922 resultados para Maternal and perinatal complications
Introduction: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in patients with hereditary bleeding disorders (HBDs), as a consequence of treatment with transfusion of human bloodderived components between the late 1970s and 1980s, represents a major health concern. Objectives: Assessment and evaluation of the burden of HCV infection, its complications, and treatment in a population of patients with HBDs. Methods: Analysis of a series of 161 patients with HBDs treated in the Immunohemotherapy Service of the Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central (Lisboa, Portugal), consultation and systematic review of the patients clinical processes, elaboration of a database comprising the information gathered; and statistical study of its variables: age, gender, degree of severity of the bleeding disorder, treatment modality, and major and minor complications of HCV infection. Results: Sixty-five (40%) of the 161 patients have HCV infection. Among the patients with hemophilia A, 36% are severe and 62% of those have HCV infection; 9% moderate with 57%; 25% mild with 20%. In the hemophilia B group, 8% are severe with 23% infected and 6% moderate or mild with 10%. Concerning the patients with von Willebrand disease, 12% have type 2 with 16% infected and 4% have type 3 with 86%. Conclusions: HCV infection represents a very significant complication of the treatment employed in the past in the studied population. Considering that most of these patients were infected in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and the natural evolution of HCV infection in patients without bleeding disorders, it is expected that the prevalence of major complications will rise significantly in the coming years. Prophylactic measures should be implemented to enhance the follow-up protocols and prevent further development of liver damage in these patients.
Uterine artery embolisation has been used as a therapeutic alternative for symptomatic uterine myomas. It is considered a safe and effective procedure, with very few cases published involving complications. The authors present a case of a 35-year-old nulliparous woman with an intramural myoma with 161x143x85mm, submitted to an uterine artery embolisation complicated by uterine necrosis. A hysterectomy was performed. This casereport reinforces the idea that artery embolization is not a riskfree procedure and serious complications may occur. Therefore, patients should be carefully selected.
RESUMO - Actualmente, a diabetes mellitus é a doença crónica que representa o maior desafio aos sistemas de saúde, e é um importante problema de saúde pública, tanto no que concerne ao crescente aumento do número de pessoas afectadas pela doença, incapacidade, morbilidade e mortalidade prematura, como nos custos envolvidos no controlo e tratamento das suas complicações. Nesse sentido, e consciente do grande peso económico e epidemiológico que a diabetes mellitus acarreta, este trabalho versa sobre: (1) identificar a prevalência da diabetes mellitus, em 2010, na região do Alto Alentejo; (2) conhecer as evidências sobre as intervenções e cuidados prestados aos diabéticos desta região; e (3) analisar os custos directos com o internamento hospitalar, cujo diagnóstico principal foi a diabetes, no ano 2010, nesta região. Através deste estudo, constatamos que a diabetes, na região do Alto Alentejo, no universo dos diabéticos identificados (n=8.767), representou uma prevalência de 7,7 diabéticos por 100 habitantes. Quanto ao género, a prevalência é superior no sexo feminino (8,1%), em relação ao sexo masculino (7,2%). A média da idade foi de 67,5 anos, e verificou-se que a diabetes aumenta em grande escala com a idade, encontrando-se uma taxa de prevalência superior em idades acima dos 60 anos. Referente ao seguimento dos cuidados de saúde prestados pela ULS aos doentes com diabetes mellitus, fica muito aquém do que as Guidelines definem, para os cuidados prestados a estes doentes, tanto em termos de seguimento da própria doença, como na prevenção das suas complicações. Em relação ao internamento hospitalar, em 2010, registaram-se 255 episódios cujo diagnóstico principal foi a diabetes mellitus (250.xx), correspondendo estes casos a um total de 761.990€. A demora média de internamento foi de 10 dias (11,5 para o sexo masculino e 8,5 para o sexo feminino) e, a média das idades situa-se nos 65,5 anos.
