932 resultados para Newborn animals


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Lo sviluppo e la funzionalità della placenta influenzano direttamente la crescita ed il benessere del feto all'interno dell'utero, quindi qualsiasi problema strutturale o funzionale della placenta influenzerà lo sviluppo del feto. Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di approfondire diversi aspetti clinici e clinico-patologici dell’insufficienza placentare nella specie equina, con l’intento di individuare dei parametri che possano essere di ausilio per l’identificazione precoce del puledro a rischio e della necessità di interventi terapeutici. La valutazione della concentrazione di lattato nel sangue e nel liquido amniotico potrebbe essere un utile strumento diagnostico per la diagnosi di acidosi metabolica associata ad ipossia/ischemia nel puledro e per identificare la necessità di un intervento precoce alla nascita. La risposta all’ipossia sembra essere mediata dall’HIF-1 e dall’HSF-1 anche nel puledro neonato, e se questi dati venissero confermati su un numero maggiore di animali, i due marcatori proteici e la MDA potrebbero essere utilizzati per la diagnosi di PAS nel puledro. L’esame di tutta l’unità placentare riveste un ruolo di fondamentale importanza per l’acquisizione di informazioni riguardo all’ambiente di vita intrauterino del puledro, ed è quindi auspicabile nella pratica ostetrica routinaria una maggiore attenzione all’esame della placenta, soprattutto in caso di patologie materno-fetali. Tra i parametri biochimici valutati al momento della nascita, la creatininemia e la glicemia possono fornire informazioni sull’efficienza dello scambio placentare ed essere quindi utilizzati per individuare puledri a rischio. Infine, lo sviluppo di una macro per il software ImageJ porta alla luce uno strumento nuovo, semplice da usare ed economico, per la valutazione morfometrica dell’arborizzazione dei villi placentari; tuttavia la ricerca necessità ulteriori indagini su un numero maggiore di animali per valutare le differenze morfometriche tra placente normali e patologiche.


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Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite capable of infecting virtually all warm-blooded species, including humans, but cats are the only definitive hosts. Humans or animals acquire T. gondii infection by ingesting food or water contaminated with sporulated oocysts or by ingesting tissue cysts containing bradyzoites. Toxoplasmosis has the highest human incidence among zoonotic parasitic diseases, but it is still considered an underreported zoonosis. The importance of T. gondii primary infection in livestock is related to the ability of the parasite to produce tissue cysts in infected animals, which may represent important sources of infection for humans. Consumption of undercooked mutton and pork are considered important sources of human Toxoplasma gondii. The first aim of this thesis was to develop a rapid and sensitive in- house indirect ELISA for the detection of antibodies against T. gondii in sheep sera. ROC-curve analysis showed high discriminatory power (AUC=0.999) and high sensitivity (99.4%) and specificity (99.8%) of the method. The ELISA was used to test a batch of sheep sera (375) collected in the Forli-Cesena district. The overall prevalence was estimated at 41.9% demonstrating that T. gondii infection is widely distributed in sheep reared in Forli-Cesena district. Since the epidemiological impact of waterborne transmission route of T.gondii to humans is now thought to be more significant than previously believed, the second aim of the thesis was to evaluate PCR based methods for detecting T. gondii DNA in raw and finished drinking water samples collected in Scotland. Samples were tested using a quantitative PCR on 529 bp repetitive elements. Only one raw water sample (0.3%), out of the 358 examined, tested T. gondii positive demonstrating that there is no evidence that tap water is a source of Toxoplasma infection in Scotland.


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Derivation of stem cell lines from domesticated animals has been of great interest as it benefits translational medicine, clinical applications to improve human and animal health and biotechnology. The main types of stem cells studied are Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs), induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) and Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells (MSCs). This thesis had two main aims: (I) The isolation of bovine MSCs from amniotic fluid (AF) at different trimesters of pregnancy and their characterization to study pluripotency markers expression. Stemness markers were studied also in MSCs isolated from equine AF, Wharton’s jelly (WJ) and umbilical cord blood (UCB) as continuation of the characterization of these cells previously performed by our research group; (II) The establishment and characterization of iPSCs lines in two attractive large animal models for biomedical and biotechnology research such as the bovine and the swine, and the differentiation into the myogenic lineage of porcine iPSCs. It was observed that foetal tissues in domestic animals such as the bovine and the horse represent a source of MSCs able to differentiate into the mesodermal lineage but they do not proliferate indefinitely and they lack the expression of many pluripotency markers, making them an interesting source of cells for regenerative medicine, but not the best candidate to elucidate pluripotency networks. The protocol used to induce pluripotency in bovine fibroblasts did not work, as well as the chemical induction of pluripotency in porcine fibroblasts, while the reprogramming protocol used for porcine iPSCs was successful and the line generated was amenable to being differentiated into the myogenic lineage, demonstrating that they could be addressed into a desired lineage by genetic modification and appropriated culture conditions. Only a few cell types have been differentiated from domestic animal iPSCs to date, so the development of a reliable directed-differentiation protocol represents a very important result.


