techniques for analysis of ordering, and computer graphics routines are discussed.

The adsorption of formic acid on Ru(001) has been studied by EELS and TDMS. Large exposures produce a molecular multilayer species. A monodentate formate, bidentate formate, and a hydroxyl species are stable intermediates in formic acid decomposition. The monodentate formate species is converted to the bidentate species by heating. Formic acid decomposition products are CO2, CO, H2, H2O and oxygen adatoms. The ratio of desorbed CO with respect to CO2 increases both with slower heating rates and with lower coverages.

The existence of two different forms of adsorbed acetone, side-on, bonded through the oxygen and acyl carbon, and end-on, bonded through the oxygen, have been verified by EELS. On Pt(111), only the end-on species is observed. On dean Ru(001) and p(2 x 2)O precovered Ru(001), both forms coexist. The side-on species is dominant on clean Ru(001), while O stabilizes the end-on form. The end-on form desorbs molecularly. Bonding geometry stability is explained by surface Lewis acidity and by comparison to organometallic coordination complexes.


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Whereas stoichiometric activation of C-H bonds by complexes of transition metals is becoming increasingly common, selective functionalization of alkanes remains a formidable challenge in organometallic chemistry. The recent advances in catalytic alkane functionalization by transition-metal complexes are summarized in Chapter I.

The studies of the displacement of pentafluoropyridine in [(tmeda)Pt(CH_3)(NC_5F_5)][BAr^f_4] (1) with γ- tetrafluoropicoline, a very poor nucleophile, are reported in Chapter II. The ligand substitution occurs by a dissociative interchange mechanism. This result implies that dissociative loss of pentafluoropyridine is the rate-limiting step in the C-H activation reactions of 1.

Oxidation of dimethylplatinum(II) complexes (N-N)Pt(CH_3)_2 (N-N = tmeda(1), α-diimines) by dioxygen is described in Chapter III. Mechanistic studies suggest a two-step mechanism. First, a hydroperoxoplatinum(IV) complex is formed in a reaction between (N-N)Pt(CH_3)_2 and dioxygen. Next, the hydroperoxy complex reacts with a second equivalent of (N-N)Pt(CH_3)_2 to afford the final product, (N-N)Pt(OH)(OCH_3)(CH_3)_2. The hydroperoxy intermediate, (tmeda)Pt(OOH)(OCH_3)(CH_3)_2 (2), was isolated and characterized. The reactivity of 2 with several dime thylplatinum(II) complexes is reported.

The studies described in Chapter IV are directed toward the development of a platinum(II)-catalyzed oxidative alkane dehydrogenation. Stoichiometric conversion of alkanes (cyclohexane, ethane) to olefins (cyclohexene, ethylene) is achieved by C-H activation with [(N-N)Pt(CH_3)(CF_3CH_2OH)]BF_4 (1, N-N is N,N'-bis(3,5-di-t- butylphenyl)-1,4-diazabutadiene) which results in the formation of olefin hydride complexes. The first step in the C-H activation reaction is formation of a platinum(II) alkyl which undergoes β-hydrogen elimination to afford the olefin hydride complex. The cationic ethylplatinum(II) intermediate can be generated in situ by treating diethylplatinum(II) compounds with acids. Treatment of (phen)PtEt_2 with [H(OEt_2)_2]Bar^f_4 at low temperatures resulted in the formation of a mixture of [(phen)PtEt(OEt_2)]Bar^f_4 (8) and [(phen)Pt(C_2H_4)H] Bar^f_4 (7). The cationic olefin complexes are unreactive toward dioxygen or hydrogen peroxide. Since the success of the overall catalytic cycle depends on our ability to oxidize the olefin hydride complexes, a series of neutral olefin complexes of platinum(II) with monoanionic ligands (derivatives of pyrrole-2-carboxyaldehyde N-aryl imines) was prepared. Unfortunately, these are also stable to oxidation.


