991 resultados para Mathematics(all)


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Minimizing energy consumption is of utmost importance in an energy starved system with relaxed performance requirements. This brief presents a digital energy sensing method that requires neither a constant voltage reference nor a time reference. An energy minimizing loop uses this to find the minimum energy point and sets the supply voltage between 0.2 and 0.5 V. Energy savings up to 1275% over existing minimum energy tracking techniques in the literature is achieved.


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Routing is a very important step in VLSI physical design. A set of nets are routed under delay and resource constraints in multi-net global routing. In this paper a delay-driven congestion-aware global routing algorithm is developed, which is a heuristic based method to solve a multi-objective NP-hard optimization problem. The proposed delay-driven Steiner tree construction method is of O(n(2) log n) complexity, where n is the number of terminal points and it provides n-approximation solution of the critical time minimization problem for a certain class of grid graphs. The existing timing-driven method (Hu and Sapatnekar, 2002) has a complexity O(n(4)) and is implemented on nets with small number of sinks. Next we propose a FPTAS Gradient algorithm for minimizing the total overflow. This is a concurrent approach considering all the nets simultaneously contrary to the existing approaches of sequential rip-up and reroute. The algorithms are implemented on ISPD98 derived benchmarks and the drastic reduction of overflow is observed. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A rainbow matching of an edge-colored graph G is a matching in which no two edges have the same color. There have been several studies regarding the maximum size of a rainbow matching in a properly edge-colored graph G in terms of its minimum degree 3(G). Wang (2011) asked whether there exists a function f such that a properly edge-colored graph G with at least f (delta(G)) vertices is guaranteed to contain a rainbow matching of size delta(G). This was answered in the affirmative later: the best currently known function Lo and Tan (2014) is f(k) = 4k - 4, for k >= 4 and f (k) = 4k - 3, for k <= 3. Afterwards, the research was focused on finding lower bounds for the size of maximum rainbow matchings in properly edge-colored graphs with fewer than 4 delta(G) - 4 vertices. Strong edge-coloring of a graph G is a restriction of proper edge-coloring where every color class is required to be an induced matching, instead of just being a matching. In this paper, we give lower bounds for the size of a maximum rainbow matching in a strongly edge-colored graph Gin terms of delta(G). We show that for a strongly edge-colored graph G, if |V(G)| >= 2 |3 delta(G)/4|, then G has a rainbow matching of size |3 delta(G)/4|, and if |V(G)| < 2 |3 delta(G)/4|, then G has a rainbow matching of size |V(G)|/2] In addition, we prove that if G is a strongly edge-colored graph that is triangle-free, then it contains a rainbow matching of size at least delta(G). (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We derive a multiplicity one result for quasimodular eigenforms on SL2(Z) by completing the description of all quasimodular eigenforms. As applications of our results, we complete the answer to the question of finding all quasimodular eigenforms arising as a product of two eigenforms and also give an estimate for the size of the maximum gap in the sequence of the Fourier coefficients of a quasimodular form.


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The separation dimension of a graph G is the smallest natural number k for which the vertices of G can be embedded in R-k such that any pair of disjoint edges in G can be separated by a hyperplane normal to one of the axes. Equivalently, it is the smallest possible cardinality of a family F of total orders of the vertices of G such that for any two disjoint edges of G, there exists at least one total order in F in which all the vertices in one edge precede those in the other. In general, the maximum separation dimension of a graph on n vertices is Theta(log n). In this article, we focus on bounded degree graphs and show that the separation dimension of a graph with maximum degree d is at most 2(9) (log*d)d. We also demonstrate that the above bound is nearly tight by showing that, for every d, almost all d-regular graphs have separation dimension at least d/2]


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Let (M, g) be a compact Ricci-fiat 4-manifold. For p is an element of M let K-max(P) (respectively K-min(p)) denote the maximum (respectively the minimum) of sectional curvatures at p. We prove that if K-max(p) <= -cK(min)(P) for all p is an element of M, for some constant c with 0 <= c < 2+root 6/4 then (M, g) is fiat. We prove a similar result for compact Ricci-flat Kahler surfaces. Let (M, g) be such a surface and for p is an element of M let H-max(p) (respectively H-min(P)) denote the maximum (respectively the minimum) of holomorphic sectional curvatures at p. If H-max(P) <= -cH(min)(P) for all p is an element of M, for some constant c with 0 <= c < 1+root 3/2, then (M, g) is flat. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work deals with the homogenization of an initial- and boundary-value problem for the doubly-nonlinear system D(t)w - del.(z) over right arrow = g(x, t, x/epsilon) (0.1) w is an element of alpha(u, x/epsilon) (0.2) (z) over right arrow is an element of (gamma) over right arrow (del u, x/epsilon) (0.3) Here epsilon is a positive parameter; alpha and (gamma) over right arrow are maximal monotone with respect to the first variable and periodic with respect to the second one. The inclusions (0.2) and (0.3) are here formulated as null-minimization principles, via the theory of Fitzpatrick MR 1009594]. As epsilon -> 0, a two-scale formulation is derived via Nguetseng's notion of two-scale convergence, and a (single-scale) homogenized problem is then retrieved. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work deals with the homogenization of an initial- and boundary-value problem for the doubly-nonlinear system D(t)w - del.(z) over right arrow = g(x, t, x/epsilon) (0.1) w is an element of alpha(u, x/epsilon) (0.2) (z) over right arrow is an element of (gamma) over right arrow (del u, x/epsilon) (0.3) Here epsilon is a positive parameter; alpha and (gamma) over right arrow are maximal monotone with respect to the first variable and periodic with respect to the second one. The inclusions (0.2) and (0.3) are here formulated as null-minimization principles, via the theory of Fitzpatrick MR 1009594]. As epsilon -> 0, a two-scale formulation is derived via Nguetseng's notion of two-scale convergence, and a (single-scale) homogenized problem is then retrieved. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider a continuum percolation model consisting of two types of nodes, namely legitimate and eavesdropper nodes, distributed according to independent Poisson point processes in R-2 of intensities lambda and lambda(E), respectively. A directed edge from one legitimate node A to another legitimate node B exists provided that the strength of the signal transmitted from node A that is received at node B is higher than that received at any eavesdropper node. The strength of the signal received at a node from a legitimate node depends not only on the distance between these nodes, but also on the location of the other legitimate nodes and an interference suppression parameter gamma. The graph is said to percolate when there exists an infinitely connected component. We show that for any finite intensity lambda(E) of eavesdropper nodes, there exists a critical intensity lambda(c) < infinity such that for all lambda > lambda(c) the graph percolates for sufficiently small values of the interference parameter. Furthermore, for the subcritical regime, we show that there exists a lambda(0) such that for all lambda < lambda(0) <= lambda(c) a suitable graph defined over eavesdropper node connections percolates that precludes percolation in the graphs formed by the legitimate nodes.


