995 resultados para Mental fatigue
A damage model for the simulation of delamination propagation under high-cycle fatigue loading is proposed. The basis for the formulation is a cohesive law that links fracture and damage mechanics to establish the evolution of the damage variable in terms of the crack growth rate dA/dN. The damage state is obtained as a function of the loading conditions as well as the experimentally-determined coefficients of the Paris Law crack propagation rates for the material. It is shown that by using the constitutive fatigue damage model in a structural analysis, experimental results can be reproduced without the need of additional model-specific curve-fitting parameters
Supported Employment (SE) is a clear alternative to the work inclusion of people with severe mental disorder (SMD). This article has two purposes: first, to show the possibilities of application of the SE with people with SMD, secondly, to establish the main lines that are configured as elements favoring the inclusion processes of this group work by SE. A piece of research has been carried out based on interviews of professionals with experience in supporting the work inclusion of people with SMD, focusing on the key factors that these professionals perceive as key elements for successful work inclusion processes. The awareness of the disease by the worker with SMD, the organization of the support processes throughout the insertion process, the relationship with the company as well as with the family and the characteristics of the health network are among the factors that, according to the research results, appear to be key factors for successful and less successful work inclusion processes. The information obtained provides insight into how people with SMD develop work inclusion processes with supported employment and help us to suggest some strategies to improve these processes
Expatriation has become increasingly common due to the global trade expansion. Many large companies base their production facilities in far-flung countries, where experts are sent from their own countries to launch the operations. Working in a foreign environment demands from so-called expatriates considerable adaptability. This study aimed to investigate if following expatriation mental health difficulties were experienced by the employees themselves or their family members. This study investigated by a questionnaire and interviews how expatriate employees in Finnish companies operating in different regions of Brazil and their families adjusted. Investigated employees were required to be at least 6 months in expatriation. Data were collected in Brazil during their stay at least 3 months after the arrival. The survey covered 121 expatriate employees, that operated in 17 different companies, from which 71 employees from 10 different companies responded to the questionnaire. All the employees from the two largest enterprises and their spouses were invited to focus groups; in total 43 persons (22 employees and 21 employees’ spouses) participated in a group or individual interviews. No significant mental health difficulties were found among the expatriate employees. Only a tenth of the expatriate employees reported strain. The experience of strain symptoms was found to be related to long working days, intense working rhythm and lack of friends. Work satisfaction seemed to be an important mediator in the coping process. While abroad, the expatriate employees were highly recognized for their work. Due to the immature organization of work they could often use their creative capacities to improve the work flow. The opportunity to see the effects of their own contribution with their own eyes to the development of the enterprise made them feel good. The association between the expatriate employees’ adjustment and that of their spouses’ was evident. The spouses’ situation was markedly different than that of the expatriate employees’ themselves. Expatriation changed the family members’ previous division of tasks considerably. The expatriate spouses had to change their roles more than the expatriate employees themselves; since most of them were highly educated women, who were leaded through an identity crisis due to at least temporary renunciation of own work and career.
Una de les tendències actuals de molts musulmans il·lustrats és buscar paral·lelismes entre les descobertes científiques i les escriptures de l'Alcorà. Molts textos apologètics comencen dient que "la ciència ha confirmat les ensenyances de l'Islam amb tant detall que és impossible negar l'existència d'Al·là i la veritable natura del sant Alcorà". No pretenc discutir si aquests paral·lelismes són reals o bé si són interpretacions subjectives afavorides per la lírica de l'Alcorà, que fa uns anys vaig llegir de la mà de la fantàstica traducció al català de Míkel de Epalza, malgrat que trobo infinitament més versemblant la segona alternativa [...].
El síndrome de burnout se considera una vulnerabilidad en las profesiones de ayuda. La escasez de publicaciones sobre esta formación, orientó la creación de una asignatura optativa en el Grado de Enfermería de la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) en el curso 2009-2010. Igualmente, produjo interés por explorar esta temática en enfermeras asistenciales de salud mental cuya disciplina aborda la gestión del estrés. Se presenta un estudio descriptivo, transversal y de correlación, en una cohorte de 73 enfermeras que trabajaban en servicios asistenciales de salud mental en el año 2011. Los objetivos pretenden identificar si la muestra estudiada presenta afectación del síndrome de burnout y relacionar los resultados con las estrategias que dichas enfermeras declaran utilizar para hacer frente a las emociones negativas atribuidas a su trabajo. El instrumento empleado es el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), una pregunta abierta y variables sociodemográficas y de salud. Los resultados indican que presentó burnout el 2,7% de la muestra estudiada junto con un nivel medio de despersonalización. Además presentan baja realización personal quienes trabajaban en unidades de enfermos crónicos. El cansancio emocional resulto mayor en mujeres que en hombres y esta presente en personal con contrato fijo y en quienes causaron baja en los dos últimos años. En general, se observa falta de formación y apoyo formal para gestionar el estrés en la muestra estudiada. Se concluye que la formación sobre burnout en el Grado de Enfermería, podría favorecer la gestión del estrés y prevenir su cronicidad hacia la desmotivación y el absentismo laboral.