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This thesis describes the preparation, characterization, and application of welldefined single-component group ten salicylaldimine complexes for the polymerization of ethylene to high molecular weight materials as well as the copolymerization of ethylene and functionalized olefins. After an initial introduction to the field, Chapter 2 describes the preparation of PPh3 complexes that contain a series of modified salicylaldimine and naphthaldimine ligands. Such complexes were activated for polymerization by the addition of cocatalysts such as Ni(COD)2 or B(C6F5)3. As the steric demand of the ligand set increased-the molecular weight, polymerization activity, and lifetime of the catalyst was observed to increase. In fact, complexes containing "bulky" ligands, such as the [Anthr,HSal] ligand (2.5), were found to be highly-active single component complexes for the polymerization of ethylene. Model hydrido compound were prepared-allowing for a better understanding of both the mechanism of polymerization and one mode of decomposition.

Chapter 3 describes the effect which additives play on neutral NiII polymerization catalysts such as 2.5. The addition of excess ethers, esters, ketones, anhydrides, alcohols, and water do not deactivate the catalysts for polymerization. However, the addition of excess acid, thiols, and phosphines was observed to shut-down catalysis. Since excess phosphine was found to inhibit catalysis, "phosphine-free" complexes, such as the acetonittile complex (3.26), were prepared. The acetonitrile complex was found to be the most active neutral polymerization catalyst prepared to date.

Chapter 4 outlines the use of catalyst 2.5 and 3.26 for the preparation of linear functionalized copolymers containing alcohols, esters, anhydrides, and ethers. Copolymers can be prepared with γ-functionalized-α-olefins, functionalized norbornenes, and functionalized tricyclononenes, with up to 30 mol% comonomer incorporation.

Chapter 5 outlines the preparation of a series of PtII alkyl/olefin salicylaldimine complexes which serve as models for the active species in the NiII-catalyzed polymerization process. Understanding the nature of the M-olefin interaction as a the electronic and steric properties of the salicylaldimine ligand is varied has allowed for a number of predictions about the design of future polymerization systems.


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The cytochromes P450 (P450s) are a remarkable class of heme enzymes that catalyze the metabolism of xenobiotics and the biosynthesis of signaling molecules. Controlled electron flow into the thiolate-ligated heme active site allows P450s to activate molecular oxygen and hydroxylate aliphatic C–H bonds via the formation of high-valent metal-oxo intermediates (compounds I and II). Due to the reactive nature and short lifetimes of these intermediates, many of the fundamental steps in catalysis have not been observed directly. The Gray group and others have developed photochemical methods, known as “flash-quench,” for triggering electron transfer (ET) and generating redox intermediates in proteins in the absence of native ET partners. Photo-triggering affords a high degree of temporal precision for the gating of an ET event; the initial ET and subsequent reactions can be monitored on the nanosecond-to-second timescale using transient absorption (TA) spectroscopies. Chapter 1 catalogues critical aspects of P450 structure and mechanism, including the native pathway for formation of compound I, and outlines the development of photochemical processes that can be used to artificially trigger ET in proteins. Chapters 2 and 3 describe the development of these photochemical methods to establish electronic communication between a photosensitizer and the buried P450 heme. Chapter 2 describes the design and characterization of a Ru-P450-BM3 conjugate containing a ruthenium photosensitizer covalently tethered to the P450 surface, and nanosecond-to-second kinetics of the photo-triggered ET event are presented. By analyzing data at multiple wavelengths, we have identified the formation of multiple ET intermediates, including the catalytically relevant compound II; this intermediate is generated by oxidation of a bound water molecule in the ferric resting state enzyme. The work in Chapter 3 probes the role of a tryptophan residue situated between the photosensitizer and heme in the aforementioned Ru-P450 BM3 conjugate. Replacement of this tryptophan with histidine does not perturb the P450 structure, yet it completely eliminates the ET reactivity described in Chapter 2. The presence of an analogous tryptophan in Ru-P450 CYP119 conjugates also is necessary for observing oxidative ET, but the yield of heme oxidation is lower. Chapter 4 offers a basic description of the theoretical underpinnings required to analyze ET. Single-step ET theory is first presented, followed by extensions to multistep ET: electron “hopping.” The generation of “hopping maps” and use of a hopping map program to analyze the rate advantage of hopping over single-step ET is described, beginning with an established rhenium-tryptophan-azurin hopping system. This ET analysis is then applied to the Ru-tryptophan-P450 systems described in Chapter 2; this strongly supports the presence of hopping in Ru-P450 conjugates. Chapter 5 explores the implementation of flash-quench and other phototriggered methods to examine the native reductive ET and gas binding events that activate molecular oxygen. In particular, TA kinetics that demonstrate heme reduction on the microsecond timescale for four Ru-P450 conjugates are presented. In addition, we implement laser flash-photolysis of P450 ferrous–CO to study the rates of CO rebinding in the thermophilic P450 CYP119 at variable temperature. Chapter 6 describes the development and implementation of air-sensitive potentiometric redox titrations to determine the solution reduction potentials of a series of P450 BM3 mutants, which were designed for non-native cyclopropanation of styrene in vivo. An important conclusion from this work is that substitution of the axial cysteine for serine shifts the wild type reduction potential positive by 130 mV, facilitating reduction by biological redox cofactors in the presence of poorly-bound substrates. While this mutation abolishes oxygenation activity, these mutants are capable of catalyzing the cyclopropanation of styrene, even within the confines of an E. coli cell. Four appendices are also provided, including photochemical heme oxidation in ruthenium-modified nitric oxide synthase (Appendix A), general protocols (Appendix B), Chapter-specific notes (Appendix C) and Matlab scripts used for data analysis (Appendix D).


