900 resultados para Matarraña sub-catchment


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Due to its high Curie temperature of 420K and band structure calculations predicting 100% spin polarisation, Sr2FeMoO6 is a potential candidate for spintronic devices. However, the preparation of good quality thin films has proven to be a non-trivial task. Epitaxial Sr2FeMoO6 thin films were prepared by pulsed laser deposition on different substrates. Differing from previous reports a post-deposition annealing step at low oxygen partial pressure (10-5 mbar) was introduced and enabled the fabrication of reproducible, high quality samples. According to the structural properties of the substrates the crystal structure and morphology of the thin films are modified. The close interrelation between the structural, magnetic and electronic properties of Sr2FeMoO6 was studied. A detailed evaluation of the results allowed to extract valuable information on the microscopic nature of magnetism and charge transport. Smooth films with a mean roughness of about 2 nm have been achieved, which is a pre-requisite for a possible inclusion of this material in future devices. In order to establish device-oriented sub-micron patterning as a standard technique, electron beam lithography and focussed ion beam etching facilities have been put into operation. A detailed characterisation of these systems has been performed. To determine the technological prospects of new spintronics materials, the verification of a high spin polarisation is of vital interest. A popular technique for this task is point contact Andreev reflection (PCAR). Commonly, the charge transport in a transparent metal-superconductor contact of nanometer dimensions is attributed solely to coherent transport. If this condition is not fulfilled, inelastic processes in the constriction have to be considered. PCAR has been applied to Sr2FeMoO6 and the Heusler compound Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al. Systematic deviations between measured spectra and the standard models of PCAR have been observed. Therefore existing approaches have been generalised, in order to include the influence of heating. With the extended model the measured data was successfully reproduced but the analysis has revealed grave implications for the determination of spin polarisation, which was found to break down completely in certain cases.


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The aim of this PhD thesis was to evaluate the effect of a sub-lethal HPH treatment on some probiotic properties and on cell response mechanisms of already-known functional strains, isolated from Argentinean dairy products. The results achieved showed that HPH treatments, performed at a sub-lethal level of 50 MPa, increased some important functional and technological characteristics of the considered non intestinal probiotic strains. In particular, HPH could modify cell hydrophobicity, autoaggregation and resistance to acid gastric conditions (tested in in vitro model), cell viability and cell production of positive aroma compounds, during a refrigerate storage in a simulated dairy product. In addition, HPH process was able to increase also some probiotic properties exerted in vivo and tested for two of the considered strains. In fact, HPH-treated cells were able to enhance the number of IgA+ cells more than other not treated cells, although this capacity was time dependent. On the other hand, HPH treatment was able to modify some important characteristics that are linked to the cell wall and, consequently, could alter the adhesion capacity in vivo and the interaction with the intestinal cells. These modifications, involving cell outermost structures, were highlighted also by Trasmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) analysis. In fact, the micrographs obtained showed a significant effect of the pressure treatment on the cell morphology and particularly on the cell wall. Moreover, the results achieved showed that composition of plasma membranes and their level of unsaturation are involved in response mechanisms adopted by cells exposed to the sub-lethal HPH treatment. Although the response to the treatment varied according to the characteristics of individual strains, time of storage and suspension media employed, the results of present study, could be exploited to enhance the quality of functional products and to improve their organoleptic properties.


