870 resultados para Modulus of Smoothness
The polycrystalline sample of Nd3/2Bi3/2Fe5O12 was prepared by a high- temperature solid-state reaction technique. Preliminary X-ray structural analysis exhibits the formation of a single-phase tetragonal structure at room temperature. Microstructural analysis by scanning electron microscopy shows that the sintered sample has well defined grains. These grains are distributed uniformly throughout the surface of the sample. Detailed studies of dielectric response at various frequencies and temperatures exhibit a dielectric anomaly at 400 A degrees C. The electrical properties (impedance, modulus and conductivity) of the material were studied using a complex impedance spectroscopy technique. These studies reveal a significant contribution of grain and grain boundary effects in the material. The frequency dependent plots of modulus and the impedance loss show that the conductivity relaxation is of non-Debye type. Studies of electrical conductivity with temperature demonstrate that the compound exhibits Arrhenius-type of electrical conductivity. Study of ac conductivity with frequency suggests that the material obeys Jonscher's universal power law.
Polycrystalline La3/2Bi3/2Fe5O12 (LBIO) compound was prepared by a high-temperature solid-state reaction technique. The complex impedance of LBIO was measured over a wide temperature (i.e., room temperature to 500 C) and frequencies (i.e., 10(2)-10(6) Hz) ranges. This study takes advantage of plotting ac data simultaneously in the form of impedance and modulus spectroscopic plots and obey non-Debye type of relaxation process. The Nyquist's plot showed the presence of grain effects in the material at high temperature. The ac conductivity spectrum was found to obey Jonscher's universal power law. The dc conductivity was found to increase with rise in temperature. The activation energy of the compound was found to be 0.24 and 0.51 eV in the low and high-temperature region, respectively, for conduction process.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present article describes the preparation and characterization A anionic Collagen gels obtained from porcine intestinal submucosa after 72 h of alkaline treatment and in the form of rhamsan composites to develop injectable biomaterials for plastic for construction. All materials were characterized by SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, infrared spectroscopy, thermal stability, potentiometric titration, rheological properties, and fluidity tests. Biocompatibility was appraised after the injection of anionic collagen:rhamsan composites at 2.5% in 60 North Folk rabbits. Independently of processing, the Collagen's secondary structure was preserved in all cases, and after 72 h of hydrolysis the Collagen was characterized by a carboxyl group content of 346 :L 9, which, at physiological pH, corresponds to an increase of 106 17 negative charges, in comparison to native Collagen, due to the selective hydrolysis of asparagine and glutamine carboxyamide side chain. Rheological studies of composites at pH 7.4 in concentrations of 2, 4, and 6% (in proportions of 75:1 and 50:1) showed a viscoelastic behavior dependent on the frequency, which is independent of concentration and proportion. In both, the concentration of the storage modulus always predominated over the loss modulus (G' > G and delta < 45 degrees). The results from creep experiments confirmed this behavior and showed that anionic collagen:rhamsan composites at pH 7.4 in the proportion of 50:1 are less elastic and more susceptible to deformation in comparison to gels in the proportion of 75:1, independent of concentration. This was further confirmed by flow experiments, indicating that the necessary force for the extrusion of anionic collagen:rhamsan composites, in comparison to anionic Collagen, was significantly smaller and with a smooth flow. Biocompatibility studies showed that the tissue reaction of anionic collagen:rhamsan composites at 2.5% in the proportion of 75:1 was compatible with the application of these gels in plastic reconstruction. These results suggest that the association of Collagen with rhamsan may be a good alternative in the replacement of glutaraidehyde to stabilize the microfibril assembly of commercial Collagen gel preparations. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study assessed the in vitro influence of surface sealing on the surface roughness of a posterior resin composite before and after tooth-brushing. Thirty. specimens (13 nun diameter x 1 mm high) were fabricated from Filtek-P60 resin composite and randomly assigned to three groups (n=10): a non-sealed control and two groups sealed with one of the tested materials-a surface-penetrating sealant (Protect-it!