RESUMO:RESUMO: Nos últimos anos a ultrassonografia emergiu como um instrumento importante no diagnóstico da patologia torácica. O progresso tecnológico possibilitou a conceção de novos equipamentos como a ecoendoscopia brônquica radial e linear. Verificou-se, igualmente, o aparecimento de indicações para a realização de ecografia transtorácica. Uma das principais doenças impulsionadoras da técnica ultrassonográfica no tórax foi o cancro do pulmão, primeira causa de morte oncológica a nível mundial. A aplicabilidade e conhecimento do papel dos ultrassons no âmbito do diagnóstico e estadiamento do cancro do pulmão não se encontram esgotados, persistindo focos de controvérsia e dúvida científica que se pretendem esclarecer. A presente tese foi organizada em cinco capítulos: o primeiro abordou de forma geral e introdutória o estado da arte referente à ultrassonografia torácica, cancro do pulmão e a sua conjugação; o segundo destacou os principais objetivos; o terceiro sumarizou a metodologia utilizada; o quarto englobou os cinco estudos publicados, descritos subsequentemente, e o quinto incluiu uma discussão concisa, as principais conclusões e perspetivas futuras. O primeiro estudo avaliou a rentabilidade diagnóstica, segurança e curva de aprendizagem num coorte de 179 doentes submetidos a ecoendoscopia brônquica linear. De acordo com as indicações para este procedimento os doentes foram subdivididos em três grupos: (1) diagnóstico, (2) diagnóstico e estadiamento e (3) estadiamento. Para o primeiro, segundo e terceiro grupos a sensibilidade da ecoendoscopia foi 86.1%, 86.7% e 95% respetivamente e a precisão técnica foi 87.5%, 93.1% e 97.7% respetivamente. O treino originou um aumento progressivo do número de locais puncionados por doente, com menor duração e sem complicações, comprovando a eficácia e segurança do método quando realizado na população Portuguesa por broncologistas com experiência. O segundo estudo foi conduzido para averiguar a eficácia e custo da ecoendoscopia brônquica linear realizada através da via aérea e/ou esófago no diagnóstico de lesões sugestivas de neoplasia do pulmão, após ineficácia das técnicas convencionais. Nos doentes incluídos prospetivamente alcançou-se um diagnóstico definitivo em 106 casos (87.6%). A sensibilidade global para o diagnóstico de cancro do pulmão foi 89.8%, a especificidade foi 100%, o valor preditivo positivo foi 100%, o valor preditivo negativo foi 20% e a precisão foi 90.1%. Esta estratégia ultrassonográfica abrangente evitou intervenções cirúrgicas diagnósticas em doentes anteriormente submetidos a broncoscopia flexível ou punção aspirativa transtorácica guiada por tomografia computorizada, proporcionando uma redução significativa dos custos. No terceiro estudo investigou-se a viabilidade e papel da conjugação da ecoendoscopia brônquica linear com técnicas moleculares na avaliação de antigénios tumorais e padrões de metastização ganglionar em doentes com cancro do pulmão de não-pequenas células (CPNPC). Os marcadores citoqueratina 19 (CK-19), antigénio carcinoembrionário (CEA), molécula de adesão celular epitelial (EPCAM), sialyl-Lewis X e CD44 foram determinados nos aspirados ganglionares de 33 doentes com neoplasia e 17 controlos 10 Ultrassonografia através de citometria de fluxo (CF) e reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (RTPCR). Os doentes com CPNPC possuíam um compartimento celular epitelial significativamente aumentado e com marcação superior de CK-19 comparativamente ao grupo de controlo. O compartimento imune foi também analisado nestas amostras e revelou-se alterado no CPNPC com aumento da população de monócitos e diminuição das subpopulações linfocitárias. Os transcriptos de CK-19, CEA e EPCAM estavam elevados nos doentes com cancro do pulmão, identificando-se uma correlação positiva entre estes marcadores e o tamanho da lesão primária. Concluiu-se que a identificação de CK-19, CEA e EPCAM nas amostras obtidas por ecoendoscopia e avaliadas por CF e RTPCR foi viável, podendo auxiliar na deteção de metástases ganglionares no CPNPC. O quarto estudo envolveu a combinação da ecoendoscopia brônquica radial com uma criosonda para o diagnóstico de lesões pulmonares sólidas periféricas. Foi determinada a viabilidade, rentabilidade