905 resultados para Melanoma


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Oncolytic herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) vectors are promising therapeutic agents for cancer. Their efficacy depends on the extent of both intratumoral viral replication and induction of a host antitumor immune response. To enhance these properties while employing ample safeguards, two conditionally replicating HSV-1 vectors, termed G47Δ and R47Δ, have been constructed by deleting the α47 gene and the promoter region of US11 from γ34.5-deficient HSV-1 vectors, G207 and R3616, respectively. Because the α47 gene product is responsible for inhibiting the transporter associated with antigen presentation (TAP), its absence led to increased MHC class I expression in infected human cells. Moreover, some G47Δ-infected human melanoma cells exhibited enhanced stimulation of matched antitumor T cell activity. The deletion also places the late US11 gene under control of the immediate-early α47 promoter, which suppresses the reduced growth properties of γ34.5-deficient mutants. G47Δ and R47Δ showed enhanced viral growth in a variety of cell lines, leading to higher virus yields and enhanced cytopathic effect in tumor cells. G47Δ was significantly more efficacious in vivo than its parent G207 at inhibiting tumor growth in both immune-competent and immune-deficient animal models. Yet, when inoculated into the brains of HSV-1-sensitive A/J mice at 2 × 106 plaque forming units, G47Δ was as safe as G207. These results suggest that G47Δ may have enhanced antitumor activity in humans.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent endothelial cell mitogen and key regulator of both physiologic and pathologic (e.g., tumor) angiogenesis. In the course of studies designed to assess the ability of constitutive VEGF to block tumor regression in an inducible RAS melanoma model, mice implanted with VEGF-expressing tumors sustained high morbidity and mortality that were out of proportion to the tumor burden. Documented elevated serum levels of VEGF were associated with a lethal hepatic syndrome characterized by massive sinusoidal dilation and endothelial cell proliferation and apoptosis. Systemic levels of VEGF correlated with the severity of liver pathology and overall clinical compromise. A striking reversal of VEGF-induced liver pathology and prolonged survival were achieved by surgical excision of VEGF-secreting tumor or by systemic administration of a potent VEGF antagonist (VEGF-TRAPR1R2), thus defining a paraneoplastic syndrome caused by excessive VEGF activity. Moreover, this VEGF-induced syndrome resembles peliosis hepatis, a rare human condition that is encountered in the setting of advanced malignancies, high-dose androgen therapy, and Bartonella henselae infection. Thus, our findings in the mouse have suggested an etiologic role for VEGF in this disease and may lead to diagnostic and therapeutic options for this debilitating condition in humans.


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This report describes a tumor-associated antigen, termed CML66, initially cloned from a chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) cDNA expression library. CML66 encodes a 583-aa protein with a molecular mass of 66 kDa and no significant homology to other known genes. CML66 gene is localized to human chromosome 8q23, but the function of this gene is unknown. CML66 is expressed in leukemias and a variety of solid tumor cell lines. When examined by Northern blot, expression in normal tissues was restricted to testis and heart, and no expression was found in hematopoietic tissues. When examined by quantitative reverse transcription–PCR, expression in CML cells was 1.5-fold higher than in normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The presence of CML66-specific antibody in patient serum was confirmed by Western blot and the development of high titer IgG antibody specific for CML66 correlated with immune induced remission of CML in a patient who received infusion of normal donor lymphocytes for treatment of relapse. CML66 antibody also was found in sera from 18–38% of patients with lung cancer, melanoma, and prostate cancer. These findings suggest that CML66 may be immunogenic in a wide variety of malignancies and may be a target for antigen-specific immunotherapy.


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Messenger RNA transcripts of the highly pigmented murine melanoma B16-F1 cells were compared with those from their weakly pigmented derivative B16-F10 cells by differential display. A novel gene called msg1 (melanocyte-specific gene) was found to be expressed at high levels in B16-F1 cells but at low levels in B16-F10 cells. Expression of msg1 was undetectable in the amelanotic K1735 murine melanoma cells. The pigmented murine melanocyte cell line melan-a expressed msg1, as did pigmented primary cultures of murine and human melanocytes; however, seven amelanotic or very weakly pigmented human melanoma cell lines were negative. Transformation of murine melanocytes by transfection with v-Ha-ras or Ela was accompanied by depigmentation and led to complete loss of msg1 expression. The normal tissue distribution of msg1 mRNA transcripts in adult mice was confined to melanocytes and testis. Murine msg1 and human MSG1 genes encode a predicted protein of 27 kDa with 75% overall amino acid identity and 96% identity within the C-terminal acidic domain of 54 amino acids. This C-terminal domain was conserved with 76% amino acid identity in another protein product of a novel human gene, MRG1 (msg1-related gene), isolated from normal human melanocyte cDNA by 5'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends based on the homology to msg1. The msg1 protein was localized to the melanocyte nucleus by immunofluorescence cytochemistry. We conclude that msg1 encodes a nuclear protein, is melanocyte-specific, and appears to be lost in depigmented melanoma cells.