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The modern stratigraphy of clastic continental margins is the result of the interaction between several geological processes acting on different time scales, among which sea level oscillations, sediment supply fluctuations and local tectonics are the main mechanisms. During the past three years my PhD was focused on understanding the impact of each of these process in the deposition of the central and northern Adriatic sedimentary successions, with the aim of reconstructing and quantifying the Late Quaternary eustatic fluctuations. In the last few decades, several Authors tried to quantify past eustatic fluctuations through the analysis of direct sea level indicators, among which drowned barrier-island deposits or coral reefs, or indirect methods, such as Oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O) or modeling simulations. Sea level curves, obtained from direct sea level indicators, record a composite signal, formed by the contribution of the global eustatic change and regional factors, as tectonic processes or glacial-isostatic rebound effects: the eustatic signal has to be obtained by removing the contribution of these other mechanisms. To obtain the most realistic sea level reconstructions it is important to quantify the tectonic regime of the central Adriatic margin. This result has been achieved integrating a numerical approach with the analysis of high-resolution seismic profiles. In detail, the subsidence trend obtained from the geohistory analysis and the backstripping of the borehole PRAD1.2 (the borehole PRAD1.2 is a 71 m continuous borehole drilled in -185 m of water depth, south of the Mid Adriatic Deep - MAD - during the European Project PROMESS 1, Profile Across Mediterranean Sedimentary Systems, Part 1), has been confirmed by the analysis of lowstand paleoshorelines and by benthic foraminifera associations investigated through the borehole. This work showed an evolution from inner-shelf environment, during Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 10, to upper-slope conditions, during MIS 2. Once the tectonic regime of the central Adriatic margin has been constrained, it is possible to investigate the impact of sea level and sediment supply fluctuations on the deposition of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene transgressive deposits. The Adriatic transgressive record (TST - Transgressive Systems Tract) is formed by three correlative sedimentary bodies, deposited in less then 14 kyr since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM); in particular: along the central Adriatic shelf and in the adjacent slope basin the TST is formed by marine units, while along the northern Adriatic shelf the TST is represented by costal deposits in a backstepping configuration. The central Adriatic margin, characterized by a thick transgressive sedimentary succession, is the ideal site to investigate the impact of late Pleistocene climatic and eustatic fluctuations, among which Meltwater Pulses 1A and 1B and the Younger Dryas cold event. The central Adriatic TST is formed by a tripartite deposit bounded by two regional unconformities. In particular, the middle TST unit includes two prograding wedges, deposited in the interval between the two Meltwater Pulse events, as highlighted by several 14C age estimates, and likely recorded the Younger Dryas cold interval. Modeling simulations, obtained with the two coupled models HydroTrend 3.0 and 2D-Sedflux 1.0C (developed by the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System - CSDMS), integrated by the analysis of high resolution seismic profiles and core samples, indicate that: 1 - the prograding middle TST unit, deposited during the Younger Dryas, was formed as a consequence of an increase in sediment flux, likely connected to a decline in vegetation cover in the catchment area due to the establishment of sub glacial arid conditions; 2 - the two-stage prograding geometry was the consequence of a sea level still-stand (or possibly a fall) during the Younger Dryas event. The northern Adriatic margin, characterized by a broad and gentle shelf (350 km wide with a low angle plunge of 0.02° to the SE), is the ideal site to quantify the timing of each steps of the post LGM sea level rise. The modern shelf is characterized by sandy deposits of barrier-island systems in a backstepping configuration, showing younger ages at progressively shallower depths, which recorded the step-wise nature of the last sea level rise. The age-depth model, obtained by dated samples of basal peat layers, is in good agreement with previous published sea level curves, and highlights the post-glacial eustatic trend. The interval corresponding to the Younger Dyas cold reversal, instead, is more complex: two coeval coastal deposits characterize the northern Adriatic shelf at very different water depths. Several explanations and different models can be attempted to explain this conundrum, but the problem remains still unsolved.