diagnóstica, tamanho das amostras e segurança do método. Lesões inferiores a 40mm foram localizadas por ultrassonografia sendo os doentes randomizados para a realização de biópsias transbrônquicas com pinça seguidas por criosonda ou vice-versa. Nos 39 casos incluídos a lesão foi visualizada pela minisonda em 31 doentes (79.5%), com 80.6% de prevalência de cancro do pulmão na amostra. A rentabilidade diagnóstica da pinça de biópsia foi 61.3% e da criosonda foi 74.2%. O tamanho do tecido adquirido pelas criobiópsias foi significativamente maior do que o alcançado por pinça (11.17mm2 vs. 4.69mm2, p<0.001). Ocorreu um único caso de hemorragia moderada, controlada através de medidas conservadoras. As biópsias transbrônquicas com criosonda sob orientação de ecoendoscopia radial foram seguras e eficazes na obtenção de amostras histológicas. O quinto estudo determinou o valor diagnóstico da ecografia transtorácica na identificação de malignidade em doentes com derrame pleural de natureza indeterminada. Foram examinados de forma prospetiva 154 doentes. Os resultados clínicos e radiológicos de cada caso foram ocultados ao executante do exame que gerou imagens estáticas e vídeos ultrassonográficos relevantes. Estes foram posteriormente visualizados, sendo as suas características classificadas por revisores independentes e comparadas com o diagnóstico definitivo. Em 66 casos o diagnóstico foi de derrame pleural maligno (68.2% com cancro do pulmão) e em 67 de derrame benigno. A ecografia torácica obteve 80.3% de sensibilidade, 83.6% de especificidade, 81.2% de valor preditivo negativo e 82.8% de valor preditivo positivo na deteção de malignidade. A nodularidade pleural ou diafragmática, espessamento pleural superior a 10mm e sinal de swirling foram significativamente diferentes (p<0.001) sendo sugestivos de derrame maligno. A existência de nodularidade pleural e ausência de broncograma aéreo ecográfico aumentaram a probabilidade de malignidade (OR 29.0 e OR 10.4, respetivamente). A ecografia transtorácica permitiu diferenciar derrame pleural maligno do benigno. A existência de nódulos pleurais constituiu o fator discriminador mais relevante. Em conclusão, os resultados desta tese possibilitam uma melhor compreensão do papel da ecoendoscopia brônquica (linear e radial) e ecografia transtorácica no diagnóstico e estadiamento do cancro do pulmão, com implicações e aplicabilidade na prática clínica.------------- ABSTRACT: In recent years ultrasonography has emerged as an important instrument in the diagnosis of thoracic diseases. Technological progress has enabled the design of new equipment such as radial and linear endobronchial ultrasound. In addition, indications for transthoracic echography were established. One of the main diseases responsible for the progression of chest sonography was lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide. The applicability and knowledge of the role of ultrasonography in diagnosing and staging lung cancer is not depleted, persisting foci of controversy and scientific doubt that we intend to elucidate. The present thesis was organized into five chapters: the first included a general introduction regarding chest ultrasound, lung cancer and their combination; the second emphasized the main objectives; the third summarized the methodology used; the fourth encompassed the five published studies, subsequently described, and the fifth included a concise discussion, the main findings and future perspectives. The first study evaluated the diagnostic yield, safety and learning curve in a cohort of 179 patients submitted to linear endobronchial ultrasound. According to procedure indications, the patients were divided into three groups: (1) diagnosis, (2) diagnosis and staging, and (3) staging. For the first, second and third groups, endobronchial ultrasound sensitivity was 86.1%, 86.7% and 95% respectively and accuracy was 87.5%, 93.1% and 97.7% respectively. Practise led to an increase number of punctured sites per patient, in a shorter period of time and without complications, proving the safety and efficacy of the method when performed in the Portuguese population by expert echoscopists. The second study was conducted to determine the efficacy and cost of