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T-cell responses in humans are initiated by the binding of a peptide antigen to a human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecule. The peptide-HLA complex then recruits an appropriate T cell, leading to cell-mediated immunity. More than 2000 HLA class-I alleles are known in humans, and they vary only in their peptide-binding grooves. The polymorphism they exhibit enables them to bind a wide range of peptide antigens from diverse sources. HLA molecules and peptides present a complex molecular recognition pattern, as many peptides bind to a given allele and a given peptide can be recognized by many alleles. A powerful grouping scheme that not only provides an insightful classification, but is also capable of dissecting the physicochemical basis of recognition specificity is necessary to address this complexity. We present a hierarchical classification of 2010 class-I alleles by using a systematic divisive clustering method. All-pair distances of alleles were obtained by comparing binding pockets in the structural models. By varying the similarity thresholds, a multilevel classification was obtained, with 7 supergroups, each further subclassifying to yield 72 groups. An independent clustering performed based only on similarities in their epitope pools correlated highly with pocket-based clustering. Physicochemical feature combinations that best explain the basis of clustering are identified. Mutual information calculated for the set of peptide ligands enables identification of binding site residues contributing to peptide specificity. The grouping of HLA molecules achieved here will be useful for rational vaccine design, understanding disease susceptibilities and predicting risk of organ transplants.


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This note is a study of nonnegativity conditions on curvature preserved by the Ricci flow. We focus on a specific class of curvature conditions which we call non-coercive: These are the conditions for which nonnegative curvature and vanishing scalar curvature does not imply flatness. We show, in dimensions greater than 4, that if a Ricci flow invariant nonnegativity condition is satisfied by all Einstein curvature operators with nonnegative scalar curvature, then this condition is just the nonnegativity of scalar curvature. As a corollary, we obtain that a Ricci flow invariant curvature condition, which is stronger than a nonnegative scalar curvature, cannot be strictly satisfied by curvature operators (other than multiples of the identity) of compact Einstein symmetric spaces. We also investigate conditions which are satisfied by all conformally flat manifolds with nonnegative scalar curvature.


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We prove a nonvanishing result for Koecher-Maass series attached to Siegel cusp forms of weight k and degree n in certain strips on the complex plane. When n = 2, we prove such a result for forms orthogonal to the space of the Saito-Kurokawa lifts `up to finitely many exceptions', in bounded regions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We prove a sub-convex estimate for the sup-norm of L-2-normalized holomorphic modular forms of weight k on the upper half plane, with respect to the unit group of a quaternion division algebra over Q. More precisely we show that when the L-2 norm of an eigenfunction f is one, parallel to f parallel to(infinity) <<(epsilon) k(1/2-1/33+epsilon) for any epsilon > 0 and for all k sufficiently large.


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In recent years, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have attracted significant attention owing to their unique physicochemical, optical, conductive and antimicrobial properties. One of the properties of AgNPs which is crucial for all applications is their stability. In the present study we unravel a mechanism through which silver nanoparticles are rendered ultrastable in an aqueous solution in complex with the protein ubiquitin (Ubq). This involves a dynamic and reversible association and dissociation of ubiquitin from the surface of AgNP. The exchange occurs at a rate much greater than 25 s(-1) implying a residence time of <40 ms for the protein. The AgNP-Ubq complex remains stable for months due to steric stabilization over a wide pH range compared to unconjugated AgNPs. NMR studies reveal that the protein molecules bind reversibly to AgNP with an approximate dissociation constant of 55 mu M and undergo fast exchange. At pH > 4 the positively charged surface of the protein comes in contact with the citrate capped AgNP surface. Further, NMR relaxation-based experiments suggest that in addition to the dynamic exchange, a conformational rearrangement of the protein takes place upon binding to AgNP. The ultrastability of the AgNP-Ubq complex was found to be useful for its anti-microbial activity, which allowed the recycling of this complex multiple times without the loss of stability. Altogether, the study provides new insights into the mechanism of protein-silver nanoparticle interactions and opens up new avenues for its application in a wide range of systems.


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This paper deals with the adaptive mesh generation for singularly perturbed nonlinear parameterized problems with a comparative research study on them. We propose an a posteriori error estimate for singularly perturbed parameterized problems by moving mesh methods with fixed number of mesh points. The well known a priori meshes are compared with the proposed one. The comparison results show that the proposed numerical method is highly effective for the generation of layer adapted a posteriori meshes. A numerical experiment of the error behavior on different meshes is carried out to highlight the comparison of the approximated solutions. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.