838 resultados para NEUTROPHIL


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Porphyromonas gingivalis, a gram-negative anaerobe which is implicated in the etiology of active periodontitis, secretes degradative enzymes (gingipains) and sheds proinflammatory mediators (e.g., lipopolysaccharides [LPS]). LPS triggers the secretion of interleukin-8 (IL-8) from immune (72-amino-acid [aa] variant [IL-8(72aa)]) and nonimmune (IL-8(77aa)) cells. IL-8(77aa) has low chemotactic and respiratory burst-inducing activity but is susceptible to cleavage by gingipains. This study shows that both R- and K-gingipain treatments of IL-8(77aa) significantly enhance burst activation by fMLP and chemotactic activity (P < 0.05) but decrease burst activation and chemotactic activity of IL-8(72aa) toward neutrophil-like HL60 cells and primary neutrophils (P < 0.05). Using tandem mass spectrometry, we have demonstrated that R-gingipain cleaves 5- and 11-aa peptides from the N-terminal portion of IL-8(77aa) and the resultant peptides are biologically active, while K-gingipain removes an 8-aa N-terminal peptide yielding a 69-aa isoform of IL-8 that shows enhanced biological activity. During periodontitis, secreted gingipains may differentially affect neutrophil chemotaxis and activation in response to IL-8 according to the cellular source of the chemokine.


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The aim of this thesis is to investigate possible mechanisms that may contribute to neutrophil hyperactivity and hyper-reactivity. One possibility is the presence of a neutrophil priming factors within the peripheral circulation of periodontitis patients. To examine this possibility differentiated HL-60 cells and primary neutrophils were studied in the presence and absence of plasma from periodontitis patients. In independent experiments, plasma was depleted of IL-8, GM-CSF, interferon-a, immunoglobulins and albumin. This work demonstrated that plasma factors such as IL-8, GM-CSF, and interferon-a present during periodontitis may contribute towards the reported hyperactive neutrophil phenotype. Furthermore, this work demonstrated that products from Pg may regulate neutrophil accumulation at infected periodontal sites by promoting gingipain-dependent modification of IL-8-77 into a more biologically active chemokine. To elucidate whether the oxidatively stressed environment that neutrophils are exposed to in periodontitis could influence hyperactivity and hyper-reactivity, neutrophils were depleted of glutathione. This work showed that during oxidative stress, where cellular redox-levels have been altered, neutrophils exhibit an increased respiratory burst. In conclusion, this work highlights the multiple mechanisms that may contribute to neutrophil hyperactivity and hyperreactivity including gingipain-modulated activity of IL-8 variants, the effect of host factors such as IL-8, GM-CSF, interferon-a on neutrophils priming and activation, and the shift of neutrophil GSH:GSSG ratio in favour of a more oxidised environment as observed in periodontitis.


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Removal of unwanted, effete, or damaged cells through apoptosis, an active cell death culminating in phagocytic removal of cell corpses, is an important process throughout the immune system in development, control, and homeostasis. For example, neutrophil apoptosis is central to the resolution of acute inflammation, whereas autoreactive and virus-infected cells are similarly deleted. The AC removal process functions not only to remove cell corpses but further, to control inappropriate immune responses so that ACs are removed in an anti-inflammatory manner. Such "silent" clearance is mediated by the innate immune system via polarized monocyte/macrophage populations that use a range of PRRs and soluble molecules to promote binding and phagocytosis of ACs. Additionally, attractive signals are released from dying cells to recruit phagocytes to sites of death. Here, we review the molecular mechanisms associated with innate immune removal of and responses to ACs and outline how these may impact on tissue homeostasis and age-associated pathology (e.g., cardiovascular disease). Furthermore, we discuss how an aging innate immune system may contribute to the inflammatory consequences of aging and why the study of an aging immune system may be a useful path to advance characterization of mechanisms mediating effective AC clearance. © Society for Leukocyte Biology.


