861 resultados para Multiobjective genetic algorithm


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Atualmente vêm sendo desenvolvidas e utilizadas várias técnicas de modelagem de distribuição geográfica de espécies com os mais variados objetivos. Algumas dessas técnicas envolvem modelagem baseada em análise ambiental, nas quais os algoritmos procuram por condições ambientais semelhantes àquelas onde as espécies foram encontradas, resultando em áreas potenciais onde as condições ambientais seriam propícias ao desenvolvimento dessas espécies. O presente estudo trata do uso da modelagem preditiva de distribuição geográfica, através da utilização de algoritmo genético e algoritmo de distância, de espécies como ferramenta para a conservação de espécies vegetais, em três situações distintas: modelagem da distribuição do bioma cerrado no estado de São Paulo; previsão da ocorrência de espécies arbóreas visando à restauração da cobertura vegetal na bacia do Médio Paranapanema e modelagem da distribuição de espécies ameaçadas de extinção (Byrsonima subterranea). A metodologia empregada e os resultados obtidos foram considerados satisfatórios para a geração de modelos de distribuição geográfica de espécies vegetais, baseados em dados abióticos, para as regiões de estudo. A eficácia do modelo em predizer a ocorrência de espécies do cerrado é maior se forem utilizados apenas pontos de amostragem com fisionomias de cerrado, excluindo-se áreas de transição. Para minimizar problemas decorrentes da falta de convergência do algoritmo utilizado GARP (Genetic Algorithm for Rule Set Production), foram gerados 100 modelos para cada espécie modelada. O uso de modelagem pode auxiliar no entendimento dos padrões de distribuição de um bioma ou ecossistema em uma análise regional e local.


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Desenvolve-se um método para estimar os parâmetros de uma rede hidráulica a partir de dados observados de cargas hidráulicas transientes. Os parâmetros físicos da rede como fatores de atrito, rugosidades absolutas, diâmetros e a identificação e quantificação de vazamentos são as grandezas desconhecidas. O problema transiente inverso é resolvido utilizando uma abordagem indireta que compara os dados disponíveis de carga hidráulica transiente observados com os calculados através de um método matemático. O Método Transiente Inverso (MTI) com um Algoritmo Genético (AG) emprega o Método das Características (MOC) na solução das equações do movimento para escoamento transiente em redes de tubos. As condições de regime permanente são desconhecidas. Para avaliar a confiabilidade do MTI-AG desenvolvido aqui, uma rede-exemplo é usada para os vários problemas de calibração propostos. O comportamento transiente é imposto por duas manobras distintas de uma válvula de controle localizada em um dos nós da rede. Analisam-se, ainda, o desempenho do método proposto mediante a variabilidade do tamanho do registro transiente e de possíveis erros de leitura nas cargas hidráulicas. Ensaios numéricos realizados mostram que o método é viável e aplicável à solução de problema inverso em redes hidráulicas, sobretudo recorrendo-se a poucos dados observados e ao desconhecimento das condições iniciais de estado permanente. Nos diversos problemas de identificação, as informações transientes obtidas da manobra mais brusca produziu estimações mais eficientes.