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We report a series of new in vitro and in vivo data proving the selective antitumor activity of our somatostatin structural derivative, TT-232. In vitro, it inhibited the proliferation of 20 different human tumor cell lines in the range of 50-95% and induced a very strong apoptosis. In vivo TT-232 was effective on transplanted animal tumors (Colon 26, B16 melanoma, and S180 sarcoma) and on human tumor xenografts. Treatment of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer xenografted in mice with low submaximal doses of TT-232 [0.25 and 0.5 mg/kg of body weight (b.w.)] caused an average 80% decrease in the tumor volume resulting in 30% tumor-free animals surviving for longer than 200 days. Treatment of prostate tumor (PC-3) xenografted animals with 20 mg/kg of b.w. of TT-232 for 3 weeks resulted in 60% decrease in tumor volume and 100% survival even after 60 days, while 80% of nontreated animals perished. We have demonstrated that TT-232 did not bind to the membrane preparation of rat pituitary and cortex and had no antisecretory activity. TT-232 was not toxic at a dose of 120 mg/kg of b.w. in mice. Long-term incubation (24 h) of tumor cells with TT-232 caused significant inhibition of tyrosine kinases in good correlation with the apoptosis-inducing effect. The level of p53 or KU86 did not change following TT-232 treatment, suggesting a p53-independent apoptotic effect. Preincubation of human breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-453) with TT-232 for 2 h decreased the growth factor receptor autophosphorylation. All of these data suggest that TT-232 is a promising and selective antitumor agent.


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Vaccination with cytokine-producing tumor cells generates potent immune responses against tumors outside the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS, however, is a barrier to allograft and xenograft rejection, and established tumors within the CNS have failed to respond to other forms of systemic immunotherapy. To determine what barriers the "immunologically privileged" CNS would pose to cytokine-assisted tumor vaccines and what cytokines would be most efficacious against tumors within the CNS, we irradiated B16 murine melanoma cells producing murine interleukin 2 (IL-2), IL-3, IL-4, IL-6, gamma-interferon, or granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and used these cells as subcutaneous vaccines against tumors within the brain. Under conditions where untransfected B16 cells had no effect, cells producing IL-3, IL-6, or GM-CSF increased the survival of mice challenged with viable B16 cells in the brain. Vaccination with B16 cells producing IL-4 or gamma-interferon had no effect, and vaccination with B16 cells producing IL-2 decreased survival time. GM-CSF-producing vaccines were also able to increase survival in mice with pre-established tumors. The response elicited by GM-CSF-producing vaccines was found to be specific to tumor type and to be abrogated by depletion of CD8+ cells. Unlike the immunity generated against subcutaneous tumors by GM-CSF, however, the effector responses generated against tumors in the CNS were not dependent on CD4+ cells. These data suggest that cytokine-producing tumor cells are very potent stimulators of immunity against tumors within the CNS, but effector responses in the CNS may be different from those obtained against subcutaneous tumors.


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The major hurdle to be cleared in active immunotherapy of cancer is the poor immunogenicity of cancer cells. In previous attempts to overcome this problem, whole tumor cells have been used as vaccines, either admixed with adjuvant(s) or genetically engineered to express nonself proteins or immunomodulatory factors before application. We have developed a novel approach to generate an immunogeneic, highly effective vaccine: major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-positive cancer cells are administered together with MHC class I-matched peptide ligands of foreign, nonself origin, generated by a procedure we term transloading. Murine tumor lines of the H2-Kd or the H2-Db haplotype, melanoma M-3 and B16-F10, respectively, as well as colon carcinoma CT-26 (H2-Kd), were transloaded with MHC-matched influenza virus-derived peptides and applied as irradiated vaccines. Mice bearing a deposit of live M-3 melanoma cells were efficiently cured by this treatment. In the CT-26 colon carcinoma and the B16-F10 melanoma, high efficacies were obtained against tumor challenge, suggesting the universal applicability of this new type of vaccine. With foreign peptide ligands adapted to the requirements of a desired MHC class I haplotype, this concept may be used for the treatment of human cancers.