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Periodontitis, a ubiquitous chronic inflammatory disease, is associated with reduced antioxidant defences and neutrophil hyperactivity in terms of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. Its phenotype is thus characterized by oxidative stress. We have determined the effect of antioxidant micronutrients ascorbate and α-tocopherol on neutrophil ROS generation. Peripheral neutrophils from periodontally-healthy individuals (n = 20) were challenged with phorbol myristate acetate, IgG-opsonised Staphylococcus aureus, Fusobacterium nucleatum or PBS in the presence and absence of micronutrients (50 μM). Total and extracellular ROS were measured by luminol and isoluminol chemiluminescence respectively. Total and extracellular unstimulated, baseline ROS generation was unaffected by α-tocopherol, but inhibited by ascorbate and a combination of both micronutrients. Fcγ-receptor (Fcγ-R)-stimulated total or extracellular ROS generation was not affected by the presence of individual micronutrients. However, the combination significantly reduced extracellular FcγR-stimulated ROS release. Neither micronutrient inhibited TLR-stimulated total ROS, but the combination caused inhibition. Ascorbate and the micronutrient combination, but not α-tocopherol, inhibited extracellular ROS release by TLR-stimulated cells. Such micronutrient effects in vivo could be beneficial in reducing collateral tissue damage in chronic inflammatory diseases, such as periodontitis, while retaining immune-mediated neutrophil function. © The Author(s) 2012 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav.


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Purpose of review: The roles of angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1) and angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) during vascular development have been extensively investigated, as has been their role in controlling the responsiveness of the endothelium to exogenous cytokines. However, very little is known about the role of these vascular morphogenic molecules in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Here, we summarize the recent research into angiopoietins in atherosclerosis. Recent findings: Angiopoietin-2 is a context-dependent agonist that protects against the development of arteriosclerosis in rat cardiac allograft. A recent study showed, contrary to expectations, that a single systemic administration of adenoviral Ang-2 to apoE-/- mice, fed a Western diet, reduced atherosclerotic lesion size and LDL oxidation in a nitric oxide synthase dependent manner. In contrast, overexpression of Ang-1 fails to protect from rat cardiac allograft due to smooth muscle cell activation. The potential proatherogenic effect of Ang-1 is further supported by the induction of chemotaxis of monocytes by Ang-1 in a manner that is independent of Tie-2 and integrin binding. These studies highlight the need for extensive research to better understand the role of angiopoietins in the cardiovascular setting. Summary: Ang-2 inhibits atherosclerosis by limiting LDL oxidation via stimulation of nitric oxide production. In contrast, Ang-1 can promote monocyte and neutrophil migration. The angiopoietin–Tie-2 system provides an important new target for modulating vascular function.


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We assessed the safety and use of induced sputum (IS) in children with cystic fibrosis (CF). Forty-eight children (19 males) with CF, mean age 12.6 (range, 7.3-17.0) years and median forced expired volume in 1 sec (FEV1) 48% (range, 14-77%) predicted were recruited. Patients spontaneously expectorated sputum and then performed sputum induction by inhalation of nebulized 7% hypertonic saline. Samples were sent for bacteriological culture, and for measurement of the following inflammatory mediators: interleukin-8, myeloperoxidase, eosinophil cationic protein, and neutrophil elastase activity. FEV1 was performed before and after inhalation of hypertonic saline. There was no increase in mediator levels in IS compared to expectorated sputum (ES) samples. Only 3 patients demonstrated significant bronchoconstriction following inhalation of hypertonic saline, by the method used. From the ES samples, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated in 13 patients, Staphylococcus aureus in 7 patients, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in 1 patient, and both Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus in 5 patients. All these organisms were found in the IS samples. However, in 2 patients whose ES grew no organisms, one patient's IS grew Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the other patient's IS grew Staphylococcus aureus. In our study, sputum induction was safe, with no proinflammatory effect.


