806 resultados para OMEGA LIMITS
While fossil energy dependency has declined and energy supply has grown in the postwar world economy, future resource scarcity could cast its shadow on world economic growth soon if energy markets are forward looking. We develop an endogenous growth model that reconciles the current aggregate trends in energy use and productivity growth with the intertemporal dynamics of forward looking resource markets. Combining scarcity-rent driven energy supply (in the spirit of Hotelling) with profit-driven Directed Technical Change (in the spirit of Romer/Acemoglu), we generate transitional dynamics that can be qualitatively calibrated to current trends. The long-run properties of the model are studied to examine whether current trends are sustainable. We highlight the role of extraction costs in mining.
Antecedentes y Objetivos. La creciente complejidad de la Especialidad de Cirugía Plástica, ha inducido a su ramificación en varias subespecialidades. Una de las limitantes de la Cirugía Plástica ha sido la obesidad, enfermedad que conlleva complicaciones, aumenta el riesgo de inconvenientes y hace insuficiente el resultado proyectado para la estética y la función. El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar la importancia de la evaluación de la inflamación celular en la preparación de pacientes sometidos a cirugía electiva, previamente tratados con dieta con carbohidratos de baja carga glicémica, ácidos grasos omega 3 y 6 y antioxidantes. Material y Método. Realizamos un estudio longitudinal prospectivo cuasi-experimental no aleatorio de 23 pacientes que solicitaron intervenciones de Cirugía Plástica y aceptaron entrar en el protocolo de diagnóstico y tratamiento de inflamación celular. Primero realizamos el cuestionario de Reporte de Inflamación Celular "RIS" y tomamos a los pacientes pruebas de inflamación celular y de ácido eicosapentaenóico (EPA), ácido decosaexaenóico (DHA), acido araquidónico (AA) y ácido dihomogamalinoléico (DGLA) al ingreso y antes de la cirugía. Analizamos los datos con estadística descriptiva y comparamos los rangos con la prueba McNemar y de hipótesis t de student, del sistema SPSS. Resultados. Tras aplicar el RIS a los 23 pacientes antes de la preparación con dieta y tras un periodo de 1 a 3 meses, evaluamos las respuestas de cada uno de los cuestionarios a través de las pruebas no paramétricas, encontrando diferencia significativa en los 14 items. Se mejoró considerablemente a la alza el EPA; el DHA y el AA sin cambios significativos; y el DGLA disminuyó considerablemente. Con t de student encontramos variación significativa en los fosfolípidos del plasma y no hubo diferencia significativa entre los DHA y AA. Conclusiones. Demostramos así la efectividad de la dieta de los omegas, que contribuye a la disminución de la sintomatología inicial de los pacientes.
Una disminución de la función cognitiva y de la memoria se considera que es una consecuencia normal del envejecimiento. Los ácidos grasos omega-3 poliinsaturados son cada vez más propuestos como suplementos dietéticos con la capacidad de reducir el riesgo de deterioro cognitivo, incluyendo la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA). Objetivo: Estudiar el efecto de los omega-3 en el deterioro cognitivo a través de la revisión de estudios recientes de observación, intervención y experimentales. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda en PubMed, Medline, Cochrane y Embase para los estudios epidemiológicos y clínicos en la literatura internacional que utilizan combinaciones de las siguientes palabras clave: "la enfermedad de Alzheimer", "deterioro cognitivo leve", "función cognitiva", "factores dietéticos", "ácidos grasos omega-3", "EPA y DHA". Conclusiones: Los estudios han demostrado el papel protector de los ácidos grasos omega-3 en el deterioro cognitivo leve, demencia y en el riesgo y la progresión de la enfermedad de Alzheimer en los adultos mayores. Se necesitan más estudios para comprender el mecanismo de acción de los ácidos grasos omega-3 sobre la cognición. Las dosis, la composición de cápsulas de EPA y DHA y el tiempo de suplementación deben ser explorados.
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a method of non-invasive brain stimulation widely used to modulate cognitive functions. Recent studies, however, suggests that effects are unreliable, small and often non-significant at least when stimulation is applied in a single session to healthy individuals. We examined the effects of frontal and temporal lobe anodal tDCS on naming and reading tasks and considered possible interactions with linguistic activation and selection mechanisms as well possible interactions with item difficulty and participant individual variability. Across four separate experiments (N, Exp 1A = 18; 1B = 20; 1C = 18; 2 = 17), we failed to find any difference between real and sham stimulation. Moreover, we found no evidence of significant effects limited to particular conditions (i.e., those requiring suppression of semantic interference), to a subset of participants or to longer RTs. Our findings sound a cautionary note on using tDCS as a means to modulate cognitive performance. Consistent effects of tDCS may be difficult to demonstrate in healthy participants in reading and naming tasks, and be limited to cases of pathological neurophysiology and/or to the use of learning paradigms.
The active site of lipase from Bacillus thermocathenolatus was selectively modified with allyl and naphthyl chains at different positions. Lipase immobilization and selective tethering of a naphthyl side chain to its position 320 improve both the hydrolysis rate of fish oils and the selectivity towards the eicosapentaenoic acid acyl chains. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016.
