937 resultados para Marks of origin
Analisa a experiência dos escravos recolhidos ao leprosário do Tucunduba, em Belém, no Pará, ao longo do século XIX. Libertos depois de exibir no corpo as marcas da lepra, esperava-se deles submissão à política de segregação que pretendia afastá-los do contato com o restante da população. A documentação produzida pela Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Pará e autoridades políticas da província revela as estratégias desenvolvidas pelos escravos no enfrentamento dessa política, utilizando-se da predominância numérica no leprosário para criar uma rede de solidariedade que lhes permitisse recriar a vida e se contrapor ao tipo de nação sonhada pelas teorias higienistas da época.
Homo Risibilis: ensaio sobre o processo de construção do humor nas obras infantis de Monteiro Lobato
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
A obra Corola, de Claudia Roquette-Pinto (2000), apresenta um projeto poético consistente advindo do emprego de recursos expressivos metalinguísticos e da coesa estrutura da obra. O recurso à intratextualidade favorece a unidade e as reflexões metalinguísticas dos 48 poemas que compõem a obra. O diálogo com a tradição literária é simultâneo à consciência dos enunciadores de que a poesia de Corola é intervalar e físsil. Os 47 primeiros poemas sem título de Corola constroem forte relação de continuidade e interdependência reveladora da presença de uma “teoria” do fazer poético baseada em intempéries. O lirismo de Corola não apresenta marcas de autocomiseração em relação à situação de náufrago anunciada no último poema da obra. Os adjetivos exausto, roto, desacreditado, atribuídos ao eu poético, fazem com que ele se desdobre em outro, apreciador crítico de seus próprios ruídos poéticos e refém consciente de um tempo lacunar e intermitente que favorece a construção de uma poética da paciente espera pelo resgate da poesia e do desdobramento em leitor-espectador de si mesmo e do texto poético. Analisaremos alguns procedimentos metalingüísticos e as inquietações compositivas anunciadas pelos eus poéticos de Corola, além da recorrente figura do jardim como espaço poético.
Pós-graduação em Doenças Tropicais - FMB
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Genética) - IBB
The purpose was to evaluate the reproductive performance of woolless ewes due to the feeding management of offsprings and weaning age in addition to measuring the effect of gender on weight gain of lambs. Sixty-four Santa Inês crossbred ewes were distributed in a completely randomized design in a factorial 4 x 2 x 2 - four weaning ages (56, 70, 84 and 98 days), sex and feeding management of the offspring, each treatment with four replications. The ewes were managed with the offsprings at the foot in 14 paddocks of 1,5 or 2,0 hectares, formed with Brachiaria humidícola. The offsprings were born by single birth, of Santa Inês pure of origin (PO). After the weaning of all groups, sixty-four lambs (32 males and 32 females) were randomly assigned in individual stalls and confined for 30 days. The comparison of the parameters was carried out by the adjustment of the simple linear regression model. It was verified over time addiction of the offspring feed management of + 3,7% (P<0,05) for the calving intervals and of + 1,4% (P<0,05) for the service period. There was increasing linear effect (P<0,05) of weaning age on calving intervals and service period. It was verified over time, addiction of the offspring sex of + 2,0% (P<0,05) for the calving intervals and + 0,8% (P<0,05) for the ewes service period. It was observed over time addiction of sex of + 35,2% and + 36,9% (P<0,05), respectively, for the daily weight gain of lambs from birth to weaning and post-weaning in feedlot. The supplementation of the offspring in private feeder and the anticipation of the weaning age reduce the calving intervals and the service period of woolless ewes in Brachiaria humidicula pasture. The offspring sex is the source of variation in the analysis of reproductive efficiency of ewe's mat rices and in the weight gain of Santa Inês crossbred lambs from birth to weaning, and after weaning.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study, performed under a linguistic-discoursive prism, aimed to: (1) describe the moments in which occurred hesitations in the utterances of a psychotic child diagnosed with Language Disorder; and (2) determine the extent to which these moments (also) can indicate aspects of a subjectivity trying to emerge in this child. Data were extracted from a speech therapy session with a ten year old female child. Concerning the fi rst goal, from a total of 362 utterances produced by the child, only 74 (20%) had hesitation traces, while 288 (80%) did not. Concerning the second goal, the utterances with hesitation traces occurred in situations of: topic development, especially in the form of complementarity; introduction of new topic; return to the previous topic; refuses to the topic; enunciative incompleteness. The high percentage of utterances without hesitation traces (80%) is explained because they are highly predictable from the context, mostly in situations of ritualized adjacent pairs, oftentimes in situations of immediate specularity. The reduced percentage of utterances with hesitation traces are explained precisely by the fact that, unlike those without traces, in these ones, signs of a subjectivity that tries to emerge and show itself in the discourse production are detected. With the development of this study, we tried to emphasize the view at the hesitations as marks of subjectivity – in other words, evidences of confl icting relationships between the subject and the others that constitute the utter. The concern was also about bringing to the fi eld of Speech Pathology discoursive linguistic refl ections based on data extracted from symptomatic contexts of language.
Aiming to contribute to understanding the Brazilian academic production on literacy, theses and dissertations on the subject, completed between 1965 and 2011, are analyzed. Situating them in the historical process of constitution of literacy as an object of study, since the 19th. century, beyond the political and historical context of origin in the 1960s, the following contexts are focused, especially from the 1980s, when begins the process of expansion in terms of amount of this academic production and geographic diversity as well as areas of expertise of the graduate programs in which they were defended. While these advances confirm the importance of approaches that consider the interdisciplinary and multifaceted character of literacy, there are contradictions that present significant challenges to researchers seeking both understand the permanence of motivations and pragmatic purposes as to proposing new themes, objects, theoretical and methodological aspects for the development of new research that are lacking, as diagnosed needs and desired progress, scientifically and socially.