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Urine is considered an ideal source of biomarkers, however in veterinary medicine a complete study on the urine proteome is still lacking. The present work aimed to apply proteomic techniques to the separation of the urine proteome in dogs, cats, horses, cows and some non-conventional species. High resolution electrophoresis (HRE) was also validated for the quantification of albuminuria in dogs and cats. In healthy cats, applying SDS-PAGE and 2DE coupled to mass spectrometry (MS), was produced a reference map of the urine proteome. Moreover, 13 differentially represented urine proteins were linked with CKD, suggesting uromodulin, cauxin, CFAD, Apo-H, RBP and CYSM as candidate biomarkers to be investigated further. In dogs, applying SDS-PAGE coupled to MS, was highlighted a specific pattern in healthy animals showing important differences in patients affected by leishmaniasis. In particular, uromodulin could be a putative biomarker of tubular damage while arginine esterase and low MW proteins needs to be investigated further. In cows, applying SDS-PAGE, were highlighted different patterns between heifers and cows showing some interesting changes during pregnancy. In particular, putative alpha-fetoprotein and b-PAP needs to be further investigated. In horses, applying SDS-PAGE, was produced a reference profile characterized by 13±4 protein bands and the most represented one was the putative uromodulin. Proteinuric horses showed the decrease of the putative uromodulin band and the appearance of 2 to 4 protein bands at higher MW and a greater variability in the range of MW between 49 and 17 kDa. In felids and giraffes was quantified proteinuria reporting the first data for UTP and UPC. Moreover, by means of SDS-PAGE, were highlighted species-specific electrophoretic patterns in big felids and giraffes.


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Gut microbial acquisition during the early stage of life is an extremely important event since it affects the health status of the host. In this contest the healthy properties of the genus Bifidobacterium have a central function in newborns. The aim of this thesis was to explore the dynamics of the gut microbial colonization in newborns and to suggest possible strategies to maintain or restore a correct balance of gut bacterial population in infants. The first step of this work was to review the most recent studies on the use of probiotics and prebiotics in infants. Secondly, in order to prevent or treat intestinal disorders that may affect newborns, the capability of selected Bifidobacterium strains to reduce the amount of Enterobacteriaceae and against the infant pathogen Streptococcus agalactiae was evaluated in vitro. Furthermore, the ability of several commercial fibers to stimulate selectively the growth of bifidobacterial strains was checked. Finally, the gut microbial composition in the early stage of life in response to the intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP) against group B Streptococcus was studied using q-PCR, DGGE and next generation sequencing. The results globally showed that Bifidobacterium breve B632 strain is the best candidate for the use in a synbiotic product coupled to a mixture of two selected prebiotic fibers (galactooligosaccharides and fructooligosaccharides) for gastrointestinal disorders in infants. Moreover, the early gut microbial composition was affected by IAP treatment with infants showing lower counts of Bifidobacterium spp. and Bacteroides spp. coupled to a decrement of biodiversity of bacteria, compared to control infants. These studies have shown that IAP could affect the early intestinal balance in infants and they have paved the way to the definition of new strategies alternative to antibiotic treatment to control GBS infection in pregnant women.


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Rodents are most useful models to study physiological and pathophysiological processes in early development, because they are born in a relatively immature state. However, only few techniques are available to monitor non-invasively heart frequency and respiratory rate in neonatal rodents without restraining or hindering access to the animal. Here we describe experimental procedures that allow monitoring of heart frequency by electrocardiography (ECG) and breathing rate with a piezoelectric transducer (PZT) element without hindering access to the animal. These techniques can be easily installed and are used in the present study in unrestrained awake and anesthetized neonatal C57/Bl6 mice and Wistar rats between postnatal day 0 and 7. In line with previous reports from awake rodents we demonstrate that heart rate in rats and mice increases during the first postnatal week. Respiratory frequency did not differ between both species, but heart rate was significantly higher in mice than in rats. Further our data indicate that urethane, an agent that is widely used for anesthesia, induces a hypoventilation in neonates whilst heart rate remains unaffected at a dose of 1 g per kg body weight. Of note, hypoventilation induced by urethane was not detected in rats at postnatal 0/1. To verify the detected hypoventilation we performed blood gas analyses. We detected a respiratory acidosis reflected by a lower pH and elevated level in CO2 tension (pCO2) in both species upon urethane treatment. Furthermore we found that metabolism of urethane is different in P0/1 mice and rats and between P0/1 and P6/7 in both species. Our findings underline the usefulness of monitoring basic cardio-respiratory parameters in neonates during anesthesia. In addition our study gives information on developmental changes in heart and breathing frequency in newborn mice and rats and the effects of urethane in both species during the first postnatal week.