linear endobronchial ultrasound performed through the airway and/or oesophagus for diagnosis of lesions suggestive of lung cancer, after failure of conventional techniques. Of the patients prospectively enrolled a definitive diagnosis was reached in 106 cases (87.6%). The overall sensitivity for the diagnosis of lung cancer was 89.8%, specificity was 100%, positive predictive value was 100%, negative predictive value was 20% and accuracy was 90.1%. In conclusion, this global ultrasonographic strategy avoided diagnostic surgical procedures in patients that had undergone flexible bronchoscopy or computed tomography-guided transthoracic needle aspiration, providing a significant cost reduction. In the third study, the feasibility and role of linear endobronchial ultrasound combined with molecular techniques in the evaluation of tumour antigens and patterns of lymph node metastasis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) was investigated. Cytokeratin 19 (CK-19), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EPCAM), sialyl Lewis-X and CD44 were determined in lymph node aspirates of 33 lung cancer patients and 17 controls, using flow cytometry (FC) and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). In patients with NSCLC the epithelial cell compartment was significantly increased nd showed brighter CK-19 staining, compared to the control group. In NSCLC patients the immune compartment revealed an increased monocyte population and decreased lymphocyte subsets. The transcripts of CK- 19, CEA and EPCAM were higher in lung cancer patients and a positive correlation between these markers and the size of the primary lesion was also found. We concluded that the identification of CK-19, CEA and EPCAM in endobronchial ultrasound samples, using RT-PCR and FC was feasible and might aid in the detection of NSCLC lymph node metastases. The fourth study involved the combination of the radial endobronchial ultrasound with the cryoprobe for diagnosing solid peripheral lung lesions. We determined the feasibility, diagnostic yield, sample size and safety of the method. Lesions less than 40mm were located by ultrasound and forceps or cryobiopsies were performed in a randomized order. Of the 39 cases included, the lesion could be visualized by the miniprobe in 31 patients (79.5%), and lung cancer prevalence was 80.6%. The diagnostic yield of the biopsy forceps was 61.3% and for the cryobiopsy was 74.2 %. Cryobiopsies were significantly larger than forceps biopsies (11.17mm2 vs. 4.69mm2, p<0.001). There was only one case of moderate bleeding that was controlled by conservative measures. Transbronchial cryobiopsies under radial endobronchial ultrasound guidance were safe and effective in obtaining histological samples. The fifth study determined the diagnostic value of transthoracic sonography in predicting malignancy in patients with an undiagnosed pleural effusion. One hundred and fifty four patients were prospectively scanned. Relevant ultrasound images and videos were generated by an operator blinded to clinical and radiological results. These were subsequently visualized, its characteristics classified by independent reviewers and compared to the final diagnosis. A malignant pleural effusion was diagnosed in 66 cases (68.2 % with lung cancer) and a benign effusion in 67 cases. Thoracic ultrasound had a sensitivity of 80.3 %, specificity of 83.6%, negative predictive value of 81.2 % and positive predictive value of 82.8% to detect malignancy. The presence of pleural or diaphragmatic nodularity, pleural thickening greater than 10mm and swirling signal were significantly different (p<0.001 ), being suggestive of malignant effusion. The existence of pleural nodularity and absence of lung air bronchogram were more likely to indicate malignancy (OR 29.0 and OR 10.4, respectively). Transthoracic ultrasonography permits the distinction between malignant and benign pleural effusions. Pleural nodules were the most relevant feature. In conclusion, the results of this thesis provide a better understanding of the role of endobronchial ultrasound (linear and radial) and transthoracic sonography in lung cancer diagnosis and staging, with direct implications and applicability in clinical practice.