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Ocular albinism type 1 (OA1) is an inherited disorder characterized by severe reduction of visual acuity, photophobia, and retinal hypopigmentation. Ultrastructural examination of skin melanocytes and of the retinal pigment epithelium reveals the presence of macromelanosomes, suggesting a defect in melanosome biogenesis. The gene responsible for OA1 is exclusively expressed in pigment cells and encodes a predicted protein of 404 aa displaying several putative transmembrane domains and sharing no similarities with previously identified molecules. Using polyclonal antibodies we have identified the endogenous OA1 protein in retinal pigment epithelial cells, in normal human melanocytes and in various melanoma cell lines. Two forms of the OA1 protein were identified by Western analysis, a 60-kDa glycoprotein and a doublet of 48 and 45 kDa probably corresponding to unglycosylated precursor polypeptides. Upon subcellular fractionation and phase separation with the nonionic detergent Triton X-114, the OA1 protein segregated into the melanosome-rich fraction and behaved as an authentic integral membrane protein. Immunofluorescence and immunogold analyses on normal human melanocytes confirmed the melanosomal membrane localization of the endogenous OA1 protein, consistent with its possible involvement in melanosome biogenesis. The identification of a novel melanosomal membrane protein involved in a human disease will provide insights into the mechanisms that control the cell-specific pathways of subcellular morphogenesis.


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Cell adhesion has a fundamental role in the proliferation and motility of normal cells and the metastasis of tumor cells. To identify signaling pathways activated by the adherence of tumor cells, we analyzed the tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins in mouse melanoma cells before and after attachment to substrata. We discovered that cellular adherence activated the protein-tyrosine kinase of the cell surface receptor Met, whose ligand is hepatocyte growth factor and scatter factor. The activation was exceedingly prompt, affected the great majority of Met in the cells, persisted so long as the cells remained adherent, and was rapidly reversed as soon as the cells were detached from substrata. Activation of Met required that cells be adherent but not that they spread on the substratum, and it occurred in the absence of any apparent ligand for the receptor. Ligand-independent activation of Met occurred in several varieties of tumor cells but not in normal endothelial cells that express the receptor. The activation of Met described here may represent a means by which cells respond to mechanical as opposed to biochemical stimuli.


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Hyaluronic acid is a proteoglycan present in the extracellular matrix and is important for the maintenance of tissue architecture. Depolymerization of hyaluronic acid may facilitate tumor invasion. In addition, oligosaccharides of hyaluronic acid have been reported to induce angiogenesis. We report here that a hyaluronidase similar to the one on human sperm is expressed by metastatic human melanoma, colon carcinoma, and glioblastoma cell lines and by tumor biopsies from patients with colorectal carcinomas, but not by tissues from normal colon. Moreover, angiogenesis is induced by hyaluronidase+ tumor cells but not hyaluronidase- tumor cells and can be blocked by an inhibitor of hyaluronidase. Tumor cells thus use hyaluronidase as one of the "molecular saboteurs" to depolymerize hyaluronic acid to facilitate invasion. As a consequence, breakdown products of hyaluronic acid can further promote tumor establishment by inducing angiogenesis. Hyaluronidase on tumor cells may provide a target for anti-neoplastic drugs.


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Human gene MAGE-1 encodes tumor-specific antigens that are recognized on melanoma cells by autologous cytolytic T lymphocytes. This gene is expressed in a significant proportion of tumors of various histological types, but not in normal tissues except male germ-line cells. We reported previously that reporter genes driven by the MAGE-1 promoter are active not only in the tumor cell lines that express MAGE-1 but also in those that do not. This suggests that the critical factor causing the activation of MAGE-1 in certain tumors is not the presence of the appropriate transcription factors. The two major MAGE-1 promoter elements have an Ets binding site, which contains a CpG dinucleotide. We report here that these CpG are demethylated in the tumor cell lines that express MAGE-1, and are methylated in those that do not express the gene. Methylation of these CpG inhibits the binding of transcription factors, as seen by mobility shift assay. Treatment with the demethylating agent 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine activated gene MAGE-1 not only in tumor cell lines but also in primary fibroblasts. Finally, the overall level of CpG methylation was evaluated in 20 different tumor cell lines. It was inversely correlated with the expression of MAGE-1. We conclude that the activation of MAGE-1 in cancer cells is due to the demethylation of the promoter. This appears to be a consequence of a genome-wide demethylation process that occurs in many cancers and is correlated with tumor progression.


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Recent progress in the structural identification of human melanoma antigens recognized by autologous cytotoxic T cells has led to the recognition of a new melanocyte differentiation antigen, Melan-A(MART-1). To determine the properties of the Melan-A gene product, Melan-A recombinant protein was produced in Escherichia coli and used to generate mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Two prototype mAbs, A103 and A355, were selected for detailed study. Immunoblotting results with A103 showed a 20-22-kDa doublet In Melan-A mRNA positive melanoma cell lines and no reactivity with Melan-A mRNA-negative cell lines. A355, in addition to the 20-22-kDa doublet, recognized several other protein species in Melan-A mRNA-positive cell lines. Immunocytochemical assays on cultured melanoma cells showed specific and uniform cytoplasmic staining in Melan-A mRNA-positive cell lines. Immunohistochemical analysis of normal human tissues with both mAbs showed staining of adult melanocytes and no reactivity with the other normal tissues tested. Analysis of 21 melanoma specimens showed homogenous staining of tumor cell cytoplasm in 16 of 17 Melan-A mRNA-positive cases and no reactivity with the three Melan-A mRNA-negative cases.


