968 resultados para OCULAR ABERRATIONS
Orbital myositis is a subgroup of the nonspecific inflammatory syndrome or orbital pseudotumor and is characterized by a primary inflammation of extraocular muscles. The authors describe a 70-year-old patient with acute proptosis, ocular pain and right ophthalmoplegia, whose orbital computed tomographic scan showed enlargement of the homolateral extraocular muscles. Clinical presentation and complementary tests were compatible with the diagnosis of orbital myositis however, because of the particular aspects, which included retinal central vein occlusion, optic nerve lesion, distension of the superior ophthalmic vein and the homolateral cavernous sinus, the differential diagnosis with cavernous sinus pathology and thyroid ophthalmopathy was considered. The importance of a rapid diagnosis and treatment is stressed.
Os autores apresentam um estudo retrospectivo dos doentes com Doença de Behçet observados num Serviço de Medicina Interna entre 1982 e 2000. Foram analisados 33 doentes, sendo 20 do sexo masculino e 13 do sexo feminino. A primeira manifestação surgiu, em média, aos 24 anos e a média de idades, na altura do diagnóstico, foi de 32 anos. Todos os doentes apresentaram na sua evolução aftose oral recorrente, surgindo aftose genital em 84,8%, patologia ocular em 81,8%, articular em 75,7%, cutânea em 69,6%, alterações do sistema nervoso central em 27,3%, gerais em 24,2%, vasculares em 21,2%, gastrintestinais em 18,1%, neuropatia periférica em 12,1% e vasculite em 3% dos doentes observados.
O sarcoma de Kaposi ocular isolado surge em 0,3% a 5% dos doentes com SIDA, mas, em doentes com tumor disseminado, esta incidência aumenta para 15% a 20%. Apresentamos um caso de sarcoma de Kaposi epidémico, mucocutâneo, cuja primeira manifestação foi ocular. O tratamento inicial consistiu na administração quinzenal de daunorrubicina lipossómica e de anti-retrovíricos. Sob terapêutica houve progressão da doença, tendo sido a sua regressão conseguida, apenas, com um esquema alternativo de quimioterapia associada a cidofovir. Aproveitamos para rever esta entidade, em particular as formas oculares, e discutir a utilização de cidofovir no tratamento do sarcoma de Kaposi associado ao vírus herpes humano tipo 8.
Recent changes in regulatory requirements and social views on animal testing have incremented the development of reliable alternative tests for predicting skin and ocular irritation potential of products based on new raw materials. In this regard, botanical ingredients used in cosmetic products are among those materials, and should be carefully reviewed concerning the potential presence of irritant constituents. In particular, cosmetic products used on the face, in vicinity of the eyes or that may come in contact with mucous membranes, should avoid botanical ingredients that contain, or are suspected to contain, such ingredients. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of a new cosmetic ingredient, namely, coffee silverskin (CS), with an in vitro skin and ocular irritation assay using reconstructed human epidermis, EpiSkin™, and human corneal epithelial model, SkinEthics™ HCE, and an in vivo assay. Three different extracts of CS were evaluated. The histology of the models after extracts applications was analysed. The in vitro results demonstrated that extracts were not classified as irritant and the histological analyses proved that extracts did not affect both models structure. The content of caffeine, 5-hydroxymethyl furfural and chlorogenic acid was quantified after the epidermal assay. The in vivo test carried out with the most promising extract (hydroalcoholic) showed that, with respect to irritant effects, these extracts can be regarded as safe for topical application.
The aim of this study was to estimate the frequency of human toxocariosis in a child population from Morrope district, Lambayeque, Peru. From October to December 2005, 182 school children (96 male and 86 female) were studied. Blood samples were collected for Toxocara ELISA-IgG test and hematological examination. Additionally, stool samples were collected for coproparasitological examination to check cross reactions. We found frequency of positives in 32.4% (59/182) with a significant higher proportion of positivity in male children (p < 0.00001). 71.2% of the children with positive serology (52 male and seven female), were between five and 10 years old, 77.96% had respiratory symptoms, 61.02% had ocular manifestations, 38.98% had hepatic symptoms, 38.98% had mild or moderate eosinophilia, signs statistically associated with seropositivity. 83.5% of studied population had some intestinal parasite, such as: Blastocystis hominis (53.3%), Giardia lamblia (31.3%), Entamoeba coli (29.1%), Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar (1.1%), Hymenolepis nana (5.49%), and Ascaris lumbricoides (3.3%), but they had not any association with serology results. The ownership of dogs or/and cats were significantly associated with seropositivity to anti-Toxocara antibodies although the presence of such pets within the house was not. In conclusion, clinical and serological evidence of Toxocara infection exists in the studied population.