INTRODUCTION: Although control measures of maternal and congenital syphilis are available in Brazil, difficulties exist within the healthcare network in providing a laboratory diagnosis of the infection during the prenatal period. The objective of this study was to confirm the presence of Treponema pallidum by PCR in women with positive VDRL serology and lethal pregnancy outcomes, i.e., abortion, stillbirth and neonatal death. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted on VDRLseroreactive women with lethal pregnancy outcomes admitted to the Fundação Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Pará (FSCM-PA) between January and July 2004. Serum samples and DNA from whole blood were obtained at the time of screening by the VDRL test. These samples were analyzed by IgG ELISA, IgM FTA-Abs and simple PCR (polA). RESULTS: During the study period, 0.7% (36/4,912) of women with lethal pregnancy outcomes presented a positive VDRL test. The polAgene was amplified in 72.7% (24/33) of these women, with 55.6% (20/36) and 94.4% (34/36) presenting IgM and IgG antibodies against T. pallidum, respectively. Comparison of these results showed a significant difference, with agreement between the PCR and IgM FTA-Abs results, suggesting that maternal syphilis was an active infection. No basic cause of death of the conceptus was reported in 97.2% (35/36) of cases. Among women who were submitted to the VDRL test during the prenatal period, only four of the nine seroreactive patients underwent treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The high frequency of syphilis in the group studied indicates the fragility of the service of infection diagnosis, treatment and monitoring, compromising epidemiological control.
RESUMO - É recomendado o aleitamento materno exclusivo desde o nascimento até aos 6 meses. Angola apresenta uma situação bastante preocupante, pois é um dos países do mundo com maior taxa de mortalidade infantil: em 2010 era de 114,9 mortes por cada 1000 nascimentos. O desmame precoce, a contaminação dos alimentos e da água potável e a desnutrição criam condições para aparecimento de doenças que causam elevadas mortes em crianças com menos de um ano. Em muitas regiões de África, o parto ainda é um acontecimento marcado por práticas culturais ancestrais que podem prejudicar a saúde e sobrevivência dos recém-nascidos, além de pôr em perigo a vida das mães. Algumas dessas práticas incluem: (i) deitar fora o colostro; e (ii) alimentar os bebés com outros alimentos que não o leite materno. Este estudo é quantitativo com metodologia transversal e pretende identificar, descrever e analisar os fatores que contribuem para o abandono do aleitamento materno exclusivo antes dos 6 meses de idade, na província do Uíge, em Angola, bem como indicar formas de intervenção para que os índices de prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo possam aumentar. A população em estudo são mães com filhos até um ano de idade e utilizadoras do centro de saúde materno infantil do município sede da província de Uíge em Angola, da qual será considerada uma amostra de 418 mães. Os dados obtidos através de questionário serão registados em quadros e gráficos para posterior análise estatística através de tabelas de frequências, cálculo de percentagens e taxas de incidência.
INTRODUCTION: Reduction in the vertical transmission of HIV is possible when prophylactic measures are implemented. Our objective was to determine demographic characteristics of HIV-infected pregnant women and the rate of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. METHODS: A descriptive study was conducted using notification, and investigating data from the Notifiable Diseases Data System in the Brazilian State of Amazonas, between 2007 and 2009. RESULTS: During the study period, notification was received of 509 HIV-positive pregnant women. The vertical transmission was 9.9% (95% CI: 7.2-12.6%). The mean age of women was 27 years (SD: 5.7), and the majority (54.8%) had not completed elementary school (eighth grade). Diagnosis of HIV seropositivity was made prior to pregnancy in 115 (22.6%) women, during prenatal care in 302 (59.3%), during delivery in 70 (13.8%), and following delivery in 22 (4.3%). Four hundred four of these women (79.4%) had had prenatal care, with 79.4% of patients receiving antiretroviral during pregnancy and 61.9% of the newborn infants receiving prophylaxis. In the final multivariate logistic regression model, living in urban area [OR = 0.7 (95% CI: 0.35-0.89)] and having had prenatal care [OR = 0.1 (95% CI: 0.04-0.24)] remained as protective factors against vertical HIV transmission in this population. CONCLUSIONS: The relevance of adequate compliance with the measures already established as being effective in guaranteeing a reduction in HIV transmission within the maternal and infant population should be emphasized.
