967 resultados para Neonatal ventral hippocampus lesion


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Background: Ventral root avulsion is an experimental model of proximal axonal injury at the central/peripheral nervous system interface that results in paralysis and poor clinical outcome after restorative surgery. Root reimplantation may decrease neuronal degeneration in such cases. We describe the use of a snake venom-derived fibrin sealant during surgical reconnection of avulsed roots at the spinal cord surface. The present work investigates the effects of this fibrin sealant on functional recovery, neuronal survival, synaptic plasticity, and glial reaction in the spinal motoneuron microenvironment after ventral root reimplantation. Methodology/Principal Findings: Female Lewis rats (7 weeks old) were subjected to VRA and root replantation. The animals were divided into two groups: 1) avulsion only and 2) replanted roots with fibrin sealant derived from snake venom. Post-surgical motor performance was evaluated using the CatWalk system twice a week for 12 weeks. The rats were sacrificed 12 weeks after surgery, and their lumbar intumescences were processed for motoneuron counting and immunohistochemistry (GFAP, Iba-1 and synaptophysin antisera). Array based qRT-PCR was used to evaluate gene regulation of several neurotrophic factors and receptors as well as inflammatory related molecules. The results indicated that the root reimplantation with fibrin sealant enhanced motor recovery, preserved the synaptic covering of the motoneurons and improved neuronal survival. The replanted group did not show significant changes in microglial response compared to VRA-only. However, the astroglial reaction was significantly reduced in this group. Conclusions/Significance: In conclusion, the present data suggest that the repair of avulsed roots with snake venom fibrin glue at the exact point of detachment results in neuroprotection and preservation of the synaptic network at the microenvironment of the lesioned motoneurons. Also such procedure reduced the astroglial reaction and increased mRNA levels to neurotrophins and anti-inflammatory cytokines that may in turn, contribute to improving recovery of motor function.


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JT is the recipient of a Post-Doctoral Fellowship from CNPq, Brazil. NGC and ACR are recipients of grants from CNPq, FAPESP, FAPESP-Cinapce, CAPES-PROEX, CNPq-Research Fellowships, Brazil.


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O presente trabalho trata-se de revisão sistemática, referente ao período de 2004 a 2009, sobre o tema mortalidade pós-neonatal. Teve o objetivo de identificar como se colocam na literatura, as causas da morte e a relação com as condições socioeconômicas. Foram selecionados 27 artigos, 74,4% publicados em periódicos da área da Saúde Pública e 66,7%, de desenho do tipo ecológico. Quase a totalidade versava sobre grupos de causas e seus componentes (66,7%), seguidos pelo terço restante, sobre a identificação dos fatores determinantes dos óbitos. A região Sudeste produziu mais de 37% dos estudos. Na maioria dos municípios e estados brasileiros, a redução superou 50% no final da década de 1990. Dentre os grupos de causas de óbitos, predominou o grupamento diarreia-pneumonia, seguido pelas malformações congênitas. As condições de vida segundo indicadores socioeconômicos - moradia, saneamento básico, educação e acesso à saúde - foram determinantes para os maiores índices de mortalidade pós-neonatal por causas passíveis de redução.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi à monitoração dos parâmetros laboratoriais como hemograma, enzimas hepáticas alanina aminotransferase (ALT) e gama-glutamiltransferase (GGT), glicemia e proteinograma sérico, e avaliar o efeito da idade em gatos sem raça definida durante a fase neonatal. Vinte gatos machos e fêmeas foram utilizados a partir do terceiro dia de vida até o 38º dia de idade. As amostras de sangue foram colhidas semanalmente e as análises laboratoriais (hemograma, enzimas hepáticas, glicemia e proteinograma sérico) realizadas no 3º, 10º, 17º, 24º, 31º e 38º dia de idade. Os resultados exibiram efeito significativo da idade sobre a contagem total de eritrócitos, concentração de hemoglobina, volume globular, volume corpuscular médio, concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média, leucócitos totais, neutrófilos, eosinófilos e basófilos. Nenhum efeito foi observado em células como linfócitos, monócitos ou na concentração sérica de glicose. A análise das modificações ocorridas nos parâmetros laboratoriais durante a fase neonatal reflete o desenvolvimento fisiológico do filhote e contribui para o conhecimento do processo adaptativo em gatos neonatos durante o primeiro mês de vida, sendo útil para a avaliação clínica, diagnóstico e tratamento das doenças neonatais.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever a percepção da equipe multiprofissional sobre ruído ambiente em uma unidade de cuidado intermediário neonatal. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo com delineamento qualitativo. Realizaram-se entrevistas abertas com 43 profissionais que atuavam na unidade de cuidado intermediário neonatal. As entrevistas gravadas foram transcritas e realizou-se a análise temática. RESULTADOS: Apreenderam-se quatro núcleos temáticos: Como a equipe percebe o ruído na unidade; O que gera ruído na unidade; Os efeitos do ruído nos bebês, trabalhadores, familiares e acompanhantes; Como reduzir o ruído na unidade. CONCLUSÃO: A equipe tem conhecimento sobre o ruído na unidade, apontando possibilidades e limitações para sua redução.


