973 resultados para Monte-carlo Calculations


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The specific high energy and power capacities of rechargeable lithium metal (Li0) batteries are ideally suited to portable devices and are valuable as storage units for intermittent renewable energy sources. Lithium, the lightest and most electropositive metal, would be the optimal anode material for rechargeable batteries if it were not for the fact that such devices fail unexpectedly by short-circuiting via the dendrites that grow across electrodes upon recharging. This phenomenon poses a major safety issue because it triggers a series of adverse events that start with overheating, potentially followed by the thermal decomposition and ultimately the ignition of the organic solvents used in such devices.

In this thesis, we developed experimental platform for monitoring and quantifying the dendrite populations grown in a Li battery prototype upon charging under various conditions. We explored the effects of pulse charging in the kHz range and temperature on dendrite growth, and also on loss capacity into detached “dead” lithium particles.

Simultaneously, we developed a computational framework for understanding the dynamics of dendrite propagation. The coarse-grained Monte Carlo model assisted us in the interpretation of pulsing experiments, whereas MD calculations provided insights into the mechanism of dendrites thermal relaxation. We also developed a computational framework for measuring the dead lithium crystals from the experimental images.


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A study is made of the accuracy of electronic digital computer calculations of ground displacement and response spectra from strong-motion earthquake accelerograms. This involves an investigation of methods of the preparatory reduction of accelerograms into a form useful for the digital computation and of the accuracy of subsequent digital calculations. Various checks are made for both the ground displacement and response spectra results, and it is concluded that the main errors are those involved in digitizing the original record. Differences resulting from various investigators digitizing the same experimental record may become as large as 100% of the maximum computed ground displacements. The spread of the results of ground displacement calculations is greater than that of the response spectra calculations. Standardized methods of adjustment and calculation are recommended, to minimize such errors.

Studies are made of the spread of response spectral values about their mean. The distribution is investigated experimentally by Monte Carlo techniques using an electric analog system with white noise excitation, and histograms are presented indicating the dependence of the distribution on the damping and period of the structure. Approximate distributions are obtained analytically by confirming and extending existing results with accurate digital computer calculations. A comparison of the experimental and analytical approaches indicates good agreement for low damping values where the approximations are valid. A family of distribution curves to be used in conjunction with existing average spectra is presented. The combination of analog and digital computations used with Monte Carlo techniques is a promising approach to the statistical problems of earthquake engineering.

Methods of analysis of very small earthquake ground motion records obtained simultaneously at different sites are discussed. The advantages of Fourier spectrum analysis for certain types of studies and methods of calculation of Fourier spectra are presented. The digitizing and analysis of several earthquake records is described and checks are made of the dependence of results on digitizing procedure, earthquake duration and integration step length. Possible dangers of a direct ratio comparison of Fourier spectra curves are pointed out and the necessity for some type of smoothing procedure before comparison is established. A standard method of analysis for the study of comparative ground motion at different sites is recommended.


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This paper reports on an investigation into fuel design choices of a pressurized water reactor operating in a self-sustainable Th- 233U fuel cycle. In order to evaluate feasibility of this concept, two types of fuel assembly lattices were considered: square and hexagonal. The hexagonal lattice may offer some advantages over the square one. For example, the fertile blanket fuel can be packed more tightly reducing the blanket volume fraction in the core and potentially allowing to achieve higher core average power density. The calculations were carried out with Monte-Carlo based BGCore code system and the results were compared to those obtained with Serpent Monte-Carlo code and deterministic transport code BOXER. One of the major design challenges associated with the SB concept is high power peaking due to the high concentration of fissile material in the seed region. The second objective of this work is to estimate the maximum achievable core power density by evaluation of limiting thermal hydraulic parameters. The analysis showed that both fuel assembly designs have a potential of achieving net breeding. Although hexagonal lattice was found to be somewhat more favorable because it allows achieving higher power density, while having breeding performance comparable to the square lattice case. © Carl Hanser Verlag München.


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BGCore is a software package for comprehensive computer simulation of nuclear reactor systems and their fuel cycles. The BGCore interfaces Monte Carlo particles transport code MCNP4C with a SARAF module - an independently developed code for calculating in-core fuel composition and spent fuel emissions following discharge. In BGCore system, depletion coupling methodology is based on the multi-group approach that significantly reduces computation time and allows tracking of large number of nuclides during calculations. In this study, burnup calculation capabilities of BGCore system were validated against well established and verified, computer codes for thermal and fast spectrum lattices. Very good agreement in k eigenvalue and nuclide densities prediction was observed for all cases under consideration. In addition, decay heat prediction capabilities of the BGCore system were benchmarked against the most recent edition of ANS Standard methodology for UO2 fuel decay power prediction in LWRs. It was found that the difference between ANS standard data and that predicted by the BGCore does not exceed 5%.