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Recombinant human DNase (rhDNase) is an established treatment in cystic fibrosis (CF), but it may liberate cationic mediators bound to DNA in the airways. An alternative mucolytic therapy is hypertonic saline (HS); however, HS may potentiate neutrophilic inflammation. We compared the effect of rhDNase and HS on cationic proinflammatory mediators in CF sputum. In a randomized, crossover trial, 48 children with CF were allocated consecutively to 12 weeks of once-daily 2.5 mg rhDNase, alternate-day 2.5 mg rhDNase, and twice-daily 7% HS. Sputum levels of total interleukin-8 (IL-8), free IL-8, myeloperoxidase, eosinophil cationic protein, and neutrophil elastase (NE) activity were measured before and after each treatment. The change in mediator levels from baseline with daily rhDNase and HS was not significant; however, with alternate-day rhDNase, there was an increase in free IL-8. When changes in mediator levels with daily rhDNase were compared with alternate-day rhDNase and HS, no significant differences were detected. Only changes in NE activity were associated with changes in lung function. In summary, we were unable to show that rhDNase or HS promote airway inflammation in CF.


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The bronchial epithelium is a source of both α and β chemokines and, uniquely, of secretory component (SC), the extracellular ligand-binding domain of the polymeric IgA receptor. Ig superfamily relatives of SC, such as IgG and α2-macroglobulin, bind IL-8. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that SC binds IL-8, modifying its activity as a neutrophil chemoattractant. Primary bronchial epithelial cells were cultured under conditions to optimize SC synthesis. The chemokines IL-8, epithelial neutrophil-activating peptide-78, growth-related oncogene α, and RANTES were released constitutively by epithelial cells from both normal and asthmatic donors and detected in high m.w. complexes with SC. There were no qualitative differences in the production of SC-chemokine complexes by epithelial cells from normal or asthmatic donors, and in all cases this was the only form of chemokine detected. SC contains 15% N-linked carbohydrate, and complete deglycosylation with peptide N-glycosidase F abolished IL-8 binding. In micro-Boyden chamber assays, no IL-8-dependent neutrophil chemotactic responses to epithelial culture supernatants could be demonstrated. SC dose-dependently (IC50 ∼0.3 nM) inhibited the neutrophil chemotactic response to rIL-8 (10 nM) in micro-Boyden chamber assays and also inhibited IL-8-mediated neutrophil transendothelial migration. SC inhibited the binding of IL-8 to nonspecific binding sites on polycarbonate filters and endothelial cell monolayers, and therefore the formation of haptotactic gradients, without effects on IL-8 binding to specific receptors on neutrophils. The data indicate that in the airways IL-8 may be solubilized and inactivated by binding to SC


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We have shown that proteins within apically enriched fractions of human nasal respiratory epithelium vary their phosphohistidine content with ambient [Cl-] and other anion concentrations. This membrane-delimited phosphorylation cascade includes a multifunctional protein histidine kinase - nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK). NDPK is itself a cascade component in both human and ovine airway, the self-phosphorylation of which is inhibited selectively by [Na+] in the presence of ATP (but not GTP). These findings led us to propose the existence of a dual anion-/cation-controlled phosphorylation-based "sensor" bound to the apical membrane. The present study showed that this cascade uses ATP to phosphorylate a group of proteins above 45 kDa (p45-group, identities unknown). Additionally, the Cl- dependence of ATP (but not GTP) phosphorylation is conditional on phosphatase activity and that interactions exist between the ATP- and GTP-phosphorylated components of the cascade under Cl--free conditions. As a prelude to studies in cystic fibrosis (CF) mice, we showed in the present study that NDPK is present and functionally active in normal murine airway. Since NDPK is essential for UTP synthesis and regulates fetal gut development, G proteins, K+channels, neutrophil-mediated inflammation and pancreatic secretion, the presence of ion-regulated NDPK protein in mouse airway epithelium might aid understanding of the pathogenesis of CF.