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Esta pesquisa visa a análise da contribuição de cinco variáveis de entrada e a otimização do desempenho termo-hidráulico de trocadores de calor com venezianas combinados com geradores de vórtices delta-winglets. O desempenho termohidráulico de duas geometrias distintas, aqui nomeadas por GEO1 e GEO2, foram avaliadas. Smoothing Spline ANOVA foi usado para avaliar a contribuição dos parâmetros de entrada na transferência de calor e perda de carga. Considerando aplicação automotiva, foram investigados números de Reynolds iguais a 120 e 240, baseados no diâmetro hidráulico. Os resultados indicaram que o ângulo de venezianas é o maior contribuidor para o aumento do fator de atrito para GEO1 e GEO2, para ambos os números de Reynolds. Para o número de Reynolds menor, o parâmetro mais importante em termos de transferência de calor foi o ângulo das venezianas para ambas as geometrias. Para o número de Reynolds maior, o ângulo de ataque dos geradores de vórtices posicionados na primeira fileira é o maior contribuidor para a tranfesferência de calor, no caso da geometria GEO1, enquanto que o ângulo de ataque dos geradores de vórtices na primeira fileira foi tão importante quanto os ângulos das venezianas para a geometria GEO2. Embora as geometrias analisadas possam ser consideradas como técnicas compostas de intensificação da transferência de calor, não foram observadas interações relevantes entre ângulo de venezianas e parâmetros dos geradores de vórtices. O processo de otimização usa NSGA-II (Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm) combinado com redes neurais artificiais. Os resultados mostraram que a adição dos geradores de vórtices em GEO1 aumentaram a transferência de calor em 21% e 23% com aumentos na perda de carga iguais a 24,66% e 36,67% para o menor e maior números de Reynolds, respectivamente. Para GEO2, a transferência de calor aumentou 13% e 15% com aumento na perda de carga de 20,33% e 23,70%, para o menor e maior número de Reynolds, respectivamente. As soluções otimizadas para o fator de Colburn mostraram que a transferência de calor atrás da primeira e da segunda fileiras de geradores de vórtices tem a mesma ordem de magnitude para ambos os números de Reynolds. Os padrões de escoamento e as características de transferência de calor das soluções otimizadas apresentaram comportamentos vi particulares, diferentemente daqueles encontrados quando as duas técnicas de intensificação de transferência de calor são aplicadas separadamente.


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Esta tese propõe um modelo de regeneração de energia metroviária, baseado no controle de paradas e partidas do trem ao longo de sua viagem, com o aproveitamento da energia proveniente da frenagem regenerativa no sistema de tração. O objetivo é otimizar o consumo de energia, promover maior eficiência, na perspectiva de uma gestão sustentável. Aplicando o Algoritmo Genético (GA) para obter a melhor configuração de tráfego dos trens, a pesquisa desenvolve e testa o Algoritmo de Controle de Tração para Regeneração de Energia Metroviária (ACTREM), usando a Linguagem de programação C++. Para analisar o desempenho do algoritmo de controle ACTREM no aumento da eficiência energética, foram realizadas quinze simulações da aplicação do ACTREM na linha 4 - Amarela do metrô da cidade de São Paulo. Essas simulações demonstraram a eficiência do ACTREM para gerar, automaticamente, os diagramas horários otimizados para uma economia de energia nos sistemas metroviários, levando em consideração as restrições operacionais do sistema, como capacidade máxima de cada trem, tempo total de espera, tempo total de viagem e intervalo entre trens. Os resultados mostram que o algoritmo proposto pode economizar 9,5% da energia e não provocar impactos relevantes na capacidade de transporte de passageiros do sistema. Ainda sugerem possíveis continuidades de estudos.


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This dissertation introduces an approach to generate tests to test fail-safe behavior for web applications. We apply the approach to a commercial web application. We build models for both behavioral and mitigation requirements. We create mitigation tests from an existing functional black box test suite by determining failure type and points of failure in the test suite and weaving required mitigation based on weaving rules to generate a test suite that tests proper mitigation of failures. A genetic algorithm (GA) is used to determine points of failure and type of failure that needs to be tested. Mitigation test paths are woven into the behavioral test at the point of failure based on failure specific weaving rules. A simulator was developed to evaluate choice of parameters for the genetic algorithm. We showed how to tune the fitness function and performed tuning experiments for GA to determine what values to use for exploration weight and prospecting weight. We found that higher defect densities make prospecting and mining more successful, while lower mitigation defect densities need more exploration. We compare efficiency and effectiveness of the approach. First, the GA approach is compared to random selection. The results show that the GA performance was better than random selection and that the approach was robust when the search space increased. Second, we compare the GA against four coverage criteria. The results of comparison show that test requirements generated by a genetic algorithm (GA) are more efficient than three of the four coverage criteria for large search spaces. They are equally effective. For small search spaces, the genetic algorithm is less effective than three of the four coverage criteria. The fourth coverage criteria is too weak and unable to find all defects in almost all cases. We also present a large case study of a mortgage system at one of our industrial partners and show how we formalize the approach. We evaluate the use of a GA to create test requirements. The evaluation includes choice of initial population, multiplicity of runs and a discussion of the cost of evaluating fitness. Finally, we build a selective regression testing approach based on types of changes (add, delete, or modify) that could occur in the behavioral model, the fault model, the mitigation models, the weaving rules, and the state-event matrix. We provide a systematic method by showing the formalization steps for each type of change to the various models.