Splenectomy is the best available treatment for severe forms of hereditary spherocytosis, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, and other hematologic conditions when these prove refractory to conservative management. It has been employed for many decades with low mortality and favorable remission rates. The use of laparoscopic splenectomy in recent years has been rapidly and even enthusiastically adopted in this field. However, the exact role of laparoscopic versus open surgery for hematologic diseases is still debated. In this study of 58 adult patients, laparoscopic procedures were compared with conventional splenectomies for similar indications. METHODS: All patients were operated on within an 8-year period. Subjects underwent similar procedures under the supervision of the same surgical school and were compared regarding age, gender, body mass index, and diagnosis. Laparoscopically managed cases (Group I, n = 30) were prospectively followed according to a written protocol, whereas the same investigation was retrospectively done with regard to traditional laparotomy (Group II, n = 28). Methods included general and demographic findings, duration and technical steps of operation, blood loss, weight of spleen, need for conversion (in minimally invasive subjects), intraoperative and postoperative complications, time until realimentation, postoperative hospitalization, mortality, and late follow-up including recurrence rate. RESULTS: Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura was the surgical indication in over 50% of the patients in both groups, but familial spherocytosis, thalassemia, myelodysplasia, and lymphomas were also represented in this series. Laparoscopic procedures took more time to perform (P = 0.004), and postoperative hospitalization was 2 days shorter, but this difference was not statistically significant. Postoperative hematocrit and volume of blood transfusions was equivalent, although the laparoscopic cases had a somewhat lower preoperative hematocrit (NS) and displayed better recovery for this measurement (P = 0.03). More patients in Group I were able to accept oral food on the first day than subjects undergoing conventional operations (P < 0.05). Relatively few conversions were necessary during the minimally invasive surgeries (13.3%), and postoperative early and late complications as well as recurrences occurred in similar proportions. Also, the mean weight of the spleen was not statistically different between the groups, although there was a marked numerical tendency toward larger masses in conventional procedures. No spleen in Group I exceeded 2.0 kg, whereas in Group II values up to 4.0 kg occurred, and the mean weight was 50% higher in the latter group. CONCLUSIONS: 1) Minimally invasive splenectomy was essentially comparable to open surgery with regard to safety, efficacy, and late results; 2) Advantages concerning shorter postoperative hospitalization could not be shown, despite earlier food intake and a non-significant tendency toward earlier discharge; 3) This new modality should be considered an option in cases of hematologic conditions whenever the spleen is not hugely enlarged.