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I sistemi mobili rappresentano una classe di sistemi distribuiti caratterizzata dalla presenza di dispositivi portatili eterogenei quali PDA, laptop e telefoni cellulari che interagiscono tra loro mediante una rete di interconnessione wireless. Una classe di sistemi mobili di particolare interesse è costituita dai sistemi basati sul modello di interazione publish/subscribe. Secondo tale schema, i nodi all'interno di una rete possono assumere due ruoli differenti: i produttori di informazione, chiamati publisher, ed i consumatori di informazione, chiamati subscriber. Tipicamente, l'interazione tra essi è mediata da un gestore di eventi che indirizza correttamente le informazioni ricevute dai publisher verso i subscriber interessati, sulla base degli interessi espressi da questi ultimi tramite sottoscrizioni. Nella progettazione di sistemi mobili, a differenza di quelli tradizionali basati su nodi fissi, bisogna tenere conto di problemi quali la scarsa capacità computazionale dei dispositivi e la limitata larghezza di banda delle reti wireless. All'interno di tale ambito, stanno recentemente assumendo sempre maggiore importanza i sistemi context-aware, ovvero sistemi mobili che sfruttano i dati provenienti dall'ambiente circostante e dai dispositivi stessi per adattare il proprio comportamento e notificare agli utenti la presenza di informazioni potenzialmente utili. Nello studio di questi sistemi, si è notato che i nodi che si trovano nella stessa area geografica generano tipicamente delle sottoscrizioni che presentano tra loro un certo grado di similarità e coperture parziali o totali. Il gruppo di ricerca del DEIS dell’Università di Bologna ha sviluppato un'infrastruttura di supporto per sistemi mobili context-aware, chiamata SALES. Attualmente il sistema progettato non considera le similarità delle sottoscrizioni e quindi non sfrutta opportunamente tale informazione. In questo contesto si rende necessario l'adozione di opportune tecniche di aggregazione delle sottoscrizioni atte ad alleggerire la computazione dei nodi mobili e le comunicazioni tra loro. Il lavoro presentato in questa tesi sarà finalizzato alla ricerca, all'adattamento ed all'implementazione di una tecnica di aggregazione delle sottoscrizioni. Tale tecnica avrà lo scopo di rilevare e sfruttare le similarità delle sottoscrizioni ricevute dal sistema al fine di ridurne il numero; in questo modo, quando un nodo riceverà un dato, il processo di confronto tra l'insieme delle sottoscrizioni memorizzate e il dato ricevuto sarà più leggero, consentendo un risparmio di risorse computazionali. Inoltre, adattando tali tecniche, sarà possibile modulare anche il traffico dati scaturito dalle risposte alle sottoscrizioni. La struttura di questa tesi prevede un primo capitolo sui sistemi context-aware, descrivendone le principali caratteristiche e mettendo in luce le problematiche ad essi associate. Il secondo capitolo illustra il modello di comunicazione Publish/Subscribe, modello di riferimento per i moderni sistemi context-aware e per i sistemi mobili in generale. Il terzo capitolo descrive l'infrastruttura SALES sulla quale si è progettata, implementata e testata la soluzione proposta in questa tesi. Il quarto capitolo presenta le principali tecniche di aggregazione delle sottoscrizioni e spiega come possono essere adattate al contesto di questa tesi. Il quinto capitolo effettua l'analisi dei requisiti per comprendere meglio il comportamento della soluzione; seguono la progettazione e l’implementazione della soluzione su SALES. Infine, il sesto capitolo riporta in dettaglio i risultati ottenuti da alcuni degli esperimenti effettuati e vengono messi a confronto con quelli rilevati dal sistema di partenza.


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Scopo della tesi è di estendere un celebre teorema di Montel, sulle famiglie normali di funzioni olomorfe, all'ambiente sub-ellittico delle famiglie di soluzioni u dell'equazione Lu=0, dove L appartiene ad un'ampia classe di operatori differenziali alle derivate parziali reali del secondo ordine in forma di divergenza, comprendente i sub-Laplaciani sui gruppi di Carnot, i Laplaciani sub-ellittici su arbitrari gruppi di Lie, oltre all'operatore di Laplace-Beltrami su varietà di Riemann. A questo scopo, forniremo una versione sub-ellittica di un altro notevole risultato, dovuto a Koebe, che caratterizza le funzioni armoniche come punti fissi di opportuni operatori integrali di media con nuclei non banali. Sarà fornito anche un adeguato sostituto della formula integrale di Cauchy.