El síndrome de burnout se considera una vulnerabilidad en las profesiones de ayuda. La escasez de publicaciones sobre esta formación, orientó la creación de una asignatura optativa en el Grado de Enfermería de la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) en el curso 2009-2010. Igualmente, produjo interés por explorar esta temática en enfermeras asistenciales de salud mental cuya disciplina aborda la gestión del estrés. Se presenta un estudio descriptivo, transversal y de correlación, en una cohorte de 73 enfermeras que trabajaban en servicios asistenciales de salud mental en el año 2011. Los objetivos pretenden identificar si la muestra estudiada presenta afectación del síndrome de burnout y relacionar los resultados con las estrategias que dichas enfermeras declaran utilizar para hacer frente a las emociones negativas atribuidas a su trabajo. El instrumento empleado es el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), una pregunta abierta y variables sociodemográficas y de salud. Los resultados indican que presentó burnout el 2,7% de la muestra estudiada junto con un nivel medio de despersonalización. Además presentan baja realización personal quienes trabajaban en unidades de enfermos crónicos. El cansancio emocional resulto mayor en mujeres que en hombres y esta presente en personal con contrato fijo y en quienes causaron baja en los dos últimos años. En general, se observa falta de formación y apoyo formal para gestionar el estrés en la muestra estudiada. Se concluye que la formación sobre burnout en el Grado de Enfermería, podría favorecer la gestión del estrés y prevenir su cronicidad hacia la desmotivación y el absentismo laboral.
This article explores the possibilities offered by visual methods in the move towards inclusive research, reviewing some methodological implications of said research and reflecting on the potential of visual methods to meet these methodological requirements. A study into the impact of work on social inclusion and the social relationships of people suffering from severe mental illness (SMI) serves to illustrate the use of visual methods such as photo elicitation and graphic elicitation in the context of in-depth interviews with the aim of improving the aforementioned target group’s participation in research, participation understood as one of the basic elements of inclusive approaches. On the basis of this study, we reflect on the potential of visual methods to improve the inclusive approach to research and conclude that these methods are open and flexible in awarding participantsa voice, allowingpeople with SMI to express their needs, and therefore adding value to said approach
This study explores areas which need to be improved to develop the quality of patient education to support self-management of patients with mental illness in psychiatric hospitals. The study was conducted in five phases during the period 2000 – 2007. First, patients‘ (n = 313) satisfaction with patient education were investigated. Second, patients' (n = 51) experiences of patient education were explored. Third, a national survey was conducted to investigate realisation of patient education from the staff (n = 55) viewpoint. Fourth, outcomes of patient education were investigated by evaluating the impacts of different patient education methods on patients‘ (n = 311) attitudes towards medication, knowledge level and importance of information. Fifth, patients‘ (n = 16) perceptions of different patient education methods were explored. Patients reported poor satisfaction with patient education (Phase I), and they have considerable need to receive information during their hospital stay (Phase II). Described by staff, the content of patient education covered almost all informational areas investigated. However, discrepancies related to the realisation of patient education were found. (Phase III.) Evaluation of different patient education methods indicate that patients derived benefits from structured patient education with supportive methods (Phase IV) and patients also perceived that these methods supported their information receiving (Phase V). In order to improve the quality of patient education to support self-management of patients with mental illness patient education should be systematically and individually provided to all patients by using different educational methods. Realisation of this should be ensured by providing written instructions, improving nurses‘ knowledge and skills as well ensuring operating conditions.