Kidney renal failure means that one’s kidney have unexpectedly stopped functioning, i.e., once chronic disease is exposed, the presence or degree of kidney dysfunction and its progression must be assessed, and the underlying syndrome has to be diagnosed. Although the patient’s history and physical examination may denote good practice, some key information has to be obtained from valuation of the glomerular filtration rate, and the analysis of serum biomarkers. Indeed, chronic kidney sickness depicts anomalous kidney function and/or its makeup, i.e., there is evidence that treatment may avoid or delay its progression, either by reducing and prevent the development of some associated complications, namely hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular complications. Acute kidney injury appears abruptly, with a rapid deterioration of the renal function, but is often reversible if it is recognized early and treated promptly. In both situations, i.e., acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease, an early intervention can significantly improve the prognosis.The assessment of these pathologies is therefore mandatory, although it is hard to do it with traditional methodologies and existing tools for problem solving. Hence, in this work, we will focus on the development of a hybrid decision support system, in terms of its knowledge representation and reasoning procedures based on Logic Programming, that will allow one to consider incomplete, unknown, and even contradictory information, complemented with an approach to computing centered on Artificial Neural Networks, in order to weigh the Degree-of-Confidence that one has on such a happening. The present study involved 558 patients with an age average of 51.7 years and the chronic kidney disease was observed in 175 cases. The dataset comprise twenty four variables, grouped into five main categories. The proposed model showed a good performance in the diagnosis of chronic kidney disease, since the sensitivity and the specificity exhibited values range between 93.1 and 94.9 and 91.9–94.2 %, respectively.
Kidney renal failure means that one’s kidney have unexpectedlystoppedfunctioning,i.e.,oncechronicdiseaseis exposed, the presence or degree of kidney dysfunction and its progression must be assessed, and the underlying syndrome has to be diagnosed. Although the patient’s history and physical examination may denote good practice, some key information has to be obtained from valuation of the glomerular filtration rate, and the analysis of serum biomarkers. Indeed, chronic kidney sickness depicts anomalous kidney function and/or its makeup, i.e., there is evidence that treatment may avoid or delay its progression, either by reducing and prevent the development of some associated complications, namely hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular complications. Acute kidney injury appears abruptly, with a rapiddeteriorationoftherenalfunction,butisoftenreversible if it is recognized early and treated promptly. In both situations, i.e., acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease, an early intervention can significantly improve the prognosis. The assessment of these pathologies is therefore mandatory, although it is hard to do it with traditional methodologies and existing tools for problem solving. Hence, in this work, we will focus on the development of a hybrid decision support system, in terms of its knowledge representation and reasoning procedures based on Logic Programming, that will allow onetoconsiderincomplete,unknown,and evencontradictory information, complemented with an approach to computing centered on Artificial Neural Networks, in order to weigh the Degree-of-Confidence that one has on such a happening. The present study involved 558 patients with an age average of 51.7 years and the chronic kidney disease was observed in 175 cases. The dataset comprise twenty four variables, grouped into five main categories. The proposed model showed a good performance in the diagnosis of chronic kidney disease, since the sensitivity and the specificity exhibited values range between 93.1 and 94.9 and 91.9–94.2 %, respectively.
Intraaortic balloon counterpulsation is frequently used in patients experiencing severe ventricular dysfunction following maximal drug therapy. However, even with the improvement of percutaneous insertion techniques, the procedure has always been followed by vascular, infectious, and neurological complications. This article describes a case of paraplegia due to intraaortic balloon counterpulsation in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of subsequent pregnancy after peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) on maternal and fetal outcome. METHODS: Prospective study of 34 patients with the diagnosis of PPCM (mean age= 26years). At the time of first diagnosis 5 were in NYHA functional class (FC) II for heart failure, one in FC III and 28 in FC IV. After clinical treatment, patients were advised to avoid new pregnancies and a follow-up was obtained. RESULTS: There were 12 (35.3%) subsequent pregnancies in patients (pt) aged 19 to 44 years (mean 32), divided into two groups: GI: 6 pts who had normalized their heart size and GII: 6 pts with persistent cardiomegaly. GI had initially mild clinical manifestations ( 3 were in FC II, 1 in FC II and 2 in FC IV) and complete recovery of cardiac function (FC I). A new pregnancy was well-tolerated in 5 (83.3%); 1 pt presented with preeclampsia, and progressed to FC II. Presently, 5 pt are in FC I and 1 in FC II. GII pts had more severe heart failure at the onset of PPCM (1 pt in FC II and 5 in FC IV); during follow-up, 4 pt were in FC I and 2 in FC II. A new pregnancy was well tolerated in all of them, but the eldest, who had had 2 pregnancies and had a progressive worsening of clinical status, dying 8 years after the last pregnancy and 13 years after the diagnosis of PPCM. The remaining 5 pt are still alive, 3 in FC I and 2 in FC II, with worsening of FC in 1. Subsequent pregnancies occurred 3-7 years after clinical treatment of PPCM and no fetal distress was observed. CONCLUSION: Subsequent pregnancies are well-tolerated after PPCM, but not devoid of risk. No fetal distress was observed. A minimum interval of 3 years after the recovery of function seems to be safe for subsequent pregnancies.