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Can adults attribute different meanings to the cries produced by the newborns on the basis of physical-acoustic cues in different communication conditions? In order to test this hypothesis, 20 females were asked to evaluate (according to four scales: anguish, anger, annoyance, care-seeking) 24 cries from 12 healthy full-term newborns (4-7h old): 6 newborns previously exposed to tactile communication (Group 1); 6 newborns without communication (Group 2). Annoyance category was not reliable and it was excluded from analyses. The 20 females attributed a higher rate of anger and anguish to the cries from Group 2, and a higher rate of care-seeking to the cries from Group 1. They attributed different meanings to the cries from Group 1, and undifferentiated meanings to the cries from Group 2. Consistent with bivariate analyses, Dysphonic Cry was the strongest predictor of anger/anguish. Although the Hyperphonic Cry was quantitatively not relevant, its absence was the first predictor for care-seeking.


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OBJECTIVE To determine the practicability and accuracy of central corneal thickness (CCT) measurements in living chicks utilizing a noncontact, high-speed optical low-coherence reflectometer (OLCR) mounted on a slit lamp. ANIMALS STUDIED Twelve male chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus). Procedures  Measurements of CCT were obtained in triplicate in 24 eyes of twelve 1-day-old anaesthetized chicks using OLCR. Every single measurement taken by OLCR consisted of the average result of 20 scans obtained within seconds. Additionally, corneal thickness was determined histologically after immersion fixation in Karnovsky's solution alone (20 eyes) or with a previous injection of the fixative into the anterior chamber before enucleation (4 eyes). RESULTS Central corneal thickness measurements using OLCR in 1-day-old living chicks provide a rapid and feasible examination technique. Mean CCT measured with OLCR (189.7 ± 3.34 μm) was significantly lower than histological measurements (242.1 ± 47.27 μm) in eyes with fixation in Karnovsky's solution (P = 0.0005). In eyes with additional injection of Karnovsky's fixative into the anterior chamber, mean histologically determined CCT was 195.2 ± 8.25 μm vs. 191.9 ± 8.90 μm with OLCR. A trend for a lower variance was found compared to the eyes that had only been immersion fixed. CONCLUSION Optical low-coherence reflectometry is an accurate examination technique to measure in vivo CCT in the eye of newborn chicks. The knowledge of the thickness of the chick cornea and the ability to obtain noninvasive, noncontact measurements of CCT in the living animal may be of interest for research and development of eye diseases in chick models.


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Newborn screening (NBS) for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) has been introduced in many countries, but there is no ideal protocol suitable for all countries. This retrospective study was conducted to evaluate whether the planned two step CF NBS with immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT) and 7 CFTR mutations would have detected all clinically diagnosed children with CF in Switzerland.


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In Switzerland, children are prescribed 7.5-12.5 μg per day of vitamin D(3) dissolved in alcohol, but many families do not adhere to the recommendation. The aim of the trial was to compare the acceptance of vitamin D(3) dissolved in alcohol or in medium-chain triglycerides among mothers of Swiss newborn infants. The acceptance was tested in 42 healthy newborn infants (20 girls and 22 boys) aged between 2 and 7 days. Their neonatal body weight ranged between 2.225 and 4.150 kg, and the gestational age between 36 1/7 and 41 3/7 weeks. The blinded mothers rated the facial reaction of their children by pointing on a facial hedonic scale. Thirty eight of the 41 mothers, who brought the comparison to completion, assigned a better score to the oily preparation with no difference in the remaining three cases (P < 0.0001). The acceptance for the oily preparation was significantly better both among mothers whose babies were initially presented the alcoholic preparation and among mothers whose babies were initially presented the oily preparation. Furthermore, the acceptance for the oily preparation was better irrespective of gender of the infant or parity of the mother. In conclusion, from the perspective of mothers, Swiss newborn infants prefer the taste of the oily vitamin D(3) preparation over the alcoholic preparation.


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Brucella suis biovar 2 is the most common aetiological agent of porcine brucellosis in Europe. B. suis biovar 2 is considered to have low zoonotic potential, but is a causative agent of reproductive losses in pigs, and it is thus economically important. The multilocus variable-number of tandem repeats genotyping analysis of 16 loci (MLVA-16) has proven to be highly discriminatory and is the most suitable assay for simultaneously identifying B. suis and tracking infections. The aim of this study was to investigate the relatedness between isolates of B. suis biovar 2 obtained during a brucellosis outbreak in domestic pigs and isolates from wild boars and hares collected from proximal or remote geographical areas by MLVA-16. A cluster analysis of the MLVA-16 data revealed that most of the isolates obtained from Switzerland clustered together, with the exception of one isolate. The outbreak isolates constituted a unique subcluster (with a genetic similarity >93.8%) distinct from that of the isolates obtained from wild animals, suggesting that direct transmission of the bacterium from wild boars to domestic pigs did not occur in this outbreak. To obtain a representative number of isolates for MLVA-16, alternative methods of Brucella spp. isolation from tissue samples were compared with conventional direct cultivation on a Brucella-selective agar. We observed an enhanced sensitivity when mechanical homogenisation was followed by host cell lysis prior to cultivation on the Brucella-selective agar. This work demonstrates that MLVA-16 is an excellent tool for both monitoring brucellosis and investigating outbreaks. Additionally, we present efficient alternatives for the isolation of Brucella spp.