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The alloy formation enthalpy and band structure of InGaN nanowires were studied by a combined approach of the valence-force field model, Monte Carlo simulation, and density-functional theory (DFT). For both random and ground-state structures of the coherent InGaN alloy, the nanowire configuration was found to be more favorable for the strain relaxation than the bulk alloy. We proposed an analytical formula for computing the band gap of any InGaN nanowires based on the results from the screened exchange hybrid DFT calculations, which in turn reveals a better band-gap tunability in ternary InGaN nanowires than the bulk alloy.


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Cross sections of electron- loss in H( 1s)+ H( 1s) collisions and total collisional destruction of H( 2s) in H( 1s) + H( 2s) collisions are calculated by four- body classical- trajectory Monte Carlo ( CTMC) method and compared with previous theoretical and experimental data over the energy range of 4 - 100 keV. For the former a good agreement is obtained within di. erent four- body CTMC calculations, and for the incident energy Ep > 10 keV, comparison with the experimental data shows a better agreement than the results calculated by the impact parameter approximation. For the latter, our theory predicts the correct experimental behaviour, and the discrepancies between our results and experimental ones are less than 30%. Based on the successive comparison with experiments, the cross sections for excitation to H( 2p), single- and double- ionization and H- formation in H( 2s)+ H( 2s) collisions are calculated in the energy range of 4 - 100 keV for the. rst time, and compared with those in H( 1s)+ H( 1s) and H( 1s)+ H( 2s) collisions.


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Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) polarisation observations of the relativistic jets from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) allow the magnetic field environment around the jet to be probed. In particular, multi-wavelength observations of AGN jets allow the creation of Faraday rotation measure maps which can be used to gain an insight into the magnetic field component of the jet along the line of sight. Recent polarisation and Faraday rotation measure maps of many AGN show possible evidence for the presence of helical magnetic fields. The detection of such evidence is highly dependent both on the resolution of the images and the quality of the error analysis and statistics used in the detection. This thesis focuses on the development of new methods for high resolution radio astronomy imaging in both of these areas. An implementation of the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) suitable for multi-wavelength VLBI polarisation observations is presented and the advantage in resolution it possesses over the CLEAN algorithm is discussed and demonstrated using Monte Carlo simulations. This new polarisation MEM code has been applied to multi-wavelength imaging of the Active Galactic Nuclei 0716+714, Mrk 501 and 1633+382, in each case providing improved polarisation imaging compared to the case of deconvolution using the standard CLEAN algorithm. The first MEM-based fractional polarisation and Faraday-rotation VLBI images are presented, using these sources as examples. Recent detections of gradients in Faraday rotation measure are presented, including an observation of a reversal in the direction of a gradient further along a jet. Simulated observations confirming the observability of such a phenomenon are conducted, and possible explanations for a reversal in the direction of the Faraday rotation measure gradient are discussed. These results were originally published in Mahmud et al. (2013). Finally, a new error model for the CLEAN algorithm is developed which takes into account correlation between neighbouring pixels. Comparison of error maps calculated using this new model and Monte Carlo maps show striking similarities when the sources considered are well resolved, indicating that the method is correctly reproducing at least some component of the overall uncertainty in the images. The calculation of many useful quantities using this model is demonstrated and the advantages it poses over traditional single pixel calculations is illustrated. The limitations of the model as revealed by Monte Carlo simulations are also discussed; unfortunately, the error model does not work well when applied to compact regions of emission.


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A refined theoretical approach has been developed to study the double-differential cross sections (DDCS's) in proton-helium collisions as a function of the ratio of ionized electron velocity to the incident proton velocity. The refinement is done in the present coupled-channel calculation by introducing a continuum distorted wave in the final state coupled with discrete states including direct as well as charge transfer channels. It is confirmed that the electron-capture-to-the-continuum (ECC) peak is slightly shifted to a lower electron velocity than the equivelocity position. Comparing measurements and classical trajectory Monte Carlo (CTMC) calculations at 10 and 20 keV proton energies, excellent agreement of the ECC peak heights is achieved at both energies. However, a minor disagreement in the peak positions between the present calculation and the CTMC results is noted. A smooth behavior of the DDCS is found in the present calculation on both sides of the peak whereas the CTMC results show some oscillatory behavior particularly to the left of the peak, associated with the statistical nature of CTMC calculations.