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Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) ist als reaktives Spurengas eine wichtige Komponente atmosphärenchemischer Prozesse und hat somit einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf die Zusammensetzung der Atmosphäre. Eine Hauptquelle des Spurengases stellen bodenmikrobiologische Prozesse dar, deren regionaler und globaler Anteil weiterhin mit größeren Unsicherheiten geschätzt wird. Ursache für die schwere Abschätzbarkeit der NO-Freisetzung aus Böden ist die hohe räumliche Variabilität der steuernden Faktoren. Als einer der wichtigsten Faktoren, die die Freisetzung von NO aus Böden regeln, gilt der Bodenwassergehalt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, den Zusammenhang zwischen NO-Freisetzung, Bodenwassergehalt, den Bodeneigenschaften und den Standortbedingungen zu untersuchen und diesen möglichst zu quantifizieren. Dazu sind Bodenproben unterschiedlicher Landnutzungen in einem kleineren Wassereinzugsgebiet im Rheingau im Labor, unter kontrollierten Bedingungen, untersucht. Der charakteristische Zusammenhang zwischen Bodenfeuchte und NO-Freisetzung, die sogenannte Bodenfeuchtekurve, kann demnach weitestgehend auf die gemessenen Bodenmerkmale der untersuchten Proben zurückgeführt werden. Anhand der Bodenmerkmale kann die Bodenfeuchtekurve zufriedenstellend vorhergesagt werden. Dabei zeigt vor allem der Humusgehalt der Böden einen dominierenden Einfluss. Er ist die Variable, die die Unterschiede der Böden beim Zusammenhang zwischen Bodenfeuchte und NO-Freisetzung am besten und hinreichend erklären kann. Zur Konstruktion der Bodenfeuchtekurve müssen die optimale Bodenfeuchte und die dabei herrschende Freisetzung, sowie die obere Bodenfeuchte, bei der keine NO-Freisetzung mehr stattfindet, bekannt sein. Diese charakteristischen Punkte lassen sich durch lineare Regressionsmodelle gut aus den Bodeneigenschaften ableiten. Auf räumlicher Ebene werden die Bodeneigenschaften durch die standörtlichen Bedingungen geprägt, die wiederum Ausdruck der landschaftlichen Ausstattung sind. In der Kulturlandschaft kann der Mensch aufgrund seiner Landnutzungsansprüche als der dominierende Faktor angesehen werden. Die Landnutzung orientiert sich an den landschaftlichen Bedingungen und bestimmt in hohem Maße wichtige Bodeneigenschaften, die zu den erklärenden Merkmalen bei der Beziehung zwischen Bodenwassergehalt und NO-Freisetzung gehören. Die in erster Linie wirtschaftlich orientierten Kartenwerke Bodenschätzung, Weinbergsbodenkartierung und forstliche Standortkartierung sind dementsprechend geeignete Grundlagen, um eine Regionalisierung der Landschaft in - bezüglich der NO-Freisetzung - weitgehend homogene Flächen durchführen zu können. Eine hierauf beruhende Regionalisierung ist dazu geeignet, die räumliche Variabilität der NO-Freisetzung in räumlich sinnvoller Auflösung besser abschätzen zu können.


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Il seguente elaborato è frutto del lavoro di ricerca, della durata di cinque mesi, svolto presso il Department of Catchment Hydrology del centro di ricerca UFZ (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung) con sede in Halle an der Saale, Germania. L’obiettivo della Tesi è la stima della ricarica della falda acquifera in un bacino idrografico sprovvisto di serie di osservazioni idrometriche di lunghezza significativa e caratterizzato da clima arido. Il lavoro di Tesi è stato svolto utilizzando un modello afflussi-deflussi concettualmente basato e spazialmente distribuito. La modellistica idrologica in regioni aride è un tema a cui la comunità scientifica sta dedicando numerosi sforzi di ricerca, presentando infatti ancora numerosi problemi aperti dal punto di vista tecnico-scientifico, ed è di primaria importanza per il sostentamento delle popolazioni che vi abitano. Le condizioni climatiche in queste regioni fanno sì che la falda acquifera superficiale sia la principale fonte di approvvigionamento; una stima affidabile della sua ricarica, nel tempo e nello spazio, permette un corretta gestione delle risorse idriche, senza la quale il fabbisogno idrico di queste popolazioni non potrebbe essere soddisfatto. L’area oggetto di studio è il bacino idrografico Darga, una striscia di terra di circa 74 km2, situata in Cisgiordania, la cui sezione di chiusura si trova a circa 4 kilometri dalla costa del Mar Morto, mentre lo spartiacque a monte, ubicato a Nord-ovest, dista circa 3 kilometri dalla città di Gerusalemme.