-PI) and a one bottle adhesive system (Single Bond-SB). The samples were subjected to a surface roughness reading to determine the initial roughness, then submitted to simulated toothbrushing with 35,600 cycles for 100 minutes. Specimens were then cleaned and a post-abrasion surface roughness reading accomplished. Means (pm), recorded before (B) and after (A) toothbrushing, and standard deviations were: Control-(B): 0.032 (+/-0.005), (A): 0.054 (+/-0.005); PI-(B): 0.034 (+/-0.005), (A): 0.060 (+/-0.034); SB (B): 0.031 (+/-0.004), (A): 0.047 (+/-0.007). Data were tabulated and submitted to two-way ANOVA. No statistically significant difference was observed when the control and experimental groups were compared. However, a significant difference (p<0.05) was found between the measurements performed before and after toothbrushing. Based on these results, it may be concluded that using either a surface penetrating sealant or a one bottle adhesive system did not provide the optimization of superficial integrity. The use of a dentifrice and toothbrush resulted in significant alterations to the surface smoothness of the resin composite.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objectives. To test the hypothesis that multiple firing and silica deposition on the zirconia surface influence the bond strength to porcelain.Materials and methods. Specimens were cut from yttria-stabilized zirconia blocks and sintered. Half of the specimens (group S) were silica coated (physical vapor deposition (PVD)) via reactive magnetron sputtering before porcelain veneering. The remaining specimens (group N) had no treatment before veneering. The contact angle before and after silica deposition was measured. Porcelain was applied on all specimens and submitted to two (N2 and S2) or three firing cycles (N3 and S3). The resulting porcelain-zirconia blocks were sectioned to obtain bar-shaped specimens with 1 mm(2) of cross-sectional area. Specimens were attached to a universal testing machine and tested in tension until fracture. Fractured surfaces were examined using optical microscopy. Data were statistically analyzed using two-way ANOVA, Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05) and Weibull analysis.Results. Specimens submitted to three firing cycles (N3 and S3) showed higher mean bond strength values than specimens fired twice (N2 and S2). Mean contact angle was lower for specimens with silica layer, but it had no effect on bond strength. Most fractures initiated at porcelain-zirconia interface and propagated through the porcelain.Significance. The molecular deposition of silica on the zirconia surface had no influence on bond strength to porcelain, while the number of porcelain firing cycles significantly affected the bond strength of the ceramic system, partially accepting the study hypothesis. Yet, the Weibull modulus values of S groups were significantly greater than the m values of N groups. (C) 2012 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The mineral and organic phases of mineralized dentin contribute co-operatively to its strength and toughness. This study tested the null hypothesis that there is no difference in nano-dynamic mechanical behavior (complex modulus-E*; loss modulus-E ''; storage modulus-E'; in GPa) of dentin hybrid layers (baseline: E*, 3.86 +/- 0.24; E '', 0.23 +/- 0.05; E', 3.85 +/- 0.24) created by an etch-and-rinse adhesive in the presence or absence of biomimetic remineralization after in vitro aging. Using scanning probe microscopy and nano-dynamic mechanical analysis, we demonstrated that biomimetic remineralization restored the nano-dynamic mechanical behavior of heavily remineralized, resin-sparse regions of dentin hybrid layers (E*, 19.73 +/- 3.85; E '', 8.75 +/- 3.97; E', 16.02 +/- 2.58) to those of the mineralized dentin base (E*, 19.20 +/- 2.42; E '', 6.57 +/- 1.96; E', 17.39 +/- 2.0) [p > 0.05]. Conversely, those resin-sparse, water-rich regions degraded in the absence of biomimetic remineralization, with significant decline [p < 0.05] in their complex and storage moduli (E*, 0.83 +/- 0.35; E '', 0.88 +/- 0.24; E', 0.62 +/- 0.32). Intrafibrillar apatite deposition preserves the integrity of resin-sparse regions of hybrid layers by restoring their nanomechanical properties to those exhibited by mineralized dentin.
Chameleons are scalar fields that couple directly to ordinary matter with gravitational strength, but which nevertheless evade the stringent constraints on tests of gravity because of properties they acquire in the presence of high ambient matter density. Chameleon theories were originally constructed in a bottom-up, phenomenological fashion, with potentials and matter couplings designed to hide the scalar from experiments. In this paper, we attempt to embed the chameleon scenario within string compactifications, thus UV completing the scenario. We look for stabilized potentials that can realize a screening mechanism, and we find that the volume modulus rather generically works as a chameleon, and in fact the supersymmetric potential used by Kachru, Kallosh, Linde and Trivedi (KKLT) is an example of this type. We consider all constraints from tests of gravity, allowing us to put experimental constraints on the KKLT parameters.