964 resultados para Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012


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Some properties of the annular billiard under the presence of weak dissipation are studied. We show, in a dissipative system, that the average energy of a particle acquires higher values than its average energy of the conservative case. The creation of attractors, associated with a chaotic dynamics in the conservative regime, both in appropriated regions of the phase space, constitute a generic mechanism to increase the average energy of dynamical systems.


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Background: The inference of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) from large-scale expression profiles is one of the most challenging problems of Systems Biology nowadays. Many techniques and models have been proposed for this task. However, it is not generally possible to recover the original topology with great accuracy, mainly due to the short time series data in face of the high complexity of the networks and the intrinsic noise of the expression measurements. In order to improve the accuracy of GRNs inference methods based on entropy (mutual information), a new criterion function is here proposed. Results: In this paper we introduce the use of generalized entropy proposed by Tsallis, for the inference of GRNs from time series expression profiles. The inference process is based on a feature selection approach and the conditional entropy is applied as criterion function. In order to assess the proposed methodology, the algorithm is applied to recover the network topology from temporal expressions generated by an artificial gene network (AGN) model as well as from the DREAM challenge. The adopted AGN is based on theoretical models of complex networks and its gene transference function is obtained from random drawing on the set of possible Boolean functions, thus creating its dynamics. On the other hand, DREAM time series data presents variation of network size and its topologies are based on real networks. The dynamics are generated by continuous differential equations with noise and perturbation. By adopting both data sources, it is possible to estimate the average quality of the inference with respect to different network topologies, transfer functions and network sizes. Conclusions: A remarkable improvement of accuracy was observed in the experimental results by reducing the number of false connections in the inferred topology by the non-Shannon entropy. The obtained best free parameter of the Tsallis entropy was on average in the range 2.5 <= q <= 3.5 (hence, subextensive entropy), which opens new perspectives for GRNs inference methods based on information theory and for investigation of the nonextensivity of such networks. The inference algorithm and criterion function proposed here were implemented and included in the DimReduction software, which is freely available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/dimreduction and http://code.google.com/p/dimreduction/.


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Changes in the oxygen isotopic composition of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber and in the foraminifera faunal composition in a core retrieved from the southeastern Brazilian continental margin were used to infer past changes in the hydrological balance and monsoon precipitation in the western South Atlantic since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The results suggest a first-order orbital (precessional) control on the South American Monsoon precipitation. This agrees with previous studies based on continental proxies except for LGM estimates provided by pollen records. The causes for this disagreement are discussed.


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The Community Climate Model (CCM3) from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is used to investigate the effect of the South Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies on interannual to decadal variability of South American precipitation. Two ensembles composed of multidecadal simulations forced with monthly SST data from the Hadley Centre for the period 1949 to 2001 are analysed. A statistical treatment based on signal-to-noise ratio and Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) is applied to the ensembles in order to reduce the internal variability among the integrations. The ensemble treatment shows a spatial and temporal dependence of reproducibility. High degree of reproducibility is found in the tropics while the extratropics is apparently less reproducible. Austral autumn (MAM) and spring (SON) precipitation appears to be more reproducible over the South America-South Atlantic region than the summer (DJF) and winter (JJA) rainfall. While the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) region is dominated by external variance, the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) over South America is predominantly determined by internal variance, which makes it a difficult phenomenon to predict. Alternatively, the SACZ over western South Atlantic appears to be more sensitive to the subtropical SST anomalies than over the continent. An attempt is made to separate the atmospheric response forced by the South Atlantic SST anomalies from that associated with the El Nino - Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Results show that both the South Atlantic and Pacific SSTs modulate the intensity and position of the SACZ during DJF. Particularly, the subtropical South Atlantic SSTs are more important than ENSO in determining the position of the SACZ over the southeast Brazilian coast during DJF. On the other hand, the ENSO signal seems to influence the intensity of the SACZ not only in DJF but especially its oceanic branch during MAM. Both local and remote influences, however, are confounded by the large internal variance in the region. During MAM and JJA, the South Atlantic SST anomalies affect the magnitude and the meridional displacement of the ITCZ. In JJA, the ENSO has relatively little influence on the interannual variability of the simulated rainfall. During SON, however, the ENSO seems to counteract the effect of the subtropical South Atlantic SST variations on convection over South America.