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The asymmetric synthesis of quaternary stereocenters remains a challenging problem in organic synthesis. Past work from the Stoltz laboratory has resulted in methodology to install quaternary stereocenters α- or γ- to carbonyl compounds. Thus, the asymmetric synthesis of β-quaternary stereocenters was a desirable objective, and was accomplished by engineering the palladium-catalyzed addition of arylmetal organometallic reagents to α,β-unsaturated conjugate acceptors.

Herein, we described the rational design of a palladium-catalyzed conjugate addition reactions utilizing a catalyst derived from palladium(II) trifluoroacetate and pyridinooxazole ligands. This reaction is highly tolerant of protic solvents and oxygen atmosphere, making it a practical and operationally simple reaction. The mild conditions facilitate a remarkably high functional group tolerance, including carbonyls, halogens, and fluorinated functional groups. Furthermore, the reaction catalyzed conjugate additions with high enantioselectivity with conjugate acceptors of 5-, 6-, and 7-membered ring sizes. Extension of the methodology toward the asymmetric synthesis of flavanone products is presented, as well.

A computational and experimental investigation into the reaction mechanism provided a stereochemical model for enantioinduction, whereby the α-methylene protons adjacent the enone carbonyl clashes with the tert-butyl groups of the chiral ligand. Additionally, it was found that the addition of water and ammonium hexafluorophosphate significantly increases the reaction rate without sacrificing enantioselectivity. The synergistic effects of these additives allowed for the reaction to proceed at a lower temperature, and thus facilitated expansion of the substrate scope to sensitive functional groups such as protic amides and aryl bromides. Investigations into a scale-up synthesis of the chiral ligand (S)-tert-butylPyOx are also presented. This three-step synthetic route allowed for synthesis of the target compound of greater than 10 g scale.

Finally, the application of the newly developed conjugate addition reaction toward the synthesis of the taiwaniaquinoid class of terpenoid natural products is discussed. The conjugate addition reaction formed the key benzylic quaternary stereocenter in high enantioselectivity, joining together the majority of the carbons in the taiwaniaquinoid scaffold. Efforts toward the synthesis of the B-ring are presented.


