823 resultados para Mediterranea


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L'RCMT (Regional Centroid Moment Tensor), realizzato e gestito dai ricercatori dell'INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia), è dal 1997 il catalogo di riferimento per gli eventi sismici avvenuti nell'area Europea-Mediterranea, ossia nella regione avente longitudine compresa tra 10° W e 40° E e latitudine compresa tra 25° N e 60° N. Tale regione è caratterizzata da un'attività tettonica complessa, legata non soltanto alla convergenza delle placche Euroasiatica ed Africana, ma anche al movimento di altre placche minori (ad esempio, la placca Arabica), che tutte insieme danno origine ad una vasta gamma di regimi tettonici. Col termine RCMT si indica un particolare tipo di tensore momento sismico, la cui determinazione avviene su scala regionale, per eventi sismici aventi M_w >= 4.5 (M_w >= 4.0 per gli eventi che avvengono nella penisola italica). Il tensore momento sismico è uno strumento fondamentale per caratterizzare natura ed entità di un terremoto. Da esso, infatti, oltre alla magnitudo momento M_w, si ricava anche il meccanismo focale. Comunemente rappresentato sotto forma di beach ball, consente di individuare il tipo di movimento (distensivo, compressivo o trascorrente, o anche una combinazione del primo o del secondo con il terzo) avvenuto sulla faglia che ha provocato il terremoto. I tensori momento sismico permettono, quindi, di identificare le faglie che si attivano durante una sequenza sismica, di comprendere la loro cinematica e di ipotizzare la successiva evoluzione a breve termine. Scopo di questa relazione di laurea è stato derivare le relazioni che intercorrono fra le M_w dell'RCMT e le M_w del CMT (Centroid Moment Tensor della Columbia University), del GFZ (Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum di Postdam) e del TDMT (Time Domain Moment Tensor). Le relazioni sono state ottenute applicando il metodo dei minimi quadrati agli eventi comuni, che sono stati selezionati utilizzando alcuni semplici programmi scritti in Fortran.


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Over the past 13 kyr the most significant natural changes in the Reykjanes ridge region took place within 13-7.8 kyr B.P. They resulted from alternating intensifications of the influence of the Labrador (LWM) and Norwegian-Greenland (NGWM) water masses. During 13-11.7 kyr B.P. natural conditions were governed by influence of LWM with sea surface temperature (SST) 3-5°C lower present one. During 11.7-10.3 kyr B.P. NGWM with SST 6-7°C lower present one predominated. During 10.3-9.5 kyr B.P. oceanographic conditions were rapidly transforming and approaching present ones controlled by interaction between LWM and North Atlantic water masses; SST abruptly increased almost to the present value. During 9.5-8.3 kyr B.P. intensification of NGWM led to small decrease of SST (1.5-2.5°C below present value; between 8.3 and 7.8 kyr B.P. natural conditions had approximated present ones and later on remained relatively stable; SST fluctuated with an amplitude of about 1.5°C.


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The Deep Convection cruise repeatedly sampled two locations in the North Atlantic, sited in the Iceland and Norwegian Basins, onboard the RV Meteor (19 March - 2 May 2012). Samples were collected from multiple casts of a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) - Niskin rosette at each station. Water samples for primary production rates, community structure, chlorophyll a [Chl a], calcite [PIC], particulate organic carbon [POC] and biogenic silicic acid [BSi] were collected from predawn casts from six light depths (55%, 20%, 14%, 7%, 5% and 1% of incident PAR). Additional samples for community structure and ancillary parameters were collected from a second cast. Carbon fixation rates were determined using the 13C stable isotope method. Water samples for diatom and micro zooplankton counts, collected from the predawn casts, were preserved with acidic Lugol's solution (2% final solution) and counted using an inverted light microscope. Water samples for coccolithophore counts were collected onto cellulose nitrate filters and counted using polarising light microscopy. Water samples for Chl a analysis were filtered onto MF300 and polycarbonate filters and extracted in 90% acetone. PIC and BSi samples were filtered onto polycarbonate filters and analysed using an inductively coupled plasma emission optical spectrometer and a SEAL QuAAtro autoanalyser respectively.


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We investigated 88 surface sediment samples taken with a multiple corer from the southwestern South Atlantic Ocean for their live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead benthic foraminiferal content. Using Q-Mode Principal Component Analysis six live and six dead associations are differentiated. Live and dead association distributions correspond fairly well; differences are mainly caused by downslope transport and selective test destruction. In addition, four potential fossil associations are calculated from the dead data set after removal of non-fossilizable species. These potential fossil associations are expected to be useful for paleoceanographic reconstructions. Environments are described in detail for the live and potential fossil associations and for selected species. Along the upper Argentine continental slope strong bottom currents control the occurrence of live, dead and potential fossil Angulogerina angulosa associations. Here, particles of a high organic carbon flux rate remain suspended. Below this high energy environment live, dead and potential fossil Uvigerina peregrina dominated associations correlate with enhanced sediment organic carbon content and still high organic carbon flux rates. The live A. angulosa and U. peregrina associations correlate with high standing crops. Furthermore, live and dead Epistominella exigua-Nuttallides umbonifer associations were separated. Dominance of a Nuttallides umbonifer potential fossil association relates to coverage by Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (LCDW), above the Calcite Compensation Depth (CCD). Three associations of mainly agglutinated foraminifera occur in sediments bathed mainly by AABW or CDW. A Reophax difflugiformis association was found in mud-rich and diatomaceous sediments. Below the CCD, a Psammosphaera fusca association occurs in coarse sediments poor in organic carbon while a Cribrostomoides subglobosus-Ammobaculites agglutinans association covers a more variable environmental range with mud contents exceeding 30%. One single Eggerella bradyi-Martinottiella communis association poor in both species and individuals remains from the agglutinated associations below the CCD if only preservable species are considered for calculation.