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The overall quantum efficiency in surface plasmon (SP) enhanced Schottky barrier photodetectors is examined by considering both the external and internal yield. The external yield is considered through calculations of absorption and transmission of light in a configuration that allows reflectance minimization due to SP excitation. Following a Monte Carlo method, a procedure is presented to estimate the internal yield while taking into account the effect of elastic and inelastic scattering processes on excited carriers subsequent to photon absorption. The relative importance of internal photoemission and band-to-band contributions to the internal yield is highlighted along with the variation of the yield as a function of wavelength, metal thickness and other salient parameters of the detector. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Charge exchange (CE) plays a fundamental role in the collisions of solar- and stellar-wind ions with lunar and planetary exospheres, comets, and circumstellar clouds. Reported herein are absolute cross sections for single, double, triple, and quadruple CE of Feq+ (q = 5-13) ions with H2O at a collision energy of 7q keV. One measured value of the pentuple CE is also given for Fe9+ ions. An electron cyclotron resonance ion source is used to provide currents of the highly charged Fe ions. Absolute data are derived from knowledge of the target gas pressure, target path length, and incident and charge-exchanged ion currents. Experimental cross sections are compared with new results of the n-electron classical trajectory Monte Carlo approximation. The radiative and non-radiative cascades following electron transfers are approximated using scaled hydrogenic transition probabilities and scaled Auger rates. Also given are estimates of cross sections for single capture, and multiple capture followed by autoionization, as derived from the extended overbarrier model. These estimates are based on new theoretical calculations of the vertical ionization potentials of H2O up to H2O10+.


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This paper considers the ways in which structural model parameter variability can in?uence aeroelastic stability. Previous work on formulating the stability calculation (with the Euler equations providing the aerodynamic predictions) is exploited to use Monte Carlo, Interval and Perturbation calculations to allow this question to be investigated. Three routes are identi?ed. The ?rst involves variable normal mode frequencies only. The second involves normal mode frequencies and mode shapes. Finally, the third, in addition to normal mode frequencies and mode shapes, also includes their in?uence on the static equilibrium. Previous work has suggested only considering route 1, which allows signi?cant gains in computational e?ciency if reduced order models can be built for the aerodynamics. However, results in the current paper show that neglecting route 2 can give misleading results for the ?utter onset prediction.


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This paper considers the ways in which structural model parameter variability can influence aeroelastic stability. Previous work on formulating the stability calculation (with the Euler equations providing the aerodynamic predictions) is exploited to use Monte Carlo, interval, and perturbation calculations to allow this question to be investigated. Three routes are identified. The first involves variable normal-mode frequencies only. The second involves normal-mode frequencies and shapes. Finally, the third, in addition to normal-mode frequencies and shapes, also includes their influence on the static equilibrium. Previous work has suggested only considering the first route, which allows significant gains in computational efficiency if reduced-order models can be built for the aerodynamics. However, results in the current paper show that neglecting the mode-shape variation can give misleading results for the flutter-onset prediction, complicating the development of reduced aerodynamic models for variability analysis.


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The effect of photon frequency redistribution by line branching on mass-loss rates for hot luminous stars is investigated. Monte Carlo simulations are carried out for a range of OB star models which show that previous mass-loss calculations which neglect non-resonance line scattering overestimate mass-loss rates for luminous O stars by ~20 per cent. For luminous B stars the effect is somewhat larger, typically ~50 per cent. A Wolf-Rayet star model is used to investigate line branching in the strong wind limit. In this case the effect of line branching is much greater, giving mass-loss rates that are smaller by a factor ~3 from computations which neglect branching.


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High-velocity outflows from supermassive black holes have been invoked to explain the recent identification of strong absorption features in the hard X-ray spectra of several quasars. Here, Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations are performed to synthesize X-ray spectra from models of such flows. It is found that simple, parametric biconical outflow models with plausible choices for the wind parameters predict spectra that are in good qualitative agreement with observations in the 2-10 keV band. The influence on the spectrum of both the mass-loss rate and opening angle of the flow are considered: the latter is important since photon leakage plays a significant role in establishing an ionization gradient within the flow, a useful discriminant between spherical and conical outflow for this and other applications. Particular attention is given to the bright quasar PG 1211+143 for which constraints on the outflow geometry and mass-loss rate are discussed subject to the limitations of the currently available observational data.


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Highly ionized fast accretion disc winds have been suggested as an explanation for a variety of observed absorption and emission features in the X-ray spectra of active galactic nuclei. Simple estimates have suggested that these flows may be massive enough to carry away a significant fraction of the accretion energy and could be involved in creating the link between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies. However, testing these hypotheses, and quantifying the outflow signatures, requires high-quality theoretical spectra for comparison with observations. Here, we describe extensions of our Monte Carlo radiative transfer code that allow us to generate realistic theoretical spectra for a much wider variety of disc wind models than that was possible in our previous work. In particular, we have expanded the range of atomic physics simulated by the code so that L- and M-shell ions can now be included. We have also substantially improved our treatment of both ionization and radiative heating such that we are now able to compute spectra for outflows containing far more diverse plasma conditions. We present example calculations that illustrate the variety of spectral features predicted by parametrized outflow models and demonstrate their applicability to the interpretation of data by comparison with observations of the bright quasar PG1211+143. We find that the major features in the observed 2-10 keV spectrum of this object can be well reproduced by our spectra, confirming that it likely hosts a massive outflow. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 RAS.