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We studied copepod assemblage variability among years, seasons, and tidal states in the Mucuri River estuary (Bahia State, Brazil). Zooplankton samples were collected seasonally through five years (2002-2006) at three sampling stations, one of which was sampled over a complete tidal cycle (two ebb and two flood tides). Temperature, salinity, river flux, and rainfall data were collected. Winter and summer represented dry and wet seasons, respectively. Copepod abundances ranged from 40 to 63% of the total zooplankton assemblage and comprised 46 taxa, among which, common estuarine species such as Temora turbinata (first record for the studied area), Parvocalanus crassirostris, Acartia lilljeborgi, Oithona hebes were the most abundant (euryhaline species). Interannual and seasonal variations were most marked in stenohaline species, e.g.. Notodiaptomus sp. and Thermocyclops minutus; density variations of euryhaline species, which made up the majority of the abundant taxa, were most closely related to tides. Diversity and richness also followed an intertidal pattern of variation.


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We have synthesized the amphiphile photosensitizer PE-porph consisting of a porphyrin bound to a lipid head-group. We studied by optical microscopy the response to light irradiation of giant unilamellar vesicles of mixtures of unsaturated phosphatidylcholine lipids and PE-porph. In this configuration, singlet oxygen is produced at the bilayer surface by the anchored porphyrin. Under irradiation, the PE-porph decorated giant unilamellar vesicles exhibit a rapid increase in surface area with concomitant morphological changes. We quantify the surface area increase of the bilayers as a function of time and photosensitizer molar fraction. We attribute this expansion to hydroperoxide formation by the reaction of the singlet oxygen with the unsaturated bonds. Considering data from numeric simulations of relative area increase per phospholipid oxidized (15%), we measure the efficiency of the oxidative reactions. We conclude that for every 270 singlet oxygen molecules produced by the layer of anchored porphyrins, one eventually reacts to generate a hydroperoxide species. Remarkably, the integrity of the membrane is preserved in the full experimental range explored here, up to a hydroperoxide content of 60%, inducing an 8% relative area expansion.


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The yeast nucleolar protein Nop8p has previously been shown to interact with Nip7p and to be required for 60S ribosomal subunit formation. Although depletion of Nop8p in yeast cells leads to premature degradation of rRNAs, the biochemical mechanism responsible for this phenotype is still not known. In this work, we show that the Nop8p amino-terminal region mediates interaction with the 5.8S rRNA, while its carboxyl-terminal portion interacts with Nip7p and can partially complement the growth defect of the conditional mutant strain Dnop8/GAL:NOP8. Interestingly, Nop8p mediates association of Nip7p to pre-ribosomal particles. Nop8p also interacts with the exosome subunit Rrp6p and inhibits the complex activity in vitro, suggesting that the decrease in 60S ribosomal subunit levels detected upon depletion of Nop8p may result from degradation of pre-rRNAs by the exosome. These results strongly indicate that Nop8p may control the exosome function during pre-rRNA processing.