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This dissertation will cover several disparate topics, with the overarching theme centering on the investigation of organometallic C-H activation and hydrocarbon transformation and upgrading. Chapters 2 and 3 discuss iridium and rhodium analogues of the Shilov cycle catalyst for methane to methanol oxidation, and Chapter 4 on the recently discovered ROA mechanistic motif in catalysts for various alkane partial oxidation reactions. In addition, Chapter 5 discusses the mechanism of nickel pyridine bisoxazoline Negishi catalysts for asymmetric and stereoconvergent C-C coupling, and the appendices discuss smaller projects on rhodium H/D exchange catalysts and DFT method benchmarking.


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Accurate simulation of quantum dynamics in complex systems poses a fundamental theoretical challenge with immediate application to problems in biological catalysis, charge transfer, and solar energy conversion. The varied length- and timescales that characterize these kinds of processes necessitate development of novel simulation methodology that can both accurately evolve the coupled quantum and classical degrees of freedom and also be easily applicable to large, complex systems. In the following dissertation, the problems of quantum dynamics in complex systems are explored through direct simulation using path-integral methods as well as application of state-of-the-art analytical rate theories.


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The development of catalysts that selectively oligomerize light olefins for uses in polymers and fuels remains of interest to the petrochemical and materials industry. For this purpose, two tantalum compounds, (FI)TaMe2Cl2 and (FI)TaMe4, implementing a previously reported phenoxy-imine (FI) ligand framework, have been synthesized and characterized with NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. When tested for ethylene oligomerization catalysis, (FI)TaMe2Cl2 was found to dimerize ethylene when activated with Et2Zn or EtMgCl, and (FI)TaMe4 dimerized ethylene when activated with B(C6F5)3, both at room temperature.


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The prime thrust of this dissertation is to advance the development of fuel cell dioxygen reduction cathodes that employ some variant of multicopper oxidase enzymes as the catalyst. The low earth-abundance of platinum metal and its correspondingly high market cost has prompted a general search amongst chemists and materials scientists for reasonable alternatives to this metal for facilitating catalytic dioxygen reduction chemistry. The multicopper oxidases (MCOs), which constitute a class of enzyme that naturally catalyze the reaction O2 + 4H+ + 4e- → 2H2O, provide a promising set of biochemical contenders for fuel cell cathode catalysts. In MCOs, a substrate reduces a copper atom at the type 1 site, where charge is then transferred to a trinuclear copper cluster consisting of a mononuclear type 2 or “normal copper” site and a binuclear type 3 copper site. Following the reduction of all four copper atoms in the enzyme, dioxygen is then reduced to water in two two-electron steps, upon binding to the trinuclear copper cluster. We identified an MCO, a laccase from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus strain HB27, as a promising candidate for cathodic fuel cell catalysis. This protein demonstrates resilience at high temperatures, exhibiting no denaturing transition at temperatures high as 95°C, conditions relevant to typical polymer electrolyte fuel cell operation.

In Chapter I of this thesis, we discuss initial efforts to physically characterize the enzyme when operating as a heterogeneous cathode catalyst. Following this, in Chapter II we then outline the development of a model capable of describing the observed electrochemical behavior of this enzyme when operating on porous carbon electrodes. Developing a rigorous mathematical framework with which to describe this system had the potential to improve our understanding of MCO electrokinetics, while also providing a level of predictive power that might guide any future efforts to fabricate MCO cathodes with optimized electrochemical performance. In Chapter III we detail efforts to reduce electrode overpotentials through site-directed mutagenesis of the inner and outer-sphere ligands of the Cu sites in laccase, using electrochemical methods and electronic spectroscopy to try and understand the resultant behavior of our mutant constructs. Finally, in Chapter IV, we examine future work concerning the fabrication of enhanced MCO cathodes, exploring the possibility of new cathode materials and advanced enzyme deposition techniques.


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Notwithstanding advances in modern chemical methods, the selective installation of sterically encumbered carbon stereocenters, in particular all-carbon quaternary centers, remains an unsolved problem in organic chemistry. The prevalence of all-carbon quaternary centers in biologically active natural products and pharmaceutical compounds provides a strong impetus to address current limitations in the state of the art of their generation. This thesis presents four related projects, all of which share in the goal of constructing highly-congested carbon centers in a stereoselective manner, and in the use of transition-metal catalyzed alkylation as a means to address that goal.