Due to functional requirement of a structural detail brackets with and without scallop are frequently used in bridges, decks, ships and offshore structure. Scallops are designed to serve as passage way for fluids, to reduce weld length and plate distortions. Moreover, scallops are used to avoid intersection of two or more welds for the fact that there is the presence of inventible inherent initial crack except for full penetrated weld and the formation of multi-axial stress state at the weld intersection. Welding all around the scallop corner increase the possibility of brittle fracture even for the case the bracket is not loaded by primary load. Avoiding of scallop will establish an initial crack in the corner if bracket is welded by fillet welds. If the two weld run pass had crossed, this would have given a 3D residual stress situation. Therefore the presences and absence of scallop necessitates the 3D FEA fatigue resistance of both types of brackets using effective notch stress approach ( ). FEMAP 10.1 with NX NASTRAN was used for the 3D FEA. The first and main objective of this research was to investigate and compare the fatigue resistance of brackets with and without scallop. The secondary goal was the fatigue design of scallops in case they cannot be avoided for some reason. The fatigue resistance for both types of brackets was determined based on approach using 1 mm fictitiously rounded radius based on IIW recommendation. Identical geometrical, boundary and loading conditions were used for the determination and comparison of fatigue resistance of both types of brackets using linear 3D FEA. Moreover the size effect of bracket length was also studied using 2D SHELL element FEA. In the case of brackets with scallop the flange plate weld toe at the corner of the scallop was found to exhibit the highest and made the flange plate weld toe critical for fatigue failure. Whereas weld root and weld toe at the weld intersections were the highly stressed location for brackets without scallop. Thus weld toe for brackets with scallop, and weld root and weld toe for brackets without scallop were found to be the critical area for fatigue failure. Employing identical parameters on both types of brackets, brackets without scallop had the highest except for full penetrated weld. Furthermore the fatigue resistance of brackets without scallop was highly affected by the lack of weld penetration length and it was found out that decreased as the weld penetration was increased. Despite the fact that the very presence of scallop reduces the stiffness and also same time induce stress concentration, based on the 3D FEA it is worth concluding that using scallop provided better fatigue resistance when both types of brackets were fillet welded. However brackets without scallop had the highest fatigue resistance when full penetration weld was used. This thesis also showed that weld toe for brackets with scallop was the only highly stressed area unlike brackets without scallop in which both weld toe and weld root were the critical locations for fatigue failure when different types of boundary conditions were used. Weld throat thickness, plate thickness, scallop radius, lack of weld penetration length, boundary condition and weld quality affected the fatigue resistance of both types of brackets. And as a result, bracket design procedure, especially welding quality and post weld treatment techniques significantly affect the fatigue resistance of both type of brackets.
ABSTRACT Metafictive utterances raise a kind of intuitions (intuitions of truthfulness) that pose a problem for a view that combines a referentialist approach to proper names with an antirealist stance on fictional characters. In this article I attempt to provide a solution to this problem within the framework of mental files. According to my position, metafictive utterances literally express an incomplete proposition while pragmatically conveying a complete one, which accounts for the intuitions of truthfulness. The proposition pragmatically conveyed is ‘metarepresentational', I'll argue, in the sense that it is about a mental representation or mental file.
Nuorten tunneilmaisun yhteys psyykkiseen oireiluun Aleksitymialla tarkoitetaan persoonallisuuden piirteistöä, jolle on tyypillistä heikko kyky tunnistaa ja ilmaista tunteita sekä vähäinen mielikuvitus ja konkreettinen, ulkokohtainen ajattelutapa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella aleksitymian yhteyttä psyykkiseen oireiluun nuorilla sekä tutkia aleksitymian kehittymiselle altistavia yksilöllisiä lapsuudenaikaisia tekijöitä. Tutkimusaineisto koostui aiempaan nuorten syömishäiriöoireilua tarkastelevaan tutkimukseen osallistuneista nuorista (n = 320) ja heille satunnaisotannalla poimituista verrokeista (n = 640). Seurantakyselyssä käytettiin vastaajan itsensä täytettäviä mittareita ja aineisto kerättiin postikyselynä. Yhteensä 729 henkilöä (78 %) palautti lomakkeen täytettynä, muodostaen näin lopullisen tutkimusaineiston. Tyttöjä vastanneista oli 74 % ja poikia 26 %. Aineiston keski-ikä oli 19 