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Neuroblastoma (NB) is characterized by the second highest spontaneous regression of any human malignant disorder, a phenomenon that remains to be elucidated. In this study, a survey of 94 normal human adult sera revealed a considerable natural humoral cytotoxicity against human NB cell lines in approximately one-third of the tested sera of both genders. Specific cell killing by these sera was in the range of 40% to 95%. Serum cytotoxicity was dependent on an intact classical pathway of complement. By several lines of evidence, IgM antibodies were identified as the cytotoxic factor in the sera. Further analyses revealed that a 260-kDa protein was recognized by natural IgM of cytotoxic sera in Western blots of NB cell extracts. The antigen was expressed on the surface of seven human NB cell lines but not on human melanoma or other control tumor cell lines derived from kidney, pancreas, colon, bone, skeletal muscle, lymphatic system, and bone marrow. Furthermore, no reactivity was observed with normal human fibroblasts, melanocytes, and epidermal keratinocytes. The antigen was expressed in vivo as detected by immunohistochemistry in both the tumor of a NB patient and NB tumors established in nude rats from human NB cell lines. Most interestingly, the IgM anti-NB antibody was absent from the sera of 11 human NB patients with active disease. The anti-NB IgM also could not be detected in tumor tissue obtained from a NB patient. Collectively, our data suggest the existence of a natural humoral immunological tumor defense mechanism, which could account for the in vivo phenomenon of spontaneous NB tumor regression.


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Treatment of a human breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB-435) in nude mice with a recombinant adenovirus containing the human interferon (IFN) consensus gene, IFN-con1 (ad5/IFN), resulted in tumor regression in 100% of the animals. Tumor regression occurred when virus was injected either within 24 hr of tumor cell implantation or with established tumors. However, regression of the tumor was also observed in controls in which either the wild-type virus or a recombinant virus containing the luciferase gene was used, although tumor growth was not completely suppressed. Tumor regression was accompanied by a decrease in p53 expression. Two other tumors, the human myelogenous leukemic cell line K562 and the hamster melanoma tumor RPMI 1846, also responded to treatment but only with ad5/IFN. In the case of K562 tumors, there was complete regression of the tumor, and tumors derived from RPMI 1846 showed partial regression. We propose that the complete regression of the breast cancer with the recombinant virus ad5/IFN was the result of two events: viral oncolysis in which tumor cells are being selectively lysed by the replication-competent virus and the enhanced effect of expression of the IFN-con1 gene. K562 and RPMI 1846 tumors regressed only as a result of IFN gene therapy. This was confirmed by in vitro analysis. Our results indicate that a combination of viral oncolysis with a virus of low pathogenicity, itself resistant to the effects of IFN and IFN gene therapy, might be a fruitful approach to the treatment of a variety of different tumors, in particular breast cancers.


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Although the ability of UV irradiation to induce pigmentation in vivo and in vitro is well documented, the intracellular signals that trigger this response are poorly understood. We have recently shown that increasing DNA repair after irradiation enhances UV-induced melanization. Moreover, addition of small DNA fragments, particularly thymine dinucleotides (pTpT), selected to mimic sequences excised during the repair of UV-induced DNA photoproducts, to unirradiated pigment cells in vitro or to guinea pig skin in vivo induces a pigment response indistinguishable from UV-induced tanning. Here we present further evidence that DNA damage and/or the repair of this damage increases melanization. (i) Treatment with the restriction enzyme Pvu II or the DNA-damaging chemical agents methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) or 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4-NQO) produces a 4- to 10-fold increase in melanin content in Cloudman S91 murine melanoma cells and an up to 70% increase in normal human melanocytes, (ii) UV irradiation, MMS, and pTpT all upregulate the mRNA level for tyrosinase, the rate-limiting enzyme in melanin biosynthesis. (iii) Treatment with pTpT or MMS increases the response of S91 cells to melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) and increases the binding of MSH to its cell surface receptor, as has been reported for UV irradiation. Together, these data suggest that UV-induced DNA damage and/or the repair of this damage is an important signal in the pigmentation response to UV irradiation. Because Pvu II acts exclusively on DNA and because MMS and 4-NQO, at the concentrations used, primarily interact with DNA, such a stimulus alone appears sufficient to induce melanogenesis. Of possible practical importance, the dinucleotide pTpT mimics most, if not all, of the effects of UV irradiation on pigmentation, tyrosinase mRNA regulation, and response to MSH without the requirement for antecedent DNA damage.