971 resultados para Media campaign exposure


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Annual Report, Agency Performance Plan


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La aterosclerosis cérvico-cerebral es una de las principales causas de ictus isquémico, y por tanto, de morbimortalidad en nuestro medio. La detección de la misma en su fase asintomática mediante instrumentos como la función REGICOR, el grosor íntima-media y el índice tobillo-brazo podría mejorar las estrategias de prevención primaria. Comprobamos que, en nuestra cohorte de 933 sujetos sin antecedentes cardiovasculares, los tres factores (REGICOR≥10, GIM≥0.9, ITB≤ 0.9) se asociaron de forma independiente con la presencia de aterosclerosis cérvico-cerebral y de cualquier localización (extracraneal-intracraneal-combinada). La utilización conjunta de REGICOR e ITB podría facilitar el diagnóstico precoz de la aterosclerosis cérvico-cerebral subclínica.


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Coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is a powerful noninvasive technique with high soft-tissue contrast for the visualization of the coronary anatomy without X-ray exposure. Due to the small dimensions and tortuous nature of the coronary arteries, a high spatial resolution and sufficient volumetric coverage have to be obtained. However, this necessitates scanning times that are typically much longer than one cardiac cycle. By collecting image data during multiple RR intervals, one can successfully acquire coronary MR angiograms. However, constant cardiac contraction and relaxation, as well as respiratory motion, adversely affect image quality. Therefore, sophisticated motion-compensation strategies are needed. Furthermore, a high contrast between the coronary arteries and the surrounding tissue is mandatory. In the present article, challenges and solutions of coronary imaging are discussed, and results obtained in both healthy and diseased states are reviewed. This includes preliminary data obtained with state-of-the-art techniques such as steady-state free precession (SSFP), whole-heart imaging, intravascular contrast agents, coronary vessel wall imaging, and high-field imaging. Simultaneously, the utility of electron beam computed tomography (EBCT) and multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) for the visualization of the coronary arteries is discussed.


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The front speed problem for nonuniform reaction rate and diffusion coefficient is studied by using singular perturbation analysis, the geometric approach of Hamilton-Jacobi dynamics, and the local speed approach. Exact and perturbed expressions for the front speed are obtained in the limit of large times. For linear and fractal heterogeneities, the analytic results have been compared with numerical results exhibiting a good agreement. Finally we reach a general expression for the speed of the front in the case of smooth and weak heterogeneities