vuotta tämän tutkimuksen aikaan. Aineistosta oli käytettävissä neuvolatiedot syntymästä lähtien. Tutkimusaineistossa todettiin aleksitymian yleisyydeksi tytöillä 8,2 % ja pojilla 8,5 %. Sukupuolten välillä ei todettu eroa 20-osioisella Toronto Alexithymia Scale-kyselyllä (TAS-20) pistemäärissä (tytöillä 44.7 ja pojilla 46.0). Syömishäiriöoireiden todettiin olevan yleisempiä aleksityymisillä nuorilla verrattuna ei-aleksityymisiin. Syömishäiriöoireita mitattiin SCOFF-mittarilla (“Sick”, “Control”, “One”, “Fat”, “Food”). Aleksityymisten nuorten keskimääräinen SCOFF-pistemäärä oli merkitsevästi korkeampi kuin ei-aleksityymisten ja SCOFF-positiivisten (pistemäärä vähintään 2) osuus oli aleksityymisten ryhmässä kolminkertainen ei-aleksityymisten ryhmään verrattuna. Myös ahdistuneisuuden todettiin olevan yhteydessä aleksitymiaan nuorilla. Ahdistuneisuutta mitattiin State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-mittarilla (STAI) ja lisäksi mitattiin masennusoireita ja alkoholinkäyttöä. Aleksityymisten nuorten STAI-pisteet olivat merkitsevästi korkeammat kuin eialeksityymisten. Ahdistuneet aleksityymiset nuoret olivat myös yleisemmin masentuneita ja käyttivät runsaammin alkoholia kuin yhtä ahdistuneet ei-aleksityymiset nuoret. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin aleksitymian yhteyttä sosiaaliseen tukeen sekä koettuun vanhempien hoivaan ja ylisuojelevaisuuteen. Käytetyt mittarit olivat Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support ja Parental Bonding Instrument. Aleksitymia oli merkitsevästi yhteydessä sekä heikompaan koettuun sosiaaliseen tukeen – erityisesti ystäviltä saatavaan − että korkeampaan vanhempien ylisuojelevaisuuteen. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin 5-vuotisneuvolatarkastuksen tietoja sen arviointiin, mitkä kehitykselliset tekijät saattavat olla yhteydessä aleksitymian ilmenemiseen. Puheenkehityksen ongelmien todettiin olevan miehillä selvästi yhteydessä aleksitymiaan. Tutkimuksen perusteella aleksityymisillä nuorilla esiintyy ei-aleksityymisiin ikätovereihin verrattuna selvästi yleisemmin psyykkisiä oireita. Koska aleksitymia heikentää hoitovastetta todennäköisesti myös nuorilla, tulisi aleksitymian mahdollisuus selvittää tehokkaasti psyykkisesti oireilevilla nuorilla. Lisääntyvä tutkimustieto aleksitymian kehittymisestä mahdollistaa riskitapausten varhaisemman tunnistamisen ja tilanteeseen puuttumisen.
A importância da saúde mental nas práticas em saúde fez surgir nas escolas médicas a demanda por uma capacitação aprimorada dos graduandos nessa área. Este artigo tem como principal objetivo descrever a experiência da Liga Acadêmica de Saúde Mental (LISM) da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - Unesp como atividade de ensino extracurricular. Relatam-se sua formação, objetivos, dificuldades iniciais, composição, modo de funcionamento e principais atividades desenvolvidas desde 2004. Acredita-se que a LISM tem tido êxito em complementar a formação médica nessa área, pois atua na prevenção e promoção da saúde, incluindo atividades voltadas à saúde mental dos estudantes. Discute-se também criticamente a atuação das Ligas de Saúde Mental nas escolas médicas, incluindo alguns riscos, como o de favorecer a especialização precoce em Psiquiatria, de aumentar a falsa dicotomia entre saúde física e mental ou simplesmente reproduzir atividades acadêmicas oficiais. Tais atividades extracurriculares não devem desmobilizar a comunidade acadêmica na luta pela valorização, integração e inserção sistemática e longitudinal de temas de saúde mental no currículo oficial dos cursos de graduação, indispensáveis à adequada formação dos médicos generalistas.
Através de uma revisão da literatura nacional e internacional sobre a formação em saúde mental dirigida para médicos que atuam na atenção primária, os autores procuram identificar referenciais pedagógicos que possam nortear metodologicamente a formação em saúde mental para essa categoria profissional no âmbito da atenção primária em saúde no Brasil.
O Jardim Campo Belo, localizado no município de Campinas (SP), é um bairro de alta vulnerabilidade social e grande demanda por serviços de saúde, sendo a única oferta em saúde mental o matriciamento com outra unidade de saúde. Neste contexto, durante as disciplinas do segundo ano de Medicina, foi realizado um projeto de intervenção no Centro de Saúde, mediante acompanhamento em domicilio de pacientes usuários de psicotrópicos. Realizaram-se visitas quinzenais às casas de dez pacientes. Nestas visitas, trabalhou-se um roteiro semidirigido, em que se buscou conhecer as demandas de cada paciente. Alguns destes aumentaram os cuidados com a própria saúde, e num caso houve até suspensão do uso dos medicamentos psicotrópicos, em parceria com a equipe; em outros casos, as visitas serviram como válvula de escape social, tornando-se um espaço onde se ofertava atenção aos que estavam acostumados ao abandono social. Os alunos envolvidos relatam grande aprendizado graças às vivências e ao envolvimento com o tema, que se tornou um grande suplemento pedagógico.