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The solvation effect of the ionic liquid 1-N-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate on nucleophilic substitution reactions of halides toward the aliphatic carbon of methyl p-nitrobenzenesulfonate (pNBS) was investigated by computer simulations. The calculations were performed by using a hybrid quantum-mechanical/molecular-mechanical (QM/MM) methodology. A semiempirical Hamiltonian was first parametrized on the basis of comparison with ab initio calculations for Cl(-) and Br(-) reaction with pNBS at gas phase. In condensed phase, free energy profiles were obtained for both reactions. The calculated reaction barriers are in agreement with experiment. The structure of species solvated by the ionic liquid was followed along the reaction progress from the reagents, through the transition state, to the final products. The simulations indicate that this substitution reaction in the ionic liquid is slower than in nonpolar molecular solvents proper to significant stabilization of the halide anion by the ionic liquid in comparison with the transition state with delocalized charge. Solute-solvent interactions in the first solvation shell contain several hydrogen bonds that are formed or broken in response to charge density variation along the reaction coordinate. The detailed structural analysis can be used to rationalize the design of new ionic liquids with tailored solvation properties. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The doubly positively charged gas-phase molecules BrO(2+) and NBr(2+) have been produced by prolonged high-current energetic oxygen (17 keV (16)O(-)) ion surface bombardment (ion beam sputtering) of rubidium bromide (RbBr) and of ammonium bromide (NH(4)Br) powdered ionic salt samples, respectively, pressed into indium foil. These novel species were observed at half-integer m/z values in positive ion mass spectra for ion flight times of roughly similar to 12 mu s through a magnetic-sector secondary ion mass spectrometer. Here we present these experimental results and combine them with a detailed theoretical investigation using high level ab initio calculations of the ground states of BrO(2+) and NBr(2+), and a manifold of excited electronic states. NBr(2+) and BrO(2+), in their ground states, are long-lived metastable gas-phase molecules with well depths of 2.73 x 10(4) cm(-1) (3.38 eV) and 1.62 x 10(4) cm(-1) (2.01 eV); their fragmentation channels into two monocations lie 2.31 x 10(3) cm(-1) (0.29 eV) and 2.14 x 10(4) cm(-1) (2.65 eV) below the ground state minimum. The calculated lifetimes for NBr(2+) (v '' < 35) and BrO(2+) (v '' < 18) are large enough to be considered stable against tunneling. For NBr(2+), we predicted R(e) = 3.051 a(0) and omega(e) = 984 cm(-1); for BrO(2+), we obtained 3.033 a(0) and 916 cm(-1), respectively. The adiabatic double ionization energies of BrO and NBr to form metastable BrO(2+) and NBr(2+) are calculated to be 30.73 and 29.08 eV, respectively. The effect of spin-orbit interactions on the low-lying (Lambda + S) states is also discussed. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3562121]


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Raman spectra within the 5-200 cm(-1) range have been recorded as a function of temperature for different ionic liquids based on imidazolium cations. A correlation has been found between fragility and the temperature dependence of the strength of fast relaxational motions. Understanding quasielastic scattering as the relaxational contribution to ionic mean-squared displacement elucidates some effects on ionic liquids' fragility resulting from modifications in the chemical structure. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3462962]


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A synergic effect of amylose on rheological characteristics of lysozyme physical gels evolved out of dimethylsulfoxide-water was verified and analyzed. The dynamics of the gels were experimentally approached by oscillatory rheology. The synergic effect was characterized by a decrease in the threshold DMSO volume fraction required for lysozyme gelation, and by a significant strengthening of the gel structure at over-critical solvent and protein concentrations. Drastic changes in the relaxation and creep curve patterns for systems in the presence of amylose were verified. Complex viscosity dependence on temperature was found to conform to an Arrhenius-like equation, allowing the determination of an activation energy term (Ea, apparent) for discrimination of gel rigidity. A dilatant effect was found to be induced by temperature on the flow behavior of lysozyme dispersions in DMSO-H(2)O in sub-critical conditions for gelation, which was greatly intensified by the presence of amylose in the samples. That transition was interpreted as reflecting a change from a predominant colloidal flow regime, where globular components are the prevailing structural elements, to a mainly fibrillar, polymeric flow behavior.