PURPOSE: 1. Identify differences in optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) as an indirect measure of intracranial pressure (ICP) in glaucoma patients and a healthy population. 2. Identify variables that may correlate with ONSD in primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and normal tension glaucoma (NTG) patients. METHODS: Patients with NTG (n = 46) and POAG (n = 61), and healthy controls (n = 42) underwent B-scan ultrasound measurement of ONSD by an observer masked to the patient diagnosis. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured in all groups, with additional central corneal thickness (CCT) and visual field defect measurements in glaucomatous patients. Only one eye per patient was selected. Kruskal-Wallis or Mann-Whitney were used to compare the different variables between the diagnostic groups. Spearman correlations were used to explore relationships among these variables. RESULTS: ONSD was not significantly different between healthy, NTG and POAG patients (6.09 ± 0.78, 6.03 ± 0.69, and 5.71 ± 0.83 respectively; p = 0.08). Visual field damage and CCT were not correlated with ONSD in either of the glaucoma groups (POAG, p = 0.31 and 0.44; NTG, p = 0.48 and 0.90 respectively). However, ONSD did correlate with IOP in NTG patients (r = 0.53, p < 0.001), while it did not in POAG patients and healthy controls (p = 0.86, p = 0.46 respectively). Patient's age did not relate to ONSD in any of the groups (p > 0.25 in all groups). CONCLUSIONS: Indirect measurements of ICP by ultrasound assessment of the ONSD may provide further insights into the retrolaminar pressure component in glaucoma. The correlation of ONSD with IOP solely in NTG patients suggests that the translaminar pressure gradient may be of particular importance in this type of glaucoma.
In order to study the environmental contamination by Toxocara spp. eggs in a rural community from the Pontal do Paranapanema region, São Paulo State, Brazil, soil samples from 31 out of 121 plots were collected in eight different places on each house. The samples were submitted to flotation technique in sodium nitrate (d = 1.20g/cm³). Eggs of Toxocara spp. were recovered in nine (29.03%) out of the 31 plots. At least one dog was registered in 27 of the 31 plots examined (87.1%) and at least one cat in 17 (54.84%). The number of pets per plot ranged from one to six (mean of 2.3) for dogs and one to 14 (mean of 1.29) for cats. In 16 plots (51.61%), the presence of both dogs and cats was observed. There was no relation between the presence of pets in the plots and soil contamination (p > 0.05). However, the environmental contamination by Toxocara spp. eggs associated to the poor conditions of the inhabitants may be an important risk factor for the human population to ocular or visceral larva migrans.
The aim of this study was to estimate the frequency of human toxocariasis in Cauday district, Cajamarca, Peru, using a dot-ELISA test. From June to October 2005, a total of 256 adult subjects were studied. Blood samples were collected for serology by a dot-ELISA test and for hematological examination. Parasitological examination was also carried out in stool samples to check cross-reactions in the dot-ELISA. The frequency observed was 44.92%, with a significant higher proportion of positivity in male subjects. From subjects with positive serology, 45.6% had respiratory symptoms, 40.44% abdominal pain, 32.35% hepatic symptoms, 14.7% cutaneous signs, 13.23% ocular manifestations, 43.38% eosinophilia, and all of these were statistically associated to serology. Among the population evaluated, 90.23% (231/256) were parasitized. From subjects with positive serology, 92.17% had at least one intestinal parasite and the most frequent were: Blastocystis hominis (68.38%), Giardia lamblia (28.68%), Hymenolepis nana (20.0%), Ascaris lumbricoides (15.65%), Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar (13.24%), Cyclospora cayetanensis (4.41%), Cryptosporidium sp. (1.47%), Enterobius vermicularis (0.87%), Strongyloides stercoralis (0.87%), Taenia sp. (0.87%), and Trichuris trichiura (0.87%). The rate of false positives in the dot-ELISA test was improved by serum absorption each with A. suum antigens, with a decrease of cross-reactions. In conclusion, human toxocariasis is highly frequent in this population and some risk factors like dog/cat ownership, presence of pets within house, and previous history of geophagia were observed in the present study.
In the present paper the main aspects of the natural history of human infection by Toxocara larvae that occasionally result in the occurrence of visceral and/or ocular larva migrans syndrome were reviewed. The contribution by Brazilian researchers was emphasized, especially the staff of the Tropical Medicine Institute of São Paulo (IMT).