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Hardware/Software partitioning (HSP) is a key task for embedded system co-design. The main goal of this task is to decide which components of an application are to be executed in a general purpose processor (software) and which ones, on a specific hardware, taking into account a set of restrictions expressed by metrics. In last years, several approaches have been proposed for solving the HSP problem, directed by metaheuristic algorithms. However, due to diversity of models and metrics used, the choice of the best suited algorithm is an open problem yet. This article presents the results of applying a fuzzy approach to the HSP problem. This approach is more flexible than many others due to the fact that it is possible to accept quite good solutions or to reject other ones which do not seem good. In this work we compare six metaheuristic algorithms: Random Search, Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Hill Climbing, Genetic Algorithm and Evolutionary Strategy. The presented model is aimed to simultaneously minimize the hardware area and the execution time. The obtained results show that Restart Hill Climbing is the best performing algorithm in most cases.


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El particionado hardware/software es una tarea fundamental en el co-diseño de sistemas embebidos. En ella se decide, teniendo en cuenta las métricas de diseño, qué componentes se ejecutarán en un procesador de propósito general (software) y cuáles en un hardware específico. En los últimos años se han propuesto diversas soluciones al problema del particionado dirigidas por algoritmos metaheurísticos. Sin embargo, debido a la diversidad de modelos y métricas utilizadas, la elección del algoritmo más apropiado sigue siendo un problema abierto. En este trabajo se presenta una comparación de seis algoritmos metaheurísticos: Búsqueda aleatoria (Random search), Búsqueda tabú (Tabu search), Recocido simulado (Simulated annealing), Escalador de colinas estocástico (Stochastic hill climbing), Algoritmo genético (Genetic algorithm) y Estrategia evolutiva (Evolution strategy). El modelo utilizado en la comparación está dirigido a minimizar el área ocupada y el tiempo de ejecución, las restricciones del modelo son consideradas como penalizaciones para incluir en el espacio de búsqueda otras soluciones. Los resultados muestran que los algoritmos Escalador de colinas estocástico y Estrategia evolutiva son los que mejores resultados obtienen en general, seguidos por el Algoritmo genético.


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Tuning compilations is the process of adjusting the values of a compiler options to improve some features of the final application. In this paper, a strategy based on the use of a genetic algorithm and a multi-objective scheme is proposed to deal with this task. Unlike previous works, we try to take advantage of the knowledge of this domain to provide a problem-specific genetic operation that improves both the speed of convergence and the quality of the results. The evaluation of the strategy is carried out by means of a case of study aimed to improve the performance of the well-known web server Apache. Experimental results show that a 7.5% of overall improvement can be achieved. Furthermore, the adaptive approach has shown an ability to markedly speed-up the convergence of the original strategy.


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The design of fault tolerant systems is gaining importance in large domains of embedded applications where design constrains are as important as reliability. New software techniques, based on selective application of redundancy, have shown remarkable fault coverage with reduced costs and overheads. However, the large number of different solutions provided by these techniques, and the costly process to assess their reliability, make the design space exploration a very difficult and time-consuming task. This paper proposes the integration of a multi-objective optimization tool with a software hardening environment to perform an automatic design space exploration in the search for the best trade-offs between reliability, cost, and performance. The first tool is commanded by a genetic algorithm which can simultaneously fulfill many design goals thanks to the use of the NSGA-II multi-objective algorithm. The second is a compiler-based infrastructure that automatically produces selective protected (hardened) versions of the software and generates accurate overhead reports and fault coverage estimations. The advantages of our proposal are illustrated by means of a complex and detailed case study involving a typical embedded application, the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).