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In the present thesis, we discuss the main notions of an axiomatic approach for an invariant Harnack inequality. This procedure, originated from techniques for fully nonlinear elliptic operators, has been developed by Di Fazio, Gutiérrez, and Lanconelli in the general settings of doubling Hölder quasi-metric spaces. The main tools of the approach are the so-called double ball property and critical density property: the validity of these properties implies an invariant Harnack inequality. We are mainly interested in the horizontally elliptic operators, i.e. some second order linear degenerate-elliptic operators which are elliptic with respect to the horizontal directions of a Carnot group. An invariant Harnack inequality of Krylov-Safonov type is still an open problem in this context. In the thesis we show how the double ball property is related to the solvability of a kind of exterior Dirichlet problem for these operators. More precisely, it is a consequence of the existence of some suitable interior barrier functions of Bouligand-type. By following these ideas, we prove the double ball property for a generic step two Carnot group. Regarding the critical density, we generalize to the setting of H-type groups some arguments by Gutiérrez and Tournier for the Heisenberg group. We recognize that the critical density holds true in these peculiar contexts by assuming a Cordes-Landis type condition for the coefficient matrix of the operator. By the axiomatic approach, we thus prove an invariant Harnack inequality in H-type groups which is uniform in the class of the coefficient matrices with prescribed bounds for the eigenvalues and satisfying such a Cordes-Landis condition.


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In Sub-Saharan Africa, non-democratic events, like civil wars and coup d'etat, destroy economic development. This study investigates both domestic and spatial effects on the likelihood of civil wars and coup d'etat. To civil wars, an increase of income growth is one of common research conclusions to stop wars. This study adds a concern on ethnic fractionalization. IV-2SLS is applied to overcome causality problem. The findings document that income growth is significant to reduce number and degree of violence in high ethnic fractionalized countries, otherwise they are trade-off. Income growth reduces amount of wars, but increases its violent level, in the countries with few large ethnic groups. Promoting growth should consider ethnic composition. This study also investigates the clustering and contagion of civil wars using spatial panel data models. Onset, incidence and end of civil conflicts spread across the network of neighboring countries while peace, the end of conflicts, diffuse only with the nearest neighbor. There is an evidence of indirect links from neighboring income growth, without too much inequality, to reduce the likelihood of civil wars. To coup d'etat, this study revisits its diffusion for both all types of coups and only successful ones. The results find an existence of both domestic and spatial determinants in different periods. Domestic income growth plays major role to reduce the likelihood of coup before cold war ends, while spatial effects do negative afterward. Results on probability to succeed coup are similar. After cold war ends, international organisations seriously promote democracy with pressure against coup d'etat, and it seems to be effective. In sum, this study indicates the role of domestic ethnic fractionalization and the spread of neighboring effects to the likelihood of non-democratic events in a country. Policy implementation should concern these factors.


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‘Who can be Greek?’ This was the question posed to the Greek society for the first time before the implementation of the Act 3838 in March 2010 which gave the right to access the Greek citizenship -under specific preconditions- to all children of legal migrants born or schooled in Greece. This change of the Nationality Code in order to include all those children was coincided by the economic crisis resulting into the rise of xenophobia, racism and extreme-right rhetoric. The outcome was the cancellation of the Act 3838 by the State Council in February 2013. Under this particular framework, the notions of identity and belonging formed among the youth of African background in Athens are explored. The ways those youngsters perceive not only themselves but also their peers, their countries of origin and the country they live in, are crucial elements of their self-identification. Researches have shown that the integration of the second generation is highly connected to their legal and social status. However, integration is a rather complex process, influenced and shaped by many variables and multiple factors. It is not linear; therefore, its outcomes are difficult to be predicted. Yet, I argue that citizenship acquisition facilitates the process as it transforms those children from ‘aliens’ to ‘citizens’. How these youngsters are perceived by the majority society and the State is one of the core questions of the research, focusing on the imposed dual ‘otherness’ they are subject to. On the one hand, they have to deal with the ‘otherness’ originating from the migrant status inherited to them by their parents, and on the other with the ‘otherness’ deriving from their different phenotypic characteristics. Race matters and becomes a means of discrimination against youth of African background who are perceived as inassimilable and ‘forever others’.


