974 resultados para Northwestern Yunnan
2005年3~4月,对云南省临沧地区澜沧江自然保护区的鸟类资源进行了调查.通过观察和网捕调查,共计采集记录105种鸟类.结合中国科学院昆明动物研究所鸟类标本室收藏的临沧地区的207种鸟类标本,以及该地区的有关文献资料记录的84种,保护区内共有396种鸟类,隶属55 科(另4亚科)19 目,占云南省所录鸟类种数848种的47%,全国鸟类种数1331种的30%.其中国家一级保护物种2种,二级保护物种39种.保护区内记录的鸟类有留鸟307种,占所录鸟类的78%.区系成分以东洋界物种为主,有292种,占繁殖鸟类总种数的83%.亚区级区系分析表明保护区内的鸟类以滇南山地亚区和西南山地亚区的种类为主,前者成分稍多于后者,说明该地区处于由滇南山地亚区向西南山地亚区过渡的地带.结合该区鸟类垂直分布的特点,提出应加强对原生及次生阔叶林的保护,尤其是对成熟次生林的保护,因为它们对保存该保护区的大多数物种具有重要的价值.
2001 年7 月,于澜沧江下游支流勐腊县境内的南腊河中采获一尾南鳅属( Schistura) 鱼类标本,经鉴定为一新 种。命名为版纳南鳅( S . bannaensis sp. nov. ) 。其主要鉴别特征:侧线完全;尾鳍叉形,两叶稍尖,下叶稍长于上叶; 胸腹鳍均较短小,胸鳍长约为胸鳍和腹鳍基部起点之间距离的一半;腹鳍末端后伸不达肛门,其长约为腹鳍基部至 臀鳍基部起点之间距离的一半;颊部无斑;体侧有4 个醒目的棕褐色宽横斑,由背部延伸至腹面;横斑显著,在侧线 以下较窄,其宽度等于或小于斑纹间距;在侧线以上较宽,其宽度远大于斑纹间距;沿体侧无黑色纵纹。
2000 年7 月和2004 年7 月, 分别在云南省怒江傈僳族自治州和保山市怒江干流采集到一批高原鳅 标本。经鉴定, 为高原鳅属Triplophysa 一未经发表的新种。新种怒江高原鳅Triplophysa ( Triplophysa) nujiangen2 sa sp1nov1 在形态特征和食性方面与唐古拉高原鳅、斯氏高原鳅、粗唇高原鳅和细尾高原鳅较为相似。本新种 身体相对短圆, 头部近圆筒形, 吻端钝圆, 颊部正常, 吻部在鼻孔之前明显向下倾斜, 下颌铲状, 边缘锐利而 水平, 上唇缘无突起, 下唇中央中断, 后部无突起, 眼间隔稍隆起, 眼间距为尾柄高016~018 倍, 第一鳃弓内 侧鳃耙10~19 , 肠绕折3 个环, 前背长为体长7111 %~7712 % , 体长为头长416~515 倍, 偶鳍短圆, 背鳍分 枝鳍条8 根, 胸鳍分枝鳍条10~11 根, 腹鳍末端不达肛门, 尾鳍高度向尾鳍方向不明显降低, 尾柄起点处的宽 小于该处的高, 尾柄长为尾柄高116~218 倍, 胸鳍长为胸腹鳍起点间距4715 %~6315 % , 尾鳍内凹。本文列 出了中国高原鳅属5 种铲状下颌种类的检索表, 本新种可藉之与这些相似种相区别。
通过对采自云南程海和珠江、闽江、长江、辽河、松花江等水系蛇ju标本的形态、度量特征进行仔细分析和比较,认为蛇ju程海种群是蛇ju的1个新亚种,命名为程海蛇ju(Saurogobio dabryi chenghaiensis)。程海蛇ju的特征为:吻皮发达,盖过上唇;上下唇布满发达的乳突;体及尾柄极细长,体高为体长的12.7%-15.0%,尾柄高为体长的5.5%-6.1%、为尾柄长的31.8%-39.1%;沿体侧中轴自鳃孔上方至尾鳍基具一浅色暗纹,其上布有6-11个大型棒状黑斑(黑斑长为宽的2-4倍);肛门位于腹鳍长度的中点之后;尾鳍最长鳍条为其最短鳍条的2倍以上;仅分布于云南程海。
To explore the possible abnormal resting-state activity in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), the regional homogeneity (ReHo) of 22 pairs of patients and well-matched healthy controls was calculated. Compared with controls, the patients showed higher ReHo in the left anterior cingulate cortex, but lower ReHo in the left inferior temporal gyrus. These findings supported the abnormal resting-state brain activity in drug-naive OCD patients. No significant correlations between ReHo value and four clinical characteristics were found, suggesting that abnormal ReHo might be trait-related in OCD. NeuroReport 21:786-790 (C) 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
All Sinocrossocheilus species, except S. microstomatus, are reviewed. Four new species, S. labiata, S. papillolabra, S. nigrovittata, and S. longibulla, are described. The genus Sinocrossocheilus differs from other genera of Cyprinidae by the last simple dorsal fin ray being unserrated and unossified, the last unbranched anal fin ray being unserrated and unossified, the 5-branched anal fin rays, the mouth gap being inferior, the rostral cap covering the lower jaw and connecting directly with the lower lip, a row of fleshy lobes on the lower jaw, and a cloudy black spot above the pectoral fin. Sinocrossocheilus labiata is small and has 22 predorsal scales; S. longibulla has a very large air bladder; S. papillolabra possesses a well-developed ventral fin and a wide band covered by fleshy papillae on the lower lip; and S. nigrovittata possesses black longitudinal stripes along the lateral line. Crossocheilus bamaensis and Crossocheilus liuchengensis are transferred to the genus Sinocrossocheilus. Sinocrossocheilus species are endemic to the central and eastern Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau of China, where river systems are anfractuous, including seasonal rivers, cave rivers, underground rivers, and streamlets between mountains. These separated rivers probably provide conditions for the allopatric speciation of the Sinocrossocheilus.