Introdução: A síndrome de Stevens-Johnson é uma doença rara com mortalidade de 1 a 5% e morbilidade significativa. Ocorre na sequência de uma reacção de hipersensibilidade imuno-mediada com susceptibilidade individual associada a factores genéticos. Pode ser desencadeada por agentes infecciosos, mas na maior parte dos casos o factor desencadeante é a exposição a fármacos. Caso clínico: Criança de 3 anos, previamente saudável, internada por febre alta, exantema papulovesicular generalizado com predomínio no tronco, dorso e face, enantema e hiperémia conjuntival. Posteriormente verificou-se coalescência das lesões cutâneas com evolução para necrose e descamação. Tinha adicionalmente erosões da mucosa oral, estomatite, edema e eritema dos lábios, períneo e balanite. Fotofobia, hiperémia conjuntival, edema palpebral, exsudado ocular sem sinéquias e córnea sem lesões. Duas semanas antes tinha sido medicado pela primeira vez com ibuprofeno e na admissão hospitalar realizou uma nova administração. Nega ingestão de outros fármacos. PCR para vírus do grupo herpes nas lesões, exames culturais negativos e serologias para Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Borrelia burgdoferi, vírus da hepatite B, Epstein-Barr e citomegalovírus negativos. TASO e anti-DNaseB sem alterações. IFI para vírus respiratórios negativa. Posteriormente identificou-se enterovírus por PCR nas fezes de que se aguarda cultura viral. Foi interrompida a administração de ibuprofeno e realizada terapêutica de suporte com fluidoterapia endovenosa, nutrição parentérica, analgesia sistémica e tópica. Manteve febre durante 10 dias, registando-se regressão progressiva da sintomatologia com melhoria das lesões ao fim de 3 semanas. Programou-se seguimento para rastreio de complicações cutâneo-mucosas e oftalmológicas e estudo de alergias medicamentosas. Comentários: O diagnóstico da síndrome de Stevens-Johnson é clínico e, em caso de dúvida, histológico, suportado por história de exposição a fármacos ou intercorrência infecciosa. A ingestão de ibuprofeno pela primeira vez com agravamento após a reexposição ao fármaco leva-nos a suspeitar ser esta a etiologia mais provável. Contudo, a identificação de enterovírus não permite excluir este agente como interveniente na doença.
The aim of this study was to assess the seroprevalence of human toxocariasis in three Andean communities from the Northeast of Lima, Peru. A total of 303 subjects including children and adults were studied and blood samples were collected to detect anti-Toxocara antibodies by ELISA-IgG test and by hematological examination; stool samples were collected also for parasitological examination. The overall seroprevalence of toxocariasis observed in the total population was 20.46%, with a significant high proportion in children from one to 10 years old (p = 0.034). Among the subjects with positive serology, 32.26% of them had respiratory disturbances, 22.58% hepatomegaly, 17.74% ocular signs or symptoms, 14.51% abdominal pain, 9.68% neurological involvement, and 4.84% cutaneous signs, but none of these clinical features were associated to a positive serology by multivariate analysis. Furthermore, 79.03% of seropositive subjects also harbored at least one intestinal parasite, which was associated to a positive serology (p < 0.05). The presence of pets within the houses, a previous history of pica or geophagia and the use of public places were also present in this population, but only the latter was associated to the serology (p < 0.05). In conclusion, clinical, serological, and epidemiological evidences for larval Toxocara infection were found in the studied population.
The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of the infection by Toxocara in the general population of the Amazonian city of Yurimaguas, Peru. From March to August 2008, a total of 300 subjects were sampled and tested by means of a Toxocara ELISA-IgG test. A clinical and epidemiological questionnaire was used to assess the symptomatology and risk factors associated with human toxocariasis. The overall rate of seropositivity was 35.66%, with a significant high proportion in children (p < 0.001). The clinical evaluation revealed that 95.33% of the seropositive group had some type of symptomatology: headache (66.36%), respiratory compromise (63.55%), abdominal pain (54.21%), cutaneous signs (40.19%) and ocular manifestations (36.45%), and almost all of them were statistically significant (p < 0.001). Furthermore, 56.07% of the seropositive subjects presented at least one intestinal pathogen parasite with predominance of helminthes, but without significant association (p = 0.334). The analysis of risk factors showed only that the use of public places and geophagia exhibited a significant association with the seropositivity (p < 0.001). Clinical, serological and epidemiological findings associated to infection with Toxocara were observed in the present study and future studies should be done to assess this serious health problem.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
In human toxocariasis, there are few approaches using immunological markers for diagnosis and therapeutic assessment. An immunoblot (IB) assay using excretory-secretory Toxocara canis antigen was standardized for monitoring IgG, IgE and IgA antibodies in 27 children with toxocariasis (23 visceral, three mixed visceral and ocular, and one ocular form) for 22-116 months after chemotherapy. IB sensitivity was 100% for IgG antibodies to bands of molecular weight 29-38, 48-54, 95-116, 121-162, >205 kDa, 80.8% for IgE to 29-38, 48-54, 95-121, > 205 kDa, and 65.4% for IgA to 29-38, 48-54, 81-93 kDa. Candidates for diagnostic markers should be IgG antibodies to bands of low molecular weight (29-38 and 48-54 kDa). One group of patients presented the same antibody reactivity to all bands throughout the follow-up study; in the other group, antibodies decayed partially or completely to some or all bands, but these changes were not correlated with time after chemotherapy. Candidates for monitoring patients after chemotherapy may be IgG antibodies to > 205 kDa fractions, IgA to 29-38, 48-54, 81-93 kDa and IgE to 95-121 kDa. Further identification of antigen epitopes related to these markers will allow the development of sensitive and specific immunoassays for the diagnosis and therapeutic assessment of toxocariasis.