896 resultados para May <Familie : 14.-21. Jh. : Bern>May <Familie : 14.-21. Jh. : Bern>


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Purpose.: To develop three-surface paraxial schematic eyes with different ages and sexes based on data for 7- and 14-year-old Chinese children from the Anyang Childhood Eye Study. Methods.: Six sets of paraxial schematic eyes, including 7-year-old eyes, 7-year-old male eyes, 7-year-old female eyes, 14-year-old eyes, 14-year-old male eyes, and 14-year-old female eyes, were developed. Both refraction-dependent and emmetropic eye models were developed, with the former using linear dependence of ocular parameters on refraction. Results.: A total of 2059 grade 1 children (boys 58%) and 1536 grade 8 children (boys 49%) were included, with mean age of 7.1 ± 0.4 and 13.7 ± 0.5 years, respectively. Changes in these schematic eyes with aging are increased anterior chamber depth, decreased lens thickness, increased vitreous chamber depth, increased axial length, and decreased lens equivalent power. Male schematic eyes have deeper anterior chamber depth, longer vitreous chamber depth, longer axial length, and lower lens equivalent power than female schematic eyes. Changes in the schematic eyes with positive increase in refraction are decreased anterior chamber depth, increased lens thickness, decreased vitreous chamber depth, decreased axial length, increased corneal radius of curvature, and increased lens power. In general, the emmetropic schematic eyes have biometric parameters similar to those arising from regression fits for the refraction-dependent schematic eyes. Conclusions.: The paraxial schematic eyes of Chinese children may be useful for myopia research and for facilitating comparison with other children with the same or different racial backgrounds and living in different places.


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Family history


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Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of mortality in the world. Studies of the impact of single nutrients on the risk for CVD have often provided inconclusive results, and recent research in nutritional epidemiology with a more holistic whole-diet approach has proven fruitful. Moreover, dietary habits in childhood and adolescence may play a role in later health and disease, either independently or by tracking into adulthood. The main aims of this study were to find childhood and adulthood determinants of adulthood diet, to identify dietary patterns present among the study population and to study the associations between long-term food choices and cardiovascular health in young Finnish adults. The study is a part of the multidisciplinary Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study, which is an ongoing, prospective cohort study with a 21-year follow-up. At baseline in 1980, the subjects were children and adolescents aged 3 to 18 years (n included in this study = 1768), and young adults aged 24 to 39 years at the latest follow-up study in 2001 (n = 1037). Food consumption and nutrient intakes were assessed with repeated 48-hour dietary recalls. Other determinations have included comprehensive risk factor assessments using blood tests, physical measurements and questionnaires. In the latest follow-up, ultrasound examinations were performed to study early atherosclerotic vascular changes. The average intakes showed substantial changes since 1980. Intakes of fat and saturated fat had decreased, whereas the consumption of fruits and vegetables had increased. Intake of fat and consumption of vegetables in childhood and physical activity in adulthood were important health behavioural determinants of adult diet. Additionally, a principal component analysis was conducted to identify major dietary patterns at each study point. A similar set of two major patterns was recognised throughout the study. The traditional dietary pattern positively correlated with the consumption of traditional Finnish foods, such as rye, potatoes, milk, butter, sausages and coffee, and negatively correlated with fruit, berries and dairy products other than milk. This type of diet was independently associated with several risk factors of CVD, such as total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, apolipoprotein B and C-reactive protein concentrations among both genders, as well as with systolic blood pressure and insulin levels among women. The traditional pattern was also independently associated with intima media thickness (IMT), a subclinical predictor of CVD, in men but not in women. The health-conscious pattern, predominant among female subjects, non-smokers and urbanites, was characterised by more health-conscious food choices such as vegetables, legumes and nuts, tea, rye, fish, cheese and other dairy products, as well as by the consumption of alcoholic beverages. This pattern was inversely, but less strongly, associated with cardiovascular risk factors. Tracking of the dietary pattern scores was observed, particularly among subjects who were adolescents at baseline. Moreover, a long-term high intake of protein concurrent with a low intake of fat was positively associated with IMT. These findings suggest that food behaviour and food choices are to some extent established as early as in childhood or adolescence and may significantly track into adulthood. Long-term adherence to traditional food choices seems to increase the risk for developing CVD, especially among men. Those with intentional or unintentional low fat diets, but with high intake of protein may also be at increased risk for CVD. The findings offer practical, food-based information on the relationship between diet and CVD and encourage further use of the whole-diet approach in epidemiological research. The results support earlier findings that long-term food choices play a role in the development of CVD. The apparent influence of childhood habits is important to bear in mind when planning educational strategies for the primary prevention of CVD. Further studies on food choices over the entire lifespan are needed.