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Background: Human rhinoviral infections are major contributors to the healthcare burden associated with acute exacerbations of asthma. We, and others have recently demonstrated that rhinovirus (RV)-induced inflammatory responses are mediated by multiple signalling mechanisms, such as IL-1/MyD88 (1) and TLR3/RIGI (2). We have also previously published work showing that TLR signalling is effectively inhibited by phosphatidylserine-containing liposomes (SAPS), through the disruption of membrane microdomains (3). Evidence has also suggested that membrane microdomains may influence infections with RV. In this study, we explored the ability of SAPS to modulate responses to the natural viral pathogens, RV-1B and RV-16. Method: The immortalized bronchial epithelial cell line, BEAS-2B or primary bronchial epithelial cells were infected with RV-1B or RV-16 at a TCID50/ml of 19107 for 1 h. Immediately following infection, various concentrations of SAPS were added and changes in cytokine release were measured at 24 h. SAPS remained present throughout. Type I and III interferon (IFN) expression and rates of viral replication were measured by quantitative PCR. Virus quantification was also performed using a viral CPE assay, and IFN signalling was measured by western blot. Liposome stability was characterised and intracellular trafficking of fluorescently labelled SAPS in BEAS-2B cells was investigated using confocal microscopy. For in vivo studies, female wt Balb/c mice were pre-treated with SAPS for 2 h prior to infection with RV as previously described and changes in BAL cell number, BAL cytokine production and viral replication were quantified (4). Results: Characterisation of SAPS liposomes by mass spectrometry showed no obvious signs of oxidation over the time period tested, and liposome size remained constant. Preliminary confocal studies revealed that SAPS was rapidly internalised within the cell and was found to associate with intracellular compartments such as the early endosome and golgi. Viral infected BEAS-2B cells co-incubated with SAPS, showed notably impaired responses to RV as assessed by release of CXCL8 and CCL5. SAPS also reduced RV-induced IFNb production and STAT-1 phosphorylation, without significantly influencing viral replication rates. Modest increases in viral particle production were only observed at 48 and 72 h time points. Suppression of viral-induced cytokine production was also observed in primary bronchial epithelial cells and pilot in vivo studies showed that SAPS results in reduced KC production at 24 h post viral infection, and this was associated with reduced neutrophil numbers within the BAL fluid. Conclusion: Our data demonstrates a potential means of modulating inflammatory responses induced by human rhinovirus.


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Interest in the health of marine mammals has increased due, in part, to the attention given to human impact on the marine environment. Recent mass strandings of the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and rising mortalities of the endangered Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) have raised questions on the extent to which pollution, infectious disease, "stress," and captivity influence the immune system of these animals. This study has provided the first in-depth characterization of immunocytes in the peripheral blood of dolphins (n = 190) and manatees (n = 56). Immunocyte morphology and baseline values were determined in clinically normal animals under free-ranging, stranded and captive living conditions as well as by age and sex. Additionally, immunocyte population dynamics were characterized in sick animals. This was accomplished with traditional cytochemical techniques and new lymphocyte phenotyping methodology which was validated in this study. Traditional cytochemical techniques demonstrated that blood immunocyte morphology and cell numbers are similar to terrestrial mammals with some notable exceptions. The manatee heterophilic granulocyte is a morphologically unique cell and probably functions similarly to the typical mammalian neutrophil. Eosinophils were rarely found in manatees but were uncommonly high in healthy and sick dolphins. Basophils were not identified. Manatees had higher total lymphocyte numbers compared to dolphins and most terrestrial mammals. Lymphocyte subsets identified in healthy animals included T$\rm\sb{h}$, T$\rm\sb{c/s}$, B and NK cells. Dolphin and manatee T and B cell values were higher than those reported in man and most terrestrial mammals. The manatee has extraordinarily high absolute numbers of circulating T$\rm\sb{h}$ cells which suggests an enhanced immunological response capability. With few exceptions, immunocyte types and absolute numbers were not significantly different between free-ranging, stranded and captive categories or between sex and age categories. The evaluation of immunocyte dynamics in various disease states demonstrated a wide variation in cellular responses which provided new insights into innate, humoral and cell-mediated immunity in these species. Additionally, this study demonstrated that lymphocyte phenotyping has diagnostic significance and could be developed into a potential indicator of immunocompetence in both free-ranging and captive dolphin and manatee populations.