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Optimized structure of the educational program consisting of a set of the interconnected educational objects is offered by means of problem solution of optimum partition of the acyclic weighed graph. The condition of acyclicity preservation for subgraphs is formulated and the quantitative assessment of decision options is executed. The original algorithm of search of quasioptimum partition using the genetic algorithm scheme with coding chromosomes by permutation is offered. Object-oriented realization of algorithm in language C++ is described and results of numerical experiments are presented.


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Warranty is an important element of marketing new products. The servicing of warranty results in additional costs to the manufacturer. Warranty logistics deals with various issues relating to the servicing of warranty. Proper management of warranty logistics is needed not only to reduce the warranty servicing cost but also to ensure customer satisfaction as customer dissatisfaction has a negative impact on sales and revenue. Unfortunately, warranty logistics has received very little attention. The paper links the literature on warranty and on logistics and then discusses the different issues in warranty logistics. It highlights the challenges and identifies some research topics of potential interest to operational researchers. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Organic microcavity light emitting diodes typically exhibit a blue shift of the emitting wavelength with increasing viewing angle. While the wavelength shift can be reduced with the appropriate choice of organic materials and metal mirrors, for further reduction of the emission wavelength shift it is necessary to consider a mirror whose phase shift can partly compensate the effect of the change of optical path within the cavity. In this work, we used a genetic algorithm (GA) to design an asymmetric Bragg mirror in order to minimize the emission wavelength shift with viewing angle. Based on simulation results, the use of asymmetric Bragg mirrors represents a promising way to reduce the emission wavelength shift. Detailed comparison between GA optimized and conventional Bragg mirrors in terms of resonant wavelength dependence on the viewing angle, spectral narrowing, and brightness enhancement is given. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background. The factors behind the reemergence of severe, invasive group A streptococcal (GAS) diseases are unclear, but it could be caused by altered genetic endowment in these organisms. However, data from previous studies assessing the association between single genetic factors and invasive disease are often conflicting, suggesting that other, as-yet unidentified factors are necessary for the development of this class of disease. Methods. In this study, we used a targeted GAS virulence microarray containing 226 GAS genes to determine the virulence gene repertoires of 68 GAS isolates (42 associated with invasive disease and 28 associated with noninvasive disease) collected in a defined geographic location during a contiguous time period. We then employed 3 advanced machine learning methods (genetic algorithm neural network, support vector machines, and classification trees) to identify genes with an increased association with invasive disease. Results. Virulence gene profiles of individual GAS isolates varied extensively among these geographically and temporally related strains. Using genetic algorithm neural network analysis, we identified 3 genes with a marginal overrepresentation in invasive disease isolates. Significantly, 2 of these genes, ssa and mf4, encoded superantigens but were only present in a restricted set of GAS M-types. The third gene, spa, was found in variable distributions in all M-types in the study. Conclusions. Our comprehensive analysis of GAS virulence profiles provides strong evidence for the incongruent relationships among any of the 226 genes represented on the array and the overall propensity of GAS to cause invasive disease, underscoring the pathogenic complexity of these diseases, as well as the importance of multiple bacteria and/ or host factors.


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The GuRm is a 1.2m tall, 23 degree of freedom humanoid consuucted at the University of Queensland for research into humanoid robotics. The key challenge being addressed by the GuRw projcct is the development of appropriate learning strategies for control and coodinadon of the robot’s many joints. The development of learning strategies is Seen as a way to sidestep the inherent intricacy of modeling a multi-DOP biped robot. This paper outlines the approach taken to generate an appmpria*e control scheme for the joinis of the GuRoo. The paper demonsrrates the determination of local feedback control parameters using a genetic algorithm. The feedback loop is then augmented by a predictive modulator that learns a form of feed-fonward control to overcome the irregular loads experienced at each joint during the gait cycle. The predictive modulator is based on thc CMAC architecture. Results from tats on the GuRoo platform show that both systems provide improvements in stability and tracking of joint control.


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In this paper we demonstrate that it is possible to gradually improve the performance of support vector machine (SVM) classifiers by using a genetic algorithm to select a sequence of training subsets from the available data. Performance improvement is possible because the SVM solution generally lies some distance away from the Bayes optimal in the space of learning parameters. We illustrate performance improvements on a number of benchmark data sets.