We find ourselves, after the close of the twentieth century, looking back at a mass of responses to the knowledge organization problem. Many institutions, such as the Dewey Decimal Classification (Furner, 2007), have grown up to address it. Increasingly, many diverse discourses are appropriating the problem and crafting a wide variety of responses. This includes many artistic interpretations of the act and products of knowledge organization. These surface as responses to the expressive power or limits of the Library and Information Studies institutions (e.g., DDC) and their often primarily utilitarian gaze.One way to make sense of this diversity is to approach the study from a descriptive stance, inventorying the population of types of KOS. This population perspective approaches the phenomenon of types and boundaries of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) as one that develops out of particular discourses, for particular purposes. For example, both DDC and Martianus Capella, a 5th Century encyclopedist, are KOS in this worldview. Both are part of the population of KOS. Approaching the study of KOS from the population perspective allows the researcher a systematic look at the diversity emergent at the constellation of different factors of design and implementation. However, it is not enough to render a model of core types, but we have to also consider the borders of KOS. Fringe types of KOS inform research, specifically to the basic principles of design and implementation used by others outside of the scholarly and professional discourse of Library and Information Studies.Four examples of fringe types of KOS are presented in this paper. Applying a rubric developed in previous papers, our aim here is to show how the conceptual anatomy of these fringe types relates to more established KOS, thereby laying bare the definitions of domain, purpose, structure, and practice. Fringe types, like Beghtol’s examples (2003), are drawn from areas outside of Library and Information Studies proper, and reflect the reinvention of structures to fit particular purposes in particular domains. The four fringe types discussed in this paper are (1) Roland Barthes’ text S/Z which “indexes” a text of an essay with particular “codes” that are meant to expose the literary rhythm of the work; (2) Mary Daly’s Wickedary, a reference work crafted for radical liberation theology – and specifically designed to remove patriarchy from the language used by what the author calls “wild women”; (3) Luigi Serafini’s Codex Seraphinianus a work of book art that plays on the trope of universal encyclopedia and back-of- the book index; and (4) Martinaus Capella – and his Marriage of Mercury and Philology, a fifth century encyclopedia. We compared these using previous analytic taxonomies (Wright, 2008; Tennis, 2006; Tudhope, 2006, Soergel, 2001, Hodge, 2000).
Tese de Doutoramento, Ecologia (Ecologia das Populações), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
The economic and financial crisis opened a window of opportunity to place the Single Market back on top of the European agenda as part of a two-tiered crisis response, which also included reinforced financial supervision and economic co-ordination. We argue that the Commission acted as a ‘purposeful opportunist’ in both tiers; but whereas in economic governance issues there was breakthrough change in the Commission's achievements and competences, in the Single Market realm policy change was fairly modest. Using process tracing analysis our goal is to explain why the Commission did not succeed in furthering a genuine Single Market reform. Our findings suggest that the Commission's entrepreneurship was constrained by the limited salience of Single Market issues in the crisis context and by the lack of actual political commitment from the other relevant stakeholders. Thus, our research highlights the limits of the Commission's opportunistic behaviour in less advantageous circumstances.
This study examines the importance of thermal refugia along the majority of the geographical range of a key inter- tidal species (Patella vulgata Linnaeus, 1758) on the Atlantic coast of Europe. We asked whether differences between sun-exposed and shaded microhabitats were responsible for differences in physiological stress and ecological perfor- mance and examined the availability of refugia near equatorial range limits. Thermal differences between sun- exposed and shaded microhabitats are consistently associated with differences in physiological performance, and the frequency of occurrence of high temperatures is most probably limiting the maximum population densities sup- ported at any given place. Topographical complexity provides thermal refugia throughout most of the distribution range, although towards the equatorial edges the magnitude of the amelioration provided by shaded microhabitats is largely reduced. Importantly, the limiting effects of temperature, rather than being related to latitude, seem to be tightly associated with microsite variability, which therefore is likely to have profound effects on the way local popu- lations (and consequently species) respond to climatic changes.
The seasonal climate drivers of the carbon cy- cle in tropical forests remain poorly known, although these forests account for more carbon assimilation and storage than any other terrestrial ecosystem. Based on a unique combina- tion of seasonal pan-tropical data sets from 89 experimental sites (68 include aboveground wood productivity measure- ments and 35 litter productivity measurements), their asso- ciated canopy photosynthetic capacity (enhanced vegetation index, EVI) and climate, we ask how carbon assimilation and aboveground allocation are related to climate seasonal- ity in tropical forests and how they interact in the seasonal carbon cycle. We found that canopy photosynthetic capacity seasonality responds positively to precipitation when rain- fall is < 2000 mm yr-1 (water-limited forests) and to radia- tion otherwise (light-limited forests). On the other hand, in- dependent of climate limitations, wood productivity and lit- terfall are driven by seasonal variation in precipitation and evapotranspiration, respectively. Consequently, light-limited forests present an asynchronism between canopy photosyn- thetic capacity and wood productivity. First-order control by precipitation likely indicates a decrease in tropical forest pro- ductivity in a drier climate in water-limited forest, and in cur- rent light-limited forest with future rainfall < 2000 mm yr-1.