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Besides the risk of filling material extrusion throughout the apex, a satisfactory apical seal can be difficult to achieve in canals with open apices or iatrogenic enlargements of the apical constriction. These situations pose a challenge to root canal filling. This paper describes the root canal filling of a maxillary right canine with an overinstrumented apex, complete loss of the apical stop, extensive canal transportation and apical periodontitis. A 5 mm calcium hydroxide apical plug was placed before root canal filling. The plug was made by soaking paper points with saline, dipping the points in calcium hydroxide powder and then applying it to the apex several times, until a consistent apical plug was obtained. The canal was then irrigated with saline in order to remove any residual calcium hydroxide from the root canal walls, dried with paper points and obturated with an inverted #80 gutta-percha cone and zinc oxide-eugenol based sealer by the lateral condensation technique. An 8-year radiographic follow-up showed formation of mineralized tissue sealing the apical foramen, apical remodeling and no signs of apical periodontitis.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar os motivos da evasão familiar no programa de triagem auditiva neonatal realizado em um hospital público e correlacioná-los com a distribuição demográfica das famílias e as características do programa. MÉTODOS: Participaram 132 famílias, de um total de 739 contatadas, cujos filhos nasceram em uma maternidade no interior do estado de São Paulo de outubro/2003 a dezembro/2005 e que não haviam comparecido para a realização do teste ou reteste da triagem auditiva neonatal. Foi aplicado um questionário de levantamento das causas de evasão, contendo perguntas relacionadas à triagem auditiva, nível de escolaridade e profissão dos pais e também sobre a audição e o desenvolvimento de linguagem da criança. RESULTADOS: Realizou-se a aplicação do questionário com 132 famílias (17,86%); com as demais não foi obtido contato. Deste total, 82 haviam faltado na primeira etapa da triagem auditiva (teste) e 50 não haviam retornado para realização do reteste. Os motivos mais frequentes para justificar a evasão foram o desinteresse e a dificuldade em conciliar o agendamento com a rotina familiar. Não houve associação entre os motivos da evasão e o nível de escolaridade e ocupação dos pais, nem com o profissional que realizou a orientação acerca da triagem auditiva. Não foi referido nenhum caso de alteração auditiva, nem de atraso significativo no desenvolvimento da linguagem. CONCLUSÃO: Os motivos da evasão familiar independem de variáveis voltadas à família e à dinâmica do programa de triagem auditiva.


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Neonates hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit are exposed to many painful and stressful procedures. Biobehavioral pain reactivity in preterm infants during the neonatal period may reflect the capacity of the central nervous system to regulate arousal and neurobiological organization. We review empirical studies on the effects of sex, gestational age, and neonatal illness severity on pain reactivity in children born preterm. A literature search was conducted using PubMed, Institute of Scientific Information Web of Science, PsycINFO, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, and Scientific Electronic Library Online databases. Additionally, a special search was performed in online journals that publish pain studies including Pain, Early Human Development, European Journal of Pain, and Pain Management Nursing. The literature search covered the period from 2004 to 2009. Data were extracted according to predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Of the 18 studies reviewed, 16 analyzed gestational age, 13 examined neonatal illness severity, and eight focused on sex. Most of the studies analyzed more than one of these three variables. The majority of the studies found effects of gestational age (n = 14) and neonatal illness severity (n = 11) on pain responses. Only two studies found an influence of sex on infant pain responses. In conclusion, gestational age and neonatal illness severity influence pain responses in infants born preterm. Further studies should be conducted to examine the influence of sex on pain responses.


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Abstract: Background: Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is essential for the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a non-conventional neurotransmitter with an important role in synaptic plasticity underlying processes of hippocampus-dependent memory and in the regulation of biological clocks and circadian rhythms. Many studies have shown that both the NOS cytosolic protein content and its enzymatic activity present a circadian variation in different regions of the rodent brain, including the hippocampus. The present study investigated the daily variation of NOS enzymatic activity and the cytosolic content of nNOS in the hippocampus of pigeons. Results: Adult pigeons kept under a skeleton photoperiod were assigned to six different groups. Homogenates of the hippocampus obtained at six different times-of-day were used for NOS analyses. Both iNOS activity and nNOS cytosolic protein concentrations were highest during the subjective light phase and lowest in the subjective dark phase of the circadian period. ANOVA showed significant time differences for iNOS enzymatic activity (p < 0.05) and for nNOS protein content (p < 0.05) in the hippocampus. A significant daily rhythm for both iNOS and nNOS was confirmed by analysis with the Cosinor method (p < 0.05). The present findings indicate that the enzymatic activity of iNOS and content of nNOS protein in the hippocampus of pigeons exhibit a daily rhythm, with acrophase values occurring during the behavioral activity phase. Conclusions: The data corroborate the reports on circadian variation of NOS in the mammalian hippocampus and can be considered indicative of a dynamic interaction between hippocampus-dependent processes and circadian clock mechanisms.