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Short-time dynamics of ionic liquids has been investigated by low-frequency Raman spectroscopy (4 < omega < 100 cm(-1)) within the supercooled liquid range. Raman spectra are reported for ionic liquids with the same anion, bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, and different cations: 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium, 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium, 1-butyl-1-methylpiperidinium, trimethylbutylammonium, and tributylmethylammonium. It is shown that low-frequency Raman spectroscopy provides similar results as optical Kerr effect (OKE) spectroscopy, which has been used to study intermolecular vibrations in ionic liquids. The comparison of ionic liquids containing aromatic and non-aromatic cations identifies the characteristic feature in Raman spectra usually assigned to librational motion of the imidazolium ring. The strength of the fast relaxations (quasi-elastic scattering, QES) and the intermolecular vibrational contribution (boson peak) of ionic liquids with non-aromatic cations are significantly lower than imidazolium ionic liquids. A correlation length assigned to the boson peak vibrations was estimated from the frequency of the maximum of the boson peak and experimental data of sound velocity. The correlation length related to the boson peak (similar to 19 angstrom) does not change with the length of the alkyl chain in imidazolium cations, in contrast to the position of the first-sharp diffraction peak observed in neutron and X-ray scattering measurements of ionic liquids. The rate of change of the QES intensity in the supercooled liquid range is compared with data of excess entropy, free volume, and mean-squared displacement recently reported for ionic liquids. The temperature dependence of the QES intensity in ionic liquids illustrates relationships between short-time dynamics and long-time structural relaxation that have been proposed for glass-forming liquids. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3604533]


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The effect of binding Tb(3+) to sodium taurocholate aggregates containing polyaromatic hydrocarbon guests was examined using pyrene and 1-ethylnaphthalene as guests that bind to the primary aggregate, and 1-naphthyl-1-ethanol as a secondary aggregate guest. Time-resolved fluorescence quenching studies were used to study the binding site properties, while laser flash photolysis quenching studies provided information on the dynamics of the guest-aggregate system. Both the primary and secondary aggregate binding sites became more compact in the presence of bound Tb(3+), while only the primary aggregate became more accessible to anionic molecules. The binding dynamics for the guest-primary aggregate system became faster when Tb(3+) was bound to the aggregate. In contrast, for the guest-secondary aggregate the presence of Tb(3+) resulted in a small decrease in the dissociation rate constant. The influence of bound Tb(3+) on the primary and secondary bile salt aggregates is significantly different, which affects how these aggregates can be used as supramolecular host systems to modify guest reactivity.


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We report in this paper the effect of temperature on the oscillatory electro-oxidation of methanol on polycrystalline platinum in aqueous sulfuric acid media. Potential oscillations were studied under galvanostatic control and at four temperatures ranging from 5 to 35 degrees C. For a given temperature, the departure from thermodynamic equilibrium does not affect the oscillation period and results in a slight increase of the oscillation amplitude. Apparent activation energies were also evaluated in voltammetric and chronoamperometric experiments and were compared to those obtained under oscillatory conditions. In any case, the apparent activation energies values fell into the region between 50 and 70 kJ mol(-1). Specifically under oscillatory conditions an apparent activation energy of 60 +/- 3 kJ mol(-1) and a temperature coefficient q(10) of about 2.3 were observed. The present findings extend our recently published report (J. Phys. Chem. A, 2008, 112, 4617) on the temperature effect on the oscillatory electro-oxidation of formic acid. We found that, despite the fact that both studies were carried out under similar conditions, unlike the case of formic acid, only conventional, Arrhenius, dynamics was observed for methanol.


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Despite the fact that the majority of the catalytic electro-oxidation of small organic molecules presents oscillatory kinetics under certain conditions, there are few systematic studies concerning the influence of experimental parameters on the oscillatory dynamics. Of the studies available, most are devoted to C1 molecules and just some scattered data are available for C2 molecules. We present in this work a comprehensive study of the electro-oxidation of ethylene glycol on polycrystalline platinum surfaces and in alkaline media. The system was studied by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and chronoamperometry, and the impact of parameters such as applied current, ethylene glycol concentration, and temperature were investigated. As in the case of other parent systems, the instabilities in this system were associated with a hidden negative differential resistance, as identified by impedance data. Very rich and robust dynamics were observed, including the presence of harmonic and mixed mode oscillations and chaotic states, in some parameter region. Oscillation frequencies of about 16 Hz characterized the fastest oscillations ever reported for the electro-oxidation of small organic molecules. Those high frequencies were strongly influenced by the electrolyte pH and far less affected by the EG concentration. The system was regularly dependent on temperature under voltammetric conditions but rather independent within the oscillatory regime.