A new species of cyprinid fish, Mekongina lancangensis, is described from the upper Mekong River drainage in Southern Yunnan, China. The new species is distinguished from the other species of Mekongina occurring in the lower Mekong River drainage by posse
A new species of genus Microrasbora Annandale (1918), M. microphthalma, is described from the Nanwan River, a tributary of the Ruili River, Irrawaddy drainage, in southwest Yunnan province, China. This new species is the first record of the genus Microras
A total of 66 specimens of Niviventer andersoni with intact skulls was investigated on pelage characteristics and cranial morphometric variables. The data were subjected to principal component analyses as well as to discriminant analyses, and measurement
The generic allocation of Indian and Sri Lankan Philautus needs further examination. In this study, a comprehensive understanding of the phylogeny of Indian and Sri Lankan Philautus is obtained based on 125 and 16S rRNA genes. All phylogenetic analyses indicate that Indian-Sri Lankan Philautus, Philautus menglaensis, Philautus longchuanensis, and Philautus gryllus form a well supported clade, separate from Philautus of Sunda Islands that form another well supported clade representing true Philautus. This result supports the designation of the genus Pseudophilautus to accommodate the Indian and Sri Lankan species. Pseudophilautus consists of two major lineages, one comprises the majority of Indian species, Chinese species, and Southeast Asian species, and one comprises all Sri Lankan species and a few Indian species. Pseudophilautus may have originated in South Asia and dispersed into Southeast Asia and China. Based on the results, we further suggest that Philautus cf. gryllus (MNHN1997.5460) belongs to the genus Kurixalus. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Gymnodiptychus integrigymnatus is a critically endangered species endemic to the Gaoligongshan Mountains. It was thought to be only distributed in several headwater-streams of the Longchuanjiang River (west slope of the Gaoligongshan Mountains, belonging to the Irrawaddy River drainage). In recent years, dozens of G. integrigymnatus specimens have been collected in some streams on the east slope of the Gaoligongshan Mountains (the Salween drainage). We performed a morphological and genetic analyses (based on cytochrome b and D-loop) of the newly discovered populations of G. integrigymnatus to determine whether the degree of separation of these populations warrants species status. Our analysis from the cytochrome b gene revealed that nine individuals from the Irrawaddy drainage area and seven individuals from the Salween drainage area each have only one unique haplotype. The genetic distance between the two haplotypes is 1.97%. Our phylogenetic analysis revealed that G. integrigymnatus is closely related to highly specialized schizothoracine fishes. Analysis from the mitochondrial control region revealed that G. integrigymnatus has relatively high genetic diversity (pi was 0.00891 and h was 0.8714), and individuals from different river drainages do not share the same haplotypes. The AMOVA results indicated 87.27% genetic variability between the Salween and Irrawaddy populations. Phylogenetic trees show two major geographic groups corresponding to the river systems. We recommend that G. integrigymnatus should be considered as a high priority for protected species status in the Gaoligongshan Mountains National Nature Reserve, and that the area of the Gaoligongshan Mountains National Nature Reserve should be expanded to cover the entire distribution of G. integrigymnatus. Populations of G. integrigymnatus from different river systems should be treated as evolutionarily significant units.