The first research described is an extension of allylic alkylation methodology previously developed in the Stoltz group to small, strained rings. This research constitutes the first transition metal-catalyzed enantioselective α-alkylation of cyclobutanones. Under Pd-catalysis, this chemistry affords all–carbon α-quaternary cyclobutanones in good to excellent yields and enantioselectivities.

Next is described our development of a (trimethylsilyl)ethyl β-ketoester class of enolate precursors, and their application in palladium–catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylation to yield a variety of α-quaternary ketones and lactams. Independent coupling partner synthesis engenders enhanced allyl substrate scope relative to allyl β-ketoester substrates; highly functionalized α-quaternary ketones generated by the union of our fluoride-triggered β-ketoesters and sensitive allylic alkylation coupling partners serve to demonstrate the utility of this method for complex fragment coupling.

Lastly, our development of an Ir-catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylation of cyclic β-ketoesters to afford highly congested, vicinal stereocenters comprised of tertiary and all-carbon quaternary centers with outstanding regio-, diastereo-, and enantiocontrol is detailed. Implementation of a subsequent Pd-catalyzed alkylation affords dialkylated products with pinpoint stereochemical control of both chiral centers. The chemistry is then extended to include acyclic β-ketoesters and similar levels of selective and functional group tolerance are observed. Critical to the successful development of this method was the employment of iridium catalysis in concert with N-aryl-phosphoramidite ligands.


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Devido ao efeito estufa, a produção de hidrogênio a partir da reação de reforma do bioetanol tem se tornado um assunto de grande interesse em catálise heterogênea. Os catalisadores à base de Pt são empregados nos processos de purificação de H2 e também em eletrocatalisadores das células a combustível do tipo membrana polimérica (PEMFC). O hidrogênio obtido a partir da reforma do etanol contém como contaminante o acetaldeído e pequenas quantidades de CO. Assim, pode-se prever que muitas reações podem ocorrer na presença de catalisadores de Pt durante o processo de purificação do H2 e mesmo no próprio eletrocatalisador. Desta forma, este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever o comportamento do acetaldeído na presença de catalisadores de Pt. Para tanto foram preparados dois catalisadores, Pt/SiO2 e Pt/USY, contendo 1,5% de metal em ambos. Também foi estudado um eletrocatalisador (comercial) de Pt suportado em carvão (Pt/C). Os catalisadores foram caracterizados através das técnicas de análise textural, difração de raios X (DRX), quimissorção de H2, reação de desidrogenação do ciclohexano, espectroscopia no infravermelho de piridina adsorvida, dessorção a temperatura programada de n-butilamina (TPD de n-butilamina), dessorção a temperatura programada de CO2 (TPD-CO2), análise termogravimétrica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e espectroscopia de dispersão de energia (EDS). Os testes catalíticos foram realizados entre as temperaturas de 50 e 350 C em corrente contendo acetaldeído, H2 e N2. Foi observado que as propriedades ácido-básicas dos suportes promovem as reações de condensação com formação de éter etílico e acetato de etila. O acetaldeído em catalisadores de Pt sofre quebra das ligações C-C e C=O. A primeira ocorre em uma ampla faixa de temperaturas, enquanto a segunda apenas em temperaturas abaixo de 200 C. A quebra da ligação C-C produz metano e CO. Já a quebra da ligação C=O gera carbono residual nos catalisadores, assim como espécies oxigênio, que por sua vez são capazes de eliminar o CO da superfície dos catalisadores. Nota-se que o tipo de suporte utilizado influencia na distribuição de produtos, principalmente a baixas temperaturas. Além disso, constatou-se que a descarbonilação não é uma reação sensível à estrutura do catalisador. Verificou-se também a presença de resíduos sobre os catalisadores, possivelmente oriundos não somente da quebra da ligação C=O, mas também de reações de polimerização