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During the Indian Ocean Expedition of R/V METEOR phytoplankton samples were taken with a multiple closing net (Multinet) at 103 stations. In this material the diatoms were investigated. In all 247 taxa could be identified which belong to 242 species and 5 varieties of formae of 80 genera. Of these 1 variety, 15 pecies, and 3 genera are newly described. New combinations were made for 18 species, and a number of old combinations was reinstated.


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The distribution of diatoms, coccolithophores and planktic foraminifers mirrored the hydrographic and trophic conditions of the surface ocean (0-100 m) across the upwelling area off the Oman coast to the central Arabian Sea during May/June 1997 and July/August 1995. The number of diatoms was increased in waters with local temperature minimum and enhanced nutrient concentration (nitrate, phosphate, silicate) caused by upwelling. Vegetative cells of Chaetoceros dominated the diatom assemblage in the coastal upwelling area. Towards the more nutrient depleted and stratified surface waters to the southeast, the number of diatoms decreased, coccolithophore and planktic foraminiferal numbers increased, and floral and faunal composition changed. In particular, the transition between the eutrophic upwelling region off Oman and the oligotrophic central Arabian Sea was marked by moderate nutrient concentration, and high coccolithophore and foraminifer numbers. Florisphaera profunda, previously often referred as a 'lower-photic-zone-species', was frequent in water depths as shallow as 20 m, and at high nutrient concentration up to 14 µmol NO3/l and 1.2 µmol PO4/. To the oligotrophic southeast of the divergence, cell densities of coccolithophores declined and Umbellosphaera irregularis prevailed throughout the water column down to 100 m depth. In general, total coccolithophore numbers were limited by nutrient threshold concentration, with low numbers (<10*10**3 cells/l) at high [NO3] and [PO4], and high numbers (>70*10**3 cells/l) at low [NO3] and [PO4]. The components of the complex microplankton succession, diatoms, coccoliths and planktic foraminifers (and possibly others), should ideally be used as a combined paleoceanographic proxy. Consequently, models on plankton ecology should be resolved at least for the seasonality, to account for the bias of paleoceanographic transfer calculations.


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The influence of different primary productivity regimes on live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead benthic foraminiferal distribution, as well as on the stable carbon isotopic composition of foraminiferal tests, was investigated in sediment surface samples (0-1 cm) from the upwelling region off Morocco between Cape Ghir (31°N) and Cape Yubi (27°N). A combination of factor analysis, detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was applied to the benthic foraminiferal data sets. Five major assemblages for both the live and dead fauna were revealed by factor analysis. In the cape regions organic matter fluxes are enhanced by high chlorophyll-a concentrations in the overlying surface waters. Here, benthic foraminiferal faunas are characterized by identical live and dead assemblages, high standing stocks, and low species delta13C values, indicating constant year-round high productivity. Bulimina marginata dominates the unique fauna at the shallowest station off Cape Ghir indicating highest chlorophyll-a concentrations. Off both capes, the succession of the Bulimina aculeata/Uvigerina mediterranea assemblage, the Sphaeroidina bulloides/Gavelinopsis translucens assemblage, and the Hoeglundina elegans assemblage from the shelf to the deep sea reflects the decrease in chlorophyll-a concentrations, hence the export flux. In contrast, the area between the capes is characterized by differently composed live and dead assemblages, low standing stocks, and less depleted delta13C values, thus reflecting low primary productivity. High foraminiferal numbers of Epistominella exigua, Eponides pusillus, and Globocassidulina subglobosa in the dead fauna indicate a seasonally varying primary productivity signal. Significantly lower mean delta13C values were recorded in Bulimina mexicana, Cibicidoides kullenbergi, H. elegans, U. mediterranea and Uvigerina peregrina. Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi is a faithful recorder of bottom water delta13C in the Canary Islands regions. The mean delta13C signal of this species is not significantly influenced by constant high organic matter fluxes. The species-specific offset between live and dead specimens is the same.


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COSTA, S. G. A. La contra Revolucion imaginaria: novela y film en Mexico (1910-1965). Revista Mediterranea de Comunicacion, n. 1, p.71-97, 2010. Disponivel em:. Acesso em: 04 nov. 2010.