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Rust (caused by Puccinia arachidis) and late leaf spot (LLS, caused by Mycosphaerella berkeleyi) can cause significant yield losses in Australian peanut crops. Until recently, all commercial peanut varieties were highly susceptible to these pathogens, but the new Australian cultivar Sutherland has significantly higher levels of resistance than the older cultivars. Field trials were conducted at two sites in Queensland to (a) confirm the improved resistance of cv. Sutherland over another commercial cultivar, Menzies, (b) study the effects of timing of first spray, spray interval and cultivar on disease severity and yield, and (c) develop a suitable fungicide management program for cv. Sutherland. In the 2006 and 2007 trials, rust and LLS developed slower and had lower final disease ratings and AUDPC values on unsprayed plots of cv. Sutherland than on cv. Menzies. The timing of the first spray is critical in managing both rust and late leaf spot, with the results demonstrating that the first fungicide spray on cv. Sutherland should be applied as soon as rust and LLS are first seen on cv. Menzies. In most trials spray intervals of 14 days or 21 days were suitable to effectively control rust and LLS. In years with low disease pressure, few, if any, fungicide applications will be needed to manage the diseases, but in other years up to four sprays may be necessary. © Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc. 2012.


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When cattle are fed grain, acidotic ruminal conditions and decreased efficiency in starch utilisation can result from the rapid production and accumulation of lactic acid in the rumen. The efficacy of drenching cattle with Megasphaera elsdenii and Ruminococcus bromii to improve animal performance was investigated. A feedlot trial was undertaken with 80 Bos indicus crossbred steers (initial liveweight 347.1 (s.d. 31.7) kg) in 10 pens in a randomised complete block design. An empty-pen-buffer was maintained between treated (inoculated) and untreated (control) groups to avoid transfer of inoculant bacteria to the control steers. Inoculated steers were orally drenched with M. elsdenii YE34 and R. bromii YE282, and populations increased rapidly over 3-14 days. The steers were fed for a total of 70 days with commercial, barley-based, feedlot rations. High growth rates (1.91 kg per day) were achieved throughout the experiment in both the inoculated and control steers. Intakes averaged 21.3 g dry matter (DM) per kg liveweight per day. There was probably no acidosis achieved in this trial following challenge (i.e. no change in pH occurred). There were no differences in any production or carcass measurements between the control and inoculated steers overall. However, the control group acquired dense ruminal populations of M. elsdenii by Day 14, while R. bromii populations established at high densities within the first 2 weeks but then declined and were undetectable by Day 50. R. bromii appears to be only transiently dominant, and once its dominance waned, it appeared that Ruminobacter spp. established in the rumen. Ruminobacter spp. became dominant between 14 and 28 days in all the steers examined and persisted through to the end of the study. These Ruminobacter spp. may be of future interest in the development of probiotics for grain-fed cattle.


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"15.8.1896 Franz Koch geb. 14.9.1860 gest. 21.10.1927"


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History of the Frankfurt Fuld family, reaching back to the author's grandfather, Herz Salomon Fuld. Contains description of the antique business of Benjamin's uncle Selig Goldschmidt.


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This memoir provides a detailed description of daily life and misery in the concentration camp Dachau. The first eight chapters are missing which would cover Felix Klinen's life in Vienna. The existing memoir then starts with his deportation to Dachau, and ends shortly before his transfer to Buchenwald concentration camp, covering the time from May to December of 1938. Translated from the German by Sanda Vero


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As the importance of plant-based antioxidants to human health becomes clearer there is a rapidly expanding search for rich sources of these compounds. Much attention is currently focussed on the antioxidant potential of ellagic acid (EA). Making assessment difficult is that EA occurs in different forms: free EA, EA glycosides and polymeric ellagitannins. The overall structure of these forms has a pronounced effect on their antioxidant efficiency and is responsible for widely differing reactivity, solubility and hence bioavailability properties. Often associated with EA is vitamin C which also contributes to the plant foods total antioxidant activity. Previous studies have suggested that ascorbic acid may have protective effects on the polyphenol content of plants. With a view to gaining evidence that the bioactive forms of vitamin C influence EA content, several fruits with a range of EA and vitamin C contents were examined. To facilitate a more detailed assessment of the selected fruits antioxidant potential the relative proportions of EA forms were also determined. In strawberries and boysenberries EA content was predominantly in the polymeric form (21% and 12% free EA plus EA glycoside vs total EA levels for strawberry and boysenberry respectively), while in Kakadu plum it was mainly in the free form (70% of total EA). An increasing percentage of dehydroascorbic acid (9 to 14% of total vitamin C) indicating enhanced transformation of ascorbic acid to its oxidative degradation product together with stable free EA levels (≈ 950 mg/100 g DW) over the 4 month frozen storage period for the Kakadu plum samples are consistent with a possible protective effect of EA by ascorbic acid.


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If speculation that German discount supermarket, Lidl, is preparing to launch into the Australian market is correct, it will be the biggest shake up in the grocery sector since Aldi’s arrival in 2001. With potentially five viable combatants in the mix, the way we shop and how supermarkets and suppliers compete, will fundamentally change.


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Documents related to Ulla Brode, née Beradt and her family.


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Digital image