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Résumé Le travail poursuit un triple objectif: A) présenter la place qu'occupe la géographie physique et la géographie urbaine dans un corpus de cinq récits de voyages castillans de la fin du Moyen-Age, en se centrant particulièrement sur le relief, les eaux continentales, les mers, les côtes, le climat, la végétation, la faune et les villes; B) analyser les ressources discursives dont se servent les rédacteurs pour transmettre ces contenus; C) et réunir le lexique géographique des textes, en l'organisant autour des thématiques mentionnées, en définissant les mots et en faisant ressortir leur valeur dans le contexte discursif. L'étude est introduite par une analyse de la situation communicative dans laquelle se forgent les récits du corpus: contexte historique, social, culturel et textuel, d'une part; identité des voyageurs- rédacteurs, identité des destinataires, et objectifs divers aussi bien des voyages que de leur mise en écriture, d'autre part. De cette analyse ressortent quelques intentions et préoccupations communes aux voyageurs-rédacteurs qui pourraient se résumer en: A) une conscience de la difficulté du voyage; B) une conscience de réaliser un mouvement vers un monde éloigné et étrange; C) une volonté de transmettre des connaissances sur le monde; D) un désir de présenter ce qu'ils racontent comme le fruit d'une expérience vécue et de le faire avec véracité. L'analyse introductoire montre également que cette approche du voyage et la conception du récit qui en découle déterminent le choix de certains contenus géographiques et une façon précise d'exposer l'expérience du voyage: les textes transmettent des connaissances sur le monde et construisent un discours informatif sur l'espace, tout en décrivant un univers étrange et en insistant sur leur caractère testimonial. Le corps du travail est articulé en trois parties. Le premier volet permet de faire émerger la place réservée à la géographie, surtout physique, dans les récits. Il dévoile l'intérêt naissant manifesté par les voyageurs-rédacteurs pour la géographie physique et témoigne de la typologie diversifiée des descriptions urbaines. Il éclaire également le rapport intime liant les thématiques privilégiées dans les textes, les intérêts des rédacteurs et de leur public, et les objectifs de chaque récit. La géographie transmise est non-livresque, issue de l'expérience et, par conséquent, partielle. Le deuxième volet montre le fonctionnement d'une description qui est porteuse d'informations sur l'espace et qui véhicule des savoirs sur le monde, en particulier sur le monde inconnu. Les opérations de nommer, mesurer et adjectiver l'espace parcouru, en le comparant ensuite à l'espace connu sont analysées en détail. Cette partie du travail met en exergue les connaissances, les croyances et les valeurs partagées entre rédacteurs et récepteurs sur lesquelles se construit un discours destiné à transmettre de nouveaux savoirs sur le monde. Les textes se présentent, en outre, comme un témoignage basé sur l'expérience des voyageurs: l'importance de l'information acquise par l'ouïe porte les rédacteurs à incorporer dans leurs récits de nombreuses voix qui racontent le monde et fait du discours géographique un discours clairement polyphonique. Enfin, le troisième volet réunit pour la première fois le lexique géographique castillan en usage à la fin du Moyen-Âge. Procédant de textes rédigés par des non spécialistes, il nous permet d'évaluer les connaissances géographiques d'un homme de l'époque et inclut définitions, exemples d'usage des mots en contexte, données étymologiques, diachroniques, morphosyntaxiques, sémantiques et encyclopédiques. Dans son ensemble, la thèse témoigne de l'intérêt d'une approche des récits de voyage par le triple axe thématique, discursif et lexical.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify specific major congenital malformations associated with use of carbamazepine in the first trimester of pregnancy. DESIGN: A review of all published cohort studies to identify key indications and a population based case-control study to test these indications. SETTING: Review of PubMed, Web of Science, and Embase for papers about carbamazepine exposure in the first trimester of pregnancy and specific malformations, and the EUROCAT Antiepileptic Study Database, including data from 19 European population based congenital anomaly registries, 1995-2005. PARTICIPANTS: The literature review covered eight cohort studies of 2680 pregnancies with carbamazepine monotherapy exposure, and the EUROCAT dataset included 98 075 registrations of malformations covering over 3.8 million births. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Overall prevalence for a major congenital malformation after exposure to carbamazepine monotherapy in the first trimester. Odds ratios for malformations with exposure to carbamazepine among cases (five types of malformation identified in the literature review) compared with two groups of controls: other non-chromosomal registrations of malformations and chromosomal syndromes. RESULTS: The literature review yielded an overall prevalence for a major congenital malformation of 3.3% (95% confidence interval 2.7 to 4.2) after exposure to carbamazepine monotherapy in the first trimester. In 131 registrations of malformations, the fetus had been exposed to carbamazepine monotherapy. Spina bifida was the only specific major congenital malformation significantly associated with exposure to carbamazepine monotherapy (odds ratio 2.6 (95% confidence interval 1.2 to 5.3) compared with no antiepileptic drug), but the risk was smaller for carbamazepine than for valproic acid (0.2, 0.1 to 0.6). There was no evidence for an association with total anomalous pulmonary venous return (no cases with carbamazepine exposure), cleft lip (with or without palate) (0.2, 0.0 to 1.3), diaphragmatic hernia (0.9, 0.1 to 6.6), or hypospadias (0.7, 0.3 to 1.6) compared with no exposure to antiepileptic drugs. Further exploratory analysis suggested a higher risk of single ventricle and atrioventricular septal defect. CONCLUSION: Carbamazepine teratogenicity is relatively specific to spina bifida, though the risk is less than with valproic acid. Despite the large dataset, there was not enough power to detect moderate risks for some rare major congenital malformations.


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In this paper we want to present a work- in-progress research about video self production on the Internet that is part of a broader research project which explores the ways current media practices convey a 'playful' relationship with digital technologies in popular culture.


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OBJECTIVE:: Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are used in food industries as probiotic agents. The aim of this study is to assess the potential health effects of airborne exposure to a mix of preblend (LAB and carbohydrate) and milk powder in workers. METHODS:: A medical questionnaire, lung function tests, and immunologic tests were carried out on 50 workers. Occupational exposure to inhalable dust and airborne LAB was measured. RESULTS:: Workers not using respiratory masks reported more symptoms of irritation than workers using protection. Workers from areas with higher levels of airborne LAB reported the most health symptoms and the immune responses of workers to LAB was higher than the immune responses of a control population. CONCLUSIONS:: Measures to reduce exposure to airborne LAB and milk powder in food industries are recommended.


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AIMS: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of life-time abstainers, former drinkers and current drinkers, adult per-capita consumption of alcohol and pattern of drinking scores, by country and Global Burden of Disease region for 2005, and to forecast these indicators for 2010. DESIGN: Statistical modelling based on survey data and routine statistics. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: A total of 241 countries and territories. MEASUREMENTS: Per-capita consumption data were obtained with the help of the World Health Organization's Global Information System on Alcohol and Health. Drinking status data were obtained from Gender, Alcohol and Culture: An International Study, the STEPwise approach to Surveillance study, the World Health Survey/Multi-Country Study and other surveys. Consumption and drinking status data were triangulated to estimate alcohol consumption across multiple categories. FINDINGS: In 2005 adult per-capita annual consumption of alcohol was 6.1 litres, with 1.7 litres stemming from unrecorded consumption; 17.1 litres of alcohol were consumed per drinker, 45.8% of all adults were life-time abstainers, 13.6% were former drinkers and 40.6% were current drinkers. Life-time abstention was most prevalent in North Africa/Middle East and South Asia. Eastern Europe and Southern sub-Saharan Africa had the most detrimental pattern of drinking scores, while drinkers in Europe (Eastern and Central) and sub-Saharan Africa (Southern and West) consumed the most alcohol. CONCLUSIONS: Just over 40% of the world's adult population consumes alcohol and the average consumption per drinker is 17.1 litres per year. However, the prevalence of abstention, level of alcohol consumption and patterns of drinking vary widely across regions of the world.