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Drug dependence is a major health problem in adults and has been recognized as a significant problem in adolescents. We previously demonstrated that repeated treatment with a behaviorally sensitizing dose of ethanol in adult mice induced tolerance or no sensitization in adolescents and that repeated ethanol-treated adolescents expressed lower Fos and Egr-1 expression than adult mice in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). In the present work, we investigated the effects of acute and repeated ethanol administration on cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) response element-binding protein (CREB) DNA-binding activity using the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and the phosphorylated CREB (pCREB)/CREB ratio using immunoblotting in both the PFC and hippocampus in adolescent and adult mice. Adult mice exhibited typical locomotor sensitization after 15 days of daily treatment with 2.0 g/kg ethanol, whereas adolescent mice did not exhibit sensitization. Overall, adolescent mice displayed lower CREB binding activity in the PFC compared with adult mice, whereas opposite effects were observed in the hippocampus. The present results indicate that ethanol exposure induces significant and differential neuroadaptive changes in CREB DNA-binding activity in the PFC and hippocampus in adolescent mice compared with adult mice. These differential molecular changes may contribute to the blunted ethanol-induced behavioral sensitization observed in adolescent mice.


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Background: Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is essential for the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a non-conventional neurotransmitter with an important role in synaptic plasticity underlying processes of hippocampus-dependent memory and in the regulation of biological clocks and circadian rhythms. Many studies have shown that both the NOS cytosolic protein content and its enzymatic activity present a circadian variation in different regions of the rodent brain, including the hippocampus. The present study investigated the daily variation of NOS enzymatic activity and the cytosolic content of nNOS in the hippocampus of pigeons. Results: Adult pigeons kept under a skeleton photoperiod were assigned to six different groups. Homogenates of the hippocampus obtained at six different times-of-day were used for NOS analyses. Both iNOS activity and nNOS cytosolic protein concentrations were highest during the subjective light phase and lowest in the subjective dark phase of the circadian period. ANOVA showed significant time differences for iNOS enzymatic activity (p < 0.05) and for nNOS protein content (p < 0.05) in the hippocampus. A significant daily rhythm for both iNOS and nNOS was confirmed by analysis with the Cosinor method (p < 0.05). The present findings indicate that the enzymatic activity of iNOS and content of nNOS protein in the hippocampus of pigeons exhibit a daily rhythm, with acrophase values occurring during the behavioral activity phase. Conclusions: The data corroborate the reports on circadian variation of NOS in the mammalian hippocampus and can be considered indicative of a dynamic interaction between hippocampus-dependent processes and circadian clock mechanisms.


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El caballito de mar (Hippocampus hippocampus) presenta una fase planctónica durante los primeros días de su vida. Cuando cambia a la fase bentónica ha de fijarse en un sustrato adecuado con su cola prensil. Este estudio, realizando recuentos diarios de la distribución de los caballitos en el acuario, ha obtenido como resultado que no existe una preferencia entre el color rojo y azul del sustrato a la hora de la fijación, no obstante, se observó una adaptación progresiva de los peces al sustrato artificial.The seahorse (Hippocampus hippocampus) presents a planktonic phase during the first days of life. During settlement, it fixes to a suitable substratum using its prehensile tail. This study, through a daily counts of the seahorse distribution in the aquarium, established that juveniles seahorse do not show a preference between the red or blue fixation substrates. However, it was observed a progressive adaptation of the fish to the artificial handmade substratum.


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[EN]The importance of a suitable feeding in reproduction and spawning quality of teleost fish has been recognized as one of the major ?bottlenecks? in new aquaculture species like seahorses. Mysidacea species has been described as one of the main food for temperate seahorse species (Hippocampus hippocampus and H. guttulatus) in the wild. On the other hand, Artemia has been employed usually as marine food for rearing fish, including seahorses. The aim of this work is to study the effect of two different live preys (Artemia vs Mysis) in spawning quality of H. hippocampus broodstock. The animals were fed two times per day, six times per week. Spawning episodes and larvae quality was recorded. Seahorse fed on mysis showed significantly better results (p<0.05) than Artemia treatment, regarding spawning events, number of offspring?s and size. This fact showed the high potential of mysis as live prey for seahorses or other ornamental species.


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Anaesthetic and Recovery Protocol for morfometric study of Atlantic seahorse, Hippocampus hippocampus (Linnaeus, 1758), juveniles. Some morphometric studies in marine organism need anaesthetics in order to avoid animal?s sacrifice and allow its recovery. In this study different natural clove essential concentrations has been tested in Atlantic seahorses, Hippocampus hippocampus (Linnaeus, 1758) aged 13 (trunk length 7,48 ± 1,14 mm) and 22 days (trunk length 9,09 ± 1,62 mm). An inversed relation was observed between anaesthetic concentration and effective time. The concentration allowing measures was 25 ppm. This procedure allowed 100% survival rate.