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Despite the several issues faced in the past, the evolutionary trend of silicon has kept its constant pace. Today an ever increasing number of cores is integrated onto the same die. Unfortunately, the extraordinary performance achievable by the many-core paradigm is limited by several factors. Memory bandwidth limitation, combined with inefficient synchronization mechanisms, can severely overcome the potential computation capabilities. Moreover, the huge HW/SW design space requires accurate and flexible tools to perform architectural explorations and validation of design choices. In this thesis we focus on the aforementioned aspects: a flexible and accurate Virtual Platform has been developed, targeting a reference many-core architecture. Such tool has been used to perform architectural explorations, focusing on instruction caching architecture and hybrid HW/SW synchronization mechanism. Beside architectural implications, another issue of embedded systems is considered: energy efficiency. Near Threshold Computing is a key research area in the Ultra-Low-Power domain, as it promises a tenfold improvement in energy efficiency compared to super-threshold operation and it mitigates thermal bottlenecks. The physical implications of modern deep sub-micron technology are severely limiting performance and reliability of modern designs. Reliability becomes a major obstacle when operating in NTC, especially memory operation becomes unreliable and can compromise system correctness. In the present work a novel hybrid memory architecture is devised to overcome reliability issues and at the same time improve energy efficiency by means of aggressive voltage scaling when allowed by workload requirements. Variability is another great drawback of near-threshold operation. The greatly increased sensitivity to threshold voltage variations in today a major concern for electronic devices. We introduce a variation-tolerant extension of the baseline many-core architecture. By means of micro-architectural knobs and a lightweight runtime control unit, the baseline architecture becomes dynamically tolerant to variations.


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Il lavoro di tesi riguarda i sistemi naturali di fitodepurazione, focalizzandosi in particolare sui sistemi a flusso orizzontale sub-superficiale. Vengono esposte la loro applicabilità e diffusione e le principali normative di riferimento. Vengono trattati i principali parametri progettuali e metodi di dimensionamento e inoltre si svolge lo studio di uno specifico sito sperimentale.


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I sedimenti superficiali dei fondali circostanti l’arcipelago del Golfo di La Spezia sono stati analizzati dal punto di vista granulometrico e composizionale al fine di ottenere la mappatura delle concentrazioni di coralliti sub-fossili di Cladocora caespitosa nel sedimento. Mediante lo studio del sedimento campionato in trentacinque stazioni, sono state individuate tre zone di accumulo di coralliti: (i) in corrispondenza del capo occidentale dell’Isola Palmaria con le concentrazioni più elevate comprese tra il 25 e 55% (ii) sul lato sud-orientale della stessa isola con concentrazioni tra il 10 e 12% e (iii) una fascia contornante l’Isola del Tinetto con quantità inferiori al 3%. La concentrazione anomala di coralliti è il risultato dello scarico di materiali di dragaggio provenienti dal porto di La Spezia, scaricati al largo delle coste occidentali dell’arcipelago tra gli anni ‘50 e ’70 e progressivamente ridistribuiti verso sud-est dalla deriva litorale.


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Incomplete endothelialization has been found to be associated with late stent thrombosis, a rare but devastating phenomenon, more frequent after drug-eluting stent implantation. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has 10 times greater resolution than intravascular ultrasound and thus appears to be a valuable modality for the assessment of stent strut coverage. The LEADERS trial was a multi-centre, randomized comparison of a biolimus-eluting stent (BES) with biodegradable polymer with a sirolimus-eluting stent (SES) using a durable polymer. This study sought to evaluate tissue coverage and apposition of stents using OCT in a group of patients from the randomized LEADERS trial.


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Evaluation of antiretroviral treatment (ART) programmes in sub-Saharan Africa is difficult because many patients are lost to follow-up. Outcomes in these patients are generally unknown but studies tracing patients have shown mortality to be high. We adjusted programme-level mortality in the first year of antiretroviral treatment (ART) for excess mortality in patients lost to follow-up.