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Interest in the health of marine mammals has increased due, in part, to the attention given to human impact on the marine environment. Recent mass strandings of the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and rising mortalities of the endangered Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) have raised questions on the extent to which pollution, infectious disease, "stress," and captivity influence the immune system of these animals. This study has provided the first in-depth characterization of immunocytes in the peripheral blood of dolphins (n=180) and manatees (n=56). Immunocyte morphology and baseline values were determined in clinically normal animals under free-ranging, stranded and captive living conditions as well as by age and sex. Additionally, immuocyte population dynamics were characterized in sick animals. This was accomplished with traditional cytochemical techniques and new lymphocyte phenotyping methodology which was validated in this study. Traditional cytochemical techniques demonstrated that blood immunocyte morphology and cell numbers are similar to terrestrial mammals with some notable exceptions. The manatee heterophilic granulocyte is a morphologically unique cell and probably functions similarly to the typical mammalian neutrophil. Eosinophils were rarely found in manatees but were uncommonly high in healthy and sick dolphins. Basophils were not identified. Manatees had higher total lymphocyte numbers compared to dolphins and most terrestrial mammals. Lymphocyte subsets identified in healthy animals included Th, Tes, B and NK cells. Dolphin and manatee T and B cell values were higher than those reported in man and most terrestrial mammals. The manatee has extraordinarily high absolute numbers of circulating Th cells which suggests an enhanced immunological response capability. With few exceptions, immunocyte types and absolute numbers were not significantly different between free-ranging, stranded and captive categories or between sex and age categories. The evaluation of immunocyte dynamics in various disease states demonstrated a wide variation in cellular responses which provided new insights into innate, humoral and cell-mediated immunity in these species. Additionally, this study demonstrated that lymphocyte phenotyping has diagnostic significance and could be developed into a potential indicator of immunocompetence in both free-ranging and captive dolphin and manatee populations.


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Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) is the most common bacterial agent of sexually transmitted infection and can cause damaging inflammation of the female reproductive tract. As an obligate intracellular pathogen, CT must exit exhausted host cells in a manner that favors successful dissemination. Epithelial cells infected with CT expel decondensed nuclear chromatin at the conclusion of an infectious cycle, and these ensnare CT particles. Whether these chromatin traps benefit the host or the pathogen is not obvious. The overall goal of this work is to begin discerning between these possibilities by determining how chromatin traps impact CT survival following exit and how traps contribute to CT-induced inflammatory processes.


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Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is the only curative treatment for most children with osteopetrosis (OP). Timing of HSCT is critical; therefore, umbilical cord blood transplantation (UCBT) is an attractive option. We analyzed outcomes after UCBT in 51 OP children. Median age at UCBT was 6 months. Seventy-seven percent of the cord blood grafts had 0 or 1 HLA disparity with the recipient. Conditioning regimen was myeloablative (mostly busulfan-based in 84% and treosulfan-based in 10%). Antithymocyte globulin was given to 90% of patients. Median number of total nucleated and CD34(+) cells infused was 14 × 10(7)/kg and 3.4 × 10(5)/kg, respectively. Median follow-up for survivors was 74 months. Cumulative incidence (CI) of neutrophil recovery was 67% with a median time to recovery of 23 days; 33% of patients had graft failure, 81% of engrafted patients had full donor engraftment, and 19% had mixed donor chimerism. Day 100 CI of acute graft-versus-host disease (grades II to IV) was 31% and 6-year CI of chronic graft-versus-host disease was 21%. Mechanical ventilation was required in 28%, and veno-occlusive disease was diagnosed in 16% of cases. Six-year overall survival rate was 46%. Comparative studies with other alternative donors should be performed to evaluate whether UCBT remains a valid alternative for children with OP without an HLA-matched donor.


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Calcium signaling has long been associated with key events of immunity, including chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and activation. However, imaging and manipulation of calcium flux in motile immune cells in live animals remain challenging. Using light-sheet microscopy for in vivo calcium imaging in zebrafish, we observe characteristic patterns of calcium flux triggered by distinct events, including phagocytosis of pathogenic bacteria and migration of neutrophils toward inflammatory stimuli. In contrast to findings from ex vivo studies, we observe enriched calcium influx at the leading edge of migrating neutrophils. To directly manipulate calcium dynamics in vivo, we have developed transgenic lines with cell-specific expression of the mammalian TRPV1 channel, enabling ligand-gated, reversible, and spatiotemporal control of calcium influx. We find that controlled calcium influx can function to help define the neutrophil's leading edge. Cell-specific TRPV1 expression may have broad utility for precise control of calcium dynamics in other immune cell types and organisms.