We report new percutaneous techniques for perforating the pulmonary valve in pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum, in 3 newborns who had this birth defect. There was mild to moderate hypoplastic right ventricle, a patent infundibulum, and no coronary-cavitary communications. We succeeded in all cases, and no complications related to the procedure occurred. The new coaxial radiofrequency system was easy to handle, which simplified the procedure. Two patients required an additional source of pulmonary flow (Blalock-Taussig shunt) in the first week after catheterization. All patients had a satisfactory short-term clinical evolution and will undergo recatheterization within 1 year to define the next therapeutic strategy. We conclude that this technique may be safely and efficiently performed, especially when the new coaxial radiofrequency system is used, and it may become the initial treatment of choice in select neonates with pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular septum.
OBJECTIVE - To report the results of percutaneous occlusion of persistent ductus arteriosus with the Amplatzer prosthesis in 2 Brazilian cardiological centers. METHODS - From May 1998 to July 2000, 33 patients with clinical and laboratory diagnosis of persistent ductus arteriosus underwent attempts at percutaneous implantation of the Amplatzer prosthesis. The median age was 36 months (from 6 months to 38 years), and the median weight was 14kg (from 6 to 92kg). Sixteen patients (48.5%) were under 2 years of age at the time of the procedure. All patients were followed up with periodical clinical and echocardiographic evaluations to assess the presence and degree of residual shunt and possible complications, such as pseudocoarctation of the aorta and left pulmonary artery stenosis. RESULTS - The minimum diameter of the arterial ducts ranged from 2.5 to 7.0mm (mean of 4.0±1.0, median of 3.9). The rate of success for implantation of the prosthesis was 100%. Femoral pulse was lost in 1 patient. The echocardiogram revealed total closure prior to hospital discharge in 30 patients, and in the follow-up visit 3 months later in the 3 remaining patients. The mean follow-up duration was 6.4±3.4 months. All patients were clinically well, asymptomatic, and did not need medication. No patient had narrowing of the left pulmonary artery or of the aorta. No early or late embolic events occurred, nor did infectious endarteritis. A new hospital admission was not required for any patient. CONCLUSION - The Amplatzer prosthesis for persistent ductus arteriosus is safe and highly effective for occlusion of ductus arteriosus of varied diameters, including large ones in small symptomatic infants.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the in-hospital evolution of patients undergoing percutaneous stent placement in the carotid arteries. METHODS: From August 1996 to April 2001, we studied 86 patients with carotid arterial obliterative lesions > 70% who were treated with percutaneous stent placement in the carotid arteries. We assessed the rate of success of the implantation and of the procedure, the types of stents used, mortality rate, and neurological complications. RESULTS: Successful implantation was obtained in 98.9% of the cases, and the procedure was successful in 91.8%. The Wallstent was the most frequently used stent (73 patients - 77%). Cerebral strokes occurred as follows: 3 (3.2%) transient ischemic attacks, 1 (1.1%) minor stroke, and 3 (3.1%) major strokes. One (1.1%) patient died during hospitalization. CONCLUSION: The high rate of success of stent implantation (98.9%) in addition to the low rate of cerebral stroke/death (4.2%) showed the efficiency and safety